TheMUZZLEBLAST Florida's Largest Gun Club, over 2200 Strong and Growing... VOLUME 2003 Monthly publication of the Gateway Rifle and Pistol Club of Jacksonville, Florida Number 5 President’s Report August 2003 William J. (Bill) Flannery March 22, 1920-July 16, 2003 As we approach our annual gen- be replaced; the leaking had damaged eral meeting, I would like to dispel the interior wood walls. It was decided Gateway lost another long and faith- Rifles and helped that club incorporate some misconceptions. Why did we re- to upgrade these restrooms at the same ful member with the passing of past in the late 70s. He was a member of the pair the pavilion before doing the min- time that the roof was being installed. president Bill Flannery. Bill died July National Wild Turkey Federation and 16, 2003 at the Beauclerc Manor Nurs- an endowment member of the NRA. ing on the berms? Projects at the club There have been some personal ing home after a long illness. do not run on a straight time line. Some attacks generated against me. In my Bill took a fall at his hunt camp issues can go to committee and have position, I expect it. As to my not being Bill was born in Phoenix, Arizona about five years ago and never fully plans and resolutions faster than other present at the club. I have to be at the and grew up riding, shooting and fish- recovered. I would go by and see him items of need. The mining has been an club weekly to take care of business, ing in Arizona and throughout the west. most Sunday afternoons and visit. issue from the time the GRPC was payroll and respond to issues required Bill earned an appointment to West Bill’s mind was sharp as a tack and opened. I will address this later in my by my office. Ask the rifle and black Point but at the last minute his con- could talk at length about a myriad of letter. The Pavilion’s roof was rotting powder shooters, they routinely see me gressman called to tell him West Point subjects. He was a colorful storyteller away (many may have passed the hill at the club. As to being called a tree was full and he was going to the Naval but was very hard of hearing. To carry of rotten wood stacked up next to the killer and having no interest in environ- Academy. Bill was in the class of 1944 on a conversation you could hear me pavilion while the new roof was being ment on the Westside of Jacksonville. but because of WW II graduated from from one end of the street to the other. installed.) The Pavilion was the air gun I was raised on the Westside and I own Annapolis in 1943 after only three years. Mostly I would just sit and listen to his range prior to the Club House being property on the Westside. I have Bill served in submarines, was a stories as we watched the birds in the built. I remember because I shot in the strongly encouraged the planting of hard hat deep sea diver, commanded a feeder outside his window. air-gun league on this range way back quality shade trees for the shooters rescue vessel and served at the Mer- True patriots and heroes can be when. The longer we let the damage comfort and act as a sound break for chant Marine Academy. After Bill hard to find these days but Bill was progress the more expensive it would our neighbors. As to my not participat- retired from the navy in 1969 he began both. Gateway has lost a treasure and have been to repair. I am sure prior to ing in matches with fellow club mem- his banking career in New York City I have lost a good friend and mentor. the general meeting you will appreci- bers, I shoot matches twice a month. I with an office on Park Avenue and Save me a spot at your campfire, old ate the improvements to the Pavilion work full-time. As a manager, it is subsequently with Barnett in Jackson- friend. while shopping and swapping. The difficult to fit more gun hobbies into ville from where he retired in 1988. next misconception is nothing is being Barry Wheeler my life. I do not feel one discipline is “Not bad for a kid from Arizona,” Bill done to open the smallbore range be- more important than another. I prefer used to say. hind the pistol line. The rebuilding of bullseye shooting (but I own and shoot the height of the berms has been ap- a custom AR-15) I have gone to the Bill was president of Gateway in INSIDE proved and the dirt should start appear- nationals and placed. I am dedicated to 1977 and orchestrated buying our prop- ing any day (probably complete before achieving personal perfection in the erty. As I recall, we had tried unsuc- this article is received.) No, not just the bullseye discipline. It’s like ice cream. cessfully in the past to purchase the Letters to the Editor page 2 pistol line ranges, all ranges requiring I enjoy all flavors but strawberry cheese- club property but Bill said, “Let’s try buildup will be done. The engineering cake flavor is my favorite. once more, “ and was successful put- IR 50/50 Match results page 4 plans for the eyebrows have been com- ting a deal together. We should all be pleted and are being routed to contrac- Back to mining the berms, we are grateful for his foresight. trying to purchase or make equipment Match schedule page 4 tors for bid. As to when construction Bill loved the outdoors and fishing will begin, depends on the cost, weather to mine them ourselves. The inconsis- tencies of the previous contractors and and hunting of all kinds. He was an Schedule of Events page 3 conditions, range schedule, and the active 18th century reenactor during the contractor’s schedule. the cost of larger outfits have left us little options. So now I am appealing to Bicentennial and later became active in Sample Ballot page 8 Several club members and non- the membership to take an active roll in civil war reenactments, participating members have questioned me concern- getting this accomplished. Many gun many times in the Battle of Olustee. ing the bathroom controversy. When I clubs have a member’s maintenance Bill loved his muzzleloaders and par- first started serving on the BOD, one of day. I have proposed to the BOD, lets ticularly enjoyed shooting and hunting the issues was not having a restroom get the membership involved. You have with his Colt Springfield musket. He near the all purpose range. A restroom shown your merit in the support of was active in the Treaty Oak Long PAID was a goal on the silhouette line back in Women’s Field Day, which has be- SRANDARD PRESORTED Jacksonville, FL 1988. As more disciplines have pro- come a major success at GRPC. My Permit No. 2840 gressed from the pistol line portion of instincts concerning our members will my faith in this membership to rise to US POSTAGE PAID the range to all-purpose, there is a ne- be that you will support this as well. On the occasion. Yes it will be hard work, cessity for restroom facilities on or the second weekend in October, I am and am willing to shovel and shake. near the all purpose range. The contro- asking for volunteers to come out with I hope the shotgun shooters are versy is exactly where to put it. The shovels, rakes, wheel borrows, and lets starting to enjoy the improvements to construction committee will provide get this done. I will need interested that range. The trap house is being two drawings at the general meeting members willing to be a part of a work repaired and shooting boxes have been and permit the membership to vote on crew to call the club office and place installed for increased safety. Shotgun the location. The restrooms should be your name on a list by the first week on shooters please only shoot from inside as nice or nicer than the restrooms by October. We will provide a barbeque the shooting boxes. The box is de- the pistol line. Some have questioned and refreshments. We have almost why the pistol line restrooms are so 3000 members, the larger the work nice while we have porto-lets on the all crew the better and faster we can get the continued on page 3 purpose range. The restrooms on the job done right. If a church can be built pistol line have been there for twenty in a weekend, we can get the lead out of years and were deteriorating. The pis- large piles of dirt in the same time Called for Printer tol line is the most used range and frame. Based on the numbers of volun- pickup on revenue generating range at the club. teers, the work parties will be orga- Our potential members use these facili- nized and food purchased. Not all vol- August 21 Gateway R&P Club 9301 Zambito Rd. Jacksonville,FL,32210 ties. The roof on these restrooms had to unteers need to be diggers. I am putting PAGE 2 THE MUZZLEBLAST Editorial The Muzzleblast is edited and published bi monthly by Dennis Glasscock I have heard that the last board of under the direction of the Gateway Rifle & Pistol Club. All newsletter content to directors meeting was interesting.
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