LOKSABHA DEBATES TENTH SERIES (VOL.XXIV No. 11) AUGUST, 12, 1993 SEVENTH SESSION TENTH LOK SABHA LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI CONTENfS (Tenth Series. Vol . .rnv. SI!\'enth SeSJion. 199311915 (Sako) No. 11. Thursday. August 12. 1993ISrol'ona 21.1915 (Saka) CoLUJI,VS Obituary R... ference 1-4 \ Oral Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 221 to 224 and 2]] 4-29 Written Answers to Questions: ·Sta'Ted Questions Nos. 225, 226 and 228 to 240 29-55 Unstarred Questions N~. 2471 to 2527. 2529 to 2657 and 2659 to 2678 55-273 Papers Laid on the table 273 Matters Under Rule 377 275-]]8 (i) Ne<.>d to plUvide compensation to th .. farmers of Himachal Pradesh whose fIllit prodllcts haw been destroyed due to strike by transport operators 275 Shri Krishan Dull Sultanpuri (ii) Need to isslle letter of int .. nt for setting up a cooperative sugar factory at Polur 276 in Tamil Nadu Shri M. Krishnaswamy (iii) Need to provide more facilities at Chirai railway station on Western 276 Railway Shrimati Bhavna Chikhalia (iv) Need to set up II University for the preservation and development of m Sindhi Language Dr. K.D. laswani (v) Need for efiectiw enforcement of prohibition in the country ]]7 Shri Ram Pujan Patel (vi) Need to convert met re gauge railway line into broad gauge in North Bihllr ]]8 Shri Surya Narayan Yadav Statutory resolution re: disapproVal of consl'rvation of foreign exchange and prevention 278-318 of Snlllggling Activities (Amendment) Ordinance. 329-334 AND Const'rvation of loreign exchange and Prevention of Smuggling A1..1ivities (Amend- 278-318 ment) Bill 329-334 '"The Sign + marlc.ed above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. CoLUMNS Motion to comider Shri Ram Nail 278-283 Sltri M.V. Chandrashekhara Murthy 283-'-'285 Sltri B. Akbar Pasha 285-288 Shri Mohan Singh (Deoria) 288-290 Sltri M. Ramanna Rai 290-292 Shri Bhagwan Shankar Rawat 292-296 Shri Ramesh Chennithala 296-299 Shri Yaima Singh Yumnam 299-300 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 300-304 Dr. Ramesh Chand Tomar 304-306 Shri Surya Narayan Yadav 306-307 Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh 307-308 Shri Girdhari L11 Bhargava 308-310 Shri Tej Narayan Singh 311-312 Shri Virendra Singh 312-313 Motion to consider 331 Clause 2 3 and 1. 332-333 Motion to Pass, 334 Sltri MY Chandrashekhara Murthy 313-318 Joint Committee on Constitution (Eightiefh Amendment) Bill, 318-319 Motion to appoint Shri Indrajit Gupta to the said Committee 319-320 Joint Committee on Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill, 319-320 Motion to appoint Shri Inderajit Gupta to the said COlllmitte,' Statements by Ministers 320-328 (i) SIruATION IN MANIPUR 320-322 Sltri Rajesh Pilot (ii) FATAL. BOMB ATTACK ON SHRI P. SIVA REDDY. TELUGU DESAM MLA 322-328 IN HYDERABAD Sltri Rajesh Pilot Business Advisory Committee Thirty-first Report Presented 334 National Commi.lSion for Safai Karamcharis Bill 334-338 Motion 1D CODllider Sltri K. V. Thangkabalu 334-338 WI{ SABRA DEBATES Val. XXIV (Teada Series. Seftllt. Sessioa. 1993/1915 (Saka») No. 11 LOKSABHA The Members may stand in silence for a short while as a mark of respect to the deceased. 11.02 hn ThunJoy. Aug 12, 1993/Snnano 2l. , 1915 (Saiuz) (Th~ Members then stood in silence for a short wlzil~). Th~ Lok Sabha met at Ele'Iett of the Qock. (MR. SPEAKER in th~ Chair) {Iranslationf OBfruARY REFERENCE SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN (Rosera) : Mr. {Englishf Speaker, Sir. in this regard, we have given notice under Rule 388 to suspend the Question Hour. MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I have to We had gone to attend the cremation of inform the House ofthe sad demise ofone ofour Chowdhury Brahm Prakash. who was the first former colleagues. Chowdhury Brahm Perkash. Chief Minister of Delhi and it is regreteful that.... Chowdhury Brahm Per1uub was a member of First, Second. Third and Sixth Lok Sabha representing the Outer Delhi constituency. /Eng/ishf MR SPEAKER: This is not going on A Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Delhi State from 1952-56, he had distinc- record. tion of being the Chief Minister of the then Delhi State. During his membership ofthe Sixth (Interruptions)*'" Lok Sabha, he served as the Union Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation. MR SPEAKER: This is not correct. This is the Parliament of the country which lays down Chowdhury Brahm Perkasb actively par- laws for the others., You have your own laws ticipated in the Freedom Movement and was which you are breaking in the house. jailed during 1941-45 for bis participation in the individual satyagrah movement and in the fII'amlationJ Quit India Movement. SHRI ATAL BIHAR! VAJPAYEE An agriculturist by profession. he "''8S an (Lucknow) : You are raising an important issue, actiw social and political worker. committed to but }'Ou should raise it after the Question the development of the Cooperative movement Hour. and also the development of the Backward Qasses. /Eng/ishf Chowdhury Brahm Perlc.ash p8SSe'd away on SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: Sir, I have II Auaust. 1993 at the aae of 76 in Delhi. Jiv= notice under Rule 388. We deeplymcmm the loas ofthis friend and I am _ that the House will join me in convey- M.R. SPEAKER: So.}'Ou can raise it aJterthe ina our condolences to the bereawd family. Question Hour. 3 Obituafj, Reference AUGUST 12, 1993 Oral Answers 4 SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN : You can put SHRl O. M. C. BALAYOGI: Sir, it is not a before the House, ifyou so like. This is underthe question of following the rules. (InterruptiolU) Rules and Procedures of the House. MR SPEAKER: Please take your seats. {Irons/alionJ I only want permission. 11.06 hrs /EnglishJ ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS MR. SPEAKER: If I don't allo"\\' you. you cannot raise it. If you are the law maker, you (TransiationJ cannot be the law breaker also. ERADICATION OF MAl..ARIA (Interruptions) -221. SHRIMATI BHAVNACHIKHALIA, MR. SPEAKER: This is not correct. You DR. RAMESH CHAND TOMAR: Will the have time to raise unlisted items. You want the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY entire day to be changed into 'Zero Hour'. WELFARE be pleased to state: {lranslationJ (a) whether the Government have for- mulated any scheme to speed up the National SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: As you Malaria Eradication Programme in tribal areas have made obituary reference, I have raised ofGujarat apd Madhya Pradesh with the World this issue: otherwise I would not have raised Bank assistance; this issue. (b) if so, the details thereof; /EnglishJ (c) whether the Government have selected MR. SPEAKER: It is not correct. any other State also for this purpose; and SHRI M. R. KADAMBUR JANAR- (d) if so, the details thereof? TIlANAN (Tirunnelveli): People of Tamil Nadu have been discriminated. [EnglishJ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MR. SPEAKER: I will allow you later on. MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI PABAN KUMAR (Interruptions) GHATOWAR): (a) to (d): The Government proposed to take up intensive Malaria Control SHRI G. M C. RALAYOGI (Amala- measures in tribal areas of 7 Stales, namely. pttram): Mr. Speaker, Sir, in And/Jra Pradesh the Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, police has beaten the MLAs and there is a threat to Orissa, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. the life of Shri N. T. RDma Roo also. For this purpose a broad project outline with the objective of reducing morbidity and mortality MR. SPEAKER: You can raiseitaftertheQues- among the tribals through surveillance, approp- lion Hour. riate vector control strategies including biologi- cal and bio-environmental. early case detection SHRI G. M C. BALAYOGI: Sir, there is no law and treatment to break the chain of transmis- a1Uf order in Andhra Pradesh. sion through upgradation of health infrastruc- ture. etc. estimated to cost about Rs. 420 crores MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down. Please do has been sent to the-World Bank. Detailed pro- understandthatyouarethelaw-makersofthecoun- ject is being formulated in consultation with the try and ifyou are not following the rules laid down concerned States. by yourselves. it Will be a bad commentary on {I'ranslationJ yourselves. SHRlMATI BHAVNA CHIKHALIA: Mr. -*Not recorded Speaker, Sir, the entire world knows that 5 Oral Answers SR,AVANA 21, 1915 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 Malaria is a Vl!ry serious disease. In reply to my Chloroquin, which is given for controlling question, the hon. Minister has stated that malaria has now become ineffective. Even the besides Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. intensiVl! spraying of DDT have become ineffective and Malaria Control measures are also to be taken thus malaria is spreading fastly. I would like to up in the tribal areas of other 5 states. For this know from the hon. Minister what alternative purpose, a broad project estimated to cost about arrangement has been made in place of these RB. 420 croces has been sent to the World Bank. I medicines, so that malaria could be controlled. voould like to know from the hon. Minister Mosquitoes breed in filth and malaria is spread through you as to when this project has been by mosquitoes. So, to control malais. it is essen- sent to the World Bank and the time likely to be tial to remove filth. I would like to know from the taken in the implementation of this project ? Gol'ernment whether it has made any pro- gramme at national level to ensure proper {EnglishJ sanitation ? SHRI PABAN SINGH GHATOWAR: Sir, {EnglishJ in March, 1993, we had submitted a concept paper to the World Bank regarding this project.
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