IhnE134 UNIVERSITY ARC IV THE BREW ITN FOR ALL YOUR HOME WINE and BEER MAKING NEEDS Leeds Student A Wid4opr REMEMBER it tro of INDEPENDENT LEEDS AREA Beer Kits ITS AWL CHEAPER TEL from t`1.99 STUDENT NEWSPAPER BREW-IT-YOURSELF FRIDAY, 11th OCTOBER 1984 45 Queens Road, Leeds 6 NEKH THE ROYAL PARK RUB i had23) BANKS - Pic. Ian Winter. HIT Beckett's Park Drinking Ban A ban on late night drink- plained of one youth urinating ANDALS ing could result in an in- in his garden. POLITICAL SLOGANS DAUBED crease in the number of "There have been constant attacks on young women, complaints," he said, "and if ON UNIVERSITY BRANCHES nothing is done we (the resi- Vandals inflicted hundreds of pounds Pigs' were scrawled on the bank wall. it was claimed this week. dents) propose to go to the A spokesperson for the University branch in a letter to the Director of magistrates to get those discos worth of damage on three banks oppo- site the University. Midland Bank was told Leeds Studenr that such incidences have Leeds Polytechnic, the Union stopped." been occuring frequently since the summer President, Mr. Bill Cook ex- Since the beginning of term the worst hit with their promotion Over the weekend. the word'. 'Money pressed his "profound concern" there have been three com- caravan left a probable write-off. Slinks' were painted on the Bank and LW at the decision to cancel the plaints, but ironically, the local Barclays, National Westminster and Mid- Wednesday. a two-metre high poste, %%Lis 11.30 p.m. late license on Tues- residents consider that most land banks were all splattered with paint last stuck outside the bank. days at Beckett Park. trouble occurs at weekends by Thursday morning, whilst Lloyds was left The Barclays spokesperson believes it to by The decision was taken by students returning to Beckett untouched. The Lloyds Leeds University Un- the work of a group within Anti-Apartheid. the Director, Dr. P. Nuttgens, Park; not leaving it after the ion branch was also the subject of vandalism "These incidences are happening a lot to us after a series of complaints late bar on Tuesdays. last week by a group calling themselves and causing great inconvenience." from local residents concerning In marked contrast to the OMA. A national spokesperson for Barclays said rowdy behaviour late at night. irate residents, many of the The police believe that the damage was that other branches in Leeds - in the Merrion Although in his letter Mr. students I spoke to greeted the done between 6.30 and 8.00 a.m. but have Centre and Albion Street - have also been hit. Cook acknowledges the exist- news that the bar would be dos- very little information. An Anti-Apartheid official explained that ence of a number of "loutish ing earlier with an air of indif- Midland Bank Student Financial Adviser. as an organisation it does not recommend drunkards", and indeed the ference. A few expressed mild Mr. John Mawson, had no idea who had done that people involve themselves in actions advantages of a temporary concern, but a large number the damage but did not believe it to be which cause criminal damage. Its policy on embargo, he makes it quite said that they did not use the students. He said that Midland Bunk have not Barclays is one of convincing others to clear that the Union believes bar on Tuesdays anyway. been the target for attack before. boycott the hank. that the advantages of such a The Union, however, will be The caravan hire firm estimate the damage "It's understandable that people get very asking the; Governors of Beck- move are far outweighed by the will cost them in the region of one thousand angry on this issue," she added. disadvantages. ett Park to over-rule Mr. Nutt- NUS Press Officer. Colin Byrne. believed pounds. They commented: "We've been hir- gen's decision. The absence of a bar exten- ing out caravans for University Freshers' that the attacks were the work of an isolated tion. he claims, would mean On the antagonism between Week for over fifteen years and only on one group and had not heard of similar incidences that an increasing number of the students and the residents. other occasion have had such trouble." In occurring around the country. students would seek entertain- one post-graduate commented 1981 all the windows of a caravan were University Freshers' Week is generally con- ment off campus. Because of that the students should have smashed. sidered a risk period for attacks on banks more respect and the residents this, and in view of the fact that Barclays Bank suffers most frequently from because of their high profile whilst trying to more tolerance. the majority of Beckett Park such attacks because of its South African attract new customers. residents are women, the lack SIMON POTTER connections. This time. the words 'Fascist of public transport and the bad- ZOE SMITH ly lit roads would mean that this could he very dangerous in- News that a £40m rise in Polytechnics and colleges - over of 10:1. deed. Polytechnic and college 3% more than this year. But in order to achieve such a When asked to comment on The National Advisory ratio it is thought that staff/ his decision. Mr. Nuttgens re- funding has been pro- Body's board was told last student ratios would have to fused to say anything other than visionally accepted was Tuesday to expect a budget of increase in other areas. particu- that he was the Director of the given a mixed reception £620m, despite having recently larly in science, engineering. Polytechnic and he wanted the this week. estimated that only £597m business subjects and comput- bar to close at 10.30 p.m. would be available. ing, where the ratio may reach The residents I spoke to in The budget for 1985/86 rep- Arguments have already 12_5:l. contrast, were far more vocifer- resents a 6.8% increase on the started about the way in which However, before a final deci- previous year but it has been ous. They were unanimous in the money should he allocated. sion on spending. is made, furth- condemning the behaviour of suggested that an 8% increase A paper recently debated by er investigation is to be carried students. Litter, obscenities is necessary merely to preserve N.A.B. working group recom- out to determine the effects of and noise late at night were the present standards. mended that funding for the changes on individual- col- main bones of contention. A large part of the extra teacher training should be en- leges. although one man. who wishes money will pay for the 7,000 couraged in order to bring ab- STEPHEN MARKEY to remain anonymous, corn- rise in student numbers at out a lower staff/student ratio PAGE 4: PAGE 4: PAGE 9: - PLUS — PARK LANE YOUR VIEW OF ROCK complete 'WHAT'S ON INSIDE: "A DUMP?" FRESHER'S WEEK PHOTOGRAPHY GUIDE' TO LEEDS PAGE TWO POLY NF STUDENT GETS THROUGH Student picket fails to recognise Harrington INFO National Front activist demo at North London Mr. Harrington's lectures acceptable policy between Patrick Harrington man- Poly said that they would but lecturers are bound by all parties." Negotiations POINT aged to attend his first lec- continue their campaign a High Court injunction to between the solicitor of Accusations of mismanagement ture of term unnoticed by against Mr. Harrington. teach him. Mr. Harrington, the have been denied by Poly Union over 100 picketing stu- Mr. Harrington needed a The NUS believes that ILEA and the NUS con- Executive over the proposed set dents, a group of police police escort to attend a though Mr. Harrington tinue. up of a Travel bureau. Last year's Executive com- and the media. lecture. has a right to attend lec- the NUS mittee had approved the plan to NUS publicity officer tures, his fellow students and Poly union are keep- convert the old information The Poly union who Colin Byrne said that stu- also have a right to be ing to the terms of the point in the Union building and organised the peaceful dents are boycotting all taught separately. Stu- High Court injunction money was spent during the whereby they may not summer on preliminary renova- dents are afraid their com- tion. ments may lead to NF re- picket the Poly or make The 1984/85 Executive. TORY SPLIT prisals. vocal demonstrations however, were of the opinion Colin Byrne com- against Mr. Harrington in- that such commercial undertak- mented: "We are trying to side the Poly itself. ings were outside their power. 'Union President. Bill Cooke, ER ELECTION work out a mutually MARK McLAREN told Leeds Student that the ex- Marcus Killick is the new Uni- tive, the SDP will be delighted!" ecutive would be exceeding its versity Union Conservative Michael Simmonds, a suppor- powers in allowing the conver- Chairman, but the election of ter of right wing national Chair- sion to go-ahead. former Leeds University Union person Marc-Henri Glenden- Publicity Secretary has opened ning, came second following the A Wee Hoax! Executive committee spokesperson Jim. Millar, added a split in the Conservative asso- elimination of Guy Roberts. Hoaxers at Trinity and All Saints persuaded some that the Union buildings were ciation. Simmonds said, "As Marcus has freshers to leave urine samples in the Hall pigeon holes. scheduled for redecoration as The election was called when no majority on committee he A forged officially headed letter purporting to be from sick bay, part of the Union general Union Treasurer Mark Lindsay will not pass anything." He also went out to all the halls of residence last Wednesday requesting maintenance programme, resigned his position as Chair- added that in the interests of the samples.
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