FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMUNICATIONS "Premium" Tubes "Special Red" Tubes "Pencil" Tubes Computer Tubes Glow Discharge Tubes Small Thyratrons Low-Microphonic Amplifier Tubes Nuvistor Tube 's Traveling-Wave Tubes and other Special Types • PREMIUM TUBES t' Special Tests and Controls Description and/or Li fe Te ,' @ Difference Between ~ Type and P rototype 0- Proto - I ~ = Type type Name c ~ ~ ... c ~ 0~- ~ ~ ~ "" Ra ti ng or Premium Pro te· ~ ~ Ch aracte ri,tic Type Type .. ~ ~ ... to :;: i:<: a: ~ '> .. a ••• Volt age This typ e is desig ned to mee t th e OA2 V V V V- - V V- - - OA2-WA Regul ato r* indica ted milita ry sp ecifica ti on. .. j .. j- OB2 Voltage Th is ty pe is d esign ed to m ee t the V V V V- - - V OB2-WA Reg ula tor* indica ted mil itary sp ecificatio n. 2D21 Th yratr on This ty pe is d esig ned to mee t th e V V V - V- -- - - - 2D21-W Tet rod e* ind icated mi litary sp ecificatio n. 6AC7 Sh arp -Cut off This t ype is des igned to meet th e V V V- V- -- -- - 6AC7-W Pent ode·· indic ated mili ta ry sp ecificat ion. Sh arp -Cutoff This t ype is desig ned to mee t t he .. j 6AU 6 V V V V- V V V V- 1_ 6AU6-WA Pentod e* indicat ed mil itary s pecif ica ti on. High -Mu This typ e is designed to mee t the .. j 6J4 V - V - V V V V V- 6J4-WA Triod e* indicat ed milit ary s pecificat ion . .. j .. j .. j .. j Medium -Mu This typ e is d esigned to me et th e V V V V V- V 6J6-WA 6J6 Twin Triod e indicat ed milit ary specif icat ion. .. j .. j .. j .. j .. j .. j 12AT7 High -Mu This type is d esign ed to m ee t th e V V V V- 12AT7-WA Twin Triode § indicat ed milit ary sp ec if ica tion. Heat er-Cathod e Typ e. F or gat ed - amplifi er, de lay a nd mi xer ci r- Sharp -Cutoff .. j .. j .. j .. j .. j V- 5636 Pentode- cuits up to 400 M c. and ga in - V V V V controll ed ampli fie r circuit s. Sharp-Cutoff Heater -Cath ode Typ e. F or us e in .. j .. j .. j .. j .. j .. j .. j V- 5639 - Pent ode - high-g ain wid e-band cir cuit s. V V For us e in equipm ent wh ere e x- Volta ge 5651 - tr eme volta ge s tabilit y is re- - - V - V- V- - V - Regulator * quir ed. Voltag e This t ype i s d esign ed to m ee t th e V .. j V VV V V .. j- V V 5651-WA - Regulat or* indi cat ed milit ary s peci fica ti on. - None 1 - I- .. j Sharp -Cutof f For us e as an r f o r if amplifi er in V VV V V V V V- V ) 5654 6AK5 Pentod e* high-fr equ ency br oad-ba nd co m- muni cati ons rec eive rs. 5654/ Sh arp -Cutoff .. j .. j .. j .. j 6AK5 This typ e is designed to meet th e V V V V V V- 6AK5-W Pentod e* indicat ed mil itary sp eci fica tion . 5654/ .. j .. j 6AK5 Sh arp-Cutoff This typ e is des ign ed to mee t th e V V V VV V V- V 6AK5-W/ Pent ode* indicat ed milit ary s pecifi cation. 6096 .. j .. j .. j .. j 2C51 Medium-Mu This typ e is d es ign ed t o mee t th e V V V V V- V 5670 Twin Triode § indicat ed militar y sp ecifi cation. Medium-Mu .. j .. j .. j .. j .. j 2C51 This typ e is d esigne d to meet th e V V V V- V 5670-WA Twin Triod e § indicat ed milit ary sp ec ifi ca tion . .. j .. j .. j Beam P ower Heater -Cathod e Typ e. F or r e- V V V .. j- V V- 5686 - Tube § newal us e o nl y. Heater-Cath ode Typ e. Uhf am- .. j .. j Medium-Mu plifier and os cill ator . Us eful V V V .. j V V .. j- V 5718 - Triode- power output at 500 Me. , nearly one watt. Heater-Cathod e Typ e. Useful as High-Mu .. j .. j .. j- 5719 - Triode- an audio amplifi er in mobil e re- V V V V V V V ceivers. Sharp -Cutoff Bulb T emp era- 5725 6AS6 Pentode* ture,Max. °C ( at 165 120 V V V V V V V V V V- hott est point) .. j 6AL5 Twin Diode* Controll ed Plat e- Yes No V V V .. j- V V V V- 5726 Current Balanc e 5726/ 6AL5 Twin Diode* This type is d esign ed to m ee t th e V V V V - V V V V- V 6AL5-W indicated military sp ecification. For k ey to t erminal conn ections s ee page 30 . * 7-pin miniatur e typ e. - Subminiatur e typ e with fl exibl e leads. § 9-pin miniatur e type. • PREMIUM TUBES • Maximum Ratings Operating Conditions and Characteristics Grid- No.1 Maximum Volt s(v) ~ Cathode Dimensions Class Plate Grid - or Grid - Trans- Amplili- 01 Plate Dissi- Cathode NO.2 Pl ate Cathode No.2 Plate AC Plate conduc- cation Po wer Type Inches Service Volts pation Current Input Su pply Resist - Supply Current R esistance tance Factor Output ance Micr o- Volts Alnps . length Dlam. Wa tts Ma. W atts V ol ts Dhm s Volts Ma . Oh ms mhos Watts Cold Vo ltage R egu lator Fo r data refer to MIL-E -1/290 B sp ec ification '" Cathode 2% % OA2-WA Cold Volta ge Regu la tor For data refer to M IL-E -1/291 spec ification '" Cathode 2% % OB2-WA High -Sensitivity 6.3 0 .6 For data re fer to MIL -E -1 /756B sp ec ification '" 2Ys % Control Service 2D21-W 6.3 0.45 2% - Class Al Amplifier For data refe r to MIL -E- 1/35 4 spe cifi cation '" 6AC7-W 6.3 0 .3 2Ys % Class A I Amp lifier For data refer to MIL-E- 1/1 spe cification '" 6AU6-WA Class A, Amp lifi er 6.3 0.4 Fo r data refer t o M IL -E-1 /619D specifica tion '" 2Ys % for U HF Service 6J4-WA 6.3 0.45 Class A, Ampl ifi er 2Ys % Fo r da ta refe r to MIL- E- 243 B specification '" Each Unit 6J6 -WA 6.3 0 .3 Class Al Ampl ifier 2Vt 6 :Va For data refer to M1L- E- l/3A specif icat ion'" 12AT7-WA 12 .6 0 .15 Eac h Unit 10 0 150 1 00 5.6 110 000 3200 Grid -No.3 V olts. 0 6.3 0.15 l%t 0.38 3 Cl ass AI A mp lifi er 16 5 1.1 - 0.7 10 0 1 50 1 00 4 500 00 19 50 Grid-No.3 Vol ts . -I 5636 6.3 0.45 l%t 0.4 Class Al Amp li fier 16 5 4. 0 40 1.0 150 1 00 100 21 50 00 0 90 00 - - 563 9 Ambi ent Temp ., -5 5° to +90 °C Appro x. D C Operat ing Volts, 8 7 Cold Vol tage - Appr ox . DC St art ing V olt s, 107 Re gul ation Range, 1 .5 to 3 .5 Ma . Cathod e 2Ys % Re ference Tub e 56 51 Ma x. Sta rting M a., 100 Min. DC An ode- Su pp ly Volts, 115 Regulation Vol ts, 115 Co ld Volt age - For d at a ref er t o MIL -E-l /8 25A sp ec ifi ca ti on'" Cath ode2Ys % R efe ren ce T ube 565 1-WA Vol ta ge- 6.3 0. 175 200 1.65 - 0.55 180 180 1 20 2.4 5000 00 5100 - 1% %" Reference Tube - 5654 Volt age- 5654/ 6.3 0.175 1% % For da ta r efer to MIL-E- 1/4A sp eci fi ca tion '" Referen ce Tube 6AK5-W 5654/ Volt age- 6.3 0.175 For data ref er to MIL-E-1 /236 sp ec ifi ca tion '" 1% % Referen ce Tube 6AK5-W/ 6096 Cl ass Al Am plifier 6.3 For d ata r efer to MIL-E-1 /5C spe cifi ca tion '" 0.35 1% :Va Each Unit 5670 Cl ass AI Al.1plifier 6.3 0.35 For data ref er to MIL-E-1 /247 specifi cation '" 1% :V a Each Unit 5670-WA 6.3 0 .35 2Vt6 :V a Cla ss AI Am plifier 250 7 .5 - 3.0 250 ~12 .5v 250 27 45000 3100 - 2_7 5686 Maximum Ratings , Absolute Valu es: Cla ss C Amplifier 6.3 0 .15 0_4 DC Plate Volts, 165 DC Gr id Volts , -55 l%t and O scill ator DC Plate M a., 22 5718 DC Grid Ma., 5 .5 Plate Dissipation, 3 .3 Watts 6.3 0.15 l%t 0.4 Class AI Amplifier 165 0.55 - - 150 680 - 1.85 30500 2300 70 - 5719 6.3 0 .175 1% % Class Al Amplifier 200 1.65 20 0.55 120 -2v 120 5.2 - 3200 - - 5725 Max imum Ratings , Absolute Values : Half-Wave 6.3 0.3 Peak Inverse Plate Volts , 360 DC Output Ma .
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