MMIUtl IfcrNMIH •are** WESTFIELD LEADER in cteu THE UADINC AND MOST WIDELY CIKtUUTED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY ST YEAR—No. 24 FiibllnbM WESTFIELD,. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1951 •vary Thur«*iy Congregational Church Concert Artist sidents Receive t^^tsi.^'To $*5H Mark; Red Cross Drive Parties Net $2151 Dedication To Be March 4 Kitchen Cards Dedication ceremonies for the new meeting house of the First Congregational Church, 125 Elmer street, will be held Sunday, To Open Sunday Plan Benefit Movie March 4, at 10:50 a. m., it was announced today by Frank S. G. J. B. Austin Renamed Show On Tuesday Williams, general chairman of the committee on reconstruction, and Council School Board Head Russell E. Koyer, senior deicon of the church. At Rwlto Theatre The order of dedication will in-1 ' 7N Volunteer Workers J. Bliss Austin was re-elected elude the sermon and the. Holy I Precautions, A total of more than $6500 has president of the Board of Educa- Communion, at which the min- Raid Siren Test To Seek Coal Of $»,Mt been collected in the Westfleld tion Monday night in Roosevelt ister, Rev. Dr. J. L. McCorison Jr., March of Dimes, according to Rob- ,in Sipufc Junior High School. Bryce I. Mac- will officiate. Rev. Joseph H. Under the direction of Dr. George S. Laird, drive chainwn, ? ert L. DeCamp, treasurer of the Donald was re-elected vice presi- Stein of Glen Ridge, minister of Results Better 7O0 volunteer workers of the Westfield chapter, American Red Creet, local committee. Mrs, Irene T. dent. , The elections were unani- the Middle Atlantic Conference of Sunday will seek a 1951 campaign quota of tS»,0OO—the largest cards, firing advice on Griffin, director of women's activ- mous. Congregational Christian Church- Still seeking warning sirens that ijnce World War II. Although the actual drive may continue part is to take when warning ities, announced that the total re- es, will offer the dedicatory pray- that day, which hie been designated at Red CTOM Sunday, toaM Miss Fiances Peirce, district can be heard within a one mile . sounded and describing ceipts of the five "Play for Polio er. Sylvanus W, Jenkins, minister captain's hope to complete Meat clerk, presided at the election. radius, the Civil Defense Council «] warning sifnala, are and Win" card parties were %2,- of music, will direct the Chancel of their work then. Board members present were Mr. ran another test Saturday morn- Health Board Plan* tributed by the Westfleld 661—a gain of more than $860 choir from the newly rebuilt pipe MacDonald, William C. Child, ing. Officials announced that re- Last year, the local chapter, lense Council this week over last year's returns. organ, sults, while not yet satisfactory, Much Rabir. Clinic seeking a goal et $11,000, mi oy Scouts to every horn* Frank A. Keteham, William L. Rie- At the final party last week, were far better than on the pre- the first in the East and fourth tnent in the community, derer, Mrs. Gladys C. Moircll knd "A service for the children of In response to many re- local Chairman John H. Treynor vious occasions. in the entire county to top ita fceld, chief warden, is in Mrs. Charlotte Montgomery. Su- the parish at 9:30 a. m. March 4 quests, Health Officer Joseph drew the winning number held by The town has BO far tested three goal. This year, became of great- I the work and reported pervising Principal S. N. Ewan will be the first service to be bald t, Mottley today announced Mrs. Per K. Frolieh of 100 Kim- different types, none of which car- ly expanded Red Crosa aeirleM •ng ^f the Defense Coun- Jr., also was present. in the new structure," Mr. Koyer Third Community that the Board of Health will ball circle. She was awarded the ried the required distance. Sat- both here and throughout tfce na- ty night. Committees will' be announced said. On this occasion the Junior again sponsor a Rabies Vac- love bird, gland prize donated by urday's test, made from the roof tion, as well as in Korea, the goal later. choir will aing, directed by Mrs. cination Clinic for animals [emulations require that Dr. Samuel H. Willoughby, and of the junior high school, used a Conceit Friday was more than doubled. Norman W. McLean. Boyd Wood- this year, The four-day clinic Vis sign a receipt when a cage, given by Handy'a Pet cluster of four air horns which In preparation for }he drlvf ruff, chairman of the committee will be held March 14, 16, 27 [is delivered, For this Shop. on Christian education, and Dr. were sounded intermittently from Sunday, local Red Croie worker* j who do not re- Byron Janis To and 29. Colgate Band A benefit showing of Kind McCorison will conduct the serv- 11 a. in. Spotters were placed this week set up window *Wplar» I by the end of the week There will be further an- Hearti and Coronets, starring Alee ice. throughout the town and made re- PlayAtRJHS throughout the buaincte ateUVM, I to call at Police Head- nouncements as to details and Guinness, will be held at the KI-, At B p. m. that day, Rev. Dr. ports later. depicting the various servicea «f In the Municipal Build- Concert Planned all registered dog owners will the organliation. alto Theatre Tuesday. At that Albert D. Stauffacher of New The test indicated that there was The Westfield Community Con T Prospect street, where certs Association will open its »ub be informed by mail at a lat- Serving as team captains In Om time, the Stage Coach Four, con- York, minister and executive sec- not enough air pressure, but of- [be given a copy, scription campaign for the 1051' er date. drive are: Westfleld—Team IS, sisting of Dick Berry, lead; Dan retary of the Missions Council, ficials explained this can be easily fian 0,000 card! will be "Thirteen" Tq Sing 52 series next week, following the Kim Sortore; 14, Lyde Pratt; It, Hcyburn, tenor;'Mike Sanyour, will preach on "God's Content overcome and the addition of two here to homes, apart- third concert of the present sea- Mrs. C. E. Mackie; 21, C. H. Here March 17 baritone; and Charles Pretton, and My Faith." At this tirvice. more horns to the cluster is ex- |iools, retail stores and son tomorrow evening when Buurman; 22, William P, Holt; bass, will sing. On Wednesday, Dr. StaufTaehcr will represent the pected to solve the warning prob- fire house, police »ta- Byron Janis, young American Hi's Eye Issue 23, Mrs. C. A. Robinson; t«, Colgate University's . concert the entire Westfleld Barbershop National Fellowship dt the Con- lem, lailroad station, as well pianist, will be presented in the A. B. Crampton; 25, Cheater Wal- band and famed singing group, Chorus of 40 male voices, under gregational Christian Churches. It was reported at the Defense fail wholesale and indus- Roosevelt Junior High School aud- lace; 31, Dwight Eaton; SS, The Thirteen, will give their only the direction of Henry Mereneas, Rev. Walter C. Pugh, pastor of Council meeting Tuesday night Features A-Bomb itorium at 8:30 o'clock. Present George Putnam; 83, Gordon Gra- Northern New Jersey conceit this, will participate. In addition to St. Paul's Evangelical and Re- that most communities are using subscribers have been invited to ham; 34, Don Rindell; and IB, [headquarters office will spring in Westfield Saturday, Kind Hearts and Coronett, there formed Church, Garwood, will electrically operated warning sig- renew their memberships at the Edward Roeber. 1 next Thursday on the March 17. The concert will be will be Tike Male Look, a March offer the prayers. nals, which could not be used in School Defense I of the Municipal Build- presented on the atage of Roose- concert, while new subscriptions Alio, 41, Herman A. Ahlfeld; of Time presentation, and Muiie At the mid-week Lenten aerv- the event of a power failure. To I be open from 9 a. m. velt Junior High School and will will be available to the public Syrtem Explained 42, J. A. Harper; 43, A. E. Cam- of Manhattan, a short subject Mm. ice, Wednesday, March 7, Dr. Mc- overcome this objection it is plan- Monday through Fri- start at 8:15 p. m. Proceeds from these performances ned to have air compressors rig- through a corps of volunteer eron; 44, Carl A. Pearson; 45, ' of 15 volunteers has Corison will speak on "The .Chris- workers headed by association of' The Weatfteld Hi'« Eye, school W. C. Chipps; 51, Mrs. W. T. Well-known throughout upper will augment the local Dimes col- tian Way In Worship." The music ged so that they can be operated fcitcd under the chair- bv fleers, Mrs. E. R. Beckwith Jr., newspaper of Westfleld High Diefenbach; 52, H. L. Monier; 53, New York state, the concert band lection. for the service will be arranged either by electrical power or [ Mrs. A. D. Bauer, who gas motors. (secretary, and Mrs. Howard T. School, became one of the first Miss Dorothy Ludlow; 54, E. R. and The Thirteen have given a by Mr. Jenkins. ' high school newspapers in the similar capacity dur- series of concerts away from the Yesterday, members of the wom- Following further , teats, if Bonnett, chairman. Moore; 55, P. E. Bret; 61, F. O. i war. ; en's division were the gueBts of The concluding services are Mr. Janis, who has received country to publish a special issue Guldi; 62, Mrs.
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