Bachelorarbeit Rúben Miguel Carvalho Mano The benefits of Virtual Reality in Education Fakultät Technik und Informatik Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Department Informatik Department Computer Science Rúben Miguel Carvalho Mano The benefits of Virtual Reality in Education Bachelorarbeit eingereicht im Rahmen der Bachelorprüfung im Studiengang Bachelor of Science Technische Informatik am Department Informatik der Fakultät Technik und Informatik der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg Betreuender Prüfer: Prof. Dr. Kai von Luck Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. Philipp Jenke Eingereicht am: 12 Januar 2019 Rúben Miguel Carvalho Mano The benefits of Virtual Reality in Education Keywords Virtual Reality, Virtual, Reality, Education, Benefits, Case Study Kurzzusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit geht es um eine Fallstudie, die die Vorteile von Virtual Reality in der Lehre erläutern soll. Nachdem ein Überblick über das Thema Virtual Reality geschaffen und eine Beschreibung und ein Vergleich verschiedener „Head-Mounted Displays“ gegeben wurde, konnte ein für die Studie passendes Modell ausgewählt werden. Dies war wichtig, da sonst im großen Feld der Virtual Reality der Leser schnell den Überblick verlieren kann. Die Bedeutung von Virtual Reality in der Lehre ist stetig wachsend. Dies liegt an den Lernmöglichkeiten, die diese sichere und vorteilhafte Technik mit sich bringt. Ein Spiel wurde entwickelt und von verschiedenen Personen unterschiedlichen Alters und Tätigkeitsfelder getestet. Rückschlüsse aus ihren Erfahrungen lassen folgern, dass Virtual Reality ein Feld ist, dass sich noch weiter zu entwickeln hat und es ethische und deontische Probleme hat, die man sorgfältig analysieren muss. Jedoch werden mit dem technischen Fortschritt die Resultate, die aus dieser Studie hervorgehen, es ermöglichen noch tiefer zu forschen und die Ergebnisse in der realen Welt anzuwenden. Abstract This thesis describes a case study conducted with the aim of perceiving the benefits of Virtual Reality in education. As Virtual Reality is a large and extensive field a decision was made in order to contextualize the reader. An overview of the field of virtual reality as well as a description and comparison of Head-Mounted Displays was made and thus enabled the choice of the most appropriate one for this study. Virtual reality is increasingly present in education which provides safe, advantageous and conducive environment for students to improve their learning strategies. A game was developed and tested by a group of people from different backgrounds and ages. Conclusions from their experience allowed to realize that Virtual Reality is a field that still has much to develop even though there are many ethical and deontological issues that need a careful analysis. However, with the advancement of the technology, the results that came from this study allow a deeper research in order to apply future results and findings in the real world. iii Contents List of Figures vi Acknowledgement ix 1 Introduction1 1.1 Problem Definition...............................1 1.2 Motivation....................................1 1.3 Aim of Study..................................2 1.4 Structure....................................2 2 Virtual Reality3 2.1 Fifteen Minutes of Fame............................3 2.2 The long journey until the break.......................4 2.2.1 The Link Flight Trainer........................5 2.2.2 Sensorama and Telesphere Mask...................5 2.2.3 Headsight................................7 2.2.4 The Ultimate Display.........................7 2.2.5 The Sword of Damocles........................8 2.2.6 Super-Cockpit.............................9 2.2.7 A name was born............................9 2.2.8 Nintendo Virtual Boy.........................9 2.2.9 The Long Long Nose.......................... 10 2.3 The break.................................... 11 2.4 The Digital Revolution............................. 13 2.4.1 Before 2000............................... 13 2.4.2 After 2000................................ 14 2.4.3 Oculus Rift............................... 14 2.4.4 Project Morpheus........................... 15 2.4.5 Google Cardboard........................... 16 iv Contents 2.4.6 Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Go.................. 17 2.4.7 HTC Vive................................ 17 2.4.8 Google Daydream........................... 18 2.5 What to choose?................................ 18 3 Virtual Reality in a Learning Environment 20 3.1 Virtual Reality in Schools........................... 20 3.2 Virtual Reality in ’Edutainment’....................... 21 3.3 Virtual reality in Practical Applications................... 22 3.3.1 Simulations of means of Transport.................. 22 3.3.2 Sciences’ Simulations.......................... 23 3.3.3 Military simulations.......................... 24 3.4 Collect the evidence.............................. 24 4 Challenges in Virtual Reality 26 4.1 Health and Cybersickness........................... 26 4.2 Missing Realistic Visual-Haptic Interaction.................. 28 4.3 Inadequate Self-Representation........................ 28 4.4 Isolated Social User Experience........................ 29 4.5 Every cloud has a silver lining......................... 29 5 A Case Study 30 5.1 Participants................................... 30 5.2 Material..................................... 31 5.3 Design of the Game.............................. 31 5.3.1 Fruit Level............................... 31 5.3.2 Room Level............................... 32 5.3.3 Memory Level.............................. 33 5.3.4 Farm Level............................... 34 5.3.5 Maze Level............................... 35 5.4 Experiment................................... 36 5.5 Results...................................... 37 5.5.1 Simulator Sickness Questionnaire................... 37 5.5.2 Experience Questionnaire....................... 39 5.6 Discussion.................................... 41 6 Conclusion 43 v Contents 7 Future Research 46 A Simulator Sickness Questionnaire Results 51 vi List of Figures 2.1 ’Virtuality Continuum’ from Paul Milgram..................3 2.2 The Link Flight Trainer............................5 2.3 Sensorama....................................6 2.4 Telesphere Mask................................7 2.5 Ivan Sutherland’s ’Sword of Damocles’ (copyright by Harvard University)8 2.6 Nintendo Virtual Boy Graphics........................ 10 2.7 Nintendo Virtual Boy............................. 10 2.8 Oculus Rift - Development Kit 2....................... 15 2.9 Project Morpheus................................ 15 2.10 Google Cardboard............................... 16 2.11 HTC Vive.................................... 18 5.1 Fruit Scene................................... 32 5.2 Room Scene................................... 33 5.3 Memory Scene................................. 34 5.4 Farm Scene................................... 35 5.5 Maze Scene................................... 35 5.6 The Experience................................. 36 5.7 Age SSQ score................................. 37 5.8 Gender SSQ score................................ 38 5.9 Areas of Application.............................. 40 vii Acknowledgement This thesis is the culmination of an academic cycle. The area of virtual reality has always aroused my interest and this thesis allowed me to brought everything swept under the carpet out into the light of day and discover a world that still has much to flourish. I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Kai von Luck for helping me during this long process in which despite the distance was always present and advised me in the best way whenever I needed. I would also like to praise my colleagues from the European Computer Science Bache- lor, from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra (ISEC) / Coimbra Engineering Academy who accompanied me during the years we studied together. It would not have been possible to make my stay in Hamburg a valid, challenging and pleasant experience without the support and inexhaustible energy of my good friends Gustavo Andrade, Miguel Dias and Olímpio Machachane. I also leave here a word of appreciation and congratulations for the successful completion of their studies. A special thanks to my friend Mariana Montes who always believed in me, who advised me timely and patiently and despite the difficulties always helped me overcome some vicissitude that made me discredit myself. Finally, I would like to thank my whole family, especially my parents, Ligia and Pedro. They provided the necessary conditions throughout my existence so that it was possible to reach this point. I know that I leave you proud and I hope to continue doing that. I am deeply grateful that you are taking part in this journey. A big thank to you to all! viii List of Figures Esta tese é o culminar de um ciclo académico. A área da realidade virtual sempre me despertou interesse e esta tese permitiu-me levantar a ponta do véu e descobrir um mundo que ainda tem muito para florescer. Gostaria de agradecer ao Prof. Dr. Kai von Luck por me ter ajudado durante este prolongado processo em que apesar da distância esteve sempre presente e aconselhou-me da melhor maneira sempre que necessitei. Gostaria também de brindar os meus colegas do curso europeu, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra que me acompanharam durante os anos em que estudamos juntos. Não teria sido possível tornar a minha estadia em Hamburgo uma válida, desafiante e agradável experiência sem o suporte e energia inexaurível dos meus bons amigos Gustavo Andrade,
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