WEDNESDAY, A P R ^ 20, 1566 I rr *r. PAGE THIRTY-SIX Afarage Daily Net Press Run The Weather ^ Fw tto Wodc Ended Ladias Auxfliary o6 the Ital­ FriendeUp Xiodge oT^Masons djfk W in T T fin n ra MUioney, Considereble cloudiness to­ fwi W in H on ors OhrUUM IMhiewson, •nm BRING THE WHOLE FAMI^jY AprU 16, 1968 ian American Society wfll have wHl meet at the Maeohic-Tem- Revaluation night, chance of showers, low About Toi^ a q>ecial meeting tonight' at )^e at 7:80 tomorrow night The 4 » ' ■ Murray, Jbanile PetreeM, Bd- TO THE Representatives ot the A t A S S U m p t l O l l Rowle^, MlctoeUS BlfkuBf 45-50; partly sunny, mild to­ ' OoniMctiout Ntrt Growers As* 7:80 at the • ItaUan American Fellowcraft Degree will l>e con- iianrifpfitpr IE United Appraisal Co., con­ Susanhe B rou^tto and D(»ina 14,620 morrow, high 60-65. ■ocisUon wiU meet Saturday at Club on Eldridge SL The meet­ fared; wito mepiben of the Mas­ ter's Chib fliti^ the eiiiairB.,|U- ducting: a revaluation' Of all A total of 46 puiMls at As- csmffleri. Aunf t a.m, to tte clulihouse at .Uto ing is open-, to. sU intertoted sumption Junior High School Manchester-^4^ City of Village Charm fre3hment8" vrill be served after town real estatej are now manders Nature Center on tke memben. have attained honors the the meeting. working (Ml E. Maple, E. E3- i<fr Van Vleck Farm, Flanders Rd., third quarter. Jeminias VOL. LXXXV, NO. 171 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1966 (Gtosstfied Advortising on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ‘The Junior. Methodist Touth dridge, ' Branford, Depot, Woodtoiry. After a tNislness Clearview and BUyue. These earning high honors PellowslUp of South Methodist MsnoheSter Wa ‘TBS will Police Arrests meeting at the farm, members ' ‘The revaluation will be include Debra Cbrn^, John .-will go to the nature center and Church will sponsor a house- have a potlnck ‘Tuesday at 7 to-house,'paper collection Satur-. the basis of the October Munuy and Charles Suntava in ■plant about ao nut trees toclud- -p.m. -at-the ItaUan American Grade 6;V, Patricia Legler -and__ Ronald A. Berthiaume, 23, of day at »:30 a.m. ‘Ihoee wishing Club, Eldridge St. Members are 1966 Grand List and will PANCAKE Ing 10 varieties that are hardy have nothing to do with the James Olekslw in Grade 7; and NeW Britain, waa <9iarged with Never Too Old ‘in this climate. When oomplet- to have paperk picked, up rtay reminded to contact Mrs. AUen Janice Gaudino in Grade 8. making an unnecessary noise contact Mrs. Charles Smith of Hoffman, '"Lctomis Rd., Bolton, taxes which wUl be in effect i;ed, this win be the first nut-tree <m July 1. Secimd honors in Grade 6 with a motw vehicle yestoritay War Lull Broken, DULUTH, Minn. (AP)— 87 Alexander. ’St., / or Mrs. chairman of,^ the event ., arboretum in. Connecticut and j ■ , ■ '' ■ • went to the following: Carlene alXMit 12:15 p.m. a ^ his court Dr. Benjamin J. Elrsland Artificial Heart Used Charles .Brante of US .H(d)later JAMBOREE! cover about four acres. Mme- — — Bafumo, Jacqueline B a r k e r , date is May 2. Police rep(Mt has five days In which' to St. bers are reminded to brto|[ Spurrier Fellowship of South d a r d P a r t V S 0 t Richard Cratty, Sheila Dama, the Berthiaume car’s, tires SUNDAY Soring from register with his local draft lunch. Coffee wiU be serv^. Methodist CSuirch will meet to­ ^ J , Kathleen Ives. Ann Marie screeched while turning: right 10 A.M. tin 7 P i l . board, the Selective Service Sunset ^bekah lodge will morrow at 12:80 p.m.-at Wesley By Emblem Club Kingsley. ^ t o F ^ s o n Rd. from E. APRIL 24, 1966 Marines Meet VC advised him by mail. Veterans of World War I and have a'recej^ion Satuhlay at 8 ;Hall at the church. Members » . _ Also, Jerry Murphy, William Middle T^pke. "I’m going to sit this out Auxiliary wiH meet Sunday at p.m. to honor Mrs. Beverly are rminded- to bring lunch. ‘The Manchester Emblem Club Olekslnskl, Garry Perzanowski, , ,, ' ALL YOU CAN EAT SAIGON, South Viet U.S. 1st Marine Division, F4C Phantoms tore Into the and see what they do next, ’ Houston Operation S p.m. at the VFW Home., A Jenkins, district deputy. Mrs. Dessert and beverages will be will hold its annual charity card Thomas Ricci, Mary Ellen 'Tier- Nam (A P)__S Marines *** enemy dead in the bat- highway at three locations with- Ersaland said with a chuck­ representative' of toe Hartfbrd CTj^e Beckwith, depuW mar- served. ‘The Rev. Rtchafd Dupee party tomorrow evening at 8 at “ sy- Janet Tomko and Lmda # Poneokts le Wednesday. Social Security Office will speak ie in charge of arrange­ DeM OLAY and Vietnamese troops hat- “ ‘" “f® vrill lu d a Bible study.. the Elks Home on Blssell St. Topping. flod o rv,:-.-.,,! V iof Prtner northeast of Saigon, may exceed huge craters. At 81, Ersland has 12 oh ‘‘Medicare and Socl«d Secur­ ments. She will be assisted by # S a u sa 9 0 s * 1.00 XT i-v,* JV. * ^ on g - 30Q combined allied force With South Viet Nam’s gener- All proceeds will go to the Re- Second Honors, Grade 7: L ^ CHILDREN 7So great grandchildren and ity.” Tiere will be a quesUon her team ihambers. XJfflcers are # Coffeo riortn Vietnamese n^'Vy ^iso was reported to have seiZed als preo<x:upied with political Infant Jesus of Prague Moth- tarded Children’s Association. ren Andreo, Barbara Cm sSI, CA R W ASH (12 yrs. or yotoigery was too old for the draft in and answer period after ‘toe reminded : to wear colored Prizes v/fll be provided, and Oathy ConkUng, Edward F%Z- weapons battalion today, a large store <jf Communist problems, operations against meeting. Ladies of toe auxUt- gwsins., The, event is open to ers'Cfrcle WIU meet tombi-row World War I. He figures Patient, 65, at g p.m.-at .the home-of .Mrs. refreshmsaiU will be served. gerald, Joanne Kosciol, Dennis Ot tha MASONIC TEMPLE ■ killing at least 173 of the weapons. the Vlet Oong by government Selective Service will soon ary will serve refreshmMite. frieiids and' relatives of toe Mrs. Alfred Ritter, chainnan McDermott Susan Sonosky and Serturdoy, April 23rdr enemy in stiff fighting that American and Vietnamese troops have fallen off consid- guest of hqnor and members of. Frederick "Barrett. 84 Bbwers 25 East Cantor St., Manchester (Next to Post OAce) ' catch up with its mistake. St. Mrs. Eugene Blackwell will of weKare,«d Mrs. Paul Diehl, broke days-long lull in the causaltles were described as erably. ‘I%e American Legion Atixili- Sunset Rebekah Lodge and Odd 9 A.M. to 4 vP.M. at Sp<»isored by ■ Is Reported be co-hostees. chairman of ways and means. Rose Mary f ground war, U.S. spokes- However,-U.S. combat casual- ary will sponsor a Rummage Feilows. ' , ■ FRIENDSHIP LODOE No. 145 - men renorted - more Marines ties contisued at the usual level will be co-chairmen. Mr. and t- Sale ‘Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at Hartford N a 11 o no I AF A AM of Manchester Marine hellce^pters landed the ‘"^o the action, and South Vietnamese casual- State News Satisfactory . St. Fh-ancis Xavier Mothers Mountain Laurel Chapter of Mrs. Edward McKeever will be i 1 the Lef^on Home. Donations allied troops virtuallly on top of ^ dropping may be brought to toe hail Mon­ Circle will meet tonight at 8:30 Sweet Adelines, Inc., wlU meet In charge of playing mUltary „ J Paul Bank, Main St. Far tteketa, caU Ernest J. Smith, 649-8752, or call any HOUSTON, Tex. (A P )— and rehearse tomorrow at 8 whistwiuoi, ojmand BCbiw-n..setbMk. Robert Hodgson, Nancy« Hesketh, Tler- member of Friendship Lodge. the enem r positions 10 miles ° Americans day after 7 p.m. Ihose wishing at- toe. t^ome ot Mrs. Robert TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR ___ . _ The Air Force fighter-bomb- for the first time in the war. An artificial heart, which pickup service may contact Bourque, 9 Hoffman Rd. Mrs. p.m. at the Russian-American The public is invited. Tickets ^ey, PoKce Probe National Center, '211 Wethers­ Donation $1.00 northern coast, a ftef they were ^ one of its developers says Mrs. Oittord Walker, 76 PhelpB Joseidi HaUorah and Mrs. Har­ may be Obtained at the door. Also, Catherine Kosciol, Nan- .__. Pass Wednesday after re- announced that 89 Americans may save thousands of Rd. ry Yoritensen are co-hostesses. field Ave., Hartford, pi pom y *^Heaw c°"o»>8sance showed that labor were killed, 635 wounded and Youngsters’ battalions had gotten traffic five missing in action last week. heart victims, was implant­ ed in a man today. It be­ *’ ? n Sfe aTr w ^ a K ^ B ^ Ninety-five" Americans were *Tt .XT TT c Into *B thc highway that winds killed, 501 wounded and four Noon Parties gan functioning normally. Viet I^m, U . S . - ^ through the i^ss and links up missing the week before MILFORD (AP) — De- ’The patient was Marcel L. De- renewed a ss e ts ^ aw^aches ^outhlTund infilirr-*-"infiltration The new figures raised Amer- tectives have launched an Rudder, 66, of Westville, 111. MANCHESTER to the Btratepc Mu G a Pms neighboring Laos.
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