BURlED T RE A.S U RES VOL. XVIII, NO. I JANUARY 1986 ANo • S £ R V ~ R. t • Pultll•h•d lty CENTRAL FLORIDA GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY ORLANDO, FLORIDA I TABLE OF CONTENTS President's Message . 1 Letter from John Baptiste Foisie, a Union Soldier . 2 Census of Cemetery at Unity Chapel (1886), Spring Green, Wisconsin . 6 Apple Gifting . 11 Civil War Draft Records . 1 2 Hoskin Family Bible Records . 13 Who's Who in Genealogy and Heraldry: A Review 14 Lake County Cemetery 17 Geographical Index 22 Surname Index . 23 WINTER CONTRIBUTORS David C. Burnite Ruth Stark Burnite Mary L. Kupfer Daniels Robert C. Fraunberger Betty Brinsfield Hughson C. Wally Hughson Allen R. Taylor Andrea Hickman White Kathryn S. White Buried Treasures - -<.. - Vol. XVIII, No. l P.O. SOX 177 ORLANDO, FL 32802 President's Message We are now in a new year, however, it is the last half of my term of office. With the help of the members of the Society, we have begun, what I feel, will be a banner year. On January 11th, we had a Beginner's Workshop II conducted by member, Katherine Ronan Cooper . Thirty-seven genealogists were in attendance. For those of us whose zest for research sometimes waivers, it was a pleasure to ~ave a number of new researchers show their enthusiasm and help our seasoned · genealogists get back into action and find those ancestors. On Saturday, February 22nd, we will have a Mini-Seminar at the Marks Street Senior Citizens Center from 9:00A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Our speakers for the day will be Robert Fraunberger and Rhoda Rollin. Please be sure to bring your lunch. The Society will furnish a snack for mid-morning along with beverages throughout the day. Vice President and Program Chairman, Tanya Miller has planned some excellent and interesting programs for the rest of the year. Eileen Willis, Chairman of the forthcoming Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference to be held at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Orlando, September 25-27, 1986, has called some planning meetings. Detailed information will be announced soon. Please remember to volunteer to help where you can. Some things can be done in your homes, while others will require your attendance at meetings and some footwork. The Central Florida Genealogical and Historical Society needs you. Again, I want to thank all of the members who are helping to make·this year such a successful one. Sincerely Aye, Betty Brinsfield Hughson President Vol. XVIII, No. 1 - 1 - Buried Treasures The following letter, translated from its original French, was written by member Mary L. Daniels' great- grandfather, John Baptiste Foisie, a Union soldier. The original of this letter has been authenticated and is now preserved in the Library of Congress. N~w Okl~a~, Januaky 7, 7864 Pk-i.J.>on Ho.op-itaf D~ak W-i.6~ and l-ittt~ ch-ildk~n, ThMe. -i..o gke.at joy w-i.th-in me. today, the. 6-ik.ot day o6 th~ New Ye.ak to ~-ite. you a 6ew l-i.ne.o conce.kn-i.ng the. .otate. o6 my health wh-ich -<.~ good and I w-i.oh w-ith all my heakt that God -i.o hav-i.rtg you e.nj oy the .oame .oo that th-i..o New Yeak w-i.ll be a happy one. 6ok you, d~ak w-ifi~. Th-i..o w-i.ll b~ .the th-i.kd New Ye.ak'.o Day, L~ocad-i.e, that we hav~ be~n .oe.pakate.d and we. mu.ot a.ok fikom the. Lokd the. gkac~ that -i.t b~ the laJ.>t. Fok -it .o~em.o to me. that the.ke. -i.o no happ-i.e.k day fiok a makk-i.~d man than to be. at hom~ on th-i.o day ke.un-ite.d aga-in w-ith h-i.o 6am-i.ly and h-i..o 6k-ie.nd.o. I thought o6 you all gkeatly th-i..o mokn-ing and o6 Canada . I ako.oe eakly th-i..o mokn-ing to go to eakly Ma.o.o but I WaJ.> not able to leave. The guakd had okdek.o not to allow anyon~ to le.av~ befioke daybkeak. I k~tUkn~d to th~ w-indow o6 my koom and I watched the FJc.ench 6am-il-ie.o who We.ke. chat­ t-ing toge.the.Jc. be.fioke. Ma.o.o .otakte.d. I aJ.>J.>UJc.e. you they have. ·okought many cu.otom.o and way.o 6kom Canada. A.o .ooon aJ.> I had bke.akfia.ot I began ~-i.t­ -ing you to .ope.nd the hoUkJ.>, but I 6-i.nd that my pape.Jc. wa.o not lakge enough to ~-i.te all day. I went dow~ta-ik.o {whe.Jc.e I had alway.o hoped to have a place) -in a lakg~ Jc.oom whe.Jc.e. they put all the. clothe..o o6 tho.oe. who come hMe. .· They make them tak~ o66 the-ik cloth~ and the.y WJc.-i.te -i.n a book ~v~yth-i.ng that the.y have. Then they clothe them w-ith clothe.o made ~pe.c-i.alfy 6ok the ho.opt-i.af that -i..o, pant!.> w-i.th lakg~ cotton .oh-ikt!.> and kn-i.tte.d n-i.ght!.>h-ikt!.>. We have to change evMy SatUJc.day n-ight completely, af!.>o oUk bed.o. Tho.oe that ake able to have to mak~ the-ik bed th~m.oelv~.o. And when the Doctok.o go~.o thfl.ough -in the mokn-i.ng -i.6 they .oee a bed not well made they make th~m k~make -i.t. I had a compl-i.m~nt about m-ine. I WM dow~ta-i.k.o one mMn-i.ng when the.y came by and one a.oked "Who .olee.p.o the.ke.?" "I.o -it a woman?" Whe.n he 6ound out -it wa.o I, he .oa-i.d you mu.ot have. made. the. be.d.o at home. He wa.o gkeatly m-i..otake.n 6ok I neve.Jc. ke.me.mbe.Jc. hav-ing made. a bed be6oke. I came heke, except, maybe whe.n I wa.o a ve.Jc.y l-i.tt{e. boy, I mad~ my cot. I aJ.>J.>Uke. you that the.-ik okde.k.o ake. .otfl.-i.ct and one. ha.o to be cakefiul about eve.Jc.yth-i.ng. They w-i.ll pun-i..oh a man who .op-i.t!.> on the 6look -i.6 they catch h-i.m. Th~k~ ake plenty o6 .op-i.too~ -in all the koom.o and e.ve.kyn-i.ght at 8:00 the. bugle. .oound.o fiok bed. The l-i.ght!.> ake. put out and the.ke. ake. guakd.o that watch all n-ight -i.n ca.oe .oome.one. m-ight n~e.d .oom~th-i.ng. I6 they would only 6e.e.d u.o a.o well a.o they expect the wokk dut-ie.o to be done, -i.t wouldn ' t be. .oo hakd to be .o-i.ck he.ke, but the.Jc.e. -i..o no gke.at chak-i.ty whe.Jc.e 6ood -i..o concMne.d. No doubt you could 6okg~t fl.~ad-i.ng about all th~.oe. th-i.ng.o he.k~ but be. pat-ient deak w-i6e., th-i..o w-ill mak~ t{me.o pa.o.o --the. day.o aJc.e. .oo long--I don't know how to .op~nd my t-i.me.. Buried Treasures - 2 - Vol. XVIII, No. 1 FOISIE (cont'd) It h~n't been too cold heAe ~ yet today, N0W Yeak'~ Vay. The w~nd only ~~ cold. I am fiac~ng the dook o6 the l~ttle chUkch that I have a.~eady ment~oned ~n the letteA. I ~ee them com-i.ng out, they ~eem to be cold and ~h~veA~ng and they ake kunn-i.ng, each one go-i.ng home. The nu~ the ~ame, they ake kunn-i.ng too. Only ye~teAday I kece-i.ved new~ on Jo~eph ~eau. He ~ay~ he bel~ev~ th-i.ng~ w{ll be betteA than they weAe fiok h-i.m, he bel{eve~ the Cav~y w{ff be make 6avokable. I w~h h-i.m eveAy good w~~h, the pook boy, fiok he h~ had m~eAY too and he alway~ ~ay~ that he'~ lone~ome 6o~ me and he only w~h~ I'd ketUkn. The colonel akk-i.ved w{th h.{~ dkafite~ to keplen-i.~h aUk keg.{ment. TheAe WeAe many Canad.{a~ among~t them. They put them ~n OUk keg-i.ment (company). They tell me the geneAal came and ~nteAv~ewed each man, one by one, to ~ee ~-6 he couldn't get them to keenl~~t 6M two yeak~ but they have ~een ~o much m~~eAy, they want to go home ~~tead o6 keenl-i.~t­ -i.ng 6ok two mo~e yeak~. They o-66eAed them $500 bo~, but ~t d~dn't ~eem to tempt anyone. You told me .{n yoUk ~t letteA that e0eAyth.{ng ~ veAy expe~.{ve -i.n the NMth, but they ~houfd pay the ~ofd.{eA.J.> ~o they can ~uppokt the~ 6am-i.ly.
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