Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast 85813 0 High tide- 2 T artl,, cloudyv. Low tide~l-5: 8,)m 'linds N 2) Sutze'tLs--- 7:On2nr knots. Sax' condi tions fig h--- 87 3-5 feet. Low -- 7) noilatamiThe Wavy's onlUshool&dat bsddai Eu Vol. 32, :o. 58 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Thursday, larch 24, 1977 'Mocksdthe hope of peace' o Ford comments on Soviet military buildup NEW YORK (UPI)--Former Pres. Gerald Ford said yesterday a massive military buildup by the Soviet Union "mocks the hope of peace" and imperils chances for a meaningful nuclear arms agreement. Ford called his administration's agreement with the Russians to place a ceiling on strategic arms "a giant step away from a rendezvous with nuclear destruction." But in his first major foreign policy statement since leaving the White House, he said, "The Soviet Union has embarked on a massive military buildup that mocks the hope of peace and threatens the chance for ONCE UPON A MATTRESS: The chorus, from Once Upon a Mattress, practices a meaningful arms accord." the finale of Act I, I'm In Love With a Girl Named Fred. The first of In remarks prepared for delivery to a luncheon of Eisenhower exchange three performances will be at the elementary school outdoor theater to- students at the Union Club, Ford said the upcoming Strategic Arms Limita- night at 8. Subsequent performances will be tomorrow and Saturday nights. tion Talks "will be diEfficult." Tickets are $2.50 for students and $3 for adults with proceeds going to But be added that in the debate on confirming Paul Warnke to be chief the High School Scholarship Fund. (Photo by FLTAVCENCARIB) U.S. arms negotiator, the Senate issued this warning to Soviet leaders: "The Soviet buildup has not escaped our attention, and the United States Izvestia reports will not accept a treaty that leaves our national. security in jeopardy." Ford said the Soviet Union must be assured "that every responsible lead- er in this country, regardless of political affiliation, is committed to Soviets to consider proposals the success of these talks, and that all stand behind the President and his associates in the hope for an effective new treaty." MOSCOW (AP)--The Soviet government Ford said the world "has seen too much of war in the 20th century, too newspaper Izvestia says serious con- much suffering and dying on bloodstained fields of battle. Surely there sideration will be given to proposals must be a better way, and we must spare no effort to find it." brought here by Secy. of State Cyrus Vance.this despite U.S. statements critical of the human rights situa- tion in the Soviet Union. Desai named Indian prime minister In a break with previous press statements, the report acknowledged chose Desai over former Agriculture the logic of U.S. positions that is- Minister Jagjivan Ram, the other sues such as human rights and arms leading contender. limitation are not linked formally. Desai, who tried unsuccessfully The' report comes two days after to become prime minister three times Soviet Communist leader Leonid in the past, is to be sworn in as Brezhnev implied that progress in leader of the new government later any talks might not be possible be- Warnke Ieae~o today. cause of U.S. statements about what U.S. Arms Negotiator Paul Warnke With Desai and the New People's Russia claims are internal affairs. says he has studied Brezhnev's speech Party formally taking power, India It follows by one day Pres. closely and he believes Brezhnev was entered a political era in which Carter's response to the Brezhnev just repeating long-time Soviet the Congress Party that led India speech. Carter said he would con- policy over what Moscow feels is to independence in 1947 is now in tinue to speak out on Soviet civil U.S. meddling in their domestic af- the opposition for the first time. liberties. fairs. NEW DELHI (AP)--Morarji Desai has Warnke says the Soviet irritation been selected as India's new prime Last minute deal will make a "difference in the cli- minister. He is an 81-year-old sea- mate" of the arms talks, but "it's soned politician and tough admini- not pivotal" to the outcome. strator who led his New People's Labor Party survives vote Warnke and Secy. of State Cyrus Party to a stunning victory in the Vance leave for Moscow tomorrow for national elections. Callaghan was rescued from threat- - preliminary discussions with the In a climax to his three-year-long ened defeat by a last minute deal Soviets on arms control. campaign to oust Prime Minister with the small Liberal Party. The Indira Gandhi from power, the choice party threw its support to his mi- of prime minister was made by 74- nority government in exchange for a Power outage scheduled year-old Jayaprakash Narayan. He promise to be consulted on policy. Political commentators in Britain in housing areas today say the Liberal-Labor Party arrange-- ment in the House of Commons is un- There will be a power outage from precedented in British politics. 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. today, which The Labor Party held on to power by will affect all of Tierra-K, Kittery a vote of 322-298, in the 635-memberr Beach, Iguana Terrace, and Villamar Commons. 264 A & D housing. Purpose of the The call for the vote came from outage is to relocate a primary pow- Conservatives unhappy with the lead-- er line and pole out of the ball World News Digest ership of Callaghan. field located near the Kittery Beach The vote came after the two substation. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)--On his way parties worked out a political coop - home from talks with Pres. Carter, eration agreement. Observers say Japanese Prime Minister Takeo LONTON (A?)--The Labor Parry of it's the first time a Labor govern- Vietnam ready to establish Fukuda talked about big business at Prime Minister James Callaghan sur- ment has secured a working relation- - a news conference here yesterday. wived a confidence vote in Parlia- ship with an opposition party with- diplomatic relations He said he favors construction of ment late yesterday. out going into a formal coalition. Japanese car and TV plants in the (UPI)--The special pres- United States as joint ventures WASHINGTON rights idential commission that visited with American industry. Picketing Vietnam and Laos for Pres. Carter WASHINGTON (UPI)--The Senate re- has reported, "Vietnam is prepared jected another attack on its pro- House narrowly defeats labor measure to establish diplomatic relations posed code of ethics yesterday. The with us." by the senators defeated a proposal to WASHINGTON (AP)--The House has would open the floodgates for fur- Its report, made public says Laos is strip the code of its limits on narrowly defeated a measure which ther labor legislation, for in- President yesterday, clearly interested in establishing a outside earnings, but at the same would have expanded the power of stance, a law repealing state pow- laws. new and friendlier relationship. time tightened financial disclosure construction workers on picket ers to approve right-to-work commission said there requirements. The challenge was lines. Labor had claimed the picketing bill However, the is no indication of any immediate led by Connecticut's Lowell Weicker, The action gives organized labor would merely restore equal rights to construction workers by letting diplomatic steps in that direction who claims the code is unconstitu- a crushing defeat in its first try work sites. as regards relations with Laos. tional. at pushing its major goals in the them picket entire new Democratic Congress. The House Before the vote was taken, House Carter said the U.S. will resume Speaker Thomas O'Neill took a swipe negotiations, without preconditions TEHRAN, Iran (UPI)--Unofficial voted 217-205 against the bill which at organized labor's lobbying ef- or delay, to establish friendly and reports reaching here put the death labor backers said would have given forts in support of the bill. The normal relations with Vietnam. toll from Tuesday's Iranian earth- construction workers picketing Massachusetts lawmaker said they The commission in its report said quake at 131, including 100 in one rights equal to members of other came on too late to counter well- the Hanoi regime continues to expect Persian Gulf port town alone. But unions. financed conservative efforts to a considerable contribution to post- government news and broadcast ser- The legislation came under fire kill the measure. war reconstruction of Vietnam. vices say 83 persons were killed. from conservatives who said it "uantanamo Nazette Thursday, "archi 24, 1077 AL-ANON METS i 7 p.m. in the Himiiin Risources Hll Idinog. Community Don't WATER STATUS Bulletin for e YESTERDAY'S r'GURr', 1 TARGET CONSUMPTION: ,350, Board ACTUAL CONSUMPTION: 1,51 CC TOTAL IN STORAGE: 15,238, 0y TAXES Sports GIRL SCOUT COOKIES PHASE I DISCO Girl Scout Cookies sale in are on Phase I Disco will appear at the Gitmo this week. Support the COMPANY L MARINE WIVES' CLUB local MOTOCROSS Staff NCO Club Saturday night from scouts and buy a box of cookies. 9 until 1. Company L Marine i'ives will meet This year's selection includes thin The Sherman Avenue Motocross will Monday at 120-Villamar at 7:30 p.m. mint, lemon creme, chocolate chip, sponsor their usual bi-weekly motor- For more information call Lynn chocolate and vanilla creme, peanut cycle clinic Saturday at 1 p.m. ColllllissaIlTF, - 11 1110 Middleton at 97165. butter, Scot teas and chedderettes.
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