香香 港港 動動 物物 選選 擇擇 性性 分分 類類 單單 元元 名名 錄錄 HHOONNGG KKOONNGG F A U N A F A U N A A CHECKLIST OF SELECTED TAXA 香香 港港 動動 物物 選選擇擇性性分分類類單單元元名名錄錄 HHOONNGG KKOONNGG FFAAUUNNAA A CHECKLIST OF SELECTED TAXA {蜻蜓, 蝴蝶, 飛蛾, 飄蟲 & 隱翅蟲, 竹節蟲, 淡水魚類, 兩棲類, 爬行類, 鳥類 及 哺乳類} (including Dragonflies, Butterflies, Moths, Ladybird & Rove Beetles, Stick Insects, Freshwater Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals) 艾加里, 甘狄克 編 Edited by Dr. Gary W.J. Ades & Dr. Roger C. Kendrick 本名錄由嘉道理農場暨植物園職員提 The checklist has been compiled from available published and unpublished 供,包括已發表及末經發表的資料。所 sources by staff at Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, and should be used 載資料祇供各界作教育及參考之用。本 for education and reference purposes 名錄將不斷更新,以加載香港特別行政 only. The list will be occasionally updated to include any new species 區新發現的物種名稱。 discovered in the Hong Kong SAR. 艾加里 博士 二零零四年一月 Dr Gary W.J. Ades January 2004 第二版 二零零四年三月 Second Edition: March 2004 Internet edition, with corrections, November 2004 修改後的網上版本, 二零零四年十一月 Produced by 製作 Fauna Conservation Department, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Corporation 嘉 道 理 農 場 暨 植 物 園, 動物保育部 Photo Credits Front Cover 盧 文 氏 樹 蛙 Romer’s Tree Frog, Philautus romeri. Cheung Y. Back Cover 1. Hong Kong Paradise Fish, Macropodus hongkongensis. P.A. Crow. 2. 班 腿 樹 蛙 Brown Tree Frog, Polypedates megacephalus: R.C. Kendrick. 3. larva of Acherontia lachesis. G.W.J. Ades. 4. Trithemis aurora. R.C. Kendrick. 5. 扁 顱 蝠 Lesser Bamboo Bat, Tylonycteris pachypus. P.A. Crow. 6. Sympis rufibasis. R.C. Kendrick. 7. 三 線 閉 殼 龜 Three-banded Box Turtle, Cuora trifasciata. G.W.J. Ades. 8. Alcedo atthis Common Kingfisher G.W.J. Ades. 9. 穿 山 甲 Chinese Pangolin, Manis pentadactyla. G.W.J. Ades. 10. Neoharisa hongkongensis. R.C.Kendrick. 3-D image of Hong Kong © 2001 Geocarto International Centre, Hong Kong, reproduced with permission. http://www.geocarto.com.hk/ Back cover images 3 & 7 are © 2004 G.W.J. Ades and image 10 is © 2004 R.C. Kendrick, reproduced with permission; all other images © 2004, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden. No images may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the copyright holder, excepting photocopying for educational purposes. Hong Kong Fauna Checklist CONTENTS HONG KONG FAUNA : A CHECKLIST OF SELECTED TAXA FAUNA CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT KADOORIE FARM & BOTANIC GARDEN CORPORATION Second Edition, March 2004 Internet version published with minor corrections, November 2004 Contents Introduction......................................................................................... 2 Acknowledgements ............................................................................... 3 Checklist of Hong Kong Damselflies & Dragonflies...................................... 4 Checklist of Hong Kong Butterflies........................................................... 7 Checklist of Hong Kong Moths .............................................................. 12 Checklist of Hong Kong Beetles............................................................. 52 Checklist of Hong Kong Stick Insects ..................................................... 62 Checklist of Hong Kong Amphibians & Reptiles ........................................ 63 Checklist of Hong Kong Freshwater Fishes .............................................. 67 Checklist of Hong Kong Birds................................................................ 71 Checklist of Hong Kong Mammals.......................................................... 81 Cited Literature .................................................................................. 84 供稿人士名單及其研究專業覆核* List of contributors & reviewers*: 蜻蜓 Damselflies & Dragonflies 劉惠寧 Michael W.N. LAU Ph.D., G.T.REELS M.PHIL.* 蝴蝶 Butterflies 甘狄克 Roger C. KENDRICK Ph.D. 飛蛾 Moths 甘狄克 Roger C. KENDRICK Ph.D., SIR A.C. GALSWORTHY K.C.M.G.*, M.J.STERLING B.A., B.C.L.* 甲蟲 Beetles 甘狄克 Roger C. KENDRICK Ph.D., 劉紹基 Clive S.K. LAU* 竹節蟲 Stick Insects 甘狄克 Roger C. KENDRICK Ph.D., 兩棲爬行類 Reptiles & Amphibians 劉惠寧 Michael W.N. LAU Ph.D., 陳輩樂 Bosco CHAN Ph.D. 淡水魚類 Freshwater Fish 陳輩樂 Bosco CHAN Ph.D. 鳥類 Birds 李國誠 LEE Kwok Shing, Geoff CAREY B.A.* 哺乳類 Mammals 艾加里 Gary W.J. ADES Ph.D., 高保然 Paul A. CROW B.SC., Lindsay PORTER Ph.D. Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Corporation page 1 Hong Kong Fauna Checklist Introduction Introduction 前言 Hong Kong has a diverse and rich fauna. Many 香港動物物種既豐富且多様化,但不少特別多 of the superdiverse groups have yet to be fully documented. The groups for which basic 物種的動物組別鮮有文件記載。在香港能找到基本 information on the species found in Hong Kong are generally those that are well studied globally, 資料的物種,多是屬於全球有廣泛研究的組別,如 i.e. vertebrates, dragonflies and butterflies. 脊椎動物、蜻蜓及蝴蝶。 The purpose of this production is to bring together the lists for the major groups that have 本名錄旨在將過去曾被研究的主要動物組別的 been studied. This is a mammoth task, and this 名目匯集成書,這無疑是一項巨大工程。第一版在 second edition (the first edition was produced in 1998 and had a very limited circulation) has 一九九八年作限量發行,現發行第二版,仍然存在 many gaps, notably arachnids, termites, ants and 有待填補的資料,如蜘蛛綱動物、白蟻、螞蟻及蚊 mosquitoes, for which lists for Hong Kong have been worked upon. KFBG will be updating and 類,這些動物組別在香港的名錄仍在研究中,如果 adding groups as time permits. 時間許可,本園會繼續更新資料。 Each group covered in the list has been reviewed by specialists in the appropriate field. 表列在本名錄的每個組別,已經由各組別的研 Nomenclature followed is cited after the heading for each group. Most invertebrate groups do not 究專業人士進行審核。命名法也列明在每個組別的 have well established vernacular names, 標題之後。由於大部份無脊椎動物組別都沒有通用 consequently only scientific names are used in this publication for invertebrate taxa. Where 的俗稱,本名錄只好列出其科學名稱。我們並將已 possible, each species entry has been updated to 知的物種分佈及分類學上的位置資料加入本名錄。 reflect its known range or distribution, as well as its taxonomic placement. 物種名單分別以級別排列,總科及以上的級別 Species lists are broken down by rank, with 會以白字印在深灰底色之上,而科、亞科及族的級 superfamily rank and above headed in white text on a dark grey background, and with family, 別會以黑字印在淺灰底色之上。除了以下提及附上 subfamily and tribe headed in black text on a light grey background. Species are assumed to be 符號的物種之外,全部都是香港的本土動物 ( 對鳥 resident (naturally occurring for birds) in Hong 類而言,是自然存在的 )。附有 ¶ 號的物種已知是由 Kong, except species marked ¶ that are known to be introduced, naturalised or exotics (equivalent 外地引入、移養本土或外來物種(與Carey et al., of bird categories C, D and E in Carey et al., 2001 的C、D及E類鳥類一樣)。附有 § 號的物種 2001, but not including category E bird species). Species marked § are of uncertain status, (bird 並沒有確實資料,通常基於不明確記錄或未經証實 category B in Carey et al., 2001) usually based 的來源(Carey et al., 2001 的B類鳥類),所以將 upon records of ambiguous or unproven origin; it may be the case that some of these will be 來或許會把一部份物種從本名錄的香港名單中刪 excluded from the list of Hong Kong species in future. Authors and dates of publication are 除。 如某物種不是列在原本的屬類,會印有作者及 given, where traced, with authors in parentheses 出版日期以便追溯,作者名稱印在圓括號內。但請 when the species is placed in a genus other than that which the species was originally placed. Note 留意鳥類名單並沒有作者日期。附有#號的物種表 that the bird list does not give authorship dates. 示不肯定其命名原則,而附有?號的物種表示不能 Species marked # indicate uncertainty over the nomenclature and those marked ? identity (note 完全確定所鑑定的物種。(請留意Carey et al., that birds under category F in Carey et al., 2001 are not included). 2001 的F類鳥類並沒上載)。 Species conservation status is only given for 只有表列在世界自然保護聯盟的紅色名錄 International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List species (IUCN, 2003). These are (IUCN, 2003)內的物種才會加上物種保育的情 IUCN marked following the species name as , 況。它們會附有IUCN以及紅色名錄的等級及標準。未 followed by the Red List category and criterion, or criteria, met. For species that are of conservation 被世界自然保護聯盟評估是否需要列入紅色名錄卻 concern but not yet assessed for listing by IUCN, 又受到保育界關注的物種,費樂思et al., (2002) 已 Fellowes et al. (2002) lists species for all taxa herein except Coleoptera and Phasmida. 列出鞘翅目及竹節蟲目以外的所有其他單元名錄。 Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Corporation page 2 Hong Kong Fauna Checklist Introduction & Acknowledgements Should a species have no entry under "Further 如果某物種在“ 其他分佈地區” 一欄沒有資 Range", the species has apparently been recorded from Hong Kong only. Within each 料,該物種極可能只是香港有記錄。至於飛蛾及甲 species further range for the moth and beetle lists, the Chinese provinces, certain metropolitan 蟲名單的其他分佈地區,會以下列簡稱代表中國各 areas and Taiwan have been abbreviated as 省及某些大城市以及台灣。 follows: AH – Anhui 安徽 GZ – Guizhou 貴州 HuN – Hunan 湖南 NX – Ningxia 寧夏 SX – Shanxi 山西 BJ – Beijing 北京 HeB – Hebei 河北 IM – Inner Mongolia 內蒙古 QH – Qinghai 青海 TW – Taiwan 台灣 FJ – Fujian 福建 HeN – Henan 河南 JN – Jilin 吉林 SaX – Shaanxi 陝西 XJ – Xinjiang 新疆 GD – Guangdong 廣東 HLJ – Heilongjiang 黑龍江 JS – Jiangsu 江蘇 SC – Sichuan 四川 XZ – Xizang 西藏 GS – Gansu 甘肅 HN – Hainan 海南 JX – Jiangxi 江西 SD – Shandong 山東 YN – Yunnan 云南 GX – Guangxi 廣西 HuB – Hubei 湖北 LN – Liaoning 遼寧 SH – Shanghai 上海 ZJ – Zhejiang 浙江 The number of species listed is broken down as follows: 各物種數量一覽表: Every year more species are Species Invertebrates 無脊椎動物 added to various faunal groups. The 物種 intention of this publication is to Odonata Damselflies 豆娘 37 provide a reference where 蜻蛉目 Dragonflies 蜻蜓 74 information can be quickly scanned for the groups represented. New Lepidoptera Butterflies 蝴蝶 242 species will be added, and 鱗翅目 Moths 飛蛾 1,958 nomenclature amended where Coleoptera Rove Beetles 盪甲 420 necessary, in future editions. 鞘翅目 Ladybird Beetles 瓢蟲 61 Phasmida Stick Insects 竹節蟲 14 竹節蟲目 Total invertebrates 總無脊椎動物: 2,806 雖然各動物组別的物種數目每年都 Vertebrates 脊椎動物 有增加,但出版本名錄的原意是提供參 兩棲動物 24 Amphibians 考資料,使各界人士快捷地查閱所上載 Reptiles 爬蟲動物 93 的動物組別資料。如有需要,未來的修 Freshwater Fishes 淡水魚 117 Birds 鳥類 458 訂版會加入新物種及修改命名原則。 Mammals 哺乳動物 74 Total vertebrates 總脊椎動物: 766 Total
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