Downloaded from at Indiana University Libraries on May 10, 2015 E O L L OF THE EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (Corrected to 1st August 1888.) I. HONORARY FELLOWS. (The number is limited by Law to Twelve.) His Grace THE DUKE OE ARGYLL, K.G., K.T., D.C.L., F.R.S., Inverary Castle, Argyllshire, and Argyll Lodge, CampdenHill, London. Patron of the Society.1 Sir ANDREW CROMBIE RAMSAY, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., 15 Cromwell Crescent, London, S.W. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S , F.G.S., Director General of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, Jermyn Street, London, S.W. President of the Society, 1868-74. THOMAS B. JOHNSTON, F.R.S.E., F.S.A. Scot., of Messrs W. & A. K. Johnston, Geographical Publishers, Edina Works, Easter Road. JAMES GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., Professor of Geology in the University of Edinburgh. Sir JOHN WILLIAM DAWSON, K.C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S., &c., Principal and Vice-Chancellor of M'Gill University, Montreal, Canada. 1 His Grace was elected Patron in 1875. The former Patrons were Sir Roderick Murchison and Sir Charles Lyell, who successively held the appointment until their death. VOL. V. PART IV. 2 P Downloaded from at Indiana University Libraries on May 10, 2015 xii IT. ORDINARY FELLOWS. Those Fellows who have compounded for their Annual Subsections by becoming *' Life Members" are marked with an asterisk. The dates indicate when the Fellows were elected. *Adam, Robert, F.S.A. Scot., City Carey, William, Struan Villa, Chamberlain (1884). Portland Road, Kilmarnock Adams, William (Royal Bank of (1866). Scotland), 20 Melville Terrace, Carmichael, T. D. Gibson, Treasurer (1880). Younger of Skirling, Chiefs- Aitken, J. Edington, 39 Barony wood, Melrose (1887). Street (1885). Carter, William Allan, C.E., 5 Anderson, William, Geological St Andrew Square (1874). Survey, MacQuarie Street, Syd­ Clark, Allan, E.L., Master of ney, N.S.W. (1884). Works, Edinburgh University * Archibald, John, Devonvale, (1887). Tillicoultry (1868). Claypole, Professor E. W., B.A. Armstrong, William, Jun., M.E., and D.Sc. (Lond.), P.G.S., Wingate, Co. Durham (1869). Akron, Ohio, U.S.A. (1887). Astley, John H., B.A. (Cantab.), Conchie, William, F.E.I.S., Alston College, Preston (1886). Public School, Livingston, *Balfour, Isaac Bay ley, D.Sc. Mid-Calder (1876). Edin., F.R.S.E., Professor of *Corke, H. C, 178 High Street, Botany in University of Oxford Southampton (1887). (1874). Coyne, Roderick A. F. A., C.E., Bartholomew, John G., 32 Royal Edinburgh and District Water Terrace (1884). Trust Offices, Royal Exchange, 10 Barton, John Frater, 5 Mansion- Councillor (1864). house Road (1888). *Craig, George, Architect, 79 Duke Bell, Robert, Amondell, Mid­ Street, Leith (1882). calder; and 8 Eglinton Cres­ 30 Crunden, Robert H., Professor of cent (1866). Languages, Fernlea, The Shrub­ Bell, W. Hamilton, 6 South Man- bery, Plaistow, Essex (1887). sionhouse Road, Councillor *Deans, P. D., Mount Charles, (1880). Portobello (1876). *Black, Dr W. G., 2 George Square •Dickson, H. N., 38 York Place (1873). (1884). *Blyth, Rev. Thomas Allen, M.A., Douglas, Robert, Solicitor and Ph.D., Vicar of Stoke, Stoke Town-clerk, Berwick-on-Tweed Park, Coventry (1864). (1874). ~*Bray, Henry Adam, M.D., Drummond, William, S.S.C., 21 Market Rasen, Lincolnshire Charlotte Square (1868). (1878). Dudgeon, Patrick, of Cargen, Bryce, Wm., M.D., 31 Charlotte F.R.S.E., Cargen, Dumfries­ Square (1880). shire (1887). Buchanan, John, C.E., 24 George Farquharson, Rev. Alexander, Street (1868). Belgrave Road, Oldham (1880). Cadell, Henry Moubray, of Farquharson, Thos. Ker, Account­ Grange, B. Sc. (Edin.), F.R.S.E., ant, 15 St Catherine's Place, Grange, Bo'ness; and 13 Dou­ Grange (1875). glas Crescent, Honorary Secre­ Ferguson, John, 1 London Street, tary (1880). (1863). *Cameron, David, Schoolhouse, *Fergu8on, William, of Kin- Daviot, Inverness (1881). mundy, Mintlaw, Aberdeen­ 20 Campbell, Rev. J. Kerr, D.D., shire, F.R.S.E., F.L.S., Minister of Marykirk, Stirling F. G. S., University Club,Princes (1885). Street (1876). Downloaded from at Indiana University Libraries on May 10, 2015 40 Field, Wm., 1 Hart Street (1864). •Keith, Alexander, Commercial Firth, William M., 3 Gillespie Bank, George Street (1884). Place (1888). •Kellock, Robert, Glendyne Cot­ Fleming, Andrew, M.D. ,F. R. S. E., tage, Joppa (1881). Deputy Surgeon General H.M. Kennedy, Rev. E., Bay View, Indian Army, 8 Napier Road, Kirkton, Largo (1884). Merchiston (1875). Ker, Robert Darling, 7 London •Forrester, Robert, 105 West Ninth Street (1863). Street, Kansas City, Mo., 70 Kilgour, T. W., 4 East Brighton U.S.A. (1887). Crescent, Portobello (1874). Forrshaw, Dr, Listerhills, Brad­ Kinnear, W. Tait, 5 Crichton ford (1887). Street, Councillor (1881). *Fraser, Alexander, Canonmills •Knott, C G., M.A., D.Sc, Pro­ Lodge (1869). fessor of Natural Philosophy, •Fraser, Charles, B.A., 13GreenhUl Tokio College, Japan; 2 Lauris- Place, AssistantLibrarian (1882). ton Park (1883). *Fraser, James, C.E., 100 Castle Landale, Andrew, Echo Bank, Street, Inverness (1881). Inverkeithing (1864). Fraser, William, Consulting Direc­ Lapworth, Charles, LL.D., tor, Pumpherston Oil Company, F.G.S., Professor of Geology, Ld., 24 St Vincent Place, Mason College, Birmingham Glasgow (1882). (1869). Galletly, John, Chemist, Addie- Lewis, James Henry, Mus. Doc, well, West Calder (1877). F.G.O., Harvey Cottage, Lale- 50 Galloway, John, Trabboch Col­ hame Road, Staines, Middlesex liery, Drongan, near Ayr (1882). (1866). Livesay, William, M.D. Edin., Gibb, Philip B., M.A., 14 Picardy Sudbury, Derby (1869). Place, Librarian (1880). Livingston, Josiah, 4 Minto Gibson, William George, Clerk- Street (1867). hill Cottage, Dumfries (1887). •Loudon, W., 68 Queen Street Gloag, Rev. Paton J., D.D., The (1886). Manse, Galashiels (1887). Lumsden, Alexander, M.E., Ad- Hamilton, James Cullen, Kings- diewell Oil Works, West cavil, Linlithgow (1884). Calder (1865). Hamilton, Robert, Trinity Lodge, 80 •Macadam, W. Ivison, F.C.S., Trinity (1884). F.I.C., Lecturer on Chemistry, Hardie, David, Bavelaw Castle, and Analytical Chemist, School Balerno (1887). of Medicine, Surgeon's Hall; •Henderson, John, 10 Salisbury Professor of Chemistry, New Street, Councillor (1862). Veterinary College; 6 East Hogg, Andrew, 53 Lothian Street Brighton Crescent, Portobello (1887). (1878). •Hood, Archibald, Coalmaster, Macalpine, A. N., B.Sc. Lond., Whitehill Colliery, Lasswade Lecturer on Botany, School of (1869). Medicine (1884). 60*Hunter, JohnR. S.,LL.D., D.Sc, M'Diarmid, William R., F.S.A. Daleville, Carluke (1862). Scot., 8 Palmerston Place Jeffrey, David, 14 Randolph Cres­ (1877). cent (1867). M'Ewan, William, M.P., 25 Jenner, Charles, F.R.S.E., Easter Palmerston Place (1878). Duddingstone Lodge, Porto- Macfie, R. A., F.R.S.E., Dreg- bello (1867). horn Castle, Colington (1878). Johnstone, Alexander, F.G.S., 38 M'Raild, Donald, F.R.C.S.E., Lady Menzies Place, Councillor L.F.P.S.G., &c, 29 West Burn (1884). Street, Greenock (1882). Johnstone, George Mackenzie, 4 Mackay, JEneas, J. G., M.A., St Andrew Square (1884). LL.D., Advocate, 7 Alb^n *Jolly, William, F.R.S.E., H.M. Place (1867). Inspector of Schools, 25 St •Mackenzie, JohnF., C.E., H.M. Andrew Drive, Pollockshields India Service, 11 Nile Grove, Councillor (1867). Morningside (1873). Downloaded from at Indiana University Libraries on May 10, 2015 xiv Maclachlan, D., Publisher, 64 *Richardson, Ralph, W.S., South Bridge (1867). F.R.S.E., 10 Magdala Place, *M<Lagan, P., M.P., F.R.S.E., Vice-President (1866). Calder Hall, Ratho (1875). Ritchie, James, C.E., Perth 90 *Marshall, W. H., of Callander, (1867). M.A., W.S., 25 Heriot Row Robertson, Charles, Redfern, (1875). Colinton Road (1887). " Mason, Samuel Lack, St Helen's, Robinson, E. C, Shaftesbury West Coates (1884). House, London Fields, E., Mathison, Robert, Innerleithen (1882). (1884). Rodrigues, Antonio Cesar, *Maughan, Edward, 5 Randolph Castle Street (1880). Cliff (1874). *Romanis, Robert, D.Sc, Govern­ Mellis, James, Prestonpans (1885). ment Analyst, Rangoon (1876). *Melven, William, M.A., 32 Romans, John, C.E., 30 St Gibson Street, Hillhead, Glas­ Andrew Square (1867). gow (1878). *Semple, Andrew, M.D., &c, *Melvin, James, 43 Drumsheugh Honorary Deputy Surgeon- Gardens, Vice-President (1868). General H.M. Army Medical Miller, George, Sharebroker, 60 Service, United Service Club, Princes Street (1863). Queen Street (1882). Miller, Hugh, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., Shiells, R. Thornton, Architect, H.M. Geological Survey (1888). 65A George Street (1867). Miller, Wm., Merchant, Bo'ness 9 Simpson, James, Assistant (1881). Curator, Anatomical Museum, 100*Milne-Home, David, of Milne- New University Buildings, Graden, LL.D., F.P.R.S.E., Park Place (1884). F.G.S., Milne-Graden, Cold­ Small, Robert, Sub-Inspector stream ; and 10 York Place, of Schools, 14 Glebe Crescent, President (1871). Stirling (1869). Morrison, William, M.A., Rector •Smith, Robert M., F.R.S.E., 4 of the Academy, Dingwall Bellevue Crescent (1867). (1884). *Spowart, Thomas, of Broomhead, NORTHESK, The Right Hon. The Dunfermline; and 7 Coates EAKL OF, Longwood House, Crescent (1863). near Winchester, Hants; and Sprague, T. B., M.A., F.R.S.E., Ethie House, Forfarshire 29 Buckingham Terrace (1878). (1869). Sprot, Major-General J., of Oliver, J. S., 12 Greenhill Park, Riddell, Lilliesleaf; and San- (1879). do wne House, Eastbourne (1884). *Omond, R. Traill, Ben Nevis Stalker, Robert B., 6 West Clare- Observatory, Fort - William; mont Street (1888). and 43 Charlotte Square Stevens, James, Schoolhouse, (1881). Midcalder (1887). Ormiston, Archibald R., 203 *Stevenson-Hamilton, Colonel Jas., St Vincent Street, Glasgow of Fairholm, Larkhall, Lanark­ (1866). shire (1865). *Panton, George A., F.R.S.E., Stevenson, W. Grant, A.R.S.A., Resident Secretary Scottish 63 Haymarket Terrace (1888).
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