'-■ f ''yZp»^ -■' ’I. ,* ' ,\ • tfi r . i t - -1- ^ • \ \ f • -f i|: ■ -•: r- i J: '-S 1. -Vv- -‘ '*■' i'l "..■ •• -f. :il m- T U E SD A Y , M A Y T, 1 9 « t iPAOI 8IXTEBM ATMige Daily Net Run The Weather \ jianrhratrr Svrnhvs Hpjhtlli Per.tlM Week laded rwreeaet of U. & Weather April SO, U8> 'The Lucy Spencer Group will St. Franclg-iKfpthar Cabiinl Moth­ FOR RINT Cloudy odd worm with ohanoe m6et in the Second Congregation­ ers Circle 'wlll meet tomorrow at Building Committee Seeks 13,974 at ehowere toolght aud ^ ofota About Town 8:16 p.m. at the home of Mrs. An- 8 and I t mm. Mavl* al Church parlor tomorrow at 2 —souad or aUeat, bIm Tbursduy. Low tonight oeor #0l p.m. for sewing. Mrs. Nelson gelo'Biase, 84 Henry St. Mrs. Al- jftadier e< the Andit ■Udo projooton. mneau at Cftraoletlaa High Thnrsdny around 8e. Fredwiiat Bey«r of Plalnvllle, Smith and Mrs. James Shearer pelt Puzzo will be co-hostess. Voice in Picking Architects MqnehdiUtr— A CUy o f VXUago Charm grand ohanaellot, will make Hla of­ will be hostesses. > WELDON DRUO CO^ ficial vlalt tomorrow -at 8 p.m. to Orford Parish, Daughters of the According to the town charter,# tee would like to Ml Bfatai 8W M . Ml M ttl Unne Lodge, Knlghte of Pythlae. The Hockanum Dog Club will American Revolution, will have Its procedure that wouW be followed annual meeting, election and in- the director of p\diltc wor)u le re- TO L. LX X X n , NO. 1S6 (TWINTT-nGHT PA6ES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MAY S, 1968 fCtaerifled Adverttring en Pnge M) PRICE s e v e n c e n t s at Orange Hall. A c<!re(nbnlal meet tomorrow at 7 p.ni.' on the ■ponsMe for enpolntlng architects in the future. • team of men from throughout-^e grounds of the H. O. Sohendel stallatiop of oHlcers Thursday- at Aocordlng to Trusnwn Crand^, home, 216 Spring ,-St. Sgt. Elarl 1:30 pjm. at the home of Mrs. for new achool or municipal con­ state will confer the rank of page struction. ohairman at tbs building oaoimit- on a elasB of candidates. Beyer MoCfatt, Hartford PoUce Dept., Charles F. Sumner, Bolton Rd., This la the substance of many tes, many of the p r e s ^ me*nbs« will bring a team from the K-9 BOlton. Mrs. Wells'W. Pitkin, Mrs. will participate in the degree ruUnga that town counaela have negotiate with arehltscts In their WO»k. Refreihments will be served. Corps to'shew the use of the Ger­ Charles J. Strickland and Mrs. K elly Ends State N ew s man ShepheM In police work- in Preston R, Sage will serve as given over the years,' baaed on Jo**- . ... Bosch Dendunces atudy of the town’s charter. This mperleivoe could be valuable Daughters of Liberty, No. 17. case of rain the meeting will be at hostesses to the town In matching an archl- the Wapplng Community Hall at Since the director of public will sponsor a rummage sale wobka and the general manager teot, and his apeolal quallflcatiaM, SALE Thursday at 9 a.m. at Orange 7130 p.m. The public is Invited. Two Manchester students at the Bid to Halt R oundup are the same — the public w o t ^ to the specific Job the town antksl- US. The hall will be open tq- University of Connecticut will be department la headed by a dpputy patek, he says. Haitian ^Madman* mnnwv from 7 to 9 p.m. to fe- The Catholic Young Adult'Club Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa to­ Thus, aronltects who have not oei^donatlons. of Hartford County will hold., a night. ' They are Mias Irene Kris- director — It has been tlie prac­ tice for the manager to appoint been hired before, or others who lUvrsday, May 9 G O P P robe record hop. Friday at St. Luke’s. kljaiia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. m i^ have a special approach to • A M . Flasher Fire Laid Juris Kriejiljans, 67 Hamlin St.; architects, usually concert ydth SANTO DOMINGO, D_ _ o-9»iab,’’ Tuesday nlMit In a radto- Three Tilanchester girls have Hall. Bolton St.. Hartford. Twist­ a construction problem that may A t T te telertsion statemsm.on the crisis, ing starts at 8 p.m., and the "top and Ernest J.Trwin Jr., son of Mr. the department heads for whom not have appeared In their earlier ttlnican Republic (A P )—^The HARTFORD (A P )— The been Initiated Into Phi Omega Phi the building is being undertaken. but indicated he Is moving cau- To Industrial Gas 40" will be played. Refreshments and Mrs. Ernest J, Irwin, 22 W. work, might be found. South MoHiodtlt immediate threat of war John P. Kelly Co. today with­ Sorority at Dp-^ala College, East In the past, the manager has tiously. Orange, N.J, l ^ y are Miss Su­ will be served. Centef\St. Both are'seniors. Final selection would remain C h u toh tween the Dominican Repub- - - - - discussed possible choices with a Bosch said' if the United States drew its Superior Court peti­ san E. Brown, dau^ter of Mr. and the manager’s iipiponslblllty, how-' found the crisis m v a enough tp GROTON (A P )— An inves- am joint committee of town govern­ He and Haiti appeared to re­ tion for a permanent injunc­ Mrs. John A. Bro\^ 60 Oakwood Green School PTA willmeet and order the evacuation of U.S. cit­ tigatioh indicated today that Rd.;,M iss Olivia Jeannette Carl­ install (dicers tomorrow at 7 p.m. ing bodies. One method, Crandall says, ttot cede today but tension re­ tion against production of its Nurse Attend Architects for schools have been izens from Haiti, ‘‘we shall con­ ignition of industrial gases son,'daughter of Mr. an^Mrs. Hu­ in the school auditorium. Members the committee mem/bem might mained high. tinue to think the problem Is insurance records and for a selected after the manager has parently caused the flash fire go W. Carlson, 116 Hackmatack of a Grade 6 Glee Club, directed participate In selection, would be ’Die Organization of American more sarloiis ^or us.” declaratory judgment on the St.; and Miss EllMbeth Aim..Me- by Miss Martha White, will en* National Parley conferred with representatives to arrange Interviews with pros- Itotee and the U.N. Security that claimed the lives of three 'N from the building committee, the pective candidates for town work. Council callod meetings totey to "W e have to be careful and constitutionality of the cur­ Negroes Blast Lagan, daughter of Mr. and tertain with songs and dances be­ vigilant,” he declared. workers aboard the nuclear State Patrol Richard McLagan, 66 Oxford fore the meeting. Refreshments Miss Judith Chagnot, senior stu­ board of education, and the board The committee would then rec- discuss the sitiutlon between the rent legislative insurance in­ submarine Flasher, the build­ of directors. Thle seemed to hint at a state ■\yill be served after the meeting. dent nurse at Hartford Hc^ital. onunend its choice to the general Caribbean neighbors sharing the of alert rather than fuU-acale mo­ vestigation. ^ ers said. State GOP Veto The selection is usually made Island of Hispaniola 60 miles from J. Kenneth Bradley, former Re­ Mrs. Robert Hines, president of has been chosen to attewi'xthe manager, who would remain re- bilisation or any Intention of im­ A terse announcement from the from among architects who ha've aponsule for the final declalon, Cuba. publican national ^ committeeman Enters City tile Manchester Council of PTA, Temple Chapter, Order of BJast- tenth ainnual meeting of the na­ minent military action against the Electric Boat Division of General will install new officers of the i St performed well for the town on Thia would neceaaarlly mean The Security Council was ex­ Duvaller regime. who has been representing the Kel­ Of Rights Bills tional student nurses' association earlier projects. pected to leave It to the OA8. Dynamics Corp. — where the Robertson School PTA tomorrow meetingHomorrow at 8 p.m. at the that the various committee mem Earlier Tuesday Bosch demand­ ly intereats, made the announce­ Flasher Is under construction— at 6:30 p.m. in the school audito­ Masonic Temple. Officers will May 9 through 13 in Atlantic City, The town building committee, bers would impose their Idea of Dominican President Juan ed that all ^ Duvaller opponents ment at the opening of this morn­ considering what It believes Is 1& Bosch called Haiti’s dictator Pres­ said: HARTFORD. (AP) — Reaction Race Crisis rium. There will be h potluck. Pi­ wear colored gowns. Refresh­ N. J. She is the daughter of Mrs. the beat way to deal with an archi­ in the Dominican Embassy in ing’s session before Judge Joseph ‘The investigation indicates that ments will be served after the Rene Chagnot of 18 Westwood St. present limited role in directing tectural problem on the manager, SClfllCE ident Francois Duvaller "a mad- W. Bogdanski. from Negro leaders to a decision nal plans for the spring-summer Port au Prince be allowed to the fire Tuesday aboard -Students from nursing schools new construction, has proposed the' by the R^ublican members of the ^ r will also be, made. meeting. However, the manager would leave the country, but- set no A decision to withdraw the ac- Flasher was apparently caused byi House to reject any new bills WASHINGTON \(AP) — throughout the United States will that it be given a larger part In sit In on the Interviews, and would deadline.
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