News Agency on Conservative Europe Report 2021, No. 4. Report on conservative and right wing Europe 20th February 2021 GERMANY 1. jungefreiheit.de (translated, original by jungefreiheit.de, 19.02.2021) One year after Hanau's bloody act: SPD politicians attack AfD BERLIN. A year after the bloody act in Hanau, leading SPD politicians made the AfD jointly responsible for this and called for consequences. The leader of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Rolf Mützenich, told Spiegel : "The enemies of our democracy are purposefully poisoning the social climate in order to stir up discord and specifically turn people into objects of hatred." With the AfD, “these intellectual arsonists would also sit in our parliaments. With the words of Höcke, Gauland and Co., perpetrators like the Hanau murderer feel confirmed and proceed to the unspeakable act. We have to counter this, also legally ”. He referred to the law against right-wing extremism and hate crime , which must now be implemented, as well as to the Democracy Promotion Act , which primarily supports left-wing organizations. 2 A year ago, 43-year-old Tobias R. shot nine people with foreign roots in Hanau, Hesse , after which he judged his mother and himself. Before that, the man had published several videos and pamphlets with conspiracy-theoretical and sometimes racist content on the Internet. According to an expert opinion, Tobias R. suffered from a paranoid schizophrenic and was shaped by a racist ideology. Habeck calls for "right-wing extremism task force" Several politicians had already spoken of a “right-wing extremist attack” shortly after the crime and made the AfD jointly responsible for it. The Federal Criminal Police Office initially did not classify the act as right-wing extremist , but then changed its assessment . Mützenich now emphasized that the perpetrator shot the people "because he thought they were strangers". This is "hideous and persistently depressing". Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) also attacked the AfD. "Let's not leave the racist agitation unchallenged in the public and in our parliaments," he emphasized to the dpa news agency. "The AfD as a spiritual arsonist has long been a case for the protection of the constitution, and at the same time we have to do everything we can to fight right-wing populists politically." Green leader Robert Habeck demanded: "Politically, more must be done than has been the case so far." The federal government has a responsibility to implement its planned measures against racism quickly. In addition, the Green politician spoke out in favor of public prosecutor's offices with a focus on right-wing extremist crimes and a “right-wing extremism task force”, where people who are threatened by right-wing violence could turn. Mazyek: “They were Germans. These were our compatriots who were attacked " The chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Aiman Mazyek, warned against a division of society in connection with the bloody act. “In the general discourse and also in the media reporting, I would like to see more emphasis: They were Germans. These were our compatriots who were attacked, ”Mazyek told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung . “The terrorist wants to represent division and first and second class people. That is why we have to make it clear in our language that we will not allow ourselves to be divided. " Mazyek also warned that the risk of racist attacks was still great. The protective measures would be increased selectively, but that was not enough. "We need an even clearer awareness in the interior ministries that right-wing extremist attacks, for example on Muslims, are not an abstract danger, but a concrete one." (Ls) 3 2. jungefreiheit.de (translated, original by jungefreiheit.de, 17.02.2021) Online retailer Spreadshirt bans AfD content from its offer LEIPZIG. The online retailer Spreadshirt has removed all AfD-related content from its range. "The discrimination against Islam is quite clear," said the managing director of the Leipzig-based company, Philip Rooke, of the time . All content will also be removed in the future if it is related to AfD. Rooke added that he had read the AfD's party program intensively. That is also why he decided that AfD products should no longer be sold on Spreadshirt. The company's recently changed “Community Standards” state that all content and accounts that spread hatred or discrimination would be deleted from the shop system. This also applies to parties. Spreadshirt runs the largest printing company for T-shirts in Europe and offers users the opportunity to sell textiles or promotional items with motifs of their own choosing. The company employs around 1,000 people in 18 countries. No problem with left-wing extremist slogans In the past, Spreadshirt was criticized for selling the Wirmer flag, the US Confederate flag, or shirts with inscriptions from the Identitarian Movement or the lateral thinkers, which were popular with Pegida demonstrators. The Nordkurier had pointed out in December that the company apparently had no problems with left-wing extremist motives. While the word “lateral thinking” is not used and the ordering process cannot be continued in such a case, left-wing extremist slogans such as “Deutschland verrecke” can be printed. (ls) 3. paz.de (translated, original by Holger Fuß, 11.02.2021) 4 A left “jolt” for our country Instead of promoting social cohesion, the parties to the left of the center have been promoting the isolation of people for years - and their dependence on global capitalism. Why we need to reinvent being left Last weekend, the SPD leaders met for a retreat to decide on the programmatic timetable for the election year 2021 with their chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz. The results are as colorless as the candidate for the Chancellery himself. The topics of climate protection, digitization, mobility and health are full-bodied as "future missions for our country" co-governed, admits how much the infrastructure in this country has been cut down in the meantime. A few days earlier, the SPD executive board posted the results of the coalition committee on February 3. The headline read: "More Corona aid: So that everyone can get through the crisis well". Everyone continues to get through the crisis well? In which country do the SPD officials live? The economy has been at a standstill for months, schools and kindergartens are closed, fear people face unemployment, bankruptcies and loss of prosperity - as a consequence of the Corona measures. But the well-paid permanent employees in the Willy Brandt House want us to believe that we have come through the crisis well so far. These are just two current examples of the loss of reality that has taken hold of the SPD, but also of the other two parties to the left of the traditional political center, the Greens and the Left Party. Blinded by years of shadow boxing in identity politics, in the "fight against the law", by feminist discourses, in dealing with migration and with an appeasement attitude towards political Islam, the feeling for the social upheavals in the country has been lost. Servant of Profit Maximization Being leftist, it seems, has long since lost its soul. That is why the constant talk of a "shift to the right" apparently serves to cover up the fact that leftists have long since given up their resistance to capitalism, which once established their identity, and have developed into a cultural avant-garde of neoliberalism. The mainstream is not dominated by right-wing or even conservative attitudes, Today's "juste milieu", which considers itself progressive, has made itself comfortable in prosperity and consumption and is therefore not thinking of questioning the capitalist system like its ancestors once did, but is limited in its own System criticism on nutrition and climate issues. The student revolt of 1968, which the philosopher Jürgen Habermas called a social "fundamental liberalization" at the time, found its fulfillment not in communism, but in 5 consumerism a blind idolatry of the new, which by no means serves social cohesion, but rather the growth illusions of global turbo-capitalism. While customs, customs and traditions are thrown overboard and terms such as home, family and history are devalued, people are increasingly isolated. At the same time, more and more areas of life are being commercialized and their homeless inmates are being left to consumerism. Christmas has long since degenerated into a wintry backdrop for a retail sales orgy. The department stores are more crowded than the churches. In short, to be left in today's western manner means to keep an increasingly unscrupulous capitalism in a good mood under the banner of freedom as a social therapeutic marching band, which knows nothing but profit maximization as its goal. So it is high time to reinvent being left again. Such a reinvention should not only be important to the left, who feel homeless. The non-left milieus, the liberals and conservatives, should also be interested in a strong and realistic left. For years we have been able to observe how much democracy suffers when the political polarities evaporate and an informal amalgam remains, which labels itself as the "political center" and in its speechlessness literally brings political discourse and parliamentary disputes to dry up. What we are currently experiencing as social bans on speaking, political correctness, conceptual re-education and mental taboos, is nothing other than the loss of a cultivated tension, Turning away from your own voters As long as the basic currents in the population saw themselves adequately represented by the disputes in parliament, the social tensions were countered in a dialectical way via the system of representative democracy. Today these proxy battles are missing in the Bundestag.
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