ORIGJNA.L PORTRAITS AND BIOGRAPHIES OF THE OLD PIONEERS AND CONGRESSMEN OF CATTARAUGUS COUNTY: ITS AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, Qtoluns anb Jost ®ffitts, WITH THE STATISTICS OF EACH. TO-WN, .A~D CI-VIL LIST~ FROM THE ORG..U.11ZATION OF THE COUN.TY TO 1857-. COMPILED FROlJ: OFFICIAL SOURCES, BY JOHN MANLEY. ---~~----------~-- LITTLE VALLEY, N. Y., 1851: PUBLISHED BY JOHN MANLEY. HOSFORD J; C'O., STA.TIOXERS .u.-n P.RL-.TER!I, 57 k 59 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORL RANDOLPH ACADEMY ·l AND · 't LADIES-" SE MIN .AR~ts ~ ~ ~"t~~'mi'-~~ I ~~~~~~~f) ' 1, CATTARAU<:¼US COUNTY, N. Y. f l BENJ. CHAMBERLAIN, PRES'T. i 'r FREDONIA ADVERTISERl 'i ~ ~~mrnr.aw Nm\fif~~A~mm~ - t:- Dei~oted to the dissemination of General Intelligence, and acb;ocating the P71~ · ciples of tlw Arnerican Party. · ~ Published Weekly, at $1.50 per Annum, i AT FREDONIA.., CH.A.UT.A.UQUE COUNTY, N. Y., BY L. L. PRATT & CO. H. II. GIFFORD, PROPRIETOR, CORNER Of' CENTER AND MAIN STREETS, rI F 1..-{ r-1~ D O ~ I .A_:, ,. i' ~1!~A\tl"~&~~~~ -©©~~~~~ u~ ~~- H. & E. S. COLlVIAN, WEST FRONT STREET, ~~~~H~~~ H~ Y~, r· '' Dealers in Western Produce, Salt, Plastt ·1: l I WATER LIIViE, FISH, &c. i I ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF GR.A.IN, FL01:R, &c., PRO~PTLY FIL~ _t ! DUNKIRK, N. Y. SEAMAN & FINKEL, PROPRIETORS. NEAREST HOUSE TO DEPOT. ISA.AC N. SEAlL-\.X, WALTER FIXK · -~ i:...-------------;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ( I CATTARAUGUS COUNTY: E:'IIBRACIXG ITS A.GRICULTDil1\.._L SOCIETY"""~ R. .IOGRAPHIES OF THE OLD PIO:\EERS, Tb"="~·- ...\ BROE'- "'\.,0 I'":\., [EX E~ E. FE:XTOX; TOVVNS AND POST OFFiCES ' Wll'll TilE STATISTICS OF EA.CR TO"W'N. S£CRI::T.l.H.Y OF Tln; AGRICCLTCIU.l. ..1.:\i> TJo~TIC'CL'JTR.i.L Soc:a:rr. 1 S 5 7. LITTLE V ALLE1... , X". Y.: PUB LIS Il ED BY JO nx :\IA.XL E Y~ THE OBJECT OF THIS PUBLICATION Is to present brief sketches of some of the pioneers of Cat­ tara~us County-men who have made their mark, and are emphatically a part of the county's history-to the citizens of the present time ; not with the expectation of dQing full jus­ tice to the characters of tho~e eminent citizens, but as a sug­ gestion, to those suitably qualified, to prepare a full history of the county, with sketches of .A.LL of the pioneers to whom the TRIBUTE OF GRATITUDE is due. If the sketches here presented fail to accomplish all that could be desired, there is a public satisfaction in preserving the -very correct PORTRAITS of those worthy men. For the very satisfactory manner in which the engra\·ed portraits are executed, and the neat typography of these pages, credit is due to Messrs. HOSFORD & Co., of New York Cit,., . The portraits and sketches of llessrs. EDWARDS and FEN­ TON arc presented because their Congressional service belongi to Cattaraugus as well as to Cbaufauque, and because the writer of this, and many others, desired it on grounds of per­ sonal friendship. The Agricultural Society's and town Statistics, and the civil list, as well as the advertisements of honorable business men, will be found of interest. For a large part of the original matter credit is due to the kindnes:-; of Hon. ,vM. PITT ANGEL and DA. VID I-I. BOLLES, Esq., of Ellicottville; JAMES T. HEXRY, Esq., of Olean; L. L. PRA. TT, Esq., of Fredonia; and J A~IES P .ARKER, Esq., of Frews­ burg; and for assistance in collecting statistics, thanks are due•to l[oSES BEECHER, Esq., and Mr. GEORGE E. Ni:WGOMB, Deputy County Clerk, of Ellicottville. TO THE HONORED OLD PIONEERS, BENJA.i'1IN CHAMBERLAL.~, PETER TEi~ BROECK~ FREDERICK S. MARTIN, CHAUNCEY J. FOX:, ALSON LEAVENWORTH, A..'m STA.LEY N. CLARKE, WHO HA\E PERFORlIED SETTLERS' DUTIES AND DEFENDED SETTLERS' RIGHTS, .cm EXERCISED RlGH PUBLIC .TRUSTS, CONFIDED TO THEM BY THE PEOPLE OF CATTARAUGUS, WITH .ABILITY, INTEGRITY, .AND P .A.TRIOTISM7 THIS nnrnLE TRIB'CTE IS RESPECTFULLY ISSCRIBED. THE CATTARAUGl1 S COUNTY AG-RICULTURAL & .HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. OFFICERS FOR 1857. BOARD OF MANAGERS, LORENZO STRATTON, President, Little Valley. NATHAN CROSBY, Vice President, do . .JOHN )fANLEY. Secretary, · . do. DANIEL BUCKLIN, Treasurer, do. , CYRUS \V. FULLER, , do. WILLIAM PEN~EY. do. 1 NA THANIEL \V ALKER, ~ Directors Mansfield. HARDY R. FINCH. 1 - ' Napoli. LEICE::,TER TRACY, J New Albion. WILLIAM H. EDDY, Mansfield. SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE AT THE FAIR, ADDISON CRO\VLEY, Sheriff of the County. TOWN VICE-PRESIDENTS, J .A1H'.S STRO~G, .Allegany I VIRGlL R1-:ED, • Humphr,g ALEXA);DE:R ~COBEY, • .A.~hfo,·d X. LY~D!•RlUN, - I.~chua. Jm1:s BoARD!\I.\~, - Bu.cl..tooth n. c. BRAxn, Lenn CRASE Feu.ER, - Carrolvm N. CRosnv. ex-officio, Lill.le l"'"Iley EB1•:.'11E7.ER PHlCE, Cold Spring W. ).I . .F.HUU.R. Jlachirrs ASAHE!. BROW:S. Con-newango JA:m-:8 :\f. ~MJTB, Jtan.~ld NORM A::S )I. .,\ LLF.:Y' Daytrm HOIUCF. CRo..~, lfoooli WM. 8 1 •'MERYILLE, Ellicottt-ille HORACE C. Y OCXG, Neto .Albion CHARLES T. BF.A.CH, East Otlo S,\lll:EL BRADLEY, • Olean PHl~E..\S CA8E. • Elgin 1:PHR.~rn: E1.uorr (Jtt,o PF.n:R. TE.'i BRO'F.CK, Ftirmersville W.l1. H. Sn:wART. - Penia Jo:s A::S K. BUTro:s. Franklinv,lle L. E. LOCKU~G, . Pei-ry~burgh Em:& HoutES, . Fre,edam S::u:1TII P .ARJ~n. Portville "rll. CR:)58, Gi·eat Valley fpi,~.,_(.'J,:R :SCt'DDER, Randolph HoLUS Scon, llinsd<ile ~Toa~ CROOKS. &uth ralley luso~ ::3mTa, Yurkshire. EX-PR ESIO ENTS, Hon. PETER TI-~ BROECK, Farmersril.le I JoB~ S. HAR\'EY, • New .Albion AHRAll SEARr.t-:. Ellicottville SA:)WEL flARYh'Y, .Jlan.<:ji,elrl .Hon. CBAUXCEY J. Fox, do. ASAHEL CROWLEY, - RandtJlph AU:."'U.XDER. CBAllBERS, Great Yalley lfoiLlCE HowE, Lillle Yalley. HONORARY MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY, Col. BE.-.JAMI~ P. Joa... sos, .Albany I Col. Ll,;wIS G. :MORRIS, Mt. FordJiam . .Z'f.Y. Hon. LEWIS F . .ALLEX, Black Rock. N. Y. I Hon. AMRROSE Sn:n~s. Bat.aria., Y. Y. Bon. FRA--.;CIS S. EDWARDS, Fredonia, .1.V. Y. Hon. RKCBF-'i' E. FE:'\TO~, F,·ewsm1.rg, .1.Y.Y. C. l\L l:3.AXTO~, E.,;q., .1.Yew York. LIFE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY, (BY THE PAYMENT OFT~ DOLLARS,) No. 1. JOBY R. FITCH, . Little Val?ey ~o. ~,. DA~nEL Bt:'C"KLD-, . Litae Valley 0 LEICFSn:R TRACY, New .Albion 8. J,\llES CllAPMA:"',. Li1tfie ralley 3.-- LoRE~ZO STRATTO:-i, . LiUle l'"alley 9. HARDY R. FI:SCH, . .J.Yapoli 4. L '\':llA.'. TwO'MLEY' • Little Valley 10. W:u. SAlt'L JOH~Sos, E, l icr,tlL-i'lZ. [>. JOHS l\1.A..'l;Lr."Y, . Li!.lle ValleiJ 11. Joas K. CoXSTOCK, Olean 6. HORACE HOWE, Little Valley 12. SAM'L Wll. JOJL.'iSOS, Ellic1;tt1:ille. LIST OF PREl\IIUl\11S Offered by tlie Cattaraugus County .llgricultural, and Horticultural, Society, for the Sixteenth .llnnual, Fair, to be held at Little Valley, September 16th, 17 t!t, and 18th, 1857. THE ANNUAL ADDRESS Will be delivered at 2 P .M., Friday, the 18th September! By Hon. JAMES SHELDON, of Buffalo. Will fi!l'nish. the. nlnsir. for the Fair, and give a GRAND CONCERT in th~ Evening of THURSDAY, the 17th SEPTEllBER. JDDJso.;r CROJrLEr;. Esq., Sheriff, Superintendent of" Police. ------~~............... RULES. I . .A II property must be entered in the name of the OO'lla fide owners, a.nd Grain, Fruit, and Vegetables, Dairy Products, Housel1old and ~Iechanic ~Ianufactures, 1nust have been raised or n1ade by the exhibitor8 thereof. II. STOCK (except horses) must be entered upon the Secre­ tary's books during Wednesday, be on the Fair Grounds by 10 A. l\L, Thursday, and remain until 3 P. ll., Friday; entries of horses and all other property, and for plowing or trial match• es, will close at 2 P. Ji., Thursday; and horses, of all kinds, must be on the Fair Grounds by 9 A. !I., Friday, and remain until 3 P .M.; equestrian entries will close at 9 A. M., Friday. 8 III. Competitors on Dairy Products must give in writing the mode of manufa.cture; on Crops, the soil, tillage, amount of land. quantity per acre, by weight, according to the New York standard of 1857, cost of raising, &c., verified on oath. The Committee on Crops 1nust be furnished ,vith statements a.nd samples of grain by competitors, on or before the 1st Sat­ urday in December, and the awards will be made at the An• nual :Meeting-. (_, IV.. No Anin1al or .Article can compete but for a single premium. V. Premiums ,vill not be paid on A nhna1s or Articles of inferior merit, although there may be no competition. VI. No person shall act as a Judge for a warding premiums, for which he is an}:. way a competitor. VII. No n1ember, 11ot a resident of this Cou.ntv,., shall com- pete for prizes, ( except Diplomas and Transactions,) at any Fair of this Soeicty. VIII. 1\.ny person who shall kno"·ing1y Yiolate the regula­ tions of this Society. or who shall seek to obtain a premium by false pretences, or hy in1proper interference with the Judg­ es, shali be excluded fro_n1 competition. IX. Hay for STOCK. on exhibition during the Fair, shall be furnished by the Society gratis. X. DooR and GATE KEEPERS are prohibited fro1n receiving money for admissions to the Fair ·Grounds, and must return all tickets received for admissions im1nediately to the Secretary.
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