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(4) 65A-4556: U. S. Marine Corps Geographic File, 1940-1945 米海兵隊地理ファイル Box No. Folder No. Folder Title Date Microfiche no. Box 1 1 Marine Defense Force, Reports 1940 - Aleutians 1938/12-1940/10 MCJ 1955 2 Report on a Lecture Given on the Battle of Kormandorski 1943/04-1943/04 MCJ 1955 Islands 27Mar43 - Aleutians 3 Amph Force, US PacFlt, Operation against Attu (Landcrab 1943/07-1943/08 MCJ 1955-1957 Operation) 11May43, Attu - Aleutians 4 V AC, War Journal of Forward Echelon, Amph Corps, PacFlt, 1943/10-1943/10 MCJ 1957 Operations for Occupation of Kiska May-25Aug43 - Aleutians 5 Marine Defense Froce, Dutch Harbor, Orders and 1940/08-1941/05 MCJ 1957-1958 Instructions - Aleutians 6 Enemy Installations Overlays, Kiska - Aleutians 1942/12-1943/01 MCJ 1958 7 Advanced Intelligence Center, North Pacific Area, 1943/06-1943/06 MCJ 1958-1960 Observations on Enemy Installations, Attu - Aleutians 8 Marine Defense Force, Miscellaneous - Aleutians 1940/08-1940/10 MCJ 1960 9 3d Amph Force, Seizure and Occupation of Northern 1943/10-1944/01 MCJ 1960 Empress Augusta Bay 1-13Nov43 - Bougainville 10 3d Amph Force, Report of Reconnaissance of the North East 1943/10-1943/10 MCJ 1961 Bougainville Coast 23-27Sep[43] - Bougainville 11 3d Amph Force, Daily Intelligence Summaries 12-14Dec[43] - [1943]/12-[1943]/12 MCJ 1961 Bougainville 12 2d Echelon Northern Force, TG 31.6, Action Report 4- 1943/11-1944/04 MCJ 1961 8Nov43 - Bougainville 13 5th Echelon Northern Force, TG 31.6, Action Report 15- 1943/11-1944/01 MCJ 1962 21Nov43 - Bougainville 14 I MAC, Bougainville Operation Report, Phase I, Section A - 1943/07-1944/03 MCJ 1962-1964 Bougainville 15 I MAC, Bougainville Operation Report, Phase I, Section B - 1943/05-? MCJ 1964-1966 Bougainville 16 I MAC, Bougainville Operation Report, Phase II, Section A - 1943/11-? MCJ 1966-1967 Bougainville 17 I MAC, Bougainville Operation Report, Phase II, Section B - ?-1944/01 MCJ 1967-1969 Bougainville 18 I MAC, Bougainville Operation Report, Phase III, Section A - 1943/10-? MCJ 1969-1971 Bougainville 19 I MAC, Bougainville Operation Report, Phase III, Section B - ?-1943/12 MCJ 1971-1973 - 1 - (4) 65A-4556: U. S. Marine Corps Geographic File, 1940-1945 米海兵隊地理ファイル Bougainville 20 I MAC, Reconnaissance Report on Empress Augusta Bay 1943/10-1943/10 MCJ 1973 Area 23 - 26Sep43 - Bougainville Box 2 1 I MAC, D-2 Miscellaneous Reports, Treasury Islands - MCJ 1974 Bougainville 2 I MAC, C-2 Journal 27Oct-3Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/10-1943/11 MCJ 1974-1975 3 I MAC, C-2 Journal 3-16Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/11 MCJ 1975-1979 4 I MAC, C-2 Journal 16-22Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/11 MCJ 1979-1982 5 I MAC, C-2 Journal 22-27Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/11 MCJ 1982-1985 6 I MAC, C-2 Journal 27Nov-4Dec43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 1985-1990 7 I MAC, C-2 Journal 4-10Dec43 - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 1990-1992 8 I MAC, C-2 Journal 10-15Dec43 - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 1993-1995 9 I MAC, C-2 Report Nos. 1 - 49 - Bougainville 1943/10-1943/12 MCJ 1995-1997 10 I MAC, Consolidated Report of All Marine Corps Material 1944/01-1944/02 MCJ 1998-2012 Expended in Dipper Operation w/Supporting Papers - Bougainville Box 3 1 XIV Corps, History of the TA Operation - Bougainville 1943/11-1944/04 MCJ 2013 2 3d MarDiv, Action Report 1-11Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2013 3 3d MarDiv, Combat Report 1Nov-28Dec43 - Bougainville 1944/01-1944/03 MCJ 2014-2021 4 3d MarDiv, Patrol Report on Rekata Bay, Santa Isabel Island 1943/09-1943/09 MCJ 2021-2022 3-9Sep43 - Bougainville 5 3d MarDiv, Patrol Reports on Choiseul Island 6-13Sep43 and 1943/09-1943/10 MCJ 2022-2023 22- 30Sep43 - Bougainville 6 3d MarDiv, Supply and Evacuation Report - Bougainville 1943/10-1944/10 MCJ 2023 7 3d MarDiv, Unit Reports (Frontline) - Bougainville 1943/11-1944/01 MCJ 2023 8 3d MarDiv, D-2 Special Action Report - Bougainville 1944/02-1944/02 MCJ 2023 9 3d MarDiv, D-1 Preiodic Report Nos. 32 - 57 - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 2023-2024 10 3d MarDiv, D-1 Journal 27Oct-15Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/10-1943/11 MCJ 2024 11 3d MarDiv, D-2 Journal 28Oct-28Dec43 - Bougainville 1943/10-1943/12 MCJ 2024-2027 12 3d MarDiv, D-3 Journal 27Sep-28Dec43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2027-2031 13 3d MarDiv, D-3 Periodic Report Nos. 1 - 44 - Bougainville 1943/07-1943/12 MCJ 2031-2033 14 3d MarDiv, D-4 Journal 1-15Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/11 MCJ 2033-2034 15 3d MarDiv, D-4 Periodic Report Nos. 28 - 46 - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 2034-2035 - 2 - (4) 65A-4556: U. S. Marine Corps Geographic File, 1940-1945 米海兵隊地理ファイル 16 3d MarDiv, D-2 Periodic Report Nos. 1 - 69 - Bougainville 1943/07-1944/05 MCJ 2035-2037 17 Service Troops, 3d MarDiv, Report of Operations Nov- 1943/12-1944/01 MCJ 2037-2038 Dec43 - Bougainville 18 Service Troops, 3d MarDiv, Personnel Report - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2039-2040 19 37th Inf, Report of Operations - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2040 Box 4 1 37th InfDiv, G-2 Periodic Report Nos. 1 - 30 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2040-2041 2 37th InfDiv, G-3 Periodic Report Nos. 1 - 37 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2041-2043 3 1st MarParaRegt, Unit Report Nos. 1 - 9 - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 2043 4 1st MarParaRegt, Strength Report - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 2043-2044 5 2d Marine Raider Regt, Report of Unit Occupation of Front 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 2044 Line Positions - Bougainville 6 2d Marine Raider Regt, R-3 Reports - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 2044-2045 7 2d Marine Raider Regt, Special Action Report - Bougainville 1943/10-1944/01 MCJ 2045 8 3d Marines, Combat Report 1Nov-25Dec43 - Bougainville 1944/01-1944/01 MCJ 2045-2046 9 3d Marines, Regimental Journal 1Nov-27Dec43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2046-2048 10 3d Marines, Personnel Reports 1Nov-23Dec43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2048-2050 11 3d Marines, Unit Reports 2Nov-21Dec43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2050-2052 12 3d Marines, Individual Casualty Reports - Bougainville MCJ 2052-2053 13 9th Marines, Unit Journal - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2053-2055 14 9th Marines, Unit Reports 1-28Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/11 MCJ 2055-2056 15 9th Marines, Unit Reports 5Nov-5Dec43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2056-2060 16 9th Combat Team, [Strength Reports] - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2060-2062 17 9th Marines, Work Progress Reports - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 2063 18 9th Marines, Miscellaneous Orders and Papers - Bougainville 1943/08-1943/10 MCJ 2063-2064 19 1st Bn, 12th Marines, Bn-2[sic][B-2] Log 5Nov43-6Jan44 - 1943/11-1944/01 MCJ 2064-2065 Bougainville 20 12th Marines, Unit Report Nos. [1] - 50 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2066-2070 21 12th Marines, [Strength Reports] - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 2071 22 12th Marines, Report of Operations Nov-Dec43 - 1944/01-1944/01 MCJ 2071-2072 Bougainville Box 5 1 1st Bn, 12th Marines, Patrol Reports - Bougainville 1943/12-1944/01 MCJ 2072 2 19th Marines, Personnel Reports - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2073-2074 - 3 - (4) 65A-4556: U. S. Marine Corps Geographic File, 1940-1945 米海兵隊地理ファイル 3 19th Marines, Daily Engineering Activities Reports - 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2074-2077 Bougainville 4 2d Bn, 19th Marines, Unit Report Nos. 6 - 68 - Bougainville 1943/11-1944/01 MCJ 2077-2078 5 21st Marines, Report of Operations - Bougainville 1944/01-1944/01 MCJ 2078-2079 6 21st Marines, Unit Report Nos. 17 - 56 - Bougainville 1944/11-1944/01 MCJ 2079-2080 7 21st Marines, Casualty (Personnel) Reports 14Nov-24Dec43 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2080-2081 - Bougainville 8 148 Infantry, Unit Report Nos. 1 - 4 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/11 MCJ 2081-2082 9 3d AmphTracBn, [3d MarDiv], Personnel Reports - 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2082-2083 Bougainville 10 3d DefBn, I MAC, Special Action Reort 5Oct-15Dec43- 1943/12-1944/02 MCJ 2083 Bougainville 11 3d DefBn, III AC, Special Reports - Bougainville 1944/04-1944/05 MCJ 2083-2084 12 3d DefBn, III AC, Quarterly Report of Seacoast Artillery 1944/05-1944/05 MCJ 2084 Operations - Bougainville 13 3d Medical Bn, 3d MarDiv, G-1 Reports - Bougainville 1943/11-? MCJ 2084 14 3d Motor Transport Bn, 3d MarDiv, G-1 Reports - 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2084-2085 Bougainville 15 3d Service Bn, 3d MarDiv, G-1 Reports - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2085 16 Transport Group, 3d Amphibious Force, Action Report 1- 1943/11-1944/01 MCJ 2085-2086 2Nov43; USS American Legion and USS President Adams - Bougainville 17 ComDesDiv 46, Action Report of Bombardment of Buka and 1943/11-1943/11 MCJ 2086 Bonis Airfields and of the Shortland Islands 31Oct-1Nov43 - Bougainville 18 USS Alchiba, Action Report 1-2Nov43 - Bougainville ?-1944/02 MCJ 2086 19 USS Foote, Action Report 31Oct-1Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/11 MCJ 2086 20 USS George Clymer, Action Report - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2086-2087 21 USS Guest, Action Report - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 2087 22 USS Hudson, Action Report 28Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1944/04 MCJ 2088 23 USS Hunter Liggett, War Diary 1-30Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/11-1943/12 MCJ 2088 24 USS Lansdowne and USS Lardner, Action Report 29Nov43 - 1943/12-1944/04 MCJ 2088 Bougainville 25 USS LCI(L) 21, Action Report 29Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/12-1944/04 MCJ 2088 26 USS LCI(L) 23, Action Report 29Nov43 - Bougainville 1943/12-1943/12 MCJ 2088 - 4 - (4) 65A-4556: U.

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