University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1973 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 10-12-1973 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 077, No 35, 10/ 12/1973 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1973 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 077, No 35, 10/12/1973." 77, 35 (1973). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1973/113 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1973 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 37¥': 7~? u~,3tPvv Ne\N Mexico. ~c: V./7 . uQ) c: No.3~ DAILY. Q) Co ;}-._ 1- F1 Friday, October 12, 1973 ' ·. ~ t.i't:Jil ~;-> . Israeli Troops Move • • • And He's s~,;JtSmiling. Into Syrian Territory IJy .JEFF LEE or''"' Lobo Slalf TEL AVIV (UPI)~Isracli troops It said the forces "penctrutcd to a David Stivers is an unusual young and tanks launched an offensive depth of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) man·-either muckraker or trouble­ into Syria Thursday, slashing nwre into S,Yrian territory and Me maker, depending on where you than six miles up the road tow11rd continumg their advance on the stand-and always meticulous. The the capital of Dumuscus with dive~ Qneitra-Damascus axis." 20-yct~r-old university student has bombin9 warplanes paving the Oayun visited the Heights Inter upset and angered an impressive way. a n111itary communique said. and told newsmen there that he list of institutions in hisaattempt to Defense M111ister M oshe Dayan. 11 didn't know how far the troops had disclose irregularities in the con­ who once snid it was downhill" ull penetrated "but they me heading struction of portions of Interstate the wuy to Dama~eus. told news­ toward Damascus •.• Highway 25 just south of Albu­ men at the front that the syriun querque. defense forces were "pructlcally "I think today the Syrians will So far, the Junior physics major broken.'' find out th!! route from Damascus has taken on Oc-C'on inc .. a Texas After a day of almost non-stop to Tel Aviv is the route thnl leads based firm with contracts through­ Israeli air attacks Hgainst Syrian from Tel Aviv to DnnHtscus.'' out the country: J. H. Lacy Co .• a targets. the communique said the "I think that their (the Syrinns') subcontractor to Co-Con: the New armored column stormed out of military forces :tre practically M cxico S Ia te Highway Department the Gohtn Heights und broke broken," Dnyan said. "Some arc and the Bernalillo County Sheriff's throu~h the Syrian front line of withdrawing. some nrc running Department, and if he hus not minelickls and tank traps. away.'' always won every bout, he has at least not yet lost many. IT ALL DEGAN last summer when Stivers began working for the Lacy company which had the con­ At Noontime Rally tract to pave an extension of 1-25. He was put on the rebar rlacing machine. Rebar is metal rm which State and Federal authorities say must be used when separately Fund Report Delayed poured slabs arc joined together. ASUN M President Ross Perknl's Committee Chairperson Gil Gon­ Specifications dictnte that the report on expenditures made from zales but cancelled the meeting. 1-1 c 30-inch bars be placed every 30 emergency funds he created during ~mid he did not know the purpose inches down the center of the high­ the summer will nor be'givel1 until of the meeting and cancelled it to way. Stivers quotes his foreman on the ASUNM budget has been pas­ go to Santa Fe. the job as saying, "I want you to sed. "He (Gonzales) set up the put in them r.ebars only when the Pcrkal told the ASUNM senate inspectors are watching:· He fol­ appointment but I had to go to in its Sept. 5 meeting the report Santa Fe. Bub Henry, Judge. lowed those instructions until Aug. would be given ten days from that 10 when he quit the job. but on Hernandez and some other alumni meeting but he said yesterday it went to Santa Fe to invite the Sept. 19 he blew the whistle on the would be "ridiculous .. to make the firm, writing letters to New Mexico G ovcrnor to the homecoming report twice. game. Governor Bruce King, Texas Pcrkal explained expenditures Governor Dolph Briscoe, New made from the emergency fund to "They asked me if I wanted to Mexico Senators Montoya and campus organizations would be tag along and I had never met Domenici, the presidents of reimbursed by those organizations Bruce so I went. We had lunch and (Photo by Jeff Lee) Co-Con and Lacy, and the highway after the budget was passed. chatted," Perkal said. John Stivers (continued on·page 6) Perkal was to have discussed the Gonzales could not be reached matter yesterday with Finance for comment. • C · • • Budget First El.ect"tons om1nLss"ton 1 · 1 ·Finally Established Urge.nt Call for Donations By RICH ROBERTS On the local level he said the By MIKE MINTURN priating before the budget is pass­ . Or1heLohoS111ff response was good but the problem or the Lobo S1aff ed. If the budget fails, business of At a noontime rally in support of was sending them because no ·The establishment of an Elec­ appropriations must be handled Israel in the SUB. ballroom Sonny planes were. available and each tions Commission at Wednesday again. Altstock. graduate student in bio­ volunteer had to p:ty his or hcrown night's meeting of the ASUN M "We will be ·handing these logy and faculty. advisor for the wav. He said the Jewish C'om· Senate removed the .. legal block people a post-dated check on ~ Jewish Student Union, said there munitv Council would find out that was delaying any Senate action empty bank accCIUnl . until the was a "very urgent call for dona­ next week about the possibility of on the business of allocating funds budget is passed," Sen. Gomez told tions,; to the Israel. Emergency organizing a 5outhwcst area group to special interest groups. the senate. "I question the legality Fund, $170 raised so far at UNM night. A spokeswoman for the The Senate, which was awaiting of it." and over $200,000 in Albuquerque. council said 28 people fr.om A lbu· the establishment of an Elections Gomez stressed the importance He said he was happy with the querquc had given their names Hs Commission so a date could be set of the budget passing and asked reaction of people who had stop­ volun leers. for the budget election, appro­ those in the gallery to "tell your ped at the table in the SUB on He said pr.esently they were nsk­ priated · $10,747 to organizations friends to support the budget." Wednesday and given their ex­ ing only for those who could pay after a fjve week delay. IN OTHER BUSINESS. Barba­ pressions of support. their own way and as soon as they AFTER A PERIOD of long se­ ra Simmons was sworr1 in as chief Altstock repeated a call by the were sent. 1111 effort would be made nate deliberation in which the gal­ justice of the Student Court, mem­ Israeli government for volunteers. to send other volunteers. lery was allowed to voice opinions. bers were confirmed to various mostly in the 18-25 age range. for An appeal for blood was no a motion was passed to begin act­ ASUNM committees and James help behind the lines in non­ longer needed. Altstock said. since ing on appropriation bills with the Chavez and Sen. Lou Mascarenas combative roles for a period of six it had been met within a couple of stipulation that the organizations announced . their resignations as months. ·hours in New York alone. understand the senate is only mak· senators. Chavez's resignation, al­ He said with Israelis going to the Shaul Ben-David. associ:ttc pro­ ing a promise to allo~ate, pending though not yet official. was effec­ front there were no men to ke,ep fessor of economics. explained the passage of the budget. The Election tive at the end of the meeting, the economy going. especially with war sitttation again as well as play­ Corhmission has set Oct. I 7 as the while Mascarenas will femuin un­ .harvest time now in swing. ing a tape. from the Israeli Con­ date for the election which will be til the senate election is held on Altstock said there is only one sulate on the wur situation as of held in the SUB and other places to Nov. 7: Sen. Louis Tempkin an­ flight a day from New York to. noon. ·(Pholo by William Schmid!) He said there were twn points be allfl('>U need. · nounced that petitions for senate Israel which was loaded und there·· Sonny AI tstock Sen. Erllesto Gomez said he positions will he <tv<tilable toduy in were 500 volunteers wailing in C(1ncerning the reason for this war. .... questh1ncd the legality of appro· . , . (continued on pag(J 1{!) • h011d0t1 !O n.y Oll (. .,( C(imtinucd 011 page 5) Ford, Rockefeller Mentioned ;;p ~ ..."' _... .... "' Police News ... N in cty·six bicycles were z 0'> r<>gis!.ercd Monday and Tuesday at Gay Lib Dance .... 'l'hc Gay Liberation will have a Agnew's Successor Possibilities Pondered ~ ... (contin~Jccl {rom page 4) U1e bike registration held ut the :;,:: dunce on S~Lurday, Oct, 13 from WASH ING'I'ON (UPI)-While .g" Wltmcd against buying permits police station.
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