ACTA HISTORICA NEOSOLIENSIA VEDECKÝ +ASOPIS PRE HISTORICKÉ VEDY 22 / 2019 Vol. 2 B ACTA HISTORICA NEOSOLIENSIA Vedecký ²asopis pre historické vedy Vychádza 2x ro²ne Vydáva: Belianum. VydavateÖstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici EV 5543/17 Sídlo vydavateÖa: Národná 12, 974 01 Banská Bystrica I+O vydavateÖa: I+O 30 232 295 Dátum vydania: november 2019 © Belianum. VydavateÖstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici ISSN 1336-9148 (tla²ená verzia) ISSN 2453-7845 (elektronická verzia) +asopis je registrovaný v medzinárodných databázach: European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS) Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH) Redakcia: Pavol Maliniak (šéfredaktor) Michal ŠmigeÖ (výkonný redaktor) Peter Mi²ko Imrich Nagy Oto Tome²ek Redak²ná rada: Rastislav Kožiak (predseda) Dániel Bagi (Pécs, Maµarsko) Éva Gyulai (Miskolc, Maµarsko) Bohdan Halczak (Zielona Góra, PoÖsko) Michaela Hrubá (Ústí nad Labem, +R) László Kiss (Eger, Maµarsko) Jiìí Knapík (Opava, +R) Vja²eslav MeÜkovskij (Minsk, Bielorusko) Vincent Múcska (Bratislava, SR) Martin Pekár (Košice, SR) Petr Popelka (Ostrava, +R) Jan Randák (Praha, +R) Jerzy Sperka (Katowice, PoÖsko) Ján Steinhübel (Bratislava, SR) Dušan Škvarna (Banská Bystrica, SR) Vladimír Varinský (Banská Bystrica, SR) OBSAH +lánky KORNOVENKO, S.: The ideology of Eastern European agrarianism in the programmatic provisions of Czechoslovak and Ukrainian political parties (in the face of social and political turmoil of the early 20th century) .......................................................................................4 ŠMIGEO, M. – SYRNÝ, M.: „Rázne a prísne proti banderovcom...“ Bezpe²nostné a politicko-spolo²enské aspekty prienikov oddielov Ukrajinskej povstaleckej armády na územie +eskoslovenska v rokoch 1945 – 1947.................................................................................24 DENKOVÁ, Z.: Spôsob bývania baníkov a ich rodín na sídliskách v Banskej Štiavnici medzi rokmi 1948 – 1989........ ............................... 46 HERMAN, T.: Historie a živá pam»õ slovenského folku. Ohlédnutí za fenoménem písni²káìství v dobách normalizace........ ................... 71 Polemiky HODÁSOVÁ, B.: „Opus pulchrum“. Pôsobenie Spolo²nosti Ježišovej v Banskej Bystrici (1648 – 1773) v kontexte umeleckých objednávok pre tamojšiu komunitu .......................................................................... 102 Materiály BAGI, Z. P.: Analysis of Two Muster Registers from Krupina (Korpona) ................................................................................................ 186 Recenzie a anotácie FASORA, L. – HANUŠ, J.: Mýty a tradice stìedoevropské univerzitní kultury. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2019. (Z. Kudzbelová)...................................................................................... 210 ACTA HISTORICA NEOSOLIENSIA, 22/2, 2019 The ideology of Eastern European agrarianism in the programmatic provisions of Czechoslovak and Ukrainian political parties (in the face of social and political turmoil of the early 20th century) SERHII KORNOVENKO Bogdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Ukraine Abstract: Revolutionary upheavals in Europe in the early twentieth century radically influenced the socio-political life of European countries, led to the emergence of new subjects of international relations, previously unknown phenomena. First of all, con- sidering the topic of the study, this concerns Czechoslovak and Ukrainian state- building, as well as such phenomenon as Eastern European agrarianism, represented in particular by Czechoslovak and Ukrainian variants. Political parties represented it on Czechoslovak and Ukrainian soil. In Czechoslovakia, the Czechoslovak Republican (Agrarian) Party (hereinafter referred to as the CRAP), in Ukraine – the Ukrainian Democratic-Agrarian Party (hereinafter referred to as UDAP), the Ukrainian People's Community (hereinafter – UPC), the All-Ukrainian Union of Agrarians-Owners (Peasants) (hereinafter – AUAO), Ukrainian People's Party (hereinafter – UPP). The author, on the basis of an analysis of the programmatic provisions of these parties, found that they were clearly agrarian. In spite of certain differences caused by the regional specificity of the countries, the course of historical events, peasant-centrism was at the heart of their state ideology. They connected the socio-political and socio- economic future of Czechoslovakia and Ukraine with the peasantry. They understood it as an active subject of history, of national state-building. Keywords: Eastern European agrarianism, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, political parties, peasantry. Formulation of the issue. Among the factors behind the revolution- ary upheavals in Europe in the early twentieth century one of the determinants was agrarian. The peasantry of Europe was dissatisfied with its socio-economic status, its legal status. Agriculture, as a lead- ing sector of the economy of most Eastern European countries, need- ed an effective agrarian policy designed to significantly improve not only the peasants' material wealth, but also their legal status. Socio- political upheavals in Europe in the early twentieth century. They also led to the search for an alternative bourgeois-capitalist or Bol- shevik-communist model of socio-political development. This option 4 The ideology of Eastern European agrarianism ... became the "third path of development" represented by Eastern Eu- ropean agrarianism. Therefore, one of the phenomena of European history of the first third of the twentieth century. Eastern European agrarianism in general and Eastern European in particular, and the peasantry as an active subject in the domestic political life of Eastern European countries. Accordingly, agrarianism has become a priority political doctrine of Eastern European countries. Analysis of recent research and publications. Questions consistent with the topic of our study were partially reflected in Ukrainian1 and foreign2 historiography. Researchers have mainly focused on aspects 1 FARENIY, I.: The peasant revolution in theoretical views and political practice of Ulyanov-Lenin. In: Schidnoievropeisyi Istorychnyi Visnyk [East European Historical Bulle- tin], 2019, 10, pp. 58 – 65; ʑɧʇɯʃʧɹ, ʧ. ɧ.: ʆ˕˓ ˔˕ʲʵ˓ː˲˕ˑ˲˖˘˪ ˊ˓ˑˢʺ˔ˢ˲˳ «ɪʺˏˆˊ˓˳ ˖ʺˏˮˑ˖˪ˊ˓˳ ˕ʺʵ˓ˏ˭ˢ˲˳» ɪ.ʆ. ɮʲˑˆˏ˓ʵʲ. In: ʍˊ˕ʲ˳ˑ˖˪ˊˆˇ ˖ʺˏˮˑˆˑ, 2014, ɪˆ˔. 14, c. 162 – 166; KORNOVENKO, S. – ZEMZIULINA, N.: Ukrainian agrarianism as an option of eastern European agrarism inpolitical programs of the Ukrainian national parties of the period of the Ukrainian revolution. In: ʍˊ˕ʲ˳ˑ˖˪ˊˆˇ ˖ʺˏˮˑˆˑ, 2019, ɪˆ˔. 21, c. 14 – 20; ɼʅʇʃʅɪɯʃɼʅ, ʈ. ɪ. – ɶɯʂɶʟʁʧʃɧ, ʃ. ʧ.: ʇʺʵ˓ˏ˭ˢ˲ˇˑ˲ ˔˓˘˕ˮ˖˲ˑˑˮ ˔˓ˣʲ˘ˊ˙ ʒʒ ˖˘.: ʲʶ˕ʲ˕ˑʺ ˄ʲˊ˓ˑ˓ʹʲʵ˖˘ʵ˓ ˊ˕ʲ˳ˑ ʔʺˑ˘˕ʲˏ˪ˑ˓˳ ˘ʲ ʆ˲ʵʹʺˑˑ˓-˖ˠ˲ʹˑ˓˳ ʫʵ˕˓˔ˆ. In: ʍˊ˕ʲ˳ˑ˖˪ˊˆˇ ˖ʺˏˮˑˆˑ, 2018, ɪˆ˔. 19, c. 45 – 49; ɫɧʁʍʘɼʅ, ɼ.: «ʒˏ˲ʴ˓˕˓ʴ˖˪ˊʲ ˲ʹʺ˓- ˏ˓ʶ˲ˮ» ɪ. ʁˆ˔ˆˑ˖˪ˊ˓ʶ˓ ˙ ˖ˆ˖˘ʺː˲ ˖ˠ˲ʹˑ˓˰ʵ˕˓˔ʺˇ˖˪ˊ˓ʶ˓ ʲʶ˕ʲ˕ˆ˄ː˙. In: ʍˊ˕ʲ˳ˑ˖˪ˊˆˇ ˲˖˘˓˕ˆˣˑˆˇ ˄ʴ˲˕ˑˆˊ, 2000, ́ 2, c. 164 – 200; ɫɧʁʍʘɼʅ, ɼ.: ɼ˓ˑ˖ʺ˕ʵʲ˘˓˕ ˑʲ ˘ˏ˲ ʹ˓ʴˆ: ɪ’ˮˣʺ˖ˏʲʵ ʁˆ˔ˆˑ˖˪ˊˆˇ ˲ ˖˙˖˔˲ˏ˪ˑʲ ʹ˙ːˊʲ ˰ʵ˕˓˔ʺˇ˖˪ˊˆˠ «˔˕ʲʵˆˠ». ɼˆ˳ʵ: ʊʺː˔˓˕ʲ, 2002. 288 ˖.; ʆʧɼʅɪʈʜɼɧ, ʊ. ɪ.: ʃʲˢ˲˓ˑʲˏ˪ˑ˲ ˔˕˓ʶ˕ʲːˆ ʕʺˠ˓˖ˏ˓ʵʲˢ˪ˊ˓˳ ʇʺ˖˔˙ʴˏ˲ˊʲˑ˖˪- ˊ˓˳ (ʲʶ˕ʲ˕ˑ˓˳) ˔ʲ˕˘˲˳ (1899 – 1922 ˕˕.). 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In: Historicky ²asopis, 2011, ro². 59, ². 1, s. 3 – 32; BERNSTEIN, H.: The peasant problem in the Russia revolution(s), 1905 – 1929. In: Journal of Peasant Studies, 2018, 45 (5 – 6), pp. 1127 – 1150; SUMPF, A.: The Russian peasant revolution [les revolutions du paysan russe]. In: Vingtieme Siecl: Revue dHistorie, 2017, 135 (3), pp. 102 – 116; FINKEL, E. – GEHLBAH, S. – KOFANOV, D.: (Good) Land and Freedom (for Former Serfs): Determinants of Peasant Unrest in European Russia, March-October 1917. In: Slavic 5 Serhii Kornovenko related to the nature and content of Eastern European agrarianism, the realization in some Eastern European countries of the so-called "third" path, the unfolding of the peasant revolution in post-imperial European spaces, and so on. At the same time, given the phenome- nality of Eastern European agrarianism, the emergence of Czecho- slovak and Ukrainian statehood, the determining factor of which was peasantry, it is relevant to study the ideology of Eastern Euro- pean agrarianism in the programmatic provisions of Czechoslovak and Ukrainian political parties under the conditions of social and political parties. The author aims to investigate the ideology of Eastern European agrarianism of 1917 – 1921, represented in the political programs of Czechoslovak and Ukrainian political parties. The subjects of the study were the political
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