ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTH Published by Aulhorily » Vol. LXXXV, No. 2 12th JANUARY. 2007. Price $2 800,00 CORRECTION OF ERROR land; llience westwards following the district boundary line on the southern boundary of Albany; following the latter boundary NOTICE is hereby given, for general information, that the and along the southern boundaries of Albany, Hashu and State Government Gazelle Extraordinary No. LXXXIV No. 85 contained land to its intersection by Umtebekwana river, southwards along an error on the table of contents. The error is corrected by deletion the latter river to its intersection by a road from Zvamabonde of “256A” and substitution of “255B”. along the northern boundaries of Edwards farm and lllingden; westwards along the road to its intersection by the road from General Notice 7 of 2007. Shurogwi and then southwards along the Shurugwi road; TOURISM ACT [CHAPTER 14:20] westwards leaving the latter road to take another one following the northern boundary of Ortner to its intersection by the Runde Declaration of Tourism Development Zones river; south westwards along the southern boundary of Shangwe Estate to its intersection by a road from Gweru; southwards THE M inister of Environment and Tourism hereby, in terms of cutting across Mavhumashaba and Brooklands along the latter section 57(2) of the Tourism Act [Chapler /<(; 20], declares the areas road; westwards leaving the Gwent road to take another one described in the Schedule to be approved tourism development leaving to its intersection by the railway line to Somabhula on zones. the eastern boundary of Nubble; thence generally south D. F. NHEMA. westwards following the railway line to Somabhula and 12-1-2007. M inister of Environment and Tourisih. westwards north westwards along the southern, western and c.astern boundaries of Browns, Lewis; East Lynne Estate; the 1. MIDLANDS PROVINCE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Meadows to its intersection by the Vungu river along the ZONE northern boundary of the Meadows, north westwards along the I An area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection latter river to its intersection by the southern boundary Rijov; of Umsweswe river by the northern boundary of J^ock Bar . iiorili eastwards along the southern and western boundaries of Ranch eastwards along the Umsweswe river and southwards Ri jov and Ngamo river; northwards along the latter river to its along the eastern boundary of State Land to its intersection by inleiseclion by the Gweru river; proceeding in that north an unnamed road linking Buinbe and Manyene Business Centre; easterly direction along the eastern and northern boundaries eastwards along the latter road southwards from Manyene e.xcluding Retreat, Ranch farm, Somerset Estate and M issouri Business Centre passing through St. Cuthberths, Muchemwa lo its ink section by the distriet boundary line on the southern and on the western side of M afindifindi and straight to the boundary of Ingle Nook proceeding generally westwards along provincial boundary; hence southwards along an unnamed road the southern boundary of Ingla Nook and northwards along along the western boundaiy of Manyoni; eastern and southern the we'^tem boundaries including Ingle Nook, Bellevue, Monte boundaries of Kuwirirana and along the northern and western Bello. Longwood, Paris and Argyle to its intersection by the boundaries of Batanai to its intersection by the Munyati river; Rhino river; north eastwards along the latter river to its proceeding westwards along the latter river southwards, intersection by the Sebakwe river on the south eastern boundary westwards along the eastern and southern boundaries of of solitaire; thence south eastwards, north eastwards and south M orcena Ranch. M azuri Ranch and Parlona to its intersection eastwards along the southern, eastern and northern, eastern and by an unnamed road on the nurtbcin boundaries of M vuraclrenn noiiticrn houndaries of the following properties; Hatcliland, and Xmas; eastwards, southwards and northwards along the Long viilley, Bel grave, Dia W eivelde, Sherwood Block Estate, northern eastern and southern boundaries of Xmas. Sebakwe Loo?ani Estate and Mopani park; to its intersection by the and Pieterdale properties; south westwards from the northern Ktivi/.lia river; northwards along the latter river to its boundary of Mahamara Ranch following a road and westwarils. inicrscction by the Munyati river; thence generally north north westwards following an unnamed road on the southern w csi wards along the Munyati river and north eastwards; thence and western boundaries of East Range Ranch to Sebakwe it piocecds culling across the Stale land and along the eastern proceeding along Nyamaponde river to its intersection by an boundary of Rock Bar Ranch lo the starting point. unnamed road westwards along the road toUmlala park; south _ 2. RllonnS-MATOPOS eastwards leaving the road before Gold Ridge along the eastern An iirea of land bounded by a line drawn from the eastern boundaries excluding M atchebel. Congela. W ebleign. Erinn and boundary of Rhodes-Bulawayo sanctuary; eastwards along the Moyo; to the.northern boundary of Chiwundura comimmal 10 ZiMBAnwEAN Government Ga7et ie, 12ih January. 20(17 nodhcm and eastern boundaries of Sanerdale Block to die northern river; proceeding northwards along the latter river to Guruve most lieacon of Inyonka south eastwards along the eastern and Business Centre; northwards proceeding along the Guruve- northern boundaries of Adams Farm: generally southwards Bakasa cutting across Dunavety, Blue Jay, M akombi, along the eastern boundaries of the latter property and Nyamsewe and Camperdown to the southern boundaries of Florencedale; thence southwards along the Charezi river to its Chireingwe; westwards and southwestwards along the nortli- intersection by the northern boundaries of W cnlock Commu­ em boundary of Guta H ill (now State Land), Cela Viendra A nal Land; proceeding generally south eastwards and again south and the eastern boundary of Rungudzi Estates straight to inter­ eastwards along the northern, w'cstern southern boundaries of section by the Dande river; proceeding in a southward direc­ W enlock Communal Land and A Zwcmelc Block to Ihe northern tion along the eastern boundary of Kachuuta Communal Lands most beacon of sheet; thence along the nordiern and western to its intersection by the M anyaine river; southwards along the boundaries of the latter property and M ount Onjuil Ranch to river and generally westwards boundaries of State Land, the northern most beacon of the latter property proceeding M ukamba, Smith Field, Northend, Tsandwa and Rosetta; hence generally south westwards along the western boundary of northwards, southwards and westwards following an unnamed M ount Orquil Ranch, tlicncc weshvards towards Sibona cutting road from Rosetta passing through Kosana Ranch, Redwing, across W enlock Communal I-ands to its intersection by the Tuli. Green Valley Estate, Ona Patai Estate, Chenene, W olwehock, river; southwards along the latter river towards Sitezi Primary Chimsenga, Victory Estate, Ridziwi and Kanenje, to its inter­ School: thence northwards before Sitezi Primary School and section by the Angwa river; northwards along the eastern and again in a westerly direction to its intersection by the district northern boundaries of M afalo (now State Land), Rollingwood, boundtuy; northwards along the latter boundary along the western Sipo Feneni, Ri wanzi, to Bakwa where it intersects an unnamed and southern boundaries of Toko N orlli, Datnara Estate, U nfiila, road; proceeding in that northwesterly direction following the M apani Poort, Buluma, Vergenoeg to the southern most beacon of road from Bakwa passing through Kabiri Business Centre, west Ko^oo; thence along the southern boundary of the latter property of Katsanga, east of Danga, west of Nyama near M anyenyedzi; and along the south western boundaries of Victory, Goede Hoop. westwards and northwards along the southern boundary of M alaia, Lushongwe, M avuli. to the northen most beacon of M anyenyedzi. M ahwau, through Chitandiwa Business Centre store and along the northen boundaries of the latter property to Kabidza; prttceeding westwards from Kabidza to its inter­ and M l. Edgecombe to its intersection by the Shasahani river; section by an unnamed river; southwards along the latter river up along the latter river to its intersection by the southern m ost to its intersection by the road from M akuti; hence southeast- beacon of Nauder Rest; thence south-eastwards along the western wards, southwards and south westwards along the road that and southern boundaries of Nauder Rest and Damaway to its cuts across V^uti; southwestwards from the western boundary intersection again by the Shashani river on die western boundary of Nyaodza along the southera boundary of Nyaodza Communal of three stream s; north eastwards along the Goede Hoop, Land along the Gachegache nver to its intersection by the Vriegeright south to its intersection by the Bulawayo-Plumtree D istrict boundary line on the northern boundary of Nyagwisi, Road; proceeding generally northwards along the eastern southwards along the district boundary through Nyagwisi boundaries of M arcdale, M aritzburg to the latter eastern most Nyadara and across theiKanyati river to its intersection by beacon on the south of Doublevalc; thence south eastwards M agunje-Zipano road on the southern boundary of Deve; and north eastwards along the southern and eastern boundaries generally southwards and southwestwards along the latter of Honey
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