Pikes Peak 1911 1923 3 Albert Ellingwood 4 Mary Cronin Longs Peak 1921 9 1934 5 Carl Melzer 1937 6 Robert B

Pikes Peak 1911 1923 3 Albert Ellingwood 4 Mary Cronin Longs Peak 1921 9 1934 5 Carl Melzer 1937 6 Robert B

EVERYONE WHO HAS COMPLETED THE COLORADO FOURTEENERS (By Year of Completion) 1 Carl Blaurock (#1 & #2 tie) Pikes Peak 1911 1923 2 William F. Ervin (#1 & #2 tie) Pikes Peak 1911 1923 3 Albert Ellingwood 4 Mary Cronin Longs Peak 1921 9 1934 5 Carl Melzer 1937 6 Robert B. Melzer 1937 7 Elwyn Arps Eolus, Mt. 1920 7 1938 8 Joe Merhar Pyramid Peak 8 1938 9 O. P. Settles Longs Peak 1927 7 1939 10 Harry Standley Elbert, Mt. 1923 9 1939 11 Whitney M. Borland Pikes Peak 6 1941 12 Vera DeVries Longs Peak 1936 Kit Carson Peak 8 1941 13 Robert M. Ormes Pikes Peak Capitol Peak 8 1941 14 Jack Graham 9 1941 15 John Ambler 9 1943 16 Paul Gorham Pikes Peak 1926 8 1944 17 Ruth Gorham Grays Peak 1933 8 1944 18 Henry Buchtel Longs Peak 1946 19 Herb Hollister Longs Peak 1927 7 1947 20 Roy Murchison Longs Peak 1908 8 1947 21 Evelyn Runnette Longs Peak 1931 Uncompahgre Peak 9 1947 22 Marian Rymer Longs Peak 1926 Crestones 9 1948 23 Charles Rymer Longs Peak 1927 Crestones 9 1948 24 Nancy E. Nones (Perkins) Quandary 1937 Eolus, Mt. 9 1948 25 John Spradley Longs Peak 1943 7 1949 26 Eliot Moses Longs Peak 1921 7 1949 27 Elizabeth S. Cowles Lincoln, Mt. 9 1932 Wetterhorn Peak 9 1949 28 Dorothy Swartz Crestones 8 1950 29 Robert Swartz Bross, Mt. 1941 Crestones 8 1950 30 Ted Cooper Longs Peak 8 1950 31 Stirling Cooper Longs Peak 8 1950 32 Harold Brewer Longs Peak 1937 El Diente 9 1950 33 Wilbur F. Arnold Castle Peak 9 1950 34 Jack McDowell Blanca, Mt. 8 1951 35 Don Peel Kit Carson Peak 8 1951 36 Richard J. Stenmark Baldy (aka Mt. Lindsey) 9 1951 37 H. B Van Valkenburgh Ill Kit Carson Peak 7 1952 38 Virginia E. Nolan Crestone Peak 8 1952 39 Dwight Hamilton Eolus, Mt 8 1952 40 Bill Bueler Eolus, Mt. 8 1952 41 Jo McDowell Baldy (aka Mt. Lindsey) 8 1952 42 Hugh W. Hetherington Longs Peak 1924 Pikes Peak 9 1952 43 Robert Bartheld Snowmass Mountain 9 1953 44 Neil Wernette Snowmass Mountain 9 1953 45 Milton Camps Snowmass Mountain 9 1953 46 Carl Besse Snowmass Mountain 9 1953 47 Mike Blecha San Luis Peak 9 1953 48 Corvin Simmons Capitol Peak 9 1953 49 Dolores LaChapelle (Greenwell) Kit Carson Peak 9 1953 50 R. S. Fink Crestone Peak 7 1954 51 Robert S. Bader Elbert, Mt. 6 1955 52 Wesley Rader Capitol Peak 7 1955 53 Alex Carson Kit Carson Peak 8 1955 54 Richard F. Sullivan Capitol Peak 8 1955 55 Jack Eggleston Maroon Peak 8 1957 56 Ola Myers Capitol Peak 8 1957 57 Robert W. Ellingwood La Plata Peak 1932 Pyramid Peak 9 1957 58 T. J. Klayder Pikes Peak 1923 Crestone Peak 9 1957 59 Hugh E. Kingery Kit Carson Peak 1947 Columbia, Mt. 10 1957 60 Mark Bostwick Handies Peak 7 1958 61 James "Jim" Gianelos Pikes Peak 1954 Bierstadt, Mt. 9 1958 62 Charleen Arnold Maroon Peak 9 1958 63 Andrews D. Black Pikes Peak 1923 San Luis Peak 7 1959 64 Cleve McCarty 1959 65 Charles L. Mader Blanca Peak 1954 Snowmass Mountain 1959 66 Matt Canjar Columbia, Mt. 8 1960 67 Verne Cline Evans, Mt. 9 1960 68 Bob Dunlap El Diente 9 1961 69 Bill Alexander El Diente 9 1961 70 Tad Frost El Diente 9 1961 71 Amy Arnold 9 1961 72 Robert Wade 73 Jane Wyss Lindsey, Mt. 7 1962 74 Carol Rymer Culebra Peak 1959 Stewart Peak 7 1962 75 H. R. Briggs Pikes Peak 1918 Crestone Peak 7 1962 76 May Briggs Pikes Peak 1918 Crestone Peak 7 1962 77 Molly Grund (Sethman) Grays Peak 1941 Eolus, Mt. 8 1962 78 Robin Simmons Lindsey, Mt. 9 1962 79 James Schofield Lindsey, Mt. 9 1962 80 Anne Hutchins (Wyss) Grays Peak Aug 1954 Lindsey, Mt. 8 1964 81 David H. Tripp Yale, Mt. 9 1952 Pikes Peak 9 1965 82 Janet Johnson Longs Peak 1956 Capitol Peak 1965 83 Russell Palmer Elbert, Mt. Aug 1957 Snowmass Mountain 7 1966 84 James Gehres Longs Peak Jul 1962 Wilson Peak 8 1966 85 Buzz Frum Longs Peak Aug 1961 Kit Carson Peak 8 1966 86 Lou Ripp Longs Peak 1944 Princeton, Mt. 9 1966 87 Ed Wallick Mt. of the Holy Cross 8 1967 88 Bill Graves Longs Peak Jul 1948 N. Maroon Peak 9 1967 89 Lynn Ridsdale Elbert, Mt. 1950 Mt. of the Holy Cross 1967 90 R. J. Campbell Pikes Peak Jun 1964 Kit Carson Peak 5 1968 91 Gene F. White Longs Peak Aug 1948 Mt. of the Holy Cross 7 1968 92 Thompson Marsh Evans, Mt. 1925 Sneffels, Mt. 8 1968 93 Marlow Richards Longs Peak 1962 Pyramid Peak 8 1968 94 Wallace G. Clemens Sneffels, Mt. 1959 Pikes Peak 8 1968 95 Jack McLane Shavano, Mt. Jun 1953 Snowmass Mountain 8 1968 96 George N. Smith Longs Peak 1948 Snowmass Mountain 1968 97 Flint K. Smith Sherman, Mt. 1962 Snowmass Mountain 1968 98 Quade B. Smith Sherman, Mt. 1962 Snowmass Mountain 1968 99 Cody J. Smith Democrat, Mt. 1964 Snowmass Mountain 1968 100 Tyle A. Smith Sherman, Mt. 1966 Snowmass Mountain 1968 101 Allen Greene Longs Peak 1944 Sherman, Mt. 1968 102 Lenore Greene Grays Peak 1952 Sherman, Mt. 1968 103 Bryce Johnston Longs Peak 1960 Quandary Peak 6 1969 104 Jack Harry Pikes Peak 7 1969 105 Al Ossinger Snowmass Mountain Jul 1969 El Diente 8 1969 106 Spencer Swanger La Plata Peak 8 1969 107 Robert A. Banks Pikes Peak Jul 1967 Snowmass Mountain 8 1969 108 Bob Graham Pikes Peak Jul 1967 Snowmass Mountain 8 1969 109 Margaret B. Wyss Longs Peak Aug 1944 San Luis Peak 8 1969 110 C. Paul Johnson Handles Peak Jun 1954 Pikes Peak 8 1969 111 Jo9h Fromme Pikes Peak Jul 1967 San Luis Peak 9 1969 112 Charles Dozois Redcloud Peak Jul 1961 Pyramid Peak 9 1969 113 Barbara Ann Scheer Pikes Peak 1961 Crestone Peak 1969 114 Darrell Brown 115 L. Gale Holcomb Longs Peak 1957 Eolus, Mt. 6 1970 116 Susan Marsh Longs Peak Jun 1934 Eolus, Mt. 8 1970 117 Lester A. Michel Quandary Peak Jul 1949 Longs Peak 8 1970 118 Leonard Ellis Longs Peak Aug 1964 San Luis Peak 9 1970 119 Jean Aschbacher Columbia, Mt. 9 1970 120 Fred Jensen Eolus, Mt. Jul 1960 Kit Carson Peak 9 1970 121 Jim Austin Quandary Peak May 1969 Sunlight Peak 5 1971 122 Sidney Arnold Huron, Mt. Jul 1956 Blanca, Mt. 7 1971 123 Peter Arnold Quandary Peak 1962 Little Bear Peak 7 1971 124 Jon Shirley Torreys Peak Jul 1959 Little Bear Peak 8 1971 125 Kathy Stier Yale, Mt. Jun 1967 Crestone Peak 8 1971 126 Judy Bird Torreys Peak 11 1968 Eolus, Mt. 8 1971 127 Albert Yarian Bierstadt, Mt. Mar 1966 Capitol Peak 8 1971 128 Robert Stuemky Capitol Peak 8 1971 129 Peter Cosgriff Longs Peak 9 1961 Crestone Peak 8 1971 130 Rich Riefenberg Grays Peak 9 1964 Pyramid Peak 8 1971 131 James Banks Longs Peak Aug 1945 Wilson Peak 9 1971 132 William Glinkman Sherman, Mt. Aug 1964 Columbia, Mt. 10 1971 133 James Caruthers Longs Peak 1953 El Diente 1971 134 Larry K. Sanders Pikes Peak Jun 1960 Kit Carson Peak 7 1972 135 Jo9h E. Jensen Evans, Mt. Aug 1962 Little Bear Peak 8 1972 136 Carl Hinrichs Elbert, Mt. 9 1969 Pikes Peak 9 1972 137 L. A. Ulrich Longs Peak 1948 Wetterhorn Peak 9 1972 138 Dick Dietz Shavano, Mt. Mar 1970 Eolus, Mt. 9 1972 139 Karl Gustafson N. Maroon Peak 1949 Wilson, Mt. 7 1973 140 Paul B. Vurpillat Longs Peak Aug 1969 N. Maroon & Maroon 7 1973 141 John H. Carpenter Antero, Mt. Jul 1964 Crestone Needle 8 1973 142 James "Jim" R. Clark Pikes Peak Aug 1967 Sherman, Mt. 8 1973 143 Stan Laidlaw Massive, Mt. May 1969 El Diente 9 1973 144 T. Darryl Hickey La Plata Peak Jun 1970 Blanca, Mt. 9 1973 145 Harry C. Hoyt Longs Peak Aug 1941 Bierstadt, Mt. 9 1973 146 Bob Emrick Longs Peak Jun 1953 Crestone Peak 6 1974 147 Louis Rutledge Grays & Torreys Pks. Jun 1965 El Diente 7 1974 148 Billy E. Steinkuhler Torreys Peak Aug 1963 N. Maroon & Maroon 7 1974 149 Fred J. Sorensen Sherman, Mt. Jun 1972 N. Maroon Peak 7 1974 150 Nancy Keenan Longs Peak Aug 1961 Capitol Peak 8 1974 151 Tom Macey San Luis Peak Jun 1971 Capitol Peak 8 1974 152 Fred Ruckhaus Longs Peak Jul 1943 Handies Peak 8 1974 153 Herman Richman Longs Peak Jul 1961 Evans, Mt. 8 1974 154 William Askwig Yale, Mt. Jun 1970 Sherman, Mt. 8 1974 155 Bob Sayre Handies Peak 1928 El Diente 8 1974 156 Bob Moston Sneffels, Mt. 1957 El Diente 8 1974 157 Morris A. Esmiol, Jr. Princeton, Mt. Aug 1938 Longs Peak 8 1974 158 Art Tauchen Elbert, Mt. Aug 1969 La Plata Peak 9 1974 159 Marg Durrum Longs Peak 1965 Capitol Peak 9 1974 160 John B. Holiman Belford, Mt. Aug 1964 Handies Peak 9 1974 161 Charles I. Brown Capitol Peak Longs Peak 9 1974 162 John Miller Pikes Peak 9 1974 163 Carson Black Democrat, Mt. Jun 1969 Yale, Mt. 6 1975 164 Benjamin D. Rhodes Grays Peak Jul 1951 Lindsey, Mt. 7 1975 165 Gerry Roach Massive, Mt. Jul 1957 Crestone Peak 7 1975 166 John B. Robinette Wilson, Mt. Jul 1968 Eolus, Mt. 7 1975 167 Frederick Martinson Longs Peak Aug 1970 San Luis Peak 8 1975 168 Carolyn Altfather Longs Peak Jul 1968 N.

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