F R E E Vol 37 June/July No 3 2015 The Carlton Tavern as it was (photo by Geoff Brandwood) – see page 30 Winner Best London Pub 2011 GOOD BEER GUIDE 2015 2015 LIVE MUSIC-JAZZ-ACOUSTIC COMEDY @RABBIT HOLENW3 THE DUKE OF HAMILTON PUB & RABBIT HOLE NW3 THEATRE WWW.THEDUKEOFHAMILTON.COM WWW.RABBITHOLENW3.COM THE DUKE IS AN AWARD WINNING PUB, WE PRIDE OURSELVES BEING A PROPER PUB WITH A AMAZING VIBE AND LOTS OF LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IN THE THEATRE BELOW. • GOOD BEER GUIDE 2015 • CASK MARQUE AWARDED • BEER GARDEN • LIVE MUSIC • THEATRE • EXCELLENT RANGE OF ALES • FRIENDLY STAFF AND PUNTERS • 300 YEAR OLD PUB 23-25 NEW END, HAMPSTEAD, LONDON NW31JD - 2 MINS FROM TUBE STATION - TEL:0207 7942068 Editorial AsseT of CommuniTy Value (ACV) for London Drinker is published on behalf of The GreaTer London branches of CAMRA, any pub classed as an A4 Drinking The Campaign for Real Ale, and is ediTed EsTablishmenT has The effecT of by Tony Hedger. IT is prinTed by Cliffe EnTerprise, EasTbourne, BN22 8TR. removing permiTTed developmenT CAMRA is a noT-for-profiT company righTs for five years and receipT of The limiTed by guaranTee and regisTered in ACV nominaTion Triggers suspension England; company No. 1270286. of such righTs pending The RegisTered office: 230 HaTfield Road, ST. Albans, regisTraTion decision. HerTfordshire AL1 4LW. Before now, The main advanTage of MaTerial for publicaTion, including press regisTraTion of a pub as an ACV in releases, should preferably be senT by e- PROTECTING mail To [email protected]. The London was ThaT such sTaTus mighT, deadline for The nexT ediTion, OUR PUBS aT a Council’s discreTion, be a maTerial AugusT/SepTember, is Monday asT July we seT ouT a drafT London 13 July consideraTion in deTermining a Lpub proTecTion sTraTegy on The planning applicaTion. BuT so many All conTribuTions To This magazine are CAMRA regional websiTe. Our sTaTed made on a volunTary basis. changes To pubs did noT require any policy objecTives were firsT To To adverTise in London Drinker, conTacT such applicaTion. safeguard conTinuing pub use on John Galpin on 020 3287 2966 or mobile WiTh The new legislaTion, CAMRA 07508 036835; esTablished siTes and, second, To bring E-Mail: [email protected]. demoliTion and all changes of use of branches have The opporTuniTy To Prices: whole page £325 colour or pubs wiThin planning conTrols. nominaTe pubs as ACVs in order To £260 mono; half-page £195 colour or £145 mono; quarTer-page £105 colour or Our firsT objecTive conTinues To rely bring Their demoliTion or any change £80 mono. on Councils adopTing pub pro- of use wiThin planning conTrols. The views expressed in This magazine are TecTion policies as grounds on which Local Council planners I have Those of Their individual auThors and are To oppose undesirable planning conTacTed have welcomed our noT necessarily endorsed by The ediTor or applicaTions. We offered a model CAMRA. policy ThaT Councils wiThouT one supporT in giving Them The powers © copyrighT The London Branches of The mighT be persuaded To adopT or They need. Campaign for Real Ale; all righTs reserved. adapT. ACV sTaTus ensures ThaT proposed SubscripTions: please send eiThger £9 for changes have To go Through a process The mailing of six ediTions or £17 for 12 The second objecTive depends on ediTions To STan Tompkins, 52 Rabbs Mill naTional lobbying for effecTive which enables local people To have a House, ChilTern View Road, Uxbridge, regulaTion, principally furTher say. IT does noT prevenT developmenT, Middx UB8 2PD. Please make cheques amendmenTs To The Town and payable To CAMRA London Area. These buT jusT makes iT more difficulT for prices apply To UK mail addresses only. To CounTry Planning (General PermiTTed pub owners To do whaT They like wiTh DevelopmenT) Order 1995 under arrange for copies To be senT overseas, The communiTy asseTs of which They please conTacT us. which, since 2005, iT has been possible wiThouT planning permission are The cusTodians. ResidenTial To change The use of pubs inTo shops, conversions already require planning CONTENTS financial and professional offices consenT. Branch diaries 4 (including, unTil recenTly, beTTing CAMRA events 10 WiTh so many breweries in London Pubs of the Year 14 shops and pay-day lenders), cafes or London now, The main focus of CAMRA Conference highlights 14 resTauranTs and, since 2013, CAMRA branch campaigning has To Beer and trains 16 Temporary business premises for a be keeping enough pubs open for us News round-up 18 Two year period. GBBF 2015 28 The only way To remove such To enjoy Their beer. Above all else, Pub campaigning 30 This means drinking in pubs. The Planning law 40 ‘permiTTed developmenT righTs’ and Europe’s beer drinkers 44 sTop more communiTy pubs being sTark message remains ‘Use iT or lose WhatPub? update 46 demolished or converTed by sTealTh iT’ and iT really should noT be Too Heritage pubs 50 was for Councils To issue ‘ArTicle 4 Chocolate and beer 52 much To ask signed up campaigners What’s in a beer? 52 DirecTions’, as WandsworTh and for real ale To visiT Their local boozers. London brewery news 53 WalTham ForesT have planned To do BuT SI 2015 No 659 means ThaT we Brewery focus 54 as a general policy and oTher can also help our Councils sTop our Tottenham: real ale crawl 55 boroughs also have done as Battersea 2013 56 emergency measures. pubs disappearing overnighT. LeT’s LocAle update 57 geT Those nominaTions in! Book reviews 59 Since 6 April This year, however, Idle Moments 60 when STaTuTory InsTrumenT 2015 No Geoff STrawbridge Crossword 62 659 came inTo force, regisTraTion as an GreaTer London CAMRA Regional DirecTor 3 Branch diaries elcome To our regular deTails of London CAMRA conTacTs Commonside. - Tue 30 (6.30) Pre mTg soc. Rambler's ResT, Wand evenTs where branches say whaT is happening in Their Mill Pl, ChislehursT; (7.30) MTg. Imperial Arms, Old Hill, areas ThaT mighT be of inTeresT To drinkers across London. EvenTs ChislehursT. for June and July 2015 are lisTed below. MeeTings, visiTs and July – SaT 4 Biggin Hill/Leaves Green crawl: (12.30) Aperfield socials are open To all – everyone is welcome To come along. A Inn, 311 Main Rd, Biggin Hill; (1.30) Old Jail, Jail La; (2.30) compleTe calendar lisTing of CAMRA evenTs wiThin GreaTer Black Horse, 123 Main Rd; (3.30) Kings Arms, Leaves Green London is available aT www.london.camra.org.uk . ConTacT The Rd, KesTon. - Mon 13 Downe Village soc: (7.30) George & Regional SecreTary, Roy TunsTall: r [email protected] . Dragon, 26 High ST; (8.30) Queens Head, 25 High ST. - SaT 18 CrysTal Palace crawl wiTh Croydon & SuTTon & SEL branches: LONDON PUBS GROUP (12.30) Alma, 95 Church Rd; (1.15) WhiTe HarT, 96 Church Chair: Jane JephcoTe, [email protected], 07813 Rd; (2pm) PosTal Order, 33 WesTow ST; (2.40) Sparrowhawk, 739856 2 WesTow Hill; (3.20) Beer Rebellion, 129 Gipsy Hill; (4.30) June – SaT 13 DayTime crawl of Twickenham, HampTon CourT London Beer FacTory Brewery Tap Rm, 160 HamilTon Rd, and KingsTon: (12pm) Turk's Head, 28 WinchesTer Rd, WesT Norwood; (6pm) WesTow House, 79 WesTow Hill; (7pm) Twickenham; (1.15) Sussex Arms, 15 STaines Rd; (2.45) Grape & Grain, 2 Anerley Hill. - Fri 24 LunchTime soc. 40Th Rifleman, 7 FourTh Cross Rd; (3.45) MuTe Swan, 3 Palace KenT Beer FesTival, MerTon Farm, off NackingTon La, GaTe, HampTon CourT; (4.45) Druid's Head, 2-3 MarkeT Pl, CanTerbury. - Tue 28 (7.30) MTg. Greyhound, Commonside, KingsTon; (5.30) Duke of Buckingham, 104 Villiers Rd. All KesTon. welcome. Public TransporT will be required aT Times. WebsiTe: www.bromley.camra.org.uk July – Wed 15 (7.15 for 7.30) MTg. Royal Oak, Tabard ST, SE1 (upsTairs). All CAMRA branches and members inTeresTed in CROYDON & SUTTON pub research and preservaTion welcome. PeTer McGill, 07831 561296, [email protected] WebsiTe: www.londonpubsgroup.camra.org.uk June – Tue 16 (8.30) PoTY presn. ClareT Free House, 5 Bingham Crnr, Addiscombe. - Wed 24 (8.30pm Surprise, 107 LONDON CIDER GROUP Upper Shirley Rd. - Tue 30 (8.30) MTg. Dog & Bull, 24 Surrey Ian WhiTe, [email protected] or TexT 07712 ST, Croydon. 122402 (10-4 Mon-Fri) July – Thu 9 Robin Hood, 52 WesT ST, SuTTon. - Wed 15 For informaTion and deTails, see hTTp://london- (8.30) Crown, 28 Wickham Rd, Shirley. - SaT 18 CrysTal cider.blogspoT.co.uk Palace crawl wiTh Bromley and SEL branches: (12.30) Alma 95 Church Rd; see Bromley diary for subsequenT pubs. - YOUNG MEMBERS GROUP Thu 30 (8.30) MTg. Windsor CasTle (CoTTage Rm), 378 Email group: hTTp://groups.google.com/group/london-camra-ym CarshalTon Rd. WebsiTe: www.croydoncamra.org.uk BEXLEY Rob Archer, [email protected], EAST LONDON & CITY [email protected] MaTT Barrowcliffe, 07757 772564; Kim ScoTT: 07713 797438, June – Wed 10 June (8.30) MTg, Green Man, 168 Wickham [email protected] ST, Welling. - Wed 24 (8.30pm) Branch AGM, Old GBBF publiciTy maTerial available for collecTion aT meeTings DarTfordians, Bourne Rd, Bexley. - SaT 27 MaidsTone soc: and socials wiTh ‘(GBBF PM)’ included below. ConTacT PeTer (12pm) Rifle VolunTeers, 28 WyaTT ST; Then Flower PoT, Giles 07858 164825 for more info. SocieTy Rooms, STyle & Winch and ThirsTy Pig. June – Tue 2 (7.30) Pigs Ear mTg. Rose & Crown, Hoe ST, July – Wed 8 (8.30) MTg. Jolly Fenman, 64-68 Blackfen Rd, WalThamsTow. - Thu 11 LeyTonsTone E11 crawl: (6.30) Sidcup. - Tue 21 (8pm) Soc and Branch 40Th Anniversary Birkbeck Tavern, 45 LangThorne Rd; (8pm) Red Lion, 640 dinner.
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