S - '~0Z e 3nv eg ■ea ’ ?jtiÄX9|>VjX®i IS ISTI? Q ,CPG x f p a ©^ n1 n ihe tW i T îtness• VOL. VII. NO. 11 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 4, 1922 $1.50 A YEAR A Modern Churchman’s Union Rev. Dr. Slattery Consecrated Is Organized Here In Trinity Church Clergymen, Meeting In New York, Adopt Platform Will Administer Diocesan Affairs, Thus Releasing Like That Of English Modernists Bishop Lawrence For Other Work A group of clergymen, meeting last The Rev. Charles Lewis Slattery, D.D., week in New York City, organized an was consecrated Bishop Coadjutor of the American branch of the Modern Church­ Diocese of Massachusetts in Trinity men’s Union. The platform adopted fol­ Church, Boston, on Tuesday of this week. lows very closely that of the Modern The consecratdrs were Bishops Lawrence, Churchmen’s Union of England, a group Tucker and Babcock. Dr. Slattery was that has considerable influence in the presented by Bishop Lines of Newark and English Church. Bishop Mlanning of New York. Bishop The program which was adopted as the Lawrence preached the sermon. Dean platform of the organization at the New Washburn of the Episcopal Theological York meeting is as follows: Seminary acted as the master of ceremon­ ies, while Charles E. Mason was chairman “ To maintain the right to interpret the of the Committee on Arrangements. historic expressions of our faith in ac­ cordance with the results of - modern Trinity Church was crowded with friends science and Biblical scholarship. of the new Bishop. Admission was by ticket only, the committee in charge being “ To advance, as an aid to the ultimate compelled to take this precaution due to reunion of Christendom, co-operation and limited Seating' capa^clty of this" historic fellowship between the Protestant Epis­ Church. copal Church . and other Protestant Churches. Bishop Slattery is one of the best-known “ To promote a new evangelism among clergyman of the Church. He has been the unchurched classes of our population, the Rector of Grace Church, New York which shall win their allegiance to the City, for the past twelve years, but it is religious and moral demands of the King­ as an author that he is chiefly known, dom of God. ■ his biographies and his books of devotion being especially popular. “ To further the application of Chris­ tian principles in all industrial, social, and Bishop Slattery It is reported that Bishop Slattery will international relations. Bishop Coadjutor of Massachusetts have complete charge of the administra­ tive work of the Diocese, releasing Bishop “ To . promote the adaptation of the Lawrence for work in connection with the Church services to the needs of the time. PLANS MADE FOR DEVELOPING raising of an endowment for the Cam­ “ To emphasize afresh the nature of the t h e W i t n e s s bridge Seminary. Christian life as personal fellowship with God and to study with sympathy those A meeting of the Directors of The Wit­ movements and tendencies of thought ness was held at Portland, Ore., at the The Consecration which are mystical in character.” time of the General Convention, at which of Bishop Penick time a committee was elected to work out The following were elected as officers: The consecration of the Rt. Rev. Ed­ plans for developing and extending the President, the Rev. Dr. Roland Cotton ward Anderson Penick, D.D., to be Bishop usefulness of the paper. This commit­ Smith, rector emeritus of St. John’s Coadjutor of the Diocese of North Caro­ tee met in Toledo, Ohio, on Tuesday of Church, Washington; vice presidents, the lina, occurred in St. Peter’s Church, Char­ this week with the following attending: Rev. Dr. Elwood Worcester, rector of lotte, N. C., Sunday, October 15th. The Bishop Johnson, the Editor; the Rev. W. Emmanuel Church, Boston; the Rev. Dr. Rt. Rev. Joseph B. Cheshire, D.D., Bishop B. Spofford, the Managing Editor; Mir. W. Russell Bowie, rector of St. Paul’s of North Carolina, president at the conse­ Frank Clarke, the publisher; and the Rev. Church, Richmond, Va., and editor of The cration, being assisted by the Rt. Rev. George Parkin Atwater; the Very Rev. Southern Churchman; the Rev. Dr. Leigh­ W. A. Guerry, D.D., Bishop of South Caro­ Francis White; the Rev. Julius A. Schaad ton Parks, rector of St. Bartholomew’s lina, and the Rt. Rev. T. C. Darst, D.D., Church, New York City; the Rev. Dr. and the Rev. Robert S. Chalmers. A full Bishop of East Carolina. The bishop- Frank H. Nelson, Cincinnati; the Rev. Dr. report of the meeting will be submitted elect was presented by his cousin, the Rt. Carl Grammer, Philadelphia; the Rev. to Witness readers in an early issue. Rev. Herbert Shipman, D.D., Suffragan Hugh Birckhead, rector of Emmanuel, Bishop of New York ,and the Rt. Rev. Church, Baltimore; the Very Rev. Dr. Ed­ Chicago Clergy Hear Kirkman G. Finlay, D.D., Bishop of Upper ward S. Travers, Dean of the Cathedral, About Social Diseases South Carolina. The Rev. Junius M. St. Louis; and Mrs. Willard Straight; Dr. Herman N. Bundeson, the Health Horner, D.D., Bishop of Western North treasurer, George Foster Peabody, and Commissioner for the city of Chicago, ad­ Carolina, read the canonical testimonials, secretary, the Rev. Dr. H. N. Arrowsmith, dressed the clergy of the Diocese on “ The and the Rt. Rev. H. J. Mikell, D.D., said of the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Bal­ Prevention of Social Diseases” at their the Litany. The sermon was preached by timore. Round Table meeting on Monday. Bishop Guerry. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. 2 THE WITNESS GENERAL NEWS OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH parishes will be in attendance at the meet­ League for Industrial Democracy" to the Missionary District comprising the ings, which are to be held at St. John’s Elects Field Secretary area of the Diocese. Rt. Rev. Junius Ml The Rev. William B. Spofford, the Man­ Horner, of the former Missionary District, Church. A detailed program is now being aging Editor of The Witness, has been has elected to become the first Bishop of worked out. The Council will also be responsible for asked by the Executive Committee of the the Diocese. His see city will continue at Church League for Industrial Democracy Asheville. developing a unified Boys’ Work program including the formation of certain types to give part of his time to that organiza­ tion during the coming year. Since com­ of clubs in the various parishes. It is likely also that it will promote the forma­ ing to the Diocese of Chicago, Mr. Spof­ Daughters of the King tion of a Junior Diocesan Church Club for ford has not only been in charge of the Meet in Chicago management of The Witness, but he has The 74th Local Assembly of The boys, which will hold monthly meetings and which will be patterned after the also worked as a Labor Manager for one Daughters of the King met at St. Paul’s of the largest clothing firms in the coun­ Church, Chicago, last Thursday, Bishop Church Club of the Diocese of Michigan which is the largest Episcopal laymen’s try. He is therefore well qualified to Anderson celebrated the Holy Communion speak on industrial topics, having been in at 11:00 o’clock. After luncheon ad­ organization in the United States. •complete charge of the labor and em­ dresses were made by Mrs. O’Sullivan on ployment work in a factory that employs the Convention of the Brotherhood of St. Changes Within Diocese over 1,800 workers. He is now giving up Andrew in Seattle; by Mrs. Kenyon, who of Western Michigan this work so that he may devote some of reported the meeting of the D. of K. held There has been several changes among his time to the League. Any parish group during the General Convention; by Miss the clergy of Western Michigan within the in the Middle West desiring a presentation Greene, who told of her experiences at last few weeks. The Rev. M. L. Tate of of the League’s program should address the Summer Conference at Raleigh, N. Grace Church, Holland, has gone to Holy Mr. Spofford at 6140 Cottage Grove C., and by Mrs. W. W. Wilson, who out­ Trinity, Memphis, Tenn.; the Rev. H. C. Avenue, Chicago. lined plans for extending the influence of Benjamin of St. John’s, Grand Haven, has the society in the fifth Province. gone to Trinity, Atcheson, Kans., and the Faked Entrance Certificate Rev. F. A. Patterson of the Church of the for Boys Entering Colleges Diocese of Michigan Good Shepherd, Allegan, has become What seems to be a scheme to furnish Launches Boys’ Work Curate at Grace, Grand Rapids. The Rev. preparatory school students with fraud­ Arrangements were concluded this week Edwin W. Hughes of All Saints, Anchor­ ulent college entrance certificates has for the launching of a State-wide program age, has returned from Alaska and it is been detected at Trinity College. Four of Boys’ Work in all the Episcopal churches hoped will accept a rectorship in his old students who tried to enter Trinity this of the Diocese of Michigan. Diocese. fall through the use of such certificates The program will be developed under the direction of Ernest E. Piper, Diocesan have been prevented from entering. The Do you want to be well informed about scheme seems to have ramifications which Director of Religious Education, and a your Church. Read Bishop Johnson’s Con­ may extend to other colleges.
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