" '•:?~";T^" r^:'••rv^•r•A!;••:-:VX^::Ov:'.:V^ Harold£. Wilson, USMCR Medal of Honor He Held On All Night 0 UT OF THE SPRING NIGHT, the Red and weakened, he held on, leading the folks like you—who are making Amer­ banzai attack hit like a thunderstorm. fight all night till the last Red assault ica safer by investing in U. S. Defense The darkness exploded into a night­ was beaten off. At dawn, by sheer cour­ Bonds. Maybe you've thought you mare of flaming confusion. But Ser­ age, the Sergeant had saved not only Avere just saving money. Believe me, geant Wilson went into action at once, his position, but the precious lives of you're saving men's lives, too!" rallying his hard-pressed men. his men. Bullets wounded his head and leg; "In Korea," says Sergeant \'?'ilson, Now E Bonds pay 3%! Now, Series E I disabled both arms. Refusing aid, he Bonds start paying interest after 6 months. "I didn't think about where our weap­ And average 3% interest, compounded semi­ crawled, bleeding, from man to man, ons came from—I just thanked God annually when held to maturity! supplying ammunition, directing fire, they were there. During April, women volunteers all over helping the wounded. America will be calling on business and "Now, back home, I realize Avhal's professional people to enroll them in the Bond-A-Month Plan.If you are self-employed, As the attack grew fiercer, a mortar behind those arms. The united strength enroll in the plan—a sure, safe savings sys­ shell blew him oflE his feet. Still, dazed of millions of thrifty, hard-working tem designed especially for you! Peace is for the strong! For peace and prosperity save tvith U.S. Defense Bonds! The U. S. Government docs not pay for this advertisement. It is donated by 'this publication in cooperation tcith the Advertising Council and the Magazine Publishers of AmericOm Collegians Unfazed By Heat; Microtomic Keep Cool in Arrow Lightweights A pr§dsi9a MsirwiMt for pt^hsskmi kmd$ Microtomic—tha finest •xoRpI* of research in drawing pencils. Oetignad to stand the most rigid drafting room comparisons. Test them today! Only JMicrotomic offers yew— HLDiNSirr UAOS Lines are absolutely opoqu* to actinic rays. AUOUmiT UNirOlM Every Microtomic of the same degres marking is identical. NIW DUSK GRAY Professional men occloim it the bast color for a drawing pencil. •UU'S ITi OIGRH MARKINa Easier to read — easier to find — positive identification. Also Choice of holders and Microtomic leads. EBERHARD FABER j;nce 1849 Jf TRADE HAKIIS RES. U.S. PAT.OFF. cWilli A Cbol and comfortable summer is predicted for students who cool off in Arrow lightiveight shirts and sports shirts. These hot-weather favorites are "air-conditioned" by thousands of open windows in the fabric. Long and short sleeve styles . white and pastel colors. Available at Arrow dealers. ARROW SHIRTS for the mother who gets her I— SHIRTS • TIES . UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS —* MOTHER'S DAY MESSAGES byTELEGRAMi Mahe GILBERT'S your ARROW headquarters i/o give your mother that GILBERT'S ^top of the tvorld^^ feeling just call wisnrni union 813-817 MICHIGAN STREET 105 N. Main St. Open evenings until 9 o'clock Telephone 3-6101 May «, 1953 WHY LUG THAT TYPEWRITER HOME . AVhen you can store it FREE OF CHARGE at the OFFICE ENGI­ NEERS? Your t\'pe\vriter is covered by insurance while in storage. Reader Wishes Blood Drive Success We can put your typewriter in top condition during the slack summer Editor: season at the special student repair rates. These special storage and In the Notre Dame SCHOLASTIC issue repair rates are offered to the students at Notre Dame. of April 17, I read with interest your stirring editorial on blood donors at Notre Dame and I hope your eiforts OFFICE ENGINEERS Avill be rewarded ^vith success. It was ironic to read an announcement in the 116 South Michigan Street Phone 3-3118 New York Times the same day that CCNY, a college with a registration in excess of 36,000 including day and night classes, produced 1,248 pints in three days. Congratulations on the "All Amer­ ican honors for SCHOL.4STIC . ." - With kindest regards and best wishes for further success to the SCHOLASTIC. Cordially, Charles J. O'Brien • In Error on Movies Editor: Readers of the story "Department of English Stops Movies Following Eliot Film" in last week's issue will have been badly misinformed unless correc­ tions are made forthwith. The Department has not cancelled the movie series it has been sponsoring. ^ .-: u- i^-^^^-"^^ )> We had hoped to have either Hamlet or Henry V during May, but bookings of these films are not available at this time. We expect to continue our series SP££0/ CONTROL/ of literary classics next year. We quite agree with the SCHOLASTIC reporter that the conduct in AA'^ashing- com UFBf ton Hall of a few students grievously tries the patience and charity of the great majority Avho are civilized. But we continue to hope that even they will Set after set, on any playing sur­ be aifected, even if very slowly, by face, these Tvdns of Champion­ their environment and by the education ship Tennis deliver "new ball" they should be receiving. performance...maintain their Yours, precision-built accuracy of flight Rufus William Ranch, and boimce! Professor of English In every National Championship, U. S. Davis Cup and Wightman BOTH NICE! Cup match ... in major tourna­ ments everywhere . Spalding- Chrysler and Plymouth made tennis balls are the Oflicial choice. Try a Spalding or Wright at & Ditson and you'll know why. MOULDER MOTOR CO. 215 S. La Fayette A Suggestion — Why not drive a new car home for the folks. The purchase price in South Bend is probably much less than at home. See . Jack Moulder, Class of '38 SnuDiNfSib the PMt h TiMis i The Scholastic paper or excelsior. Radios not propei-ly packed, or packed with other articles, Capsule Corner will not be insured. The postcard form found in recent FRANiaE LANE periodicals, for the purpose of notifying made the Song famous the publishers of change of address for Press Honors Bishop Noll but GOOD FOOD the Summer, should be given prompt Bishop John F. Noll of Fort Wayne, made us famous for attention. founder and editor of Our Sunday our Italian dishes. Visitor, is one of two veteran American Spoghetti Ravioli Catholic journalists receiving honors Attorney Heads O'Hara Lecture from the Catliolic Press Association of John F. Brosnan, New York attorney Chicken Steoia the United States at its 43rd annual and a member of the University of the State of New York, spoke this aftei-- The new tradition at Notre Dam* convention being held in Atlantic City is . Wednesday through today. noon in the Law Auditorium on "A Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., U. S. Am­ Lawyer Briefs the Young Business­ bassador to the United Nations, was man" in the seventh in the current se­ the principal speaker at the convention ries of Archbishop O'Hara Seminar RESTAURANT banquet. Lectures. 610 NORTH MICHIGAN He was introduced by Dean James E. Eepresentatives of Catholic newspa­ 3 biks. N. of South Shore Station McCarthy of the College of Commerce. pers, magazines, and other publications took part in the proceedings. Diamonds Jewelry Watches CANOE TRIPS Music Recitals Scheduled into Quetico-Superior wilderness. Only^ $4.83 to $5.40 per person per day. For Mr. Carl Mathes of the Music De­ J. Trethewey free information write, partment will return to the campus JOE, THE JEWELER CANOE COUNTRY OUTFITTERS, next Monday after concluding a ten- 104 N. Main St. J.M.S. Bidg. BILL ROM, Box C, Ely, Mhuieaota day Spring concert tour through the West. Mr. Mathes played six concerts, two of them before enthusiastic audi­ ences at St. Mary's Auditorium in Sid­ J. Paul Sheedy* Switched to ^ildroot Cream-Oil ney, Neb. Because He Flunked The Finger-Nail Test Composition students of Mr. Mathes will present a recital of original com­ positions in Washington Hall on Mon­ day, May 18, at 8:15 p.m. Richard Casper, a graduating senior and a student of Mathes, will present a piano recital on the evening of May 25 at 8:15. Cadets Inspect Engineering Projects Wednesday, 23 engineering students in the Army ROTC journeyed to Chi­ cago to visit some of the civil works projects of the Corps of Engineers. The Chicago Engineer District spon­ sored the field trip. Accompanied by Capt. William W. Bohn, the group spent two days in­ specting the facilities of Calumet Har­ bor, the locks and dams of Joliet, and the Snow, Ice, and Permafrost Research Institute at Wilmette. SHEEDY shed crocodile tears till he had alligator bags under his eyes, because he got the gator from his girl. "I'm going to hide from you and your horrible Postal Regulations for Shipping hair," she said "until you go gator bottle of Wildroot Cream-Oil, America's favorite hair tonic. It's non-alcoholic. Contains soothing The Post Office advises students who Lanolin. Keeps hair well-groomed from morning 'till night. plan to mail personal belongings home Relieves annoying dryness. Removes loose, ugly dandruff. that parcels may not exceed 40 pounds Helps you pass the Finger-Nail Test." Paul slithered down to WILDROOT ag when addressed to the first and second a nearby toilet goods counter for Wildroot Cream-Oil. Now CRLAMOIlt' zones, while 20 pounds is the limit for he's swamped with putse-lipped females who wane him to other zones. This weight restriction crocodile their telephone numbers.
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