John Carroll University Carroll Collected Football Programs Athletics Department 10-21-1949 Carroll vs. Marshall, 1949 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/football Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "Carroll vs. Marshall, 1949" (1949). Football Programs. 15. http://collected.jcu.edu/football/15 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Athletics Department at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in Football Programs by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ATHLETIC REVIEW • TWENTY -FIVE CENTS JCU MARSHALL • • The Mar hall College of Huntington, W. Va., ifl meeting the John Carroll Blue treaks tonight ATHLETIC REVIEW in the latter': opening home game of the 1949 c·ea on. Home from a long road trip which in­ • cluded one intersectional tilt and thre matches in ide the stat , the treak~ will be encounter­ Official Football Magazine ing the 1\llar hall Thundering Herd for the third time in a series which began in 1927. Price Twenty- five Cents For gridiron heroes So far the record fltands at a tie and a victory for .arroll. The first conte ·t re ulted in a 6-6 • deadlock when a Marshall back intercepted a or grandstand quarterbacks •.. pa s and went 90 yards for the equalizer, this John Carroll University in old Luna Park in leveland. La t year on MaL·hall'c home field, the Streak won handily. SEASON OF 1949 the All-American family car! 20-6. ext Friday night, October 28, again at the THOMAS C. BYRNE, Dtrector of Advertising Cleveland Stadium, Carroll goe against a tough Dowling Green team which went undefeated in C O NTEN T S ten games last year. The only blot on the Fal­ con record was a 13-13 tie with the Streaks, a Game Forecast and Ticket Information ....................... .. gam that provided four periods of bitterly­ President's Message ......... .. 3 contested football. arroll has yet to taste de­ feat from the Falcon gTiclders, the , erie stand­ Carroll's Athletic Director and Coach ............................ 5 in g· at two victories and the tie. Ei sele's Assistants ...... ..... ....... .. .... .... ................. .. 7 Blue Streaks .............................................9, 11 , 13, 15 All-Time Record Against 1949 Opponents .................... 17 John Carroll Univet sity ...................................... ......... 19 Carroll's 1949 Squad Roster .......................................... 21 Tickets for the remaining t hree home games of the Streaks can be purcha ed at the John Starting Lineups ....... ..... .. .. ............ ...................... 22, 23 Carroll Univer ity Ticket Office, located in the Opponent's 1949 Squad Roster .. .................................. 2-1 lobby of the Administration Building on the Bond ond 1948 Gome Statistics ................... ....... ....... 26 university campus at Miramar and Carroll Blvds., niversity Heights 18, 0. Tickets can Opponents' 1949 Schedules and 1948 Results ........ 28, 30 also be obtained at the ticket office of Richman A11 7Time Record ond Highlights ............. .. ... ... ...... 32 * Brothers, 736 Euclid Ave., in downtown leve­ $., •••••• Carroll's Development Pion ...................................... 34 land, during the week of each home game. For only -•'tttt Carroll 's fi nal away game with Canisius College fhe Alumni Association ...................................... 36 of Duft'alo, N. Y., ticket can be purchased al Placement Service ...................................................... 38 t he university. Cheers and Songs .................................... ... 40 Ticket prices are a follows: Opponent's Coaching Stoff .................................. .. ..... 42 (1) $2.50 box and reserved seats-upper deck (re erved seats are the fir t i r rows behind Opponent's Campus ond History .................................... 44 ••. World's first 2-cars-in-one boxes). (2) $2 reserved seat -upper deck, all ·ec­ ]'o iL rnllthe sig 11 als! Your Kaiser Traveler put s two cars V rir ·i n ~ power to .- pare! Ve lvet · ~ moot h Thundc rh ad tions. at your d i. posa 1. Ion 10 . c n ci s. ou can convr rt thi s bi g, en gin e k e p yo u a head of the fi eld nn long run ~ .. ~ lip s (3) $1.50 re erved section (students)-lower beautifu l 6-passengc r lu xury ~ rdan to a hu ~ ky cargo you thrnugh traffic ~ m o nth l y . 7.3-to-1 hi gh co mpression deck, sections 6, 7, 8, 9. Visitors' sections are Compliments c r ui ~c r. .. rcacly to help pay it own way. r a tio sla h s gas costs. section 36 and 37. (4) $1 general admission-lower deck, all Looh· ttl that. big, lm rlyba(·k! A 10-foot lon g, stecl·shod P lentyofextra poin ts! Th Kaise r Travele r gives you of an 'extra car' for your money ... two kind · of ars for the section· except tho e hown in (3). (General hold. with 130 cubic feet o( room to hau l fo otba ll gear or admission not sold at Richman Brother . ) oak vc n cr ... b a t , boxes or bale of hay. price f onl y one. o why sit on the s icl el in e wh n you can drive a K a iser Traveler! The Streaks' remaining home games, all at A m erica's sm ar/Ps l line play! The we ping lin e o f a Cleveland Stadium, are : Walter Davis big, big car add to your pridr. plca~ur c and rid ing case. See ,Your K a i M'r- Prn ;:,pr rfpa fer for a rfpm o ll sl r a tin 11 Friday, Oct. 28-Bowling Green, 8:15 p.m. Big 123\6 " wheelba c e nd · '::- lwrt cur fa ti gue'. Jl ear \\'a ltn \\'inch\' 11. Ewry. ' uncl ay ev('ning. A. B . Friday, ov. 4-Case Tech, :15 p.m. *}"'a c ( ory d~li ucrcd, eq urpp•d. f'ed.taxpauL Transportatron,localuu es (ijony) add'l. C J9" 9 KA I SER- FRA ZER SALE S COR P .. WILLOW RUII. r.IIC II . Saturday, ov. 19-Baldwin-Wall ace, 2 p.m. 1 • The Mar hall Coll ege of Huntington, W. Va., is meeting the John arroll Blue treak tonight ATHLETIC REVIEW in the latter' opening home game of the 1949 season. Home from a long road trip which in­ • cl ud d one in ter ctional t il t and t hree matches inside the tate, the Streak will be encounter­ Official Football Magazine ing the Mar hall Thundering Herd for the t hird time in a . eries which began in 1927. Price Twenty-five Cents For gridiron heroes So far the record stand at a tie and a victory for .arroll. The fir t conte t resulted in a 6-6 • deadlock when a Marshall back intercepted a or grandstand quarterbacks •.. pass and went 90 yards for the equalizer, t his John Carroll University in old Luna Park in leveland. Last year on Mar ha ll 's home field, the Streak wo n handily. SEASON OF 1949 the A ll-A merican ja1nily car! 20-6 . ext F riday nig ht, October 28, ao·ai n at t he THOMAS C. BYRNE, Director of Advertisi ng Cleveland Stadium, Carroll goes against a tough Dowling Green team which went undefeated in C O NTE N TS ten games Ia t year. The only blot on t he Fal­ con r cord wa a 13-13 tie with the Streaks, a Game Forecast and T icket Information ....................... .. game that provided four periods of bitter ly­ President's Message ................................................... .. 3 conte ted football. Carroll has yet to taste de­ 5 feat f rom the Falcon gridder , the eries tand­ Correll's Athletic Director and Coach ........................... ing at two victories and t he tie. Eisele's Assistants ......................................................... 7 Blue Streaks .................................................. 9, 11, 13, 15 Al l-Time Record Against 1949 Opponents .................... 17 John Carroll Unive1 sity .................................................. 19 Carroll's 1949 Squad Roster ......... ................................. 21 Tickets for t he remaining t hree home games of the Streak can be purcha eel at the J ohn Srorting Lineups ..................................................... 22, 23 Ca rroll niversity Ticket Office, located in t he Opponent's 1949 Squad Roster ..... .. ............................... 24 lob by of the Administrat ion Building on the university campus at Miramar and Carroll Bond and 1948 Game Statistics ........... ......................... 26 Blvds., niversity Heigh ts 18, 0 . Tickets can Opponents' 1949 Schedules and 1948 Resu lts ........ 28, 30 al o be ob tained at the ticket office of Richman All ~ Time Record and Highlights .................................... 32 * Brother s, 736 Euclid Ave., in downtown Cleve­ $.,., •••• land, during t he week of each home game. F or Carroll's Development Pl a n ..................... ....................... 34 only -••tttt Carroll' fmal away game wit h Canisius College f he Alumni Assoc ia tion ................................... ............ 36 r of Buffalo, Y. , tick ts can be purcha. ed at Placement Service .......................................................... 38 t he university. Cheers and Songs ........................................................ 40 Ticket price are as follows : Opponent's Coaching Stoff ........ .................................... 42 (1) $2.50 box andre erved eats-upper deck (reserved seats are the first six row beh ind Opponent's Campus and History .................................... 44 ... World's first 2-cars-in-one boxe ) . (2) $2 re erved eat -upper deck, all ec­ Yon en// the signa ls! Your Kai rTravelcr put two ca rs Dri l'ing power to sp a re! Velvr l ·!'lll On l h Thunde rh ead tion . at your dispo a l. In 10 seconds. yo u ·a n onv •rt thi big, cngin kee ps you ahead of the fie ld on lon g runs . ~ li p s (3) $1.50 reserved section (students)-lower brautifu l 6-pa . e ngcr lu xury f:. cda n to a hu ~ ky cargo yo u through tra fli c smooth ly. 7.3-to-l hi gh com pression deck, sections 6, 7, 8, 9.
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