PAl^DAVAPRAVESAPARVA 564 I Dharmaputra leading and Pancall following last. At all warfare like mace-fight. They were trained in the first Pancall fell dead, but nobody turned back. Then use of elephants also. Bhisma taught them law and Sahadeva fell and nobody worried. This continued acquainted them with all the Itihasas and Puranas. thus till Dharmaputra was left alone. A dog which Pandu became second to none in archery. The people followed them from their very start also remained were all happy. When the boyhood was over Pandu alive with Dharmaputra. The dog was none other than was crowned as Yuvaraja. Pandu was the most eligible Dharmadeva, father of Dharmaputra. When Dharma- of the three to become King, for Dhrtarastra was a putra reached the top of the Himalayas Indra was there born blind man and Vidura was the son of a servant- ready with the divine car to take him to heaven. But Dhar- maid. (Chapter 109, Adi Parva). said that he would not come to heaven 5 Married maputra leaving ) Life. Obeying the behest of Bhisma, Pandu his brothers and wife elsewhere. Then Indra informed married Prtha, daughter of the Yadava King Surasena. him that they were already in heaven and so Dharma- She was the sister of Vasudeva, father of Krsna. She putra went to heaven with Indra. (Only a general and got the name Kunti because she grew up in the palace succinct history of the Pandavas is given under this of King Kuntibhoja. While Kunti was staying in the head. For details see under the heads of each of the palace of Kuntibhoja Durvasas came and stayed in the Pandavas as well as Panca.li, Kunti, Bhisma and the palace as a guest of the King. Kunti then served Vyasa) . the sage with such devotion and patience that Durva- PAl^DAVAPRAVESAPARVA. A svib-divisional Parva sas at the time of his departure gave Kunti a divine of Virata Parva. This includes chapters two to eighteen mantra for begetting children. The mantra was to be ofVirata Parva. used only five times. If she called upon any god PAI^DITAKA. One of the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra. repeating that mantra, that god would manifest himself He was killed in the great battle by Bhlmasena. before her and bless her with a son equal to him in (Chapter 88, Bhisma Parva). glory, Out of impatient curiosity of youth Kunti tried it before PAyDU I. Father of the Pandavas. getting married. One morning, seeing the beautiful and brilliant sun in the sky she invoked him 1) Genealogy. Refer to the genealogy of Arjuna. by the mantra and instantly the Sun stood in all 2) Birth. Santanu, a King of Candravarhs'a, had two bewitching brilliance before her and she got of him a wives, and Even while was Ganga Satyavati. Satyavati son who was known as Karna later. Unmarried as she a maiden she got of the sage Paras"ara a son named was, Kunti sent the child afloat in the river nearby. Vyasa. But because of the blessing of the sage Satya- Even after a child-birth Kunti remained a virgin by vati did not lose her maidenhood. She got of Santanu the blessing of the Sun and so got married as a virgin. two sons, Citrangada and Vicitravirya. Citraiigada Many Kings were present for the Svayamvara of died young. married the two Vicitravirya daughters, Kunti and she put the round the neck Ambika and of the of wedding garland Ambalika, King Kasi. Vicitra- of Pandu. virya died before any progeny was born to him. To Once Bhisma went to the country of Madra. The King save the dynasty from extinction Satyavati asked her of Madra received Bhisma with respect and Bhisma first son Vyasa to children of Ambika and beget took Madri daughter of Madra as a bride for Pandu. Ambalika. Accordingly Dhrtarastra was born to He brought her to Hastinapura and married her to Ambika of Vyasa and Pandu to Ambalika. (Chapters Pandu. Pandu lived with his two wives happily and 63 and 105, Adi Parva) ruled the country well. Once Pandu attacked Dasiirna 3) How Pandu got his name. Vyasa came to Hastina- with a huge army and defeated him. Later he defeated the command of his mother to pura by beget sons of Dirgha, King of Magadha. Then he conducted a Ambika and Ambalika. was an with Vyasa ugly sage victory march capturing many kingdoms like Kasi, matted hair and he was dressed in garments of Mithila, Suhma and Pundra. Thus many of the Kings deerskin. that called Ambika to her Satyavati night of Uttara Bharata became feudatory princes of Pandu. side and in secret commanded her to and lie with go In consultation with his brother Dhrtarastra, Pandu She was reluctant to have a sexual union with Vyasa. gave all the wealth he got by his might to Satyavati that old and Yet the orders of ugly sage. obeying her and Bhisma. He gave enough riches to Vidura also. mother-in-law she did so her the shutting eyes during Then Pandu went and stayed with his wives in a whole The result was she a child born period. got forest to the south of the Himalayas. (Chapters 110 to blind who became known later as Dhrtarastra. The 114, Adi Parva). next ordered Ambalika to and lie day Satyavati go 6) Curse of a sage. While Pandu was once walking with Ambalika on the bed chamber Vyasa. entering with his wives in the forest he saw a couple of deer went on the and the result was pale seeing ugly Vyasa playfully running about and the hunting nature in she a child that was white in colour. That got pale him made him send an arrow against one of them. The child became known as Pandu. The third day Satya- deer was none other than the sage Kindama who in vati asked her servant-maid to and lie with go Vyasa. the guise of a deer was having sport with his mate. She did it with and she remained and pleasure happy While falling dead Kindama cursed Pandu thus "Oh cheerful the whole The result was she during period. got wretched King, you will fall dead the moment you a beautiful child who became an scholar of intelligent touch your wife in amorous sport." From that day great wisdom. He was known later as Vidura. (Chap- onwards Pandu could not touch his wives. ( For details ters and Adi . 1, 63, 105, Parva) see under Kindama). 4) Boyhood and kingship. Bhisma took care of Dhrta- 7) Sannyasa and death. With the death of the innocent rastra, Pandu and Vidura as his own sons. Bhisma sage Kindama there occurred a great change in the taught them all the Vedas including Dhanurveda, and life of Pandu. At first he thought of committing suicide..
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