^-' iitii;i."l:';: l-:i;: Callsdeiliir or civil rights 'most dangeroussubversion' h:lDpres iclettt points 'ct'isis' lo clomestic \\/ASIIINGTON-AnIericans \vho coucentlate on Rcd slrllvcrsion at honre shoultl give eclrral encrgy to cxterrding civil lights {.o all tl.S. citizcus llecarrse tlcnial of thes[ "tlrc lights is rnost clnugclous subversion." J'his opirriou 'l'lteodore \f as exl)rcsst-.dby Futher NL IIcsbul'gh, C.S.C., * pt't'sirltlttt of tlte tlnil'g1'*i1t ol Nolt'c I)amc aurl a nrctn- bct ol' llrc ll.S. Civil ttights (loturtrissiou. "t'rr. IIt, sairttne s1'11;i5"lrrrlnv ,',,**..1,,l3,,h,llltl,,tlil.tiJ,ittil,l; is not Rctl activit.t'ot'ct'sorts, lrttt rli.i,r,it tiii,tr.', if u,c c.orlc at lio^rrr /1,,adersPopc1auclsi6:1lllllil.ir[i:tllfiilji:xl,llT';l""'jlHllTlill$l'[lii:::IliJi;:il;.;:?'.:.ilI'';:lJf.#* Ia..Y LonQdtun ^':;*I"J.::niil;lil fuucrion,[ - t.:,"-..;'..'".'"'u,.-"'lli]r].ill:illl]'.*,.^"",'.t[ipltlttt:ttsl[i,[ili1.ll.ifi*If*llt;ii$iti:j'lll.l'ii*'^^ siuc aicrusort Courrcil *ii,,iiullr*iil,.*:iliiunr^r;,;;ffio;il (iitolic|nIl.nd|.st.r|krx.l:].,ilil;"lij.'l.Jl]l";;;111;,.i!lil\$|llNilc l,c*.r h.ll d'rlossrnrs \ilh lu \rc\s dn $Irl il.nrs shD{kl Ilct iir l.]crtttlt'ItrtitlL'ottttctl.rrrrl.|t|lltt-t'tt'Lttitl 'nc ilr( ltil\ s( fililn.il s DqrrLn'ilt cilnrr'rs- Lrrlk,f \rrttr I gl'otlPs l;tr ('lrIrstilns irs rrrll ns bct$'ectr lll sltl(l]' lirrtr' ;rrril tltt lrrot'alt'lt1'.otl sonlrt CARDtNAt'f,,il'iii. I trl tlre thctres rt hir'lt wilt !1t' -t]11 ,lf *,i r, 1,|r.1s1'to{ sturll' at ilrc nc\t ecu. i.,.,.r-.- ,r... i',...... "THE eollll)l.rl rviilr tltt' CONDITION 'rf llrc rlo'rrl ;t5slil'(' lll(' tr'irl rlrtrrrlrr[ [tltrrit'l ,..,,.ii. .,,i' l..r ,t.,rri,,,rrr'rrr, .:rr,,r.,, totrrissiorrirrBoliviax.','.rl';i:":{lilllliji;ii:$ij'fii'iflil*i;l;j,,*ilililiilll:TIllI[ilj{iilsl,..li'i.:.;llll'i';'liilliil"''milillrl'tf,|li:iilll"ll'.l*lili$**l*** |l;i..,i:,ll).i.l]i;l;-:.;ii'lili.'ll.'li]Willl;,'i,ll:l,\l.].l,'i]ii''l,1).;.',|],,,i1l'l::',.:,: -ii-+--:il.#i'iffiti$.*i[li--.'*'.'y':"m.l'*ll-.iiiili"ilj,Tiilsilil.jfi::."'l:.j-i:i}ifir*'ltlii1ill..l:'jiIi Dtrrtllirt. llirilr 1l"':,1;'l;"ti"l,til:,"i rsnilr uf sr llrrr's elurch,;lll; I B|- hr"f lottcll('(l otl l)l il ,,tll] .i (l('clsl(lll n{) CXtl'A slillo ltrn(ls \r'('te sl)enl, rs,., Colrl rVttsslill tr.ith lrirrt I ('i)t'll('fslr)lle t't'rt'lttrtntcs Stttt- ol tlrc I)istliet ('oult of Itio tlre llolt' L'httlclr (it'ittrtlc (:otlnt). plca THc PoPE tolti lht' tliplonrats 1111111111111111111111111ti1i1iti11111111THE PoPE'5 "thc that llotuln pontills. llr'fo:r- srlrt oI llrcil snit'rlrurl trrission. r:urr- iii:l*;iriiiti u,"tii,'iiit :1t;i $.r'ld $ltit'h is :ilt'aVs trorthlc<l' <'ral rlelclations Irottr all lrt'outlrl plincipal sl){'ill(('r' i\lso itl attend- aluirls tt.stless. irlrr';r1'srrntlt,r lhc lltr'uorkl llc continttcrl: ' alleo rttll hc \.r'r'r' [ler'. \1'altttt' csialrlis|rin;la|'t.tfcatltouseloi'm..^'l.hepI.csr'IttlcofrlipItrttta|tct.t'1r' I-'arlt'll. S..1.. pt c.;irlt'ttt of \lrcst ;lill]iifi1"$ili*-'E|ii}]$,.,'.#Ij}iiffi;ffi-.;if-:.ffi$",W-llr.l*:-.'...lg'h'iii*;[',TJ*fi,,':''.**iffitlj}tHfrllrlctil rrl splrg lrcsh catirstrr)tlllo. "\\ltt'tt"\\ ,rar^e llt'll \\'tt\v(l tltinktllllll" ol grclttgr(lltt (irllcxt'.(irll0xt'. arl(lall(l Il{'\.Il{'\ . lvilliarnlVilliaril ,rc .re'g1'. rarxffiiiil-FATHER QUINN 1ou\ou .r.aro ;iirrug;iir rug lrcr..,lrcr.0, 11onll,,rrrIn,g,,iitl.,,ir,',r -l.lte,l-lle Ilark,n r:ifi'rl:illi,'i:rl'.rj;]li;li,ri,.l,i,']ii tlllsslolltlllss.loll t'ottftlt't'ctlcottfct't'cd ttpotttqlott [Js t.o.cill'(.) ir..l., l]lcllt:ttfl]lclrt:ttf pt'Csi'pt'csi' 'ur rrrY rrrrqur qr)r'rrr' a lcssot.llcssor.l of tr.rrriltrt0 u,r,lu,t,l ;i.r,t,,i,r,,,t.r,t,,i,t,, .,,,,. !l'.c']l'(] .1. Scltnrirll, Srncc 19t7. thc I)at'aclett's ltitt'c grcrr. thc fact tlrat their' Irrt' tltc trttivt'rsitl ili"tt.1l t-L]il:1: tir.st in Sotrtl Ante.ica. !{ovr\l'nnronls (()r'(i. r;rnrplt' ,,r utr,,i"i,u,t,it. (lolrt. tlp it scl fotlndattrtns tn Ntu'Ilcxico, tntcntl to join the lloll'Scc iil tlris lf a rlist|tr..t rlrsltear.rls the nrl- ' stantling lrnonit nlt;ons t:r;ulrl lrc 11",li::il:);:1"'j]1"'j,,):":',.;:ll)':.:;\ 1.,,,,,...,.., ,,i,,r, .,.r,,,,,rr*rrr r,r'rl Parochialschool pupils presentcolorful lJnited NationsFestival REAL MEXICAN FLAVOR-Juan Loper, rn eighih grade siudent al Sacred Heart School, Indionapolis, rdded an rir of rulheniicity lo lhe school's enlry in lasl Sundry'r Uniled Nations Fesfivrl, spon. rored by Msgr. Downey Council, Knights of Columbur. Juen ir r nrlivr of Mexico. -eR ?HE rTER ION; NoVEMBER*lU;l'3t PAGE THREE {lnttnnnlnrntnrml wUKLull|||l||||l||n|||l|||||||||l|||l||n||l|||||||n||ll|||l|t|ll||l||||l|||l|t||||l|||ll|t|iiiii|iiiiiii||l||l||l[|il|||g Atrcndpnpal Mas.s- Visit lke-Ike - Discttssencvclical = from ./=J== i\Iary's Univcrsity hore to pay his thousantl pottnds ol antibiotics up THE VATICAN its administration of the Ru. weekly bulletin exclusively for the first visit in nrore than 45 years. were sent by catholic Itclicf scrv- anda-u|undi year. 'Ihe tcrritory next prcss. fornrcr Prcsirlent first be- ices to llclize. Ilontluras. In ad- carne assoeiatod with St. Mary's dition, 92,01.6 pounds of rlricd priests milk f . fnn_t[-rqrish in a dis. 0 NEW DDLIII _ The Catholie in 1018 whcn stationed st .['ort 90,000 pounrls trict and oI rlricd bcans, of Paris issued a strong iongrcss 6f the state of Xerali Sam Ilouston. The university, 225,000 pounds of and flour havc appeal ttt members of their con. has appeale<l to Kcrala authorities thcn knorvn as St. Louis Colleger allocatcd for shipnrant. gregalions been to react against the to changc e governmcnt policy of ncedcd a football coach. Eisen- llrutal repression of Algerians by evicting-foreit squitter. Irom ,tat"- horver acccpted the assignment tha l'rench police. ABROAD Their protest owned lands, it was ie. which was of{ered to him by his camc after ihe mass arrests and ported here. Speaking tor iome contrnanrling officer, a lriend oI deportatior of Algerians by the ihree miilion cittroticJin r(erai;; tltc eollege operatcd by the Soci- police. The priests said that Al- the Conlrcss urgctl that th; g;;: cty ol l!{ary. IIo was coacb gcrians in their district had suf- ernment'buikl sp'ecial colonies"for Ior scvcral nronths. filtcrl frorn arbitrary arrests and evicted personi anct pay them tleportations, and were the vic- adcquate compensation ior the Sr\N JUAN - f'ucrto Ricnn "odious 0 tinrs of violcnces, brutal land. (latholics pararled silently through repressions, bloorished. intern- pro. the stlccts oI San Juan in a nronts, families in distress and 0 ORLEANS, France-Archbish- tcst against the l'irtcl Castro disturbing disappearances." op Errnrrdin Grnlin of Contonou, lcginte in Cttlln, I'olice said sonre l)ahoney, becamc thc first Afri. 25,000 Catlrclics participated in the I Cardlnol lilrurlco Fcllln, Arch- ean Catholic prelatc to assist at oltlclly llaratlo, tlescribed as the bishop of Paris, announced here the consccration of a b'rench largcst anli.Colnutunist dcmon" tlte cstablishrncnt of a press office bishop ln l\'lctropolitan !'rance. stlttion cvrlr holl on thc island, to tlisscminatc information on The occasion wirs the consecration Clurrch activitics in l'ranco and hcre in historie Orlcnns Cathedrat a BUI'INOS AIIIES--Police hcrc nbroad. Tlre high-ranking prelate of Cordiutor Bishop Guy Robio broke rtp unatttltorizcd anti"Conr- sairl the office will communicate of the Ollcans rliocese. Archbirh. munist dcntonstt'ations by st.tl- to the prcss srrch infornration as op Pierre Veuillol of Paris olfi- dents-ntost of tltctn ntctnbers of thc pronouncenrents of l-rench ciatetl at tlte ccrernrony, assisterl Catholic orgattizations w ll o 1 and foreign bishops, important by Archbishop Gantin. Slusic at ntarcltetl irt protcst. against thc religious events, anrl news-on the the service included thc Messe Soviet lJnion's nucleitr- testin1l. preparation for the {orthcoming rles Piroguiers, hascrl on the l'he sttttlents distt'ibttted parnph- Secontl Vatictn Council. For thii rhythrnic nelodies of African lets that warnctl against tlte peril purposo, the office will publish a canoenlen, "If Orthodoxset to tackle of radioactive fall-out. rve do ' live.s of our clriklren will be en- , dangercd." It also notcd that ..:.:' fall-out flont rccent ltussinn bonrb : ,.. ' nrodc)t'nd"y problems explosions rvas thcn approaching :il tlte Atrrcrican contirtcnt, sn-riling antl difficullies ale less a 'l'l('{llillli)r of this ortrcL: is cnusc Ior foar lhlrt l clrrllcnr:c rtrt ,.lrrrctti'att Jr',\lttI l{'h0 cot'crcr{ to figlrt anrl u'in." lir(' Ic{'r'}ll Iiltorlt'.s C()lll(rtcllrll I Pope .lolrn spokt' of his affoc- oi lht: ()rllrorl<i.r: ('ltttt'chc.s /ot' tion for thc' Aflicln pcoples in tlrc thr' r\'('\1'(: Ncr|s ScIuit:r:. lIt: fit'st of tltc \tatican llarlio's lcrlu- is .spt'cirri i.st irr Iiylrr nl irrc Lllt rrt'clr hr bt'oarlcasts lo r\flicn.
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