June 13, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4673 passed a DREAM Act, and we sent it to Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I will be Resolution 431 and rule XVIII, the the Senate and the Senate didn’t pass happy to give the gentleman a review Chair declares the House in the Com- it. So this House, when we were in the of the restaurant. I am sure it will be mittee of the Whole House on the state majority, did do that, but we couldn’t really good. of the Union for the further consider- get 60 votes in the Senate. We know I wish the gentleman well, and I wish ation of the bill, H.R. 2740. that problem. It so happens we were in all fathers a happy Father’s Day this Will the gentleman from California the majority, but we couldn’t get 60 weekend. (Mr. COX) kindly resume the chair. votes for that at that point in time. I look forward to seeing the gen- We could go on a long time about tleman back in a few days, and with b 1412 pointing fingers at who has done what that, Mr. Speaker, I yield back the bal- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE and when, but the fact of the matter is ance of my time. Accordingly, the House resolved we have some people in real distress. f itself into the Committee of the Whole We have some Federal employees who House on the state of the Union for the have a responsibility who are being HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMOR- further consideration of the bill (H.R. greatly challenged. We need to address ROW, AND ADJOURNMENT FROM 2740) making appropriations for the De- that, and I am urging that we do that FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2019, TO TUES- partments of Labor, Health and Human as quickly as we possibly can. DAY, JUNE 18, 2019 Services, and Education, and related Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, hope- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I ask agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- fully, we can continue that work unanimous consent that when the tember 30, 2020, and for other purposes, through the weekend and get that done House adjourns today, it adjourn to with Mr. COX of California (Acting next week. I know there is other work meet at 1 p.m. tomorrow, and further, Chair) in the chair. the House is getting ready to take up when the House adjourns on that day, The Clerk read the title of the bill. on the appropriations bills. it adjourn to meet at noon on Tuesday, The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- On one final note, as we approach Fa- June 18, 2019, for morning-hour debate mittee of the Whole rose earlier today, ther’s Day on Sunday, I would also like and 2 p.m. for legislative business. pursuant to House Resolution 436, to wish the gentleman from Maryland Mr. ROY. Mr. Speaker, reserving the amendment No. 2 printed in part B of a happy birthday tomorrow. So, hope- right to object, is that session tomor- House Report 116–111 offered by the fully, the gentleman has some fun row that we would be meeting a pro gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. events planned this weekend, maybe go forma session? PASCRELL) had been disposed of. eat some Maryland crabs. If my friend Mr. HOYER. Yes. is really lucky, we will give him some Mr. ROY. Will there be any amend- AMENDMENTS EN BLOC NO. 1 OFFERED BY MRS. gulf crabs from the Gulf of Mexico. I ments related to this current appro- LOWEY OF NEW YORK won’t sing ‘‘Happy Birthday’’ to the priations bill taken up during that Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Chairman, pursu- gentleman. time? ant to House Resolution 431, I offer Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gen- Mr. HOYER. No, we do not expect amendments en bloc. tleman. any business to be conducted. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Mr. HOYER. We are about to deliver The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without designate the amendments en bloc. a chit, if you will, for a dinner for four objection, the reservation is with- Amendments en bloc No. 1 consisting at one of the famous crab houses here drawn. of amendments No. 86, 88, 90, 95, 97, 99, in Washington as the result of Louisi- There was no objection. 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, and 106 printed ana’s not treating the University of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there in part B of House Report 116–109, of- Maryland nearly as thoughtfully as objection to the request of the gen- fered by Mrs. LOWEY of New York: they could have, and I lost that bet. tleman from Maryland? AMENDMENT NO. 86 OFFERED BY MR. COHEN OF But I appreciate my friend’s wish for a There was no objection. TENNESSEE happy birthday. f At the end of division D (before the short God has been very good to me, and I title), insert the following: am looking forward to celebrating that DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, SEC. ll. (a) None of the funds appro- birthday. My daughters were a little HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, priated or otherwise made available by this premature. We celebrated it last Satur- AND EDUCATION, AND RELATED Act may be made available to enter into any new contract, grant, or cooperative agree- day, too, so we are going to have a AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2020 ment with any entity listed in subsection number of celebrations on this birth- (b). day, and then hopefully everybody will The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. (b) The entities listed in this subsection forget it, including me. KRISHNAMOORTHI). Pursuant to House are the following: Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago, Trump International Hotel & Golf Links Ire- Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, Las Chicago, IL land (formerly The Lodge at Doonbeg), Vegas, NV Doonbeg, Ireland Trump National Doral Miami, Miami, FL Trump International Hotel & Tower New Trump SoHo New York, New York City, NY York, New York City, NY Trump International Hotel & Tower, Van- Trump International Hotel Waikiki, Hono- Trump International Hotel Washington, DC couver, Vancouver, Canada lulu, HI Trump Tower, 721 Fifth Avenue, New York Trump World Tower, 845 United Nations Trump Park Avenue, 502 Park Avenue, New City, New York Plaza, New York City, New York York City, New York Trump International Hotel & Tower, NY Trump Parc East, 100 Central Park South, Trump Palace, 200 East 69th Street, New New York City, New York York City, New York Heritage, Trump Place, 240 Riverside Blvd, Trump Place, 220 Riverside Blvd, New York Trump Place, 200 Riverside Blvd, New York New York City, New York City, New York City, New York Trump Grande, Sunny Isles, FL Trump Hollywood Florida, Hollywood, Flor- Trump Plaza, New Rochelle, NY ida Trump Tower at City Center, Westchester, NY Trump Park Residences, Yorktown, NY Trump Parc Stamford, Stamford, Con- necticut Trump Plaza Residences, Jersey City, NJ The Estate at Trump National, Los Angeles, Trump Towers Pune, India, Pune, India CA Trump Tower Mumbai, India, Mumbai, India Trump Towers Makati, Philippines, Makati, Trump International Vancouver, Vancouver, Philippines Canada Trump Towers Istanbul, Sisli, Istanbul, Sisli Trump Tower Punta Del Este, Uruguay, Punta Sel Este, Uruguay Briar Hall Operations LLC, New York, New DT Dubai Golf Manager LLC, New York, DT Dubai Golf Manager Member Corp, New York New York York, New York VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:17 Jun 14, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K13JN7.114 H13JNPT1 lotter on DSK3G9T082PROD with HOUSE H4674 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 13, 2019 DT Dubai II Golf Manager LLC, New York, DT Home Marks International LLC, New DT Home Marks International Member Corp, New York York, New York New York, New York DT India Venture LLC, New York, New York DT India Venture Managing Member Corp, DT Marks Baku LLC, New York, New York New York, New York DT Marks Baku Managing Member Corp, New DT Marks Dubai LLC, New York, New York DT Marks Dubai Member Corp, New York, York, New York New York DT Marks Dubai II LLC, New York, New York DT Marks Dubai II Member Corp, New York, New York DT Marks Gurgaon LLC, New York, New York DT Marks Gurgaon Managing Member Corp, DT Marks Jersey City LLC, New York, New New York, New York York DT Marks Jupiter LLC, New York, New York DT Mark Qatar LLC, New York, New York DT Marks Qatar Member Corp, New York, New York DT Marks Products International LLC, New DT Marks Product International Member DT Marks Pune LLC, New York, New York York, New York Corp, New York, New York DT Marks Pune Managing Member Corp, New DT MARKS PUNE II LLC, New York, New DT Marks Pune II Managing Member Corp, York, New York York New York, New York DT Marks Rio LLC, New York, New York DT Marks Rio Member Corp, New York, New DT Marks Vancouver LP, New York, New York York DT Marks Vancouver Managing Member Corp, DT Marks Worli LLC, New York, New York DT Marks Worli Member Corp, New York, New York, New York New York DT Tower Gurgaon LLC, New York, New York DT Tower Gurgaon Managing Member Corp, Indian Hills Holdings LLC f/k/a Indian Hills New York, New York Development LLC, New York, New York Jupiter Golf Club LLC (Trump National Gold Jupiter Golf Club Managing Member Corp, Lamington Family Holdings LLC, New York, Club-Jupiter), New York, New York New York, New York New York Lawrence Towers Apartments, New York, New LFB Acquisition LLC, New York, New York LFB Acquisition Member Corp, New York, York New York Mar A Lago Club, Inc, Palm Beach, Florida Mar A Lago Club, L.L.C, New York, New Nitto World Co, Limited, Turnberry, Scot- York land OPO Hotel Manager LLC, New York, New OPO Hotel Manager Member Corp, New OWO Developer LLC, New York, New York York York, New York TIGL Ireland Enterprises Limited (Trump TIGL Ireland Management Limited, Ace Entertainment Holdings Inc (f/k/a International Golf Links- Doonbeg), Doonbeg, Ireland Trump Casinos Inc and formerly Trump Doonbeg, Ireland Taj Mahal, Inc), Atlantic City, NJ Trump Chicago Commercial Member Corp, Trump Chicago Commercial Manager
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