Marie Laurencin an exhibition organized by Jelena Kristic 5 March – 16 May 2020 opening on Thursday, 5 March, 6 ! p" #hecklist 1% Marie Laurencin '(uto portrait (*el+ portrait,-, 1.0! oil on can/as 01%0 x 11%0 cm (+ra"ed: 5!%5 x 50 x 5%3 c", Musée Marie Laurencin, To$yo M(&(5M 1.0!501 Marie Laurencin 'Chanson de 6ilitis (*ong o+ Bilitis,-, 1.00 etching and aquatint 20 x 15 cm (+ra"ed: 40%5 x 30%1 x 3%! cm, 8d. 7520 Marchesseau 1 9ri/ate collection M(&(5P 1.00501 Marie Laurencin 'Portrait de fem"e )Portrait o+ a Wo"an,-, 1.05 gouache and pencil on paper 16 x 15 cm (o/al, (+ra"ed: 23%6 x 25%3 x 2%2 c", M(&(5P 1.05501 Marie Laurencin '(utoportrait (*el+ portrait,-, c. 1.12 ;atercolor on paper 12 x 10 cm (o/al, (+ra"ed: 23%6 x 25%3 x 2%2 c", M(&(5P 1.12501 Marie Laurencin '(utoportrait au chien (*el+ portrait ;ith a Dog,-, 1.1. - 1.20 pencil and crayon on paper 20%5 x 15%5 cm (o/al, (+ra"ed: 52%3 x 40 x 2%! cm, M(&(5P 1.20501 Marie Laurencin 'Untitled [*el+ portrait?-, c. 1.0! 1.10 in$ and watercolor on paper initialed “M%&%- 26 x 21 cm (+ra"ed: 43%2 x 40 x 2%! cm, M(&(5P 1.10501 Marie Laurencin 'La Fem"e-cheval (The Wo"an Aorse)-, 1.1! oil on can/as 61%! x 06%! cm (+ra"ed: 82 x 6!%6 x !%1 c", Musée Marie Laurencin, To$yo M(&(5M 1.1!501 Marie Laurencin '@em"e au chien (portrait, (:o"an ;ith a <og )portrait,,-, 1.20 oil on can/as 65 x 50 cm )+ra"ed: 66%3 x 52 x 3%0 cm, M(&(5M 1.20502 Marie Laurencin 'Le Cirque (The Circus,-, 1.20 oil on can/as 36 x 56 cm M(&(5M 1.20502 Marie Laurencin 'La maison meublée”, 1.12 oil on can/as 112 x 100 cm (+ra"ed: 125%3 x 153%5 x 8%1 cm, Musée Marie Laurencin, To$yo M(&(5M 1.12502 Marie Laurencin 'Le Pont de Passy (The Passy Bridge)-, 1.12 oil on can/as 50 x 70%1 cm (+ra"ed: 62%2 x !3 x 7 cm, Musée Marie Laurencin, To$yo M(&(5M 1.12501 Marie Laurencin '&B(bbesse d’Æéa', 1.21 Dllustration +or 'The Abbess o+ Æéa- by Roger Allard, fro" the suite o+ 10 prints for “F/entail- etching i"age size: 9 x 7%5 cm sheet size: 1. x 11 cm Marchesseau 40 M(&(5P 1.22501_1 Marie Laurencin '&Ban Sua/e”, 1.21 Dllustration +or 'The S;eet Year- by André Breton, +ro" the suite o+ 10 prints for “F/entailI etching i"age size: 9 x 7%5 cm sheet size: 1. x 11 cm Marchesseau 41 M(&(5P 1.22501_2 Marie Laurencin 'Le Miroir-, 1.21 Dllustration +or 'The Mirror- by Francis Carco, +ro" the suite o+ 10 prints for “F/entail- etching i"age size: 9 x 7%5 cm sheet size: 1. x 11 cm Marchesseau 42 M(&(5P 1.22501G1 Marie Laurencin '&a Nymph d’(uteuil-, 1.21 Dllustration +or “The Jymph fro" Auteuil- by Loris Codet, +ro" the suite o+ 10 prints for “F/entail- etching i"age size: 9 x 7%5 cm sheet size: 1. x 11 cm Marchesseau 41 M(&(5P 1.22501G0 Marie Laurencin 'Prose pour Pallas a"biguK-, 1.21 Dllustration for “Prose for A"biguous Pallas- by Fernand Fleuret, fro" the suite o+ 10 prints for “F/entail- etching i"age size: 9 x 7%5 cm sheet size: 1. x 11 cm Marchesseau 40 M(&(5P 1.22501_5 Marie Laurencin 'Lui nBentend quBune cloche”, 1.21 Dllustration for “:ho only hears a bell- by Georges Gabory, fro" the suite o+ 10 prints for “F/entail- etching i"age size: 9 x 7%5 cm sheet size: 1. x 11 cm Marchesseau 45 M(&(5P 1.22501_6 Marie Laurencin 'Olga-, 1.21 Dllustration for “Olga, a short story” by Max Jacob, fro" the suite o+ 10 prints for “F/entail- etching i"age size: 9 x 7%5 cm sheet size: 1. x 11 cm Marchesseau 46 M(&(5P 1.22501G3 Marie Laurencin 'La rue Soufot-, 1.21 Dllustration for “La rue Soufot, a Eo"ance” by Valery Larbaud, fro" the suite o+ 10 prints for “F/entail- etching i"age size: 9 x 7%5 cm sheet size: 1. x 11 cm Marchesseau 43 M(&(5P 1.22501G! Marie Laurencin 'Fil de rQ/e”, 1.21 Dllustration for “Thread o+ Drea"s- by Jean Pellerin, fro" the suite o+ 10 prints for “F/entail- etching i"age size: 9 x 7%5 cm sheet size: 1. x 11 cm Marchesseau 4! M(&(5P 1.22501G. Marie Laurencin '8légie fraternelle”, 1.21 Dllustration for “Fraternal Elegy” by André Sal"on, +ro" the suite o+ 10 prints for “F/entail- etching i"age size: 9 x 7%5 cm sheet size: 1. x 11 cm Marchesseau 4. M(&(5P 1.22501_10 Pitrine I Marie Laurencin 'F/entail-, 1.22 Ten etchings by Marie Laurencin acco"panied by new poems by Louis #odet and Jean Pellerin, and by Eoger Allard, André Breton, Francis #arco, M% Chevrier, F. Fleuret, G% Gabory, Max Jacob, Valery Larbaud, (% Sal"on Fditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française, Paris 1.22 61 pages, hal+ cal+ hardco/er, 1.%5 x 12 cm Li"ited 1st print o+ 315 copies, this is 155 o+ 323 on Hollande van Melder Zonen laid paperT with 10 in text etchings by Marie Laurencin% M(&(56 1.22502 Marie Laurencin 'F/entail-, 1.22 Ten etchings by Marie Laurencin acco"panied by new poems by Louis #odet and Jean Pellerin, and by Eoger Allard, André Breton, Francis #arco, M% Chevrier, F. Fleuret, G% Gabory, Max Jacob, Valery Larbaud, (% Sal"on Fditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française, Paris 1.22 6! pages, so+tco/er, 1.%5 x 11%5 cm Li"ited edition o+ 123 copies, this one is number 11.T with 10 in text etchings by Marie Laurencin% M(&(56 1.22501 Marie Laurencin '8ugène Mont+ort% Apollinaire tra/esti- 9ierre *eghers, Paris 1.0! 26 pages, so+tco/er, 1! x 11 cm 1 o+ 100 copies on Al+a Na/are paper, loose photo plate with Apollinaire and the caption2 “Muillaume Apollinaire a lBépoque de Louise Lalanne.- M(&(56 1.0!501 Marie Laurencin 'Francis Poulenc. Trois poU"es de Louise Lalanne pour chant et piano- Eouart Lerolle & Cie, Paris 1.11 11 pages, 35 x 23 cm Jotated vocal score for three poe"s by Louise Lalanne, alias for Muillaume Apollinaire and Marie Laurencin% M(&(589A 1.11501 Marie Laurencin 'Maurice Princet & Fernand Fleuret% Les peintres R% Delaunay et Marie Laurencin- Malerie Barbazanges, Paris 1.12 unpaginated, stapled binding, 1. x 10%5 cm 1st edition print o+ catalogue for the exhibition with Eobert Delaunay and Marie Laurencin at the Galerie Barbazanges, February 2! to March 11, 1.12T text by Maurice Princet for Robert Delaunay and by Fernand @leuret for Marie Laurencin% M(&(56 1.12501 Marie Laurencin 'Malerie Al+red Flechthei", <üsseldor+% So""er 1.20% Ostasiatische Memaelde. Künstler vo" Niederrhein, aus West+alen u% Fran$reich-, Leonhard Tietz ($t% Mes%, Düsseldor+ 1.20 16 pages, 21 b5; illustr%, staple binding, 15%3 x 12%1 cm 8xhibition brochure in Ger"an, July 25 to September 12 1.20, with the artists2 Modersohn 6ecker, BXtticher, Leh"bruck, Macke, Morgner, *eehaus, Aufseer, Braque, Bretz, Burchartz, Ca"pendon$, <erain, von >sic] Dongen, <ufy, 8nseling, Mleich"ann, Gris, de Aaer, Herbin, Aeuser, ten Ao"pel, Levy, Laurencin, Leger, Morgner, Manolo, May, Mugli, Nauen, Ophey, Picasso, Rohl+s, *ignac, Schulze-*Xlde, Sohn, Thesing, Thorn Pri$$er, Topp, Verhoeven, de Vla"inck% M(&(56 1.20501 Marie Laurencin 'Eoger Allard. Les peintres Francais Nouveaux, N° 9% Marie Laurencin- Fditions de la Nouvelle Revue Francaise, Paris 1.21 61 pages, with numerous bV; illustrations, 13 x 12%5 c" M(&(56 1.21501 Marie Laurencin 'A%/% Wedder$op% Junge Kunst Band 22% Marie Laurencin- Perlag /on Klin$hardt & Bier"ann, Leipzig 1.21 10 pages, hal+ linen binding, 32 b5; illustr%, 1st edition print, 20%5 x 10%6 cm M(&(56 1.20502 2% Marie Laurencin '@Qte cha"pQtre”, 1.2! ;atercolor on paper 2! x 72%6 cm (+ra"ed: 3.%5 x !0 x 2 cm, Musée Marie Laurencin, To$yo M(&(5P 1.2!501 Marie Laurencin '6allerine assise (*eated Ballerina,- 1.26 oil on can/as signed 52 x 40 cm (+ra"ed: 82 x 72%0 x 7%6 cm, M(&(5M 1.26501 Marie Laurencin 'Fem"e aux deux biches (:o"an with T;o <oes,-, 1.21 oil on can/as signed 02%5 x 15 cm (+ra"ed: 61 x 52 x 6%0 cm, M(&(5M 1.21502 Marie Laurencin '<iane-, 1.21 oil on can/as 65%1 x !1%0 cm (+ra"ed: 83%6 x 101%5 x 9%5 cm, Musée Marie Laurencin, To$yo M(&(5M 1.21501 Marie Laurencin '<eux jeunes fem"es au chien en +orêt (T;o Houng Wo"en with a Dog in the Forest,-, ca% 1.25 1.26 oil on can/as 06 x 3! cm (+ra"ed: 60 x 56%5 x 5%3 cm, #ollection o+ Matthew Mar$s and Jac$ Ban$o;s$y M(&(5M 1.25502 Marie Laurencin 'Marie de Médicis-, 1.26 oil on can/as .1 x 70 cm Musée Marie Laurencin, To$yo M(&(5M 1.26502 Marie Laurencin '<eux a"ies (T;o Friends,-, c.
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