IFP-466-UNC TRI-PP-93-16 hep-ph/9304294 April 1993 SSC Phenomenology of the 331 Model of Flavor Paul H. Frampton, James T. Liu, B. Charles Rasco Institute of Field Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599–3255, USA Daniel Ng TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada Abstract arXiv:hep-ph/9304294v1 23 Apr 1993 The 331 model offers an explanation of flavor by anomaly cancellation between three families. It predicts three exotic quarks, Q = D, S, T , and five extra gauge bosons comprising an additional neutral Z2 and four charged dileptonic gauge bosons (Y −−,Y −), (Y ++,Y +). Production of QQ, QY , YY and Z2 at the SSC is calculated, and signatures are discussed. 12.15.Cc, 11.30.Hv, 13.85.-t Typeset using REVTEX 1 Introduction. The standard model (SM) of strong and electroweak interactions is ex- tremely successful. All experimental data are consistent with the minimal version of the SM, and so theoretical extensions of the SM must be motivated not, alas, by experiment, but by attempting to understand features that are accommodated in the SM but not explained by it. Perhaps the most profound such feature is the replication of quark-lepton families where the lightest family (u,d,e,νe) is repeated twice more, (c,s,µ,νµ), (t, b, τ, ντ ), with the only difference between the families lying in the particle masses. For consistency of a gauge theory, chiral anomalies must cancel [1–3], and it is a remark- able fact that this cancellation occurs between quarks and leptons in the SM within each family separately. For one family, this can be used with only a few simple assumptions to deduce the electric charges of the fundamental fermions including electric charge quanti- zation without recourse to the assumption of any simple grand unifying group containing electric charge as a generator [4]. The presence of more than one family, however, is accom- modated rather than explained in the SM. In the 331 model [5,6], which is an extension of the SM, one obtains a theory with three extended families. While each extended family has a non-vanishing chiral anomaly, the three families taken together do not. This then offers a possible first step in understanding the flavor question. The Model. The 331 model has gauge group SU(3) SU(3) U(1) (hence the name). c × L × X There are five additional gauge bosons beyond the SM; a neutral Z′ and four dileptons, (Y −−,Y −) with lepton number L = +2 and (Y ++,Y +) with lepton number L = 2. Here − L = Le + Lµ + Lτ is the total lepton number; the 331 model does not conserve the separate ′ family lepton numbers Li (i = e, µ, τ). The new Z will mix with the Z of the SM to give ± mass eigenstates Z2 and Z1, but the singly-charged dilepton will not mix with the W in the minimal 331 model where total lepton number L is conserved. In the 331 model the leptons are the same in number as in the SM; however the usual doublet–singlet pattern per family is replaced by one antitriplet of electroweak SU(3)L. ∗ Namely the leptons in each family are in a (1, 3 )0 under (3c, 3L)X . The quarks are ∗ ∗ in (3, 3)−1/3 and (3 , 1)−2/3,1/3,4/3 for the first and second families and in (3, 3 )+2/3 and 2 ∗ (3 , 1)−5/3,−2/3,+1/3 for the third family [7]. The result is that there are three new quarks in the 331 model called D, S, and T respectively with electric charges 4/3, 4/3 and +5/3, − − and these provide targets of discovery at the SSC. From the manner in which the dileptons couple to the heavy quarks, we see that the latter also carry lepton number. D and S have L = +2 and T has L = 2. − The minimum Higgs structure necessary [6] for symmetry breaking and giving quarks and ′ leptons acceptable masses is three complex SU(3)L triplets, Φ(1, 3)1, φ(1, 3)0, and φ (1, 3)−1 and a complex sextet H(1, 6)0. The breaking of 331 to the SM is accomplished by a vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the neutral component of the Φ(1, 3)1, and this gives the only tree-level contribution to the masses of the heavy quarks D, S, and T and the principal ′ such contribution to the masses of the new gauge bosons Z and Y . After SU(3)L symmetry breaking we are left with a three-Higgs doublet SM with new heavy scalars, quarks D, S, and T and gauge bosons Z′ and (Y ±±,Y ±). In this letter, we examine the production and signatures of these new quarks and gauge bosons. Gauge Boson Masses and Mixing. For triplets, we define the SU(3) U(1) couplings L × g and gX according to the covariant derivative D = ∂ igT aW a ig XT 9X , (1) µ µ − µ − X µ a a 9 a b 1 ab where T = λ /2 and T = diag(1, 1, 1)/√6 are normalized according to Tr T T = 2 δ a 9 and λ are the usual Gell-Mann matrices. Note that T = 1/√6 for SU(3)L singlets. X is the U(1)X charge of the representations given above and is related to the usual hypercharge by Y/2= √3T 8 + √6XT 9 where Q = T 3 + Y/2. When SU(3) is broken to SU(2) by the VEV Φa = δa3U/√2, the new gauge bosons L L h i 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 get masses at tree level, MY = (1/4)g U and MZ′ = (1/6)(2g + gX )U , giving M 3g2 Y = , (2) ′ 2 2 MZ s4g +2gX which is an SU(3)L generalization of the ρ-parameter. Using the matching conditions at the SU(3)L breaking scale [8], gX is given by 3 2 2 ′ gX 6 sin θW (MZ ) 2 = 2 , (3) g 1 4 sin θ (M ′ ) − W Z which allows us to rewrite 2 M 3(1 4 sin θW (MZ′ )) Y − = q , (4) MZ′ 2 cos θW (MZ′ ) 2 which gives a relationship between M and M ′ of M 0.26M ′ for sin θ (M ) = Y Z Y ≤ Z W Z 0.233. This relationship is specific to the minimal Higgs structure where SU(3)L breaking is accomplished only by triplet Higgs. Where possible we will discuss cross-sections for extended ranges of masses to allow for the possibility of a more general non-minimal 331 model, but will use Eq. (4) when a definite relationship between MY and MZ′ is required. At the electroweak scale, Eq. (2) picks up small corrections due to SU(2)L breaking. This allows the dilepton doublet to be split in mass and also gives rise to Z–Z′ mixing. Here, Z is the standard mixture of W 3 and Y ; whereas Z′ is the gauge eigenstate orthogonal to Z and γ. Because the quarks in the third family are in a different SU(3)L representation, the Z′ coupling differentiates among families and hence there are tree-level flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNC) in the left-handed sector involving light quarks coupled to Z′ [5,8]. The Z–Z′ mixing arises from the mass matrix (in the Z,Z′ basis) { } 2 2 MZ MZZ′ 2 = , (5) M 2 2 MZZ′ MZ′ 2 2 2 2 where MZ = MW / cos θW and MZZ′ are proportional to SU(2)L breaking VEVs only. Di- agonalizing the mass matrix gives the mass eigenstates Z1 and Z2 which can be taken as ′ ′ mixtures, Z1 = Z cos φ Z sin φ and Z2 = Z sin φ + Z cos φ. The mixing angle, φ, is given − by M 2 M 2 tan2 φ = Z − Z1 , (6) M 2 M 2 Z2 − Z where MZ1 = 91.173GeV and MZ2 are the physical mass eigenvalues. Because the entries in Eq. (5) arise from the same Higgs VEVs, MZ2 and φ are related. The mixing angle is constrained to lie between the solid lines shown in Fig. 1. Additional 4 constraints on this mixing arise from analysis of weak neutral current and precision elec- troweak measurements [8–10]. Shown on Fig. 1 is a lower bound on MZ2 from FCNC [8]. Since this bound comes from first–third family mixing, it is sensitive to the values of the CKM parameters as well as new mixing angles coming from the new quarks. 2 The matching condition, Eq. (3), has an interesting consequence — namely sin θW < 1/4 2 at the 331 breaking scale [6]. Since sin θW runs towards larger values at higher energies, 2 this provides an upper bound on the new physics. Using the running of sin θW (MZ2 ) for a three-Higgs doublet SM and demanding that αX (µ) not be too strong puts an upper limit on MZ2 . For αX (µ) we impose, faute de mieux, an upper bound αX (µ) < 2π, which implies MZ2 < 2200GeV as shown in Fig. 1. An indirect lower limit on MZ2 follows from Eq. (4) and the empirical lower bound on the dilepton mass [11], particularly that coming from polarized muon decay [12]. Measurement + of the e endpoint spectrum [13] gives the lower bound MY > 400GeV while the muon spin rotation technique [14] gives MY > 300GeV (both at 90% C.L.). Using the weakest lower bound, we find MZ2 > 1400GeV, which is shown in Fig.
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