NEEXTXT MEEETINGETING SEEPTEMBERPTEMBER 111-12,1-12, 22010010 THHEE ROOBERTSBERTS CEENTRENTRE WIILMINGTONLMINGTON, OHHIOIO A TTouchouch ooff HHistoryistory FFromrom tthehe 22010010 AAnnualnnual DDisplayisplay SShowhow SSeeee BBackack CCoverover PAGE 2 OFFICERS A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT Ganley is a businessman and car dealership Frank S. Hodges, Jr. owner from northeast Ohio who is running for U.S. Congress. Be informed and make sure FIRST VICE PRESIDENT you are registered to vote. The deadline to Cecil Parker register to vote in Ohio and many other states is October 4th. SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Jim Tekavec I regret to report that Kenneth Seminatore has resigned from the Board of Directors due to SECRETARY health reasons. He was unanimously named Joe W. Pittenger Director Emeritus at the July Board meeting (page 10). Please keep Ken in your thoughts TREASURER and prayers that he may someday return to Thomas L. Kyser OGCA President Frank Hodges with Ohio his full activities with OGCA, including his Governor Ted Strickland at the July meeting work as Legislative Committee Chairman. DIRECTORS in Wilmington, Ohio 2010-2011-2012 We have much to celebrate on the legisla- Hal Ferrell It was a Saturday morning at a gunshop in tive front. The Supreme Court of the United Frank Kern Norwood, Ohio. The year was 1959 and Robert Ray Preston States, in McDonald vs Chicago, ruled that OGCA member Ed Beard was catching up on the Second Amendment applies to the states 2009-2010-2011 paperwork when a man walked in with gun in and cities. This is a huge win for gun owners Frank Becker, Jr. hand. Nothing terribly unusual about that, but and those who believe in our Bill of Rights, Thomas E. Bowersox Ed sensed something unscrupulous about not to mention the law-abiding citizens of Chi- Jon Chorpenning the man and casually reached for his pistol. cago who have long been denied their rights. As Ed picked up the gun the man fi red a shot. 2008-2009-2010 Ed returned fi re which lodged into the casing Terrie L. Hill The July meeting was, as always, a great time over the door through which the man exited Charles D. Metcalf to catch up with old friends as well as meet rather abruptly. Charles D. Rush new members. We had 494 guests, 139 new applicants and 729 tables. Director Emeritus Not a word was exchanged and no one was Kenneth Seminatore hit, but it sure hit the news. It came across the I look forward to seeing all of you at the Sep- radio as “Shootout at Pioneer Guns” which is tember 11-12 meeting. Please remember to BUSINESS OFFICE the way I learned how my friend’s Saturday mail in or bring in your raffl e tickets and dona- OGCA, P.O. Box 670406 morning was going. tion for the PAC raffl e. Drawing is noon, Sep- Sagamore Hills, OH 44067-0406 tember 12, and we have three great prizes as Laura Knotts, Business Mgr. The police never did fi nd the culprit. Ed shown on the back cover. PH: (330) 467-5733 pulled the bullet out of the casing and made Fax: (330) 467-5793 a ring out of it which I still have around here Sincerely, Email: [email protected] someplace. It is possible that this event may have pushed the button triggering Ed to sell GGuestuest the gunshop to me which I owned in various PPassass FFormsorms locations for over fi ve decades. PPageage 1111 Frank S. Hodges, Jr., President Through all those years I maintained my mem- Inside - Sept.Sept. 20102010 PgP bership and rarely missed an OGCA meeting. The Tunnels of WWI 3 We had many special visitors but not once Dues and Tables 4 do I recall a sitting Governor stopping by. As President, I had the honor and privilege of Bob Latta, US House of Rep 4 welcoming Ohio Governor Ted Strickland to Ithaca Gun Company 5 the July meeting. He has been a steadfast Passages 6 supporter of the right to keep and bear arms, Director Candidates 7 earning him an A rating from the NRA. Fighting Buckners of KY 8 Strickland/Seminatore 10 This election year is especially important to Guest Passes 11 gun owners and the direction of our country. Table Application 13 OGCA is strictly nonpartisan, and I encour- Friends of NRA 15 age you to use your vote to support the can- didates that support fi rearm freedoms includ- Firearms Safety 15 ing our featured member, Congressman Bob Hotels, Directions, Dates 15 Tom Ganley, candidate for U.S. Congress, Latta on page 10 from northwest, Ohio. Tom signed up for membership at the AFFILIATED WITH THE NRA AND CMP Ganley was also in attendance in July. Mr. July meeting in Wilmington, OH. PAGE 3 TYING ALL FIREARMS - SAFETY FIRST ALL FIREARMS, WITHOUT EXCEP- and secured to make the fi rearm inoper- Tableholders must tie all fi rearms and re- TION, MUST BE INSPECTED AND able using plastic ties prior to member move clips and magazines prior to the fi re- TIED BEFORE THEY ARE BROUGHT and fi rearm entering the meeting fl oor. arms being displayed, offered for sale or INTO THE HALL. Clips and maga- trade prior to leaving them on a trade table. zines must be removed prior to entering. All fi rearms brought to the meeting hall by members must be presented at the This includes BB guns, pellet guns, fl int Gun Tie Desk at the entrance to be re- Welcome Home Ken Waughtal locks, match locks, wheel locks, percus- checked and retied if needed. YOU A proud OGCA salute to this member who ARE RESPONSIBLE TO SEE THAT recently returned after serving in the U.S. Army sion locks, and all fi rearms. It also includes with the Illinois National Guard in Afghanistan. fi rearms that are displayed in cases. THIS IS DONE. The Gun Tie/Gun All fi rearms must be checked, cleared, Check desk is located in the main lobby. DON DARMOS TO PRESENT "THE TUNNELS OF WWI" AT THE SEPTEMBER MEETING tion. Don explains that there could have You will be on the edge of your seat listen- been 800 to 1,100 troops underground for ing to what the tunnelers went through as as long as a week or even longer depend- well as the meticulous planning employed ing on when it was time to move out or by the Durand Group to uncover the tun- attack. The British Army and Common- nels. wealth Army had well over 25,000 trained Royal Engineer Tunnelers by 1916 and The goal is to one day open as many 117,000 attached infantry and others sup- of the tunnels as possible for historical ported the tunnelers. tours. Before that, the tunnels need to be cleaned out and made safe. Don explains Both sides deployed tunnelling. The result that there are grenades and artillery shells was a labyrinth of tunnels and the employ- still in these tunnels, all over the place. A Don Darmos, at a recent dig in France. ment of counter-tunnelling and counter dangerous venture to undertake but this In September, we will have a special tactics. Over time, the depth at which the is his legacy to the world so that future presentation by Don Darmos. Don has tunnels needed to be dug became deeper generations may better understand. We been a member for almost 50 years and and more dangerous. It required a longer appreciate Don's time in sharing it with has an interesting hobby. Every year he time to dig, resulting in a greater vulner- fellow members! goes over to WWI battlefi elds such as ability beneath no man’s land. Vimy Ridge and the Somme in France Don's presentation will include a short documentary, discussion and informal as part of an elite group of experts au- Detection and breakthrough into each oth- Q&A, and will be held in one of the confer- thorized to uncover the tunnels of WWI. ers tunnelling systems occurred frequent- ly. Although the tunnelers were trained to ence rooms at The Roberts Centre. Times Many of the tunnels are 60 feet down use rifl es, the restrictions of tunnel con- are Saturday, Sept. 11th, from 10:00 AM and some are fi lled with gas or mines. struction often meant they could not be – 11:00 AM and again at 2:00 PM – 3:00 It is a dangerous job that combines his used. According to Don, there was some PM; and also on Sunday Sept. 12th, from love of military history and his back- hand-to-hand combat in the tunnels. 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Pre-registration is ground as a former member of the Lo- not necessary - just look for signage and rain County Sheriff bomb squad. come on in. ALL MEMBERS AND Don Darmos is a member of the Durand GUESTS INVITED Visit www.durandgroup.org.uk to Group based in the United Kingdom. Don learn more about The Durand Group. learned about the group during an edu- Saturday, Sept. 11th cational conference on explosives sev- In conjunction, with this educational eral years ago. There are 35 members, 10 AM - 11 AM & 2 PM - 3 PM talk, we encourage members to bring all volunteers, comprised of retired British Sunday Sept. 12th WWI and other military exhibits to the Army offi cers, engineers and others. So 10 AM - 11 AM far, seven tunnels of possibly hundreds September meeting. have been discovered by the group. For more information on bringing a dis- Their unique battlefi eld excavations are play contact an offi cer, director, or past the subject of Don's one-hour presenta- The Roberts Centre president; or call tion at the September 11 – 12 meeting.
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