THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 23, 1860. 4489 them, and to enable the said united Company to Companies hereinbefore named or referred to, and levy the same or lower or higher tolls, rates, and to their respective-undertakings, and to the joint charges; and to confer, vary, and extinguish line of railway between Glasgow and Paisley, and exemptions from payment of such existing and the stations at Bridge-street, Glasgow, at Paisley, proposed tolls, rates, and charges, or some of at Carlisle, at the North Bridge, Edinburgh, at them. Perth, at Stirling, and at Dunfennline, in which And it is intended by the said Bill to vary or the said three first-named Companies are respec- extinguish such of the powers, rights, privileges, tively interested ; that is to say : (local and per- preferences, and priorities of the said three exist- sonal), 57 George III, chapter 56; 59 George ing Companies respectively, and of the several III, chapter 29; 1 and 2 George IV, chapter classes of guaranteed, preference, and other share- 122; 4 George IV, chapter 18 ; 7 George IV, holders therein, and of the holders of mortgages, chapters 45 and 103 : 7 and 8 George IV, chap- bonds, funded debt, and debenture stock thereof, ter 88 j 10 George IV, chapter 107; 11 George and of the Glasgow, Garnkirk, and Coatbridge IV, chapters 62 and 125 ; 1 and 2 William Railway Company, the Clydesdale Railway IV, chapter 58 ; 4 William IV, chapter 41 ; 1 Guaranteed Company, the Greenock Railway Victoria, chapters 100, 116, 117, and 118 ; 1 and Guaranteed Company, the Wishaw Railway Gua- 2 Victoria, chapter 60 ; 2 and 3 Victoria, chapter ranteed .Company, the Glasgow, Barrhead, and 58 ; 3 Victoria, chapter 53 ; 3 and 4 Victoria, Neilston Direct Railway Company, the Syming- chapters 107 and 123 ; 4 Victoria, chapters 5 and ton Biggar and Broughton Railway Company, 11 j 4 and 5 Victoria, chapter 59 ; 6 and 7 the Hamilton and Strathaven Railway Company, Victoria, chapters 49 and 55 ; 7 Victoria, chapter the Dumfries, Lochmaben, and Lockerby Junc- 37 j 7 and 8 Victoria, chapters 66, 87, and 98 ;. tion Railway Company, the General Terminus 8 and 9 Victoria, chapters 31, 83, 148, 160, 162, and Glasgow Harbour Railway Company, the and 192 ; 9 and 10 Victoria, chapters 81, 130, Monkland Railways Company, the Edinburgh and 142, 143, 188, 201, 202, 206, 229, 249, 257, Bathgate Railway Company, the Stirling and 263, 314, 329, 332, 334, 379, and 395 j 10 Dunfermline Railway Company, the Glasgow Victoria, chapters 22, 23, and 24; 10 and 11 Airdrie and Monklands Junction Railway Com- Victoria, chapters 75, 82, 83, 90, 95, 168, 169, pany, the Caledonian and Dumbartonshire Junc- 172, 183, 237, 245, and 246; 11 and 12 Victoria, tion Railway Company, the Glasgow Dumbarton chapters 73, 78, 116, 118, 121, 127, 134, 148,: and Helensburgh Railway Company, the Dun- and 160 ; 12 and 13 Victoria, chapters 39, 67, blane Doune and Callander Railway Company, 86, 87, and 90; 14 and 15 Victoria, chapters 55, the Forth and Clyde Junction Railway Company, 62, 99, and 134 ; 15 Victoria, chapter 109; 16 the Crieff Junction Railway Company, the Lan- and 17 Victoria, chapters 90, 125, 149, 151, J52, caster and Carlisle Railway Company, the Lan- and 188 ; 17 and 18 Victoria, chapters 155, 156, caster and Preston Junction Railway Company, and 184; 18 Victoria, chapter 56 ; 18 and 19 the Glasgow and South-Western Railway Com- Victoria, chapters, 96, 97, 158, and 190 ; 19 and pany, the North British Railway Company, the 20 Victoria, chapters 106, 113, and 134 ; 20 and Scottish North-Eastern Railway Company, the 21 Victoria, chapters 34, 78, 123, 128, and 161 ; Dundee and Perth and Aberdeen Railway Junction 21 Victoria, chapters 13 and 15 ; 21 and 22 Company, and the Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee Victoria, chapters, 64, 66, 109, and 128 ; 22 and Railway Company, and of any other Companies 23 Victoria, chapters 3, 24, 83, and 124 ; 23 and persons, whether secured by Act of Parlia- Victoria, chapters 83 and 97; and 23 and 24 ment, deed, agreement, or otherwise, as would Victoria, chapters 120, 140, 144, 159, 178, 195, anywise interfere with the proposed union and and 198 ; and of any other Act or Acts of Par- amalgamation of the said three first-named Com- liament recited in any of the before-mentioned panies, or with any of the powers to be conferred Acts, or relating to or affecting the above-men- on the united Company, or of the other provisions tioned Companies and undertakings or works, or of the said Bill, and to confer, vary, and extin- any other Company or body who, or whose pro- guish other powers, rights, privileges, preferences, perty and interests, may be affected by any of the and priorities. powers or provisions of the said Bill. And it is intended by the said Bill to make pro- And notice is hereby given, that on or before vision for facilitating the interchange and convey- the 22nd day of December next, printed copies of ance of traffic between and over the railways of the said Bill, as proposed to be introduced into the said united Company and of the other Com- Parliament, will be deposited in the Private Bill panies before named respectively, or some of the Office of the House of Commons. said railways or some parts thereof, and for the Dated this third day of November, 1860. use by the said several Companies respectively, Hope and Mackay, W. S., Edinburgh. or some of them, of the railways, stations, and Grahame, Weems, Grahams, and Ward- other works belonging to or under the control of law, 30, Great George-street, West- each other, or of some of them or some parts minster. thereof, and for the fixing, collection, and appor- tionment of the tolls, rates, and charges leviable in respect of such conveyance or use ; or to em- Birkenhead Railway. power the said several Companies, or some of (Transfer of Undertaking to London and North- Western and Great Western Railway Companies, them, to enter into agreements with each other in and Arrangements in relation thereto; Arrange- relation to the said several matters, or some of ments with Mersey Docks and Harbour Board ; them. Amendment of Acts.) And it is intended by the said Bill, so far as OTICE is hereby given, that application is necessary or expedient for the purposes thereof, N intended to be made to Parliament in the to amend and enlarge, or to repeal and re-enact next Session for an Act for all or some of the and consolidate, with such amendments as may be objects and purposes following (that is to say) : expedient, all or some of the powers and pro- To transfer to, and vest jointly in, the London visions of the several Acts relating to the Caledo- and North-Western Railway Company and the nian Railway Company, the Edinburgh and Glas- Great Western Railway Company (hereinafter gow Railway Company, the Scottish Central called " the two Companies"), from and after such Railway Company, and the several other Railway period, for such term of years, in such proportions,.
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