Published online on 25 October 2011. Shi, Z., Ge, X. J., Kilian, N., Kirschner, J., Štěpánek, J., Sukhorukov, A. P., Mavrodiev, E. V. & Gottschlich, G. 2011. Cichorieae. Pp. 195–353 in: Wu, Z. Y., Raven, P. H. & Hong, D. Y., eds., Flora of China Volume 20–21 (Asteraceae). Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis). 5. Tribe CICHORIEAE 菊苣族 ju ju zu Shi Zhu (石铸 Shih Chu), Ge Xuejun (葛学军); Norbert Kilian, Jan Kirschner, Jan Štěpánek, Alexander P. Sukhorukov, Evgeny V. Mavrodiev, Günter Gottschlich Annual to perennial, acaulescent, scapose, or caulescent herbs, more rarely subshrubs, exceptionally scandent vines, latex present. Leaves alternate, frequently rosulate. Capitulum solitary or capitula loosely to more densely aggregated, sometimes forming a secondary capitulum, ligulate, homogamous, with 3–5 to ca. 300 but mostly with a few dozen bisexual florets. Receptacle naked, or more rarely with scales or bristles. Involucre cylindric to campanulate, ± differentiated into a few imbricate outer series of phyllaries and a longer inner series, rarely uniseriate. Florets with 5-toothed ligule, pale yellow to deep orange-yellow, or of some shade of blue, including whitish or purple, rarely white; anthers basally calcarate and caudate, apical appendage elongate, smooth, filaments smooth; style slender, with long, slender branches, sweeping hairs on shaft and branches; pollen echinolophate or echinate. Achene cylindric, or fusiform to slenderly obconoidal, usually ribbed, sometimes compressed or flattened, apically truncate, attenuate, cuspi- date, or beaked, often sculptured, mostly glabrous, sometimes papillose or hairy, rarely villous, sometimes heteromorphic; pappus of scabrid [to barbellate] or plumose bristles, rarely of scales or absent. About 95 genera and ca. 2,500 species (and at least 8,000 apomictic and hybrid taxa): chiefly in the temperate to subtropical zones of the N Hemisphere, and extending to tropical and S Africa, tropical Asia, Australia and New Zealand, and South America, also on SE Pacific and mid- Atlantic archipelagos; 35 genera (two endemic, one introduced) and 388 species (190 endemic, 12 introduced) in China. 1a. Pappus absent in all or in outer achenes, or in all achenes present but of minute (≤ 0.3 mm) scales or very short (≤ 1.5 mm) bristles. 2a. Pappus a tiny crown of fimbriate 0.1–0.3 mm scales; florets blue ........................................................................... 83. Cichorium 2b. Pappus absent in all or in outer achenes, or of very short (≤ 1.5 mm) bristles; florets yellow. 3a. Achene dimorphic, outer achenes apically attenuate or shortly beaked, inner ones with a long slender beak strongly exceeding involucre; pappus in all or in inner achenes present. 4a. Outer achenes columnar, curved, with appressed hairs, apically attenuate; pappus of smooth to scabrid 0.2–1.5 mm bristles, shorter in outer, longer in inner achenes; inner phyllaries hardened in fruit ................. 70. Garhadiolus 4b. Outer achenes broadly obconical, compressed, lateral ribs strongly winglike and enlarged, shortly beaked; pappus absent in outer achenes, mostly present and of 3–5 mm bristles in inner ones; inner phyllaries not hardened in fruit ................................................................................................................... 69. Heteracia 3b. Achene homomorphic, never beaked; pappus in all achenes absent. 5a. Achene body columnar-scorpioid, ca. 1 cm, abaxially with antrorse and apically with retrorse rigid hooked needlelike spines; leaves undivided, narrowly grasslike ........................................................................ 53. Koelpinia 5b. Achene body narrowly ellipsoid, subcompressed, to ca. 5 mm, with 0 or (1 or)2–4 main ribs apically prolonged into 0.2–2.2 mm slender hooked appendages; leaves pinnatipartite or pinnatisect .................... 67. Lapsanastrum 1b. Pappus well developed in all achenes, of soft or stiff bristles, usually more than 1/2 as long as achene. 6a. Pappus bristles all or at least inner ones plumose but often apically scabrid. 7a. Plumose bristles stiffly fimbriately plumose, fimbriae not intertwining; florets yellow or white; leaves never grasslike. 8a. Receptacle with linear scarious scales ± as long as involucre and enclosing base of florets; stem, leaves, and involucre with rigid simple hairs ............................................................................................................... 81. Hypochaeris 8b. Receptacle naked; stem, leaves, and involucre with simple and 2-hooked hairs ....................................................... 82. Picris 7b. Plumose bristles softly or lanately fimbriately plumose, fimbriae conspicuously intertwining; florets of some shade of yellow, white, blue, or purple; leaves often grasslike. 9a. Phyllaries in 1(or 2) series, outer series if present never leaflike .................................................................... 55. Tragopogon 9b. Phyllaries in several series, or in 2 series but then outer series leaflike and longer than inner series. 10a. Phyllaries in 2 series, outer phyllaries herbaceous, leaflike, usually longer than inner phyllaries, inner usually 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 54. Epilasia 10b. Phyllaries in several series, outer phyllaries never leaflike and longer than inner ones. 11a. Leaves undivided, parallel-veined, grasslike or more rarely also lanceolate to ovate ............................. 51. Scorzonera 11b. Leaves pinnately divided ..................................................................................................................... 52. Podospermum 6b. Pappus bristles never plumose, all smooth to scabrid. 12a. Pappus white, of numerous fine cottony outer bristles intermixed with some thicker inner ones ......................... 63. Sonchus 12b. Pappus white or grayish, yellowish, straw-colored, brownish, or reddish brown, of bristles ± equal in diam. and stiffness. 13a. Leaves, axes, or involucres with various types of hairs, but including stellate hairs and/or multiseriate hairs with projecting cell apices. 14a. Achene 2.5–5 mm, with 8–10 equal ribs apically confluent in an obscure ring .......................................... 84. Hieracium 195 196 CICHORIEAE 14b. Achene 1–2 mm, with apically distinct ribs not confluent in an obscure ring ................................................ 85. Pilosella 13b. Leaves, axes, or involucres glabrous or hairy, but never with stellate hairs or multiseriate hairs with projecting cell apices. 15a. Capitulum solitary on a hollow scape (without nodes, leaves, or bracts) single or few from a leaf rosette; achene beak usually longer than achene body, body at least apically mostly spinulose, scaly, and/or tuberculate and usually with an apical cone ..................................................................................... 71. Taraxacum 15b. Capitula usually few to numerous, either fascicled or aggregated amid a leaf rosette, or on a branched stem; if capitulum rarely solitary then not on a hollow scape and achene not as above. 16a. Rosulate herbs with several to many capitula either on short, wiry unbranched axes (peduncles) directly from and fasciculate amid leaf rosette, or sessile to very shortly pedunculate and densely aggregated on an apically ± inflated, flat, convex, or more rarely cylindrically elongate rosette shoot. 17a. Capitula with 3–6 florets, sessile or on peduncle shorter than involucre; phyllaries in 1 series, hardened in fruit, outer phyllaries absent, inner ones connate in basal part. 18a. Florets yellow or pale to medium purplish; achene obconical, compressed, with 5 ribs, apex truncate; pappus bristles caducous ........................................................................................ 77. Syncalathium 18b. Florets purplish red to blue; achene obovoid, compressed, with winglike lateral ribs and 1 slender rib on either side, apex constricted into a ca. 0.5 mm fragile thin beak; pappus caducous with pappus disk (M. souliei) ........................................................................................... 58. Melanoseris 17b. Capitula with 4–30 florets, peduncle shorter or longer than involucre; phyllaries in more than 1 series, herbaceous in fruit, outer phyllaries 2 or more, inner ones basally connate or free. 19a. Florets blue to bluish purple (D. amoena and D. gombalana) .............................................................. 76. Dubyaea 19b. Florets yellow or rarely white. 20a. Capitula with 4 or 5 florets, with a peduncle shorter than to ± as along as involucre and from an apically ± inflated, flat, convex, or more rarely cylindrically elongate rosette shoot (Soroseris spp. 3–7) ............................................................................................................................ 80. Soroseris 20b. Capitula with 12–30 florets, with a peduncle usually longer than involucre, from a non-inflated rosette shoot. 21a. Synflorescence hemispheric, of many densely crowded capitula surrounded by a rosette of orbicular to ovate leaves abruptly contracted into an unwinged petiole-like basal portion; florets yellow or white (Soroseris spp. 1 and 2) ............................................................................. 80. Soroseris 21b. Synflorescence loosely corymbiform with few to several capitula amid a rosette of ± spatulate leaves very gradually attenuate toward
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