Full CD’s, if not noted otherwise (number of tracks 0218 Acoustic Rainbow 29 - Pat Flynn, Laura Lockie & Charles King PM 07 18tr Zz mentioned) - Volledige CD’s, tenzij anders 0219 Arno Adams Mooderzeel Allein - Limburgs (d) Inbetweens 006\NL 13tr Ss 0220 Dave Adams Story - Joe Meek Collection (1960) Diamond 013\UK 98 31tr Zz aangegeven (aantal tracks wordt vermeld). CD's 0221 Donna Adams You Go Girl - country singer Willow Wind 16104 99 11tr Zz US releases, if not noted otherwise - pr = promo 0222 Doug Adamz Guitar Solos (d) Magi 11 13tr Zz 0223 ~ Bernardo’s Serenade - Solo (d) Magi 10 14tr Zz MINIMUM BOD = € 5.00 / US$ 5.75 = MINIMUM BID 0224 ~ Plays National Steel + duets with Peter Rowan (fc) Magi 14 17tr Zz I do not sell illegal copies, only record company or artist releases. Some small labels 0225 Eddie & Martha Adcock TwoGrass Pinecastle 1128 03 12tr Zz and many artists produce & copy their limited editions as CD-Rs. I will identify 0226 ~ & Tom Gray Many a Mile - songs of the Ctry Gentlemen Pat 228 11 14tr Zz such CD’s as CD-Rs (with sealed CD’s I do not always know). 0227 Mike Aiken Just Add Salt - country singer Northwind 06 07 12tr Zz Ik verkoop geen illegale kopieën, alleen uitgaven van platenmaatschappijen of artiesten. 0228 ~ Hula Girl Highway + Tony Paoletta steel (fc) Northwind 08 08 12tr Zz Sommige kleine labels en veel artiesten produceren hun kleine oplagen als CD-Rs. 0229 ~ Captains & Cowboys +Tammy Rogers, D Dugmore (fc) Northwind 13 13 12tr Zz Achter zulke CD’s staat CD-R (bij verzegelde CD’s is het niet altijd duidelijk). 0230 Barbara Allen From This Moment - country singer Lovin Kind 727 15tr Zz Regular jewel box, except: (d) = digipac | (sc/fc) = single/folded cardboard sleeve 0231 Darrin Allen The Cowboy Way 06 13tr Zz (t) = thin jewel box | = enhanced CD: digital photos/info/videos 0232 Harley Allen Another River + Rhonda Vincent Mercury 528908 96 12tr Zz The grading is for CD’s and inlays etc., not for jewel boxes, as they can easily be 0370 Rosalie Allen & Elton Britt Side by Side: The Duets Jasmine3597\UK 10 28tr Zz replaced - plastic CD doosjes tellen niet mee voor de aangegeven conditie 0233 Shawn Allen & ‘Bout Time Band I’m Gonna Run - country BT 2574 01 10tr Zz 0234 Alligator Records Christmas Collection - Koko Taylor, Lonnie Brooks, Katie A CD’s Webster, Tinsley Ellis, Charles Brown, Elvin Bishop Alligator 9201 92 14tr Zz 0235 ~ Genuine Houserockin’ Christmas - Marcia Ball, WC Clark All 9202 03 16tr Zz 0236 ~ Genuine Houserockin’ Holiday Greetings - Christmas wishes by Alligator artists - Holmes Bros, Lil’ Ed, CJ Chenier, Coco Montoya, Saffire All 1218 pr 03 55tr Zz 0237 ~ 35 x 35 - 35 Songs, 35 Years of Houserockin’ Music All 120-1 2CD 06 35tr Zz 0238 ~ 40th Anniversary Collection All 125-6 2CD 11 38tr Zz 0239 Tommy Alverson Country to the Bone (d) Palo Duro 1605 07 14tr Zz 0240 ~ Live Again Winding Road 10tr Zz 0241 ~ Me on the Jukebox - producer Lloyd Maines 2 of a Kind 99 11tr Zz 0242 ~ TexaSongs + Gary P Nunn, Ray Wylie Hubbard 2 of a Kind 95 18tr Zz 0243 ~ Heroes & Friends + Johnny Bush, Leon Rausch Smith 7025 04 16tr Zz 0244 ~ Band Alive and Pickin’ 2 of a Kind 00 11tr Zz 0245 ~ & Boot Hill Live at Ozona, the ‘HOT’ of Texas 2 of a Kind 93 15tr Zz 0201 Aaberg, Friesen & Silverman Three Part Invention: Improvisations on Bach - 0246 The American Fogies Vol 1 - different kinds of traditional music: oldtime country, piano, cello, violin & viola (d) Sweetgrass 0005 09 11tr Zz folk, gospel, fiddle, cajun, tex-mex, klezmer, blues Rounder 0379 96 25tr Zz’ 0202 Mark Abbott I Reckon I’m a Texan ‘Til I Die - western swing CD-R 01 15tr Zz 0247 ~ Vol 2 - Hawker & Justice, Laurel Bliss & Cliff Perry, Hank Bradley, Stecher & 0203 ABC Paramount Rock & Roll Party, vol 1 - Vince Everett, Jay B Lloyd, Bob Brislin, Chicago Cajun Aces, Mike Seeger, Bayou Seco Rounder 0389 96 26tr Zz’ Savage, Glen Pace, Clint Miller, Frankie Sardo Am-Par CD-R 31tr Zz 0248 John Anderson Country ‘Til I Die BNA 66417 94 10tr Zz 0204 Rod Abernathy The Man I’m Supposed to Be - singer-sw/ac guitar player - CD1: 0249 ~ Takin’ the Country Back Mercury 536004 97 11tr Zz songs + ac instruments, CD2: guitar tunes (d) SFDS 1101 2CD 18 19tr Zz 0250 ~ The Essential BNA 67626 98 16tr Zz 0205 Brad Absher & Swamp Royale Lucky Dog (d) Montrose 14 12tr Zz 0251 ~ Country Legends BNA Heritage 65124 02 16tr Zz 0206 Nathan Abshire Best of: A Cajun Legend Swallow 6061 91 20tr Zz 0252 ~ You Can’t Keep a Good Memory Down MCA 11089 94 14tr Zz 0207 ~ & the Pinegrove Boys Flyright 19\UK 90 20tr Zz 0253 ~ Mississippi Rainstorm Blu Mountain 90712 03 11tr Zz’ 0208 1848 Weil Jetzt die Freiheit Blüht - Lieder aus der Revolution von 1848/49 - Wolf 0254 ~ Nobody’s Got It All Columbia 63990 01 12tr Zz’ 0255 ~ Too Tough to Tame Universal 76008 89 10tr Zz Biermann, Liederjan, Wacholder, Hein & Oss Kröher Südwest 104\D 98 24tr Zz 0256 ~ Anthology Audium 8160 2CD 02 30tr Zz 0209 Acoustic Eidolon Ancient Lovers - folk duo (d) Acoustic Woods 912 12 13tr Zz 0257 ~ Easy Money + Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard WB-Raybaw 44438 07 11tr Zz 0210 Acoustic Holidays -folk/bg/ac ctry Christmas EasyDisc-CRS 7068\NL 98 11tr Zz 0258 ~ Bigger Hands Country Crossing 01003 09 12tr Zz 0211 Acoustic Rainbow Radio Sampler, Vol 22 - Moody Bluegrass, Michelle Shocked, 0259 ~ Goldmine (d) Bayou Boys 316 15 13tr Zz Pete Goble, Chapmans, Ariane Lydon, Jenny Yates PoetMan 05 16tr Zz 0260 ~ Christmas Time BNA 66411 94 10tr Zz 0212 ~ Vol 23 - Lauren Sheehan, Clay Jones, Misty River PoetMan 05 16tr Zz 0261 Anna + Elizabeth The Invisible Comes to Us - folk duo singing old songs 0213 ~ Vol 24 - Ricky Skaggs, John McEuen, Jordan Tice PoetMan 05 16tr Zz + banjo, guitar (d) Smithsonian-Folkways 40229 18 11tr Zz 0214 ~ Vol 25 - Railroad Earth, Sherwin Linton, Jim Van Cleve PoetMan 06 16tr Zz 0262 Anthony & the Sophomores Play Our Oldies Mr DJ Wizard 1001 30tr Zz 0215 ~ Vol 26 - Lynn Maas, Glenn Kaiser, Sarah Noni Metzner PoetMan 06 16tr Zz 0879 Carlo Aonzo & Beppe Gambetta Serenata Acoustic Music 1136\D 97 17tr Zz 0216 ~ Vol 27 - Kacey Jones, Alaria Taylor, Bourgeois Gypsies PoetMan 06 16tr Zz 0263 Appalachian Waltz - Yo-Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer & Mark O’Connor - violin, 0217 ~ Vol 28 - Flatt & Alvis, Hayward Williams, Anais Mitchell PoetMan 07 16tr Zz cello & bass Sony Classical 68460 96 16tr Zz In 1993-2010 Dee-Jay Schallplatten in Germany released the Buffalo Bop/Dee-Jay Jamboree CD series, with a lot of rock & roll and rockabilly recordings from the 1950s, with little known artists mostly on obscure labels. App. 30 tracks on each CD; good quality sound + artwork, with photos of some of the artists. –more in future auctions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------meer in volgende auctions- In 1993-2010 bracht Dee-Jay Schallplatten in Duitsland de Buffalo Bop/DJ Jamboree CD serie uit, met heel veel rock & roll en rockabilly opnamen uit de jaren ‘50, van onbekende artiesten veelal op obscure labels. Plm. 30 tracks per CD; goede kwaliteit geluid en uitvoering, met foto’s van sommige artiesten. Release Title Artists Labels 0151 DJ 55001 Early Simon & Garfunkel (as Tom & Jerry, True Taylor, Jerry Landis, Tico & the Triumphs) (27 tracks) 0152 DJ 55002 The Slades The Slades (15 tracks) 0153 DJ 55020 Mule Skinner Blues The Fendermen (18 tracks) (deze drie misten in de lijst in Auction 115 / these three were missing in the list in Auction 115) 0154 Bb 55085 Gang’s House Mark Evans, Tommy Trent, Jack Scott, Mayne & Howle, Shorty Beacon... ...Candix, Cuca, Raleigh, Aragon, Carlton, Ozark, Hi-Ho 0155 Bb 55086 Strictly Instrumental 5 4 Unknowns, Fat Daddy Holmes, Tex Pedersen & Sunset Ramblers, Aztecs... ...Mida, Jet, Ca$h, Felsted, Runnin’Wild, Vamalco, Tilt 0156 Bb 55087 Wailin’ Wildcat Steve Bledsoe, Jay Chevalier, Buddy Miller, Curley Gibson’s Sunshine Playboys... ...Scope, Pride, Tampa, Zirkon, Ford, Cajun, Moon 0157 Bb 55088 Hot Rockin Harry Lee, the Darts, Charles Vickers, Jack Arnold, Freddy Koenig, Earl Reed... ...Igloo, BnS, Blue Moon, Valerie, Forrest, Cascade 0158 Bb 55089 Honky Doll Sheila Gernon, Betty Joe, Margie Madden, Linda Burnette, Knight Sisters, Sue Black... ...Cool, Speed, Lanier, Canon, Boyd, Marianna 0159 Bb 55090 Tattle Tale Murle Richardson, Freddie Montell, Leon James, Chuck Howard, Chippendales... ...Leopard, Caron, Fredlo, Banner, Andie, Edmoral 0160 Bb 55091 Move On Dudley Callicut, Wayne Haas, Dean Wolfe, Bristow Hopper, Jack Roubik... ...Vulco, Crazy Cajun, Red Top, Canary, Apache, Lindy 0161 Bb 55092 Rockabilly Fevere Zeke Clements, Duke & Null, Johnny Mac, Leon Bass, Joe Kozak, Millard Presley... ...Rocket, Clix, Gulf, Mercury, Stardust, Blue Henn 0162 Bb 55093 Rockin’Cadillac Larry Dowd, Howie Stange, Bill Watkins, Bill Haley, Norm Sharkey, Warren Smith... ...Spinning, Jenn, Tune, Taurus, Decca, Ember 0163 Bb 55094 Jukebox Rock Dick Seaton, Pete Nantz, Lattie Moore, Joe South, Herb & Kay, Bob King... ...K-Ark, Lee Gordon, Teenage, Nor-Va-Jak, Hammer 0164 Bb 55095 Rockabilly Xmas Chuck Blevins, Sonny Cole, Vel Mares, Big Bud, Jerry Clayton, Marlene Paul... ...GRC, Gaity, Foxie, Sarg, Kangaroo, Epic, Regent 0165 Bb 55096 Party Date Miles Connor, Austin Wood, Carl Canida, Kenny Dale, Ray Salter, Royal Jacks... ...Wink, Star Delta, Mora, Devere, Regatta, Picture 0166 Bb 55097 Out for Kicks Ray Scott, Lloyd Arnold, Tom Blair, Lynn Rowe, Tony Gavin, Burl Boykin... ...Satellite, Myers, Solo, Veeda, 20th Fox, Trans Atlas, San 0167 Bb 55098 Rockabilly Cats Jim Oertling, Buddy Bruce, Vern Pullins, Orville Couch, Wes Holly, E B Whyland..
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