Marlboro Mayor Hits Rl. 18 Oppositioii SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy, Rain Likely Cloudy with periods of rain likely.today, tonight and to- morrow. Red Bank, Freehold FINAL I Long Branch . EDITION Monmonth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 28 PACES VOL.94 NO. 113 RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, DECEMBER 6,1971 TEN CENTS wts 'Z.CT'XSZ'Z ".T ""a* Key House Unit Cutting U.N. Fund in Half WASHINGTON (AP) - A eign-aid money bill headed for U.S. contributions to the Passman. "And that's why member nations next year million surplus when it This with the $52 million key House subcommittee is subcommittee approval today. United Nations was not made this country is $350 billion in and planned to begin using switched from fully funding Congress has already appro- about to slash America's The foreign-aid appropria- in retaliation for Nationalist debt. They make me so damn $193 million of the $343-million its programs at the time of priated for operating costs of United Nations contribution tion is scheduled for a House China's expulsion. mad." surplus for program ex- their approval to a system of the United Nations itself more than half, scrapping the vote tomorrow or Wednesday He said the money, the U.S. The impact on UNDP pansion. The other $150 mil- funding them on a year-to- would bring the total U.S. con- entire 1972 U.S. $100-million as an end run if necessary ante for the U.N Development should America withhold its lion of the surplus is to go into year basis. tribution to $93 million. share of the U.N.'s major for- around the House-Senate Program (UNDP), was made $100 million is not clear. The a reserve fund. Passman said' his subcom- Passman's subcommittee eign-aid program. deadlock over a bill to because the agency has agency provides technical Passman said he opposes mittee approved some $41 mil- began drafting the U.S. fore- Chairman Otto E. Passman, reauthorize foreign aid. gained »a $343-million surplus economic development assis- the 1972 U.S. contribution only lion in voluntary U.S. contri- ign-aid appropriation bill D-La., confirmed the $100 mil- it says it wants to use for a tance to underdeveloped coun- because of the UNDP's sur- butions to such other Friday when House-Senate lion was cut by his House for- Not Retaliation ".one-time burst of additional tries. plus and said he would favor U.N.—related programs as conferees deadlocked,over the eign operations appropria- Passman said the $100 mil- activity." The world agency antici- renewed U.S. funding in fu- the children's fund (Unicef), Senate's six-month Indochina- \ tions subcommittee in ^re- lion cut from President Nix- "Everybody wants an extra pated more than $250 million ture years. drug-abuse control and the war deadline in a bill to World Health Organization. reauthorize foreign aid. ported'?Z.8-bililon" U.S." for- on's request for $193 million in burst of activity," stormed in contributions from U.N. The UNDP gained the $343- India Recognizes Pakistan Rebels, Claims Victories By The Associated Press forces. are key supply centers for Pa- border of East Pakistan had "the enemy Is dominating" and Akhaura. "Our losses were minor in kistan's army in the east. Syl- captured the key rail and some of East Pakistan. Jacob said Indian forces India recognized the Bangla the fighting," the spokesman het is 123 miles northeast of communications center of Ak- The head of India's military were "leaning on defenses of Desh rebels as the legal gov- added. Dacca, the provincial capital. haura, 60 miles east of Dacca. operations in East Pakistan, the heavily fortified garrison ernment of East Pakistan He said in East Pakistan In- Comilla is 50 miles southeast But Pakistan said the attack Ma]. Gen. J.F.R. Jacob, told a at Jessore," 18 miles east ot today and claimed victory in dian forces "are making sig- of Dacca. on Akhaura had been repulsed news conference in Calcutta the border and that they were a major tank battle on the nificant advances and we Indian Claims and insisted its lines along today that there had been a mile from the town. border with West Pakistan. have captured some territory Earlier, Indian Defense Sec- East Pakistan's western bor- heavy fighting around the Jacob said 317 Pakistanis The Indians also claimed 'northeast of Sylhet and south retary K.B. Lall reported In- ders with India remained towns of Jessore in the south- have been killed, 199 wounded more advances into East Pa- of Comilla." The two cities dian forces on the eastern firm. It added, however, that west, Hllli in the northwest, See India, Page 2 kistan, while Pakistan report- ed the capture of 20 Indian bonier posts in Kashmir. The tank battle began Sat- urday night when the Pakis- tanis sent two brigades of in- May Call General fantry and an armored regi- ment against Indian defensive UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. called Huang "an imperialist council's acting in the interest a Soviet veto killed an eight- blame for the situation on Pa- AP wiriphole (AP) — The United States jester." of peace. nation resolution calling on kistan. It called for "a politi- 1 positions in southern Kashmir MALIK VOTES 'NYET — Jacob A. Malik, the near the West Pakistani bor- and other nations are consid- The council scheduled an- Somali Ambassador , Ab- India and Pakistan for an im- cal settlement in East Pakis- Soviet Union's ambassador to the United Nations, der, an Indian spokesman in ering asking the U.N. General other meeting this afternoon dulrahim Abby Farah said Af- mediate cease-fire and with- tan which would inevitably re- raises his pencil last night as he votes to block a New Delhi said. Assembly to Intercede in the to take up another resolution rican, Asian and Latin Ameri- drawal and also calling for an sult in a cessation of hostil- can members of the council x early political solution In East ities" and demanded that Pa- resolution before the U.N. Security Council call- He said the battle raged India-Pakistan war following calling for a cease-fire but no- were considering this course Pakistan. kistani forces in East Pakis- Ing tor a cease tire In the India-Pakistan conflict. throughout the weekend and two Soviet vetoes of Security withdrawal. But as of last in the belief that.a big major- tan "cease all acts of vio- His veto constituted the Soviet Union's second use that 23 Chinese-built T59 tanks, Council resolutions calling for night, the U.S. government Same Vote ity in-the assembly would vote lence," meaning that they of the veto In a 24-hour period to block a U.N. were destroyed by the Indian a cease-fire and withdrawal of had instructed Ambassador The vote was the same as cease-fire appeal. the opposing forces. George Bush not to vote for fora cease-fire;and withdraw- on a U.S. cease-fire-and-with- stop: all action against the The 106th and 107th vetoes anything.that omitted the call al. ... •:,,.- drawal early Sunday: 11 for, Bengali rebels. cast by the Russians in U.N. for withdrawal of forces. Bush, asked .whether he the Soviet Union and Poland The vote on that one was history came in weekend Need 9 Votes would go to the Assembly opposed, and Britain and the Soviet Union and Poland meetings at which Chinese The Assembly's 1965 "Unit- with the issue, replied, "I France abstaining. Both reso- in favor, China opposed and Mayor Salkind Hits Ambassador Huang Hua ing for Peace" resolution pro- would say it's a live option." lutions failed because the So- the other 12 council members charged Soviet Ambassador vides for an emergency ses- "We're keeping all our op- viet vote constituted a veto. abstaining. Jacob A. Malik with filibuster- sion on the vote of any nine of tions open." Between those two votes, China withdrew another res- ing to give India time to ad- the 15 council members Bush had just come from the council rejected a Soviet olution terming India the ag- vance into Pakistan and Malik whenever a veto prevents the the council meeting at which resolution in effect putting the gressor and calling for a Move to Bar Rt. 18 cease-fire and withdrawal. 'Interference' MARLBORO — Mayor Mor- Salkind and other municipal Explaining why he had ton Salkind today said that officials on Sept. 28 to dicuss voted against the Soviet reso- the^suit filed by the Con- the matter. The meeting was lution, the Chinese delegate, cerned Citizens of Marlboro requested by a committee Joe Adonis Home From Exile said it constituted "direct in- Inc. against the state to stop formed by the mayor to see if terference in the internal af- construction of Rt. 18 hinders the highway could be routed FORT LEE (AP) - Joe was 69. in the uld Murder, Inc., gang ing himself out of the tough fairs of a member state." Adonis, who allegedly sent progress he and county offi- away from homes in Mon- In death Adonis ironically of the 1930s. slums of Brooklyn. He was a "The present armed aggres- dozens of persons to their cials were making in rerout- mouth Heights and Whittier achieved his primary ambi- During more than 30 years devoted family man. sion by India against Pakis- grave as the reputed chieftain ing the highway away from Oaks East. tion during his 15-year exile, of underworld prominence, He never attended high tan," he declared, "is carried of Murder, Inc., goes to the to return to American soil.
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