MARIO'S MARY STREET HORNIBROOKS DUNGARVAN LISIVIORE ^^^ Phone 058/42417 Dungarvan Eeader NUMBER PLATES and SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT FOR ALL TYPES — 15 MINUTES. Oil from £6 a gallon. Circulating throughout the County and City of Waterford, South Tipperary and South-East Cork Vol. 49. No. 2504. REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL TOYOTA FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1987. POST OFFICE AS A NEWSPAPER PRICE 25p (inc. VAT) PENSMAN TAKES YOU Noel Devereux BUT WHY PARSLEY indeed about how it can be FROM FRANCE? contracted except that it is incurable and total. The reason 43MA R Y STR E ET, DUNGARVAN On Jast Monday evening, the for this is that, unlike most Department of Agriculture other countries, we have tended issued a, nationwide alert after to ignore its dire consequences three Colorado Beetles were dis- up to this. covered in ia routine check of a 10 - DAY consignment of French parsley. Now, however, with the The parsley was imported approach of tihe summer holi- through Cbrk port at t'he week- day season, the Minister for end and the infected portion Health and his Department must take immediate steps to SPECIAL was part of a 100-box shipment. A search was at once mount- educate and warn the public ed and by late on Monday about 'the risks involved. In a night tihe whereabouts of 75 of few months, thousands of Starts This Friday the suspect boxes had been student® will travel ab'road to traced. The intensive search for work and holiday. They will the remaining 25 was continued mainly go to metropolitan areas March 27 on Tuesday with an additional and so will be at great risk as nine beiing located. many of these areas have a high incidence of 'A.I.D.S. Then also • £25 OFF LEATHER JACKETS Tihie discovery of the dreaded there will be the thousands of beetle was treated as a most our young people who will seek • £25 OFF WOOL SUITS serious matter as the black and the sun spots of the Mediter- amber striped insect, similar in ranean throughout the months size to tihe well-known Lady- of ithe summer where they will bird, is rated as "Enemy No. 1" find themselves in contact with BARGAIN RAIL where the potato crop is con- other young people from Britain oe'rned. A spokesman for t'he and Continental countries. Department pointed out that Pup,Is of Abbeys.de N.S who were Confirmed by Most Rev. Dr. Michael Russell, Bishop of Waterford, at Abbeyside Church EVERYTHING AT HALF-PRICE one femaJe alone can produce While the 'only sure way of recently Included are Very Rev. Canon Farrell, P.P., Abbeyside, Very Rev. Fr. O'Doherty, P P., Colligan, Rev. Fr. Ahearne, ^MEN^SJPORTSCOATS:j«ere £49.95, now £29.95. up to 2,500 larvae and these in avoiding infection in these high C.C., Ahbeystde ancMm^nJ^ of tjig Jcaching staff Mr. Pat^VealgJ^rjncipal and Mrs. Jo^n Mansfield. (Photo- Rory Wyley turn maiture within a few days. risk areas is to avoid sexual During the larval and fully de- promiscuity there will always veloped stages the beetle sub- be those who will succumb to RUGBY Fashion Wear - Upstairs sists entirely on potato foliage temptation with the possibility * Fashion Suits clearing at £35.00 and could demolish potato of contracting this killer disease. •k Fashion Jackets clearing at £25.00. crops over a vast area with the SUMMER TIME- We look to the Government •k Fashion Pants clearing at £9.95. fe'rocdty of a locust horde. and in particular to the De- BOYS' DUFFLE COATS AND ANORAKS CLEARING While all this is so and the partment of Health therefore to NEXT SUNDAY Dungarvan Bow Out Of tajce steps without any further BELOW COST PRICES. reaction of tihe Department in In accordance with the pro- Dungarvan 3; Kilteacle 15 the circumstances is under- delay to arouse public aware- visions of the Standard Time ness of the drastic conse- (Amendment) Act, 1971 as In strong windy conditucns Don't forget, next Tuesday is Budget Day — be sure standable, the question must be varied by the Summer Time last Sunday, Dungarvan were asked, why do we have to quences which can arise for Order. 1986, summer time will defeated at home by Kilfea^e Manseragh Cup and buy before it! import parsley from France at society as a whole from the commence at 1 a.m. on Sunday in the semi-final of the Man- all? It is ridiculous in a country danger of A.I.D.S. and' to issue next, March 29. All tLme-pleces senagih Cup. Kiifeacle elected to Salmon, P. J. Kindir.(?gan, J. pressure on KlUfeacle. This y.dequa/te warning about the should be out fox-ward one hour pliay witih the wilnd in nig, urn; O'Connor, p. coughlan, Ml. pressure e-venitiuailly paid oH amd such, as ours that there should before retiring on Saturday twit and wrtnin a . v.- vr. Miaorx. 0< 1 no<r I>. Oungiarvan were rcwarrte-d be any need whatever for such steps which should be taken night. were exerting pressure 'nr. the .Dower, J. Morrissey. -G. Wa&Bfli,' through a push-over try follow- about it. To date there have Home side. Tney scored a (Wop T- Clarke, M. O'Hailora'ii P ing a 5 yard scrum. Towy imports or indeed for a tot of Mullaney, T. O-'Brten, m Haai- been nine deaths attributed to goal and a penalty and then StuaJtoe wias on hand to toucih DUNGARVAN the other horticultural products a try which was converted, raihan. down and also kicked the con- which we import but which we A.I.D.S. in Ireland and a num- against Dungarvan's lone pen- version. ber of other cases have been 2nds 1MPIRESSIVE VICTORY couldJ and should be producing ality to lead by 12-3 at half-time. IN CUP GAME The team was: M. Brackett, P. ALUMINIUM confirmed. It is a rather iWSltlh tihe wind in tihedr backs, Dungarvan 6; Kiifeacle 3 here at home. Foley, E. Phelan, P. McGrath, BALLYMACMAGUE, DUNGARVAN frightening prospect. Dungiarvan e^ertedi strong pres- Also art home on Sunday, tihe N. Herlihy, K O'Connor. C. A SERIOUS THREAT TO PIONEER OF THE sure in the second half and 2nd team had <ai good wi»i to O'Riordan, J. O'Brien, V. SOCIETY were camped for long perdlods in emerge as section winners in LOTTERY MANIA their opponents half but Sailed O'Rourke, F. Ahearne, T. Stan- tihe Evans Ciu.p. This was a ley, G. O'Brien, A. Curran; J. In a statement issued recently The usual Monday "blues" to score. In one oi. their rare YEAR FINALIST breakouts from their own half tough, hard game and Dungar- Tynan. T. Shialloe. MANUFACTURERS OF ALUMINIUM by the Government Information this week were brightened for Kiifeacle managed to score a van can feel well satisfied witih FIXTUFLES Services, the new Minister for more than a, good few by the penalty to leaive the final score the result. On Sunday next, both lst and Health. Dr. Rory O'Hanlon wel- 15-3. Kiifeacle played with the 2nd teams are awialy to Clan- start of the National Lottery. breeze in the flrsits half and led william. The lst take on the WINDOWS, DOORS, PATIOS comed the statement on A.I.D.S. The rush, for tickets on the Kiifeacle deserved their won by 3-nil ait half-time through a home side at 3.30 in thei semi- miade by the Catholic Bishops opening day has been described as they showed greater tenacity penalty. Dungarvan defended final of the Garryowen Oup and Conference on March 11 and the as "Lottery mania" and overall, and enthusiasm than the home very well m tihis half and after the 2nds pllay the Gleeson Cup AND PORCHES indication of their intention to throughout the country, a total side. For Dungarvan, Jimmy half time they applied heavy semi-final at 2 p.m. 'Morrissey, on his come-back, For quotation oontact:— co-operate in the fight against of one million tickets were sold played well and sihowed no iM- the disease. on the day. Proof positive, if effecits and Peter CougMan also PAT RONAYNE such were needed, that the p.ayed very well. Tel. Office: 058/42808; Home: 058/68151 A.I.D.S. poses a serious Irish are still great gamblers. It Tine team was: A. Hally. D. threat to our society, one was a bonanza day also for the which, can only be combaitted if selling agents as general sales NEW MANAGER FOR CASH & CARRY all the resources available to in their stoops also soared. us as a. community are brought to bear on the problem in a Provided the purchase of RTE PROTEST GEORGE HORSOM ELECTRICAL LTD. responsible, humane aind effect- tickets is kept within reason, ively co-ordinated way. the lottery must provide a good The Minister welcomed the element of excitement for all MOTION PASSED CAPPOQUIN positive initiative which the participants but it could prove Bishops Conference had taken a trap' for the less wary as a ill the decision to provide pas- one-arm bandit without the BY COUNCIL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING toral and counselling services arm! A motion proposed by Cllr. R. — and — and to further investigate how Walsh protesting against the the resources available to them IRISH HAD NOTHING TO failure of R.TE television to pro- can best be used. He noted CHEER ABOUT vide 'adequate- cover for last TOOL HIRE their intention to wo'rk with the month's general election count The large Irish contingent iin, Wiaterford.
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