Finland Comrades Jacques Jurquet and Andre Roustan marched at the head of the procession. A mourning ceremony took place at the Wall of SOLEMN memorial meeting was held by the the Communards, when the marchers arrived there* at ^-Marxist-Leninist Groups of Finland on September 11 in Helsinki to deeply mourn the death of Chairman 4 p.m. They stood in silent tribute before a portrait of Mao Tsetung. More than 300 Finnish friends and the late Chairman Mao Tsetung. The representatives friendly personages attended the meeting. of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of France and the French Revolutionary Communist Party (Marxist- A message of condolence from the MarxistLeninist Leninist) respectively read out the messages of condol• Groups of Finland ite the Central Conimittee of the ences of tlie two Parties addressed to the Central Com• Communist Party of .China was read. mittee of the Communist Party of China, and laid The General Secretary and other leading members wreaths in the name of their Parties. of the Marxist-Leninist Groups of Finland spoke at the meeting. They gave an account of Chairman Mao'-s On September 9', more than 300 representatives of great exploits ki leading the revolution in China and the French papers VHumanite Rouge and Quotidien du in the struggle against modern revisionism. They point• Peuple deeply mourned the death of Chairman Mao ed out that Mao Tsetung was the greatest Marxist- Tsetung in front of the Chinese Embassy in Paris. : Leninist •fehinker and proletarian revolutionary of our Political director of VHumanite Rouge Jacques time. He devoted all his life to the cause of socialism Jurquet handed in a letter of condolence to the Chinese and communism. In half a century, Mao Tsetung ap• Embassy. • plied the principles of scientific socialism to the con• crete practice of the Chinese revolution, bringing about On September 10, a delegation of the French Rev• most profound changes in China's society. Mao Tsetung olutionary CoVnmunist Party (Marxist-Leninist) led by Thought is Marxism-Leninism of our time. The pass• Max Cluzot went to the Chinese Embassy to pay their ing of Chairman Mao Tsetung is a tremendous loss to most profound respects to the great leader and teacher all. the genuine communists and- the people of the world. Chairman Mao Tsetung. He will be respected for ever and Mao Tsetung Thought will be inherited from generation to generation. The France-China Friendship Society held a meet• ing in Paris on September 17 in memory of Chairman Mao Tsetung. Among the more than 5.000 people attending the France memorial meeting were former French Foreign Min• TV/TORE than 10,000 Parisians staged a march and rally ister Maurice Schumann, former deputy to the National Assembly Mme. Irene ds Lipkowski, political director -i-V-S- on September 11 in the deepest mourning for Chairman Mao-Tsetung. of VHumanite Rouge Jacques Jurquet, former French Ambassador to China Etienne Manac'h, the famous At 3 p.m., "workers, peasants, students, teachers Dutch film director Joris Ivens, the famous woman and other working people, many of them women, began writer Han Suyin and leaders of the France-China marching slowly and silently from The Republic Friendship Society. Square. A big wreath at the head of the procession bore the inscription: "To Comrade Mao Tsetung, the The meeting was presided over by the society's greatest Marxist-Leninist." Big streamers read: "Eter• executive chairman Charles Bettelheim, who said in his nal glory to Comrade Mao Tsetung, the great teacher speech: "The death of Chairman Mao presses an im• of the international proletariat!" "Long live socialist mense weight on the Chinese people and the peoples -of China!" "Long live Mao Tsetung Thought — Marxism- the whole world conscious of the value of his work." Leninism of our time!" He added.: "With the development of the friendship 40 Peking Review, No. 44 between. France and China, the passing of Chairman Mao's works more conscientiously and "carry the strug• Mao evokes particular deep emotion in France,"; gle against revisionism through to the end.. • ; / i Charles Bettelheim. emphasized: "Chairman Mao - More than 850 Greek people of various circles called passed away but his. thought' lives and will always. do at the Chinese Embassy from September JO.to 18.to ex• * so,"' He added that Mao Tsetung Thought will con• press deep grief over the passing of Chairman Mao tinue to guide the Chinese people's action and struggle, Tsetung. and that "the Chinese people v/ill keep alive the cause which Mao Tsetung lived for and march continuously The representatives of the Central Committee of towards new victories.'-' • • - the Organization of Marxist-Leninists of Greece called at the Chinese Embassy to convey their deep condol• Over 1,300 French friendly personages of various ences. Condolence calls were also made by representa• circles' called at the Chinese Embassy on September 18 tives of trade unions and other mass organizations. ; iig to express condolences on the" death of Chairman Mao On the evening of September 18, more than 1,000 Tsetung. ' people held a memorial meeting in Athens' to deeply " - " Five representatives of workers from the Renault mourn the passing of Chairman Mao Tsetung. Motor Factory in Billancourt in the suburb of Paris, A huge streamer hung over the portrait of Chairman presented a wreath of fresh roses before the portrait Mao Tsetung carried the inscription: "Eternal glory to of-Chairman Mao. They brought, a message of condol• Comrade Mao Tsetung, the greatest Marxist-Leninist of ence signed by. workers of the factory which- said: our times!" The meeting heard a memorial speech by Chairman Mao Tsetung -"restored dignity to the Chi• the representative of the Revolutionary Communist nese people. He struggled unremittingly against all Movement of Greece. The hall resounded with shouts of enemies of the working class. We are grateful to him "Long live Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought!'' because he enriched revolutionary thought." and "Long live the great, glorious and correct commu• nist Party of China!" .. ....v;^ ,r •. , ... ..0i - ' Many French friends came specially from Marseil-; les, Besancon, Bretagne, Lyons, Saint Etienne and other Memorial meetings also took place in Salonika, the cities.to the.Chinese Embassy to mourn Chairman Mao. second largest city in Greece, and in Patras, a city in the Peloponnesus Region. On ^e afternoon of September 18, more than. 1,500 French working people held a rally to deeply mourn Chairman Mao Tsetung in Gambetta Square near the Wall of the Communards. Representatives of the Sweden, French Revolutionary - Communist Party (Marxist- Leninist) spoke at the rally. The participants took part OME 1,200 members of the Swedish Communist in a march after the rally. S Party and other Swedish people took part in a inarch and a memorial meeting in Stockholm on Sep• tember 17. j - -, ' • '- • • - - Greece . Roland Pettersson, Chairman of the Swedish Com• munist Party, delivered "a memorial speech. He said: ORE than 2,000 people held a solemn memorial "Mao Tsetung was the Lenin of our time. He drew a M meeting on September 14 in Athens to deeply clear line of demarcation with modern revisionism in mourn the death of Chairman Mao Tsetung. every, sphere and firmly defended Marxism-Leninism. Stelios Manousakas, Member of the Central Com• Mao Tsetung creatively applied Marxism-Leninism to mittee of the Organization of the Marxist-Leninists of settle the problems of the contemporary world and thus Greece, spoke at the meeting. He said: Chairman Mao further developed it." He said: "The greatest Marxist- was the greatest Marxist-Leninist of the present era. Leninist of the contemporary era — Mao Tsetung — has Chairman Mao made great contributions to the vic• passed and we are most deeply saddened." torious cause of the Chinese revolution, to the inter• national communist movement and to the development - He pointed out: "Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tsetung of s Marxism-Leninism. Thought is a correct and powerful weapon. Let us try our best to master it in the struggle for building the Manousakas stressed that under Chairman Mao's Communist Party of Sweden, in the struggle for making initiative, the struggle against modern revisionism was preparations for socialism in Sweden and in the struggle urifolded and joined by more and more people in the against imperialism, particularly the two superpowers."; world. By doing so Chairman Mao made immeasurable contributions to the cause of the world revolution. He . In conclusion, Pettersson shouted: "Long live Marx- said that the death of Chairman Mao was a tremendous ism-Leninism, Mao Tsetung Thought!" "Eternal glory loss to the people of the- world. He called on all the to Mao • Tsetung, the greatest Marxist-Leninist of our participants to turn grief -into,strength,'study; Chairman October 29, 1976 41 In his speech, Bent Lindkvist, First Vice-Chairman The streets reverberated with slogans and the singing of the Communist Party of Sweden, pointed out that to of The Internationale. - . • remember Crlairman Mao, the Communist Party of Sweden should study more assiduously his revolution• When the procession reached the Chinese Embassy, ary strategy and tactics as well as his revolutionary the marchers paid tribute to the memory of Chairman foreign policy. "We will take Marxism-Leninism, Mao Mao by lowering their red- flags diagonally and raising Tsetung Thought as a weapon to transform the world," their fists. Their representatives called at the Chinese he added., Embassy to express deep eondolenc.es. Klas Borell, Second Vice-Chairman of the Party, The Communist Party of Italy (Marxist-Leninist) representatives of the Red Youth and Clarte also spoke. held a meeting in Rome on September 12 to pay tribute to Chairman Mao Tsetung. Similar memorial meetings Chairman Mao's poems were then recited.
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