TRAVEL SECTION PULLOUT aci ic citize11 National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League' Newsstand: 25¢ (60e postpaid) Whole No. 2,415 Vol. 103 No. 20 ISSN: 0030-8579 941 East 3rd St. #200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 626-6936 Friday, Nov. 14, 1986 Asian Pacific Candidates Make Gains Saiki Captures Incumbents House Seat; Is Big Winners; 1st GOP Rep Others Lose by Robert Shimabukuro by J.K Yamamoto HONOLULU -Stressing her ex­ The Nov. 4 election had mixed perience as a legislator and the results for Asian American can­ Photo by Robert Shimabukuro advantages for Hawaii to have bi­ didates across the U.S. Mainland, FRIGHTENING FRIENDS - Trick-or-treaters from nearby Nihonmachi partisan representation in Con­ with incumbents retaining their Little Friends make their annual rounds at JACL National Headquarters gress, Patricia Saiki became the Patricia Saiki seats and challengers going down in San Francisco on Halloween. first Republican from Hawaii to to defeat win a seat in the U.S. House of Easy Victories Representatives, defeating Mufi As expected, California's two New Lineup in House, Senate Hannemann by over 30,000 votes Japanese American congressmen in the Nov. 4 election won reelection by wide margins. Democrats Divided Rep. Norman Mineta (I)) of the May Help Redress Legislation 13th District (Santa Clara) re­ The former state GOP chair ceived 106,064 votes (70%) to Re­ benefited from a disorganized publican challenger Bob Nash's by Robert Shimabukuro opposition which refused to heal 45,755 (3<Yro). Formerly mayor of The Nov. 4 elections produced its wounds after a bitter Demo­ San Jose, Mineta was first elect­ "good news for redress," said cratic primary f1ght between ed to the House in lm4. JAClrLEC executive director Hannemann, a fonner aide to Rep. Robert Matsui (I) of the Grayce Uyehara when asked Gov. George Ariyoshi; Neil Aber­ 3rd District (Sacramento) outdis­ about the outcome of the con­ crombie, who is selVing out the tanced his Republican opponent, gressional races. term of Rep. Cecil Hettel, who Lowell Landowski, by a margin . Daniel Inouye. "We picked up strength in the resigned to run for governor; and of 156 fXJl (lWo) to 49,524 (24%). A Senate," she explained, noting State Sen. Steve Cobb. fonner Sacramento city council­ that the change in leadership in Still, by winning by more than man Matsui was first elected to the Senate Governmental Affairs 22 percent ofthe vote, Saiki dem­ the House in 1978. Committee will improve the onstrated that she had wide­ Incumbent California Secre­ chances of a redress bill moving spread support in her 99,673-to- tary of State March Fong Eu, a out of committee. 03,007 victory. Democrat, easily deflected a Of the 29 co-sponsors of Senate ''I had some Cobb and Aber­ jim Wright challenge by Republican Bruce redress bill S. 1053, three have crombie support," she told PC. Nestande, 4,871.269 (69%) to left office, but as many as five "The Democratic Party never 1,859,005 ( 260/( ~ . possible supporters will take healed their wounds. Being the their place. only AJA candidate, excepting Contest in Utah S~u . Jeremiah Denton (R-Ala) lost [U.S. Sen. Daniel) Inouye, also Republican Tom a to Democrat Richard Shelby, had its advantages. But when Salt Lake County commissioner, Gary Hart ~lo.) resigned to push came to shove, my 14 years 10 t his bid for Utah' 2nd DistIi.ct begin his presidential campaign, in the State Legislature made the congressional seat to Democrat and Slade Gorton (R-Wasb.) lost difference. People were familiar Wayne Owens, a fonner congress­ March Fong Eu ( 550i ~ to Brock Adams, a fonner con­ with my record." man, 00,924 (44%) to 76 875 The two were vying for the posi­ gressman and Transportation Support for Redress Secretary. tion vacated by David Monson (R). When asked how she felt about In an interview with PC, From House to Senate being Hawaii's first Republican Shimizu said of the oppo ition, At the same time; four House representative, Saiki replied, ''It seem like they" ere " ell or­ co-sponsors of H.R 442 have "It's a privilege and I'm going to ganized. They had run campaigns moved up to the Senate: Tim have to set a good example." a number oftime before. I didn't Wirth au;olo.), who replaces Tim Wirth Saiki also said he was support­ ha e that ex-perience ... We Hart; Barbara Mikulski (D-Md); ive of redress for Japanese Amer­ learned a lot" Harry Reid (D-Nev.); and Tom ing to an ACLU poll of candidates. icans. ''I do feel that the period Asked ifhe planned to run for Daschle (D-S.D.). While acknowledging that when AJAs were interned was office again. he replied. "I think In addition, JACL Vice Presi­ there were unknowns in the one of the darkest periods in that I will ,. adding that the rac dent of Public Affairs Cherry House after the loss of 15 co­ American history. Tho e who had gi en him "good nanle reco<J­ Kinoshita of Seattle reported sponsors to death, retirement or were affected should have redress nition" But he said he had not that Adams has stated he will the election process, Uyehara and should be compen ated," decided what office to eek next support and vote for the redress said there were still 127 (and pos­ he said. om charge were traded bill sibly 128) co-sponsors. Continued 00 Page 3 Continued on na't p;.lgt' Sen Arlen Specter (R-Pa), She added that with Majority who won reelection, is reported­ Leader Jim Wright (D-Texas) ly in favor of the bill also, accord- CootiDued 011 Page 3 Prop. 63 Passes; Opponents Plan Next Move Holiday Issue SubmissiQ by J.K. Yamamoto As had b en predi t d by pollsters, alifornia vot 1 on Nov. 4 pas ed Propo ition 03, which makes Engli h th tat' official languag , by an ov r· whelming margin. 5.016,556 (730/,,) to 1,837,803 (270/1). Proponents of the m a ul , led by th California Engli h campaign and th nationwid U.S. English organization, aid that a constitutional am ndmcnt was need d to unite th stat ' div 1"S population LInder one languag ; oppon 'nts. including Asian, Hi 'pani and oth r ivil v. )'ights gl'o\.~p", called the m 'asul"C' ('oullIlU\l(1 tilt 1\' .\ \\'l!I' 2 PACIFIC CITIZEN I Friday, November 14,1986 No. 2,415 Allow 6 weeks advance notice to report address change with label on front PROPOSITION 63 If you are moving / Wish to subscribe, Continued &om &ont page Wrile New Address below. EHective date ... ............................................................ Please send the Pacific Citizen for: George Deukmejian and Los An­ o 1-Yr $20 0 2-Yrs $38 0 3-Yrs $56 geles Police Chief Dariyl Gates To: .......................... .. ... .............. ... ............................................................. to liberals like Lt Gov. Leo IAddress: ... ...................................................................................... ... ....... McCarthy, San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein and Los Angel­ City. ~:~~b S ;:: ;i O ;;· ~ ~;~b i ~ ' i~ ' ~d~~~~ :' F~~~i~~ ;' US$';2 ..00 · ~;;;~ · ~~~ · ;~~; .... ... es Mayor Tom Bradley. But their i Checks payable to: Pacific Citizen, 941 E. 3rd St., Los Angeles, CA 90013 : statements apparently failed to EX PIR A~ION N O T r ~E-If the last four digits on the top row of your fabel reads 1086 the 6G-d I grace pe r l~d ends With thl? last issue in December, 1986. Please renew your 'subserl lion!~ I dissuade voters from supporting PCofli ce~ the measure. membershl p. lfmembership has been renewed and the paper stops, notify the : The measure directs the Legis­ .-- - ---- -- - ----.-- --- -- ---- -- -- ~ . --~-:..-~----------;-~ lature to "insure that the role of English ... is preselVed and en­ MAINLAND ELECTION RESULTS hanced" and to "make no law Continued &om Front Page which diminishes or ignores the psychologist, was in fourth place role of English." It also allows re­ during the race; former Presi­ with 60,999 votes (13%); Gilman sidents to sue the state if they dent Gerald Ford called Owens' Louie, the president of a com­ think the law is not being obeyed. William T. (Wimpy) Hiroto is sworn in as a member of the Los Angeles voting record "even more liberal puter software firm, was in sixth place with 46,552 votes (10%). 'Deceit and Deception' County Design Control Board (Small Craft Harbors) by Supervisor Ken­ than Tip O'Neill's," while Owens Berkeley School Board In a statement released the neth Hahn. Hiroto is executive director of the Gardena Valley Cultural said Shimizu lacked knowledge David Kakishiba, director of night of the election, Califor­ Institute and serves on the advisory board of Pacific Heritage Bank. about how Congress operates. nians United said, 'Tonight's However, according to Shimizu, the Berkeley Asian Youth Center, vote measures the short-term ef­ the overall campaign was not lost in his bid for the Berkeley fectiveness of deceit and decep­ Assemblyman Frank Hill (R- apply to private businesses that negative. School Board, garnering 10,9(Y7 tion California voters felt that 52nd District) has already an­ advertise in languages other than Another Nikkei Republican in votes (compared to the 2D,460 re­ they were simply supporting an nounced his intention to intro­ English or to services provided Utah fared better: Frank Nishi­ ceived by the top vote-getter, My­ innocuous, symbolic initiative to duce bills eliminating bilingual by city or county governments. guchi was elected to a two-year ron Moskovitz). Along with How­ enshrine English officially as our provisions of such state services Money for Classes term as a Box Elder County com­ ard Traylor and Noel Krenkel, common language .
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