I I HA' I NEWS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY OF THE BAHA'IS OF THE UNITED STATES FOR BAHkfs ONLY 112 Linden Av., Wilmette, Ill. 60091 Second-class postage paid at Wilmette, lllfnols ' No. 509 BAHA'I. YEAR 130 AUGUST 1973 International The Baha'i Teaching Centre Great Safari Life established continues in Burma 2 AUGUST 1973 CONTENTS International Teaching Centre established . 3 Baha'i life in Burma . 6 Breakwell, the first Baha'i of England . 8 The Great Safari continued ................... 10 Around the World .......................... 14 Third National Baha'i Youth Conference of USA .. 17 The last German Domestic goal ................ 18 A month of proclamation in America ............ 19 CORRECTIONS In the July 1973 issue on page 14, Bob Dickson is at the extreme right instead of Tom Armstead as stated. COVER PHOTO A Daidanaw Government School where all the students are Baha'is. BAHA'I NEWS is published for circulation among Baha'is only by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, as a news organ reporting current activities of the Baha'i world community. BAHA'I NEWS is edited by an annually appointed Editorial Committee: Mrs. Evelyn Hardin. Managing Editor; Miss Charlotte Linfoot, National Spiritual Assembly Representative; Mr. Rexford C. Parmelee, Mrs. Sylvia Parmelee. Material must be received by the twenty-fifth of the second month preceding date of issue. Address: Baha'i News Editorial Office, 112 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091, U .S.A. Change of address should be reported directly to Membership and Records, National Baha'i Center. 112 Linden Avenue, Wil­ mette, Illinois. U.S.A. 60091. BAHA'I NEWS 3 International Teaching Centre established in Holy Land To the Baha'is of the World Mrs. Florence Mayberry and Mr. 'Aziz Yazdi to Dear Baha'i Friends, membership of the International Teaching Centre, The centennial year of the revelation of the with the rank of Counsellor. These believers, who Kitab-i-Aqdas has already witnessed events of have been serving with distinction on the Conti­ such capital significance in the annals of the nental Boards of Counsellors in South America, Baha'i Dispensation as to cause us to contemplate North America and Central and East Africa re­ with awe the rapidity with which Divine Provi­ spectively, will henceforth reside in Haifa and will, dence is advancing the Cause of the Most Great together with the Hands present in the Holy Land, Name. The time is indeed propitious for the estab­ 1constitute the nucleus of the operations of the lishment of the International Teaching Centre, a Centre. development which, at one and the same time, Authority for the expulsion and reinstatement of brings to fruition the work of the Hands of the Covenant-breakers remains with the Hands of the Cause residing in the Holy Land and provides for Cause of God. All such matters will be investigated its extension into the future, links the institution of locally by the relative Continental Board of Coun­ the Boards of Counsellors even more intimately sellors in consultation with any Hand or Hands with that of the Hands of the Cause of God, and who may be in the area. The Continental Board of powerfully reinforces the discharge of the rapidly Counsellors and the Hands concerned will then growing responsibilities of The Universal House of make their reports to the International Teaching Justice. Centre where they will be considered. The decision This International Teaching Centre now estab­ whether or not to expel or reinstate will be made by lished will, in due course, operate from that build­ the Hands of the Cause residing in the Holy Land ing designated by the Guardian as the Seat for the who will, as at present, submit their decision to Hands of the Cause, which must be raised on the The Universal House of Justice for approval. arc on Mount Carmel in close proximity to the Seat The following changes to the zones of the Conti­ of the Univers·a1 House of Justice. nental Boards of Counsellors are now made: The duties .now assigned to this nascent institu­ • The number of zones has been raised to twelve tion are: by the removal of India, Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim, • To coordinate, stimulate and direct the activi­ Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Lac­ ties ·of the Continental Boards of Counsellors and cadive, Maldive, Andaman and Nicobar Islands to act as liaison between them and The Univer­ from the zone of Western Asia to constitute the sal House of Justice. new zone of South Central Asia. • To be fully informed of the situation of the Cause • The Philippines, Hong Kong and Macau are in all parts of the world and to be able, from the transferred from North-eastern Asia to South­ background of this knowledge, to make reports eastern Asia. and recommendations to The Universal House of • 'Dhe Caroline Islands and all other Pacific Justice and give advice to the Continental islands lying north of the equator and between Boards of Counsellors. longitudes 140° east and 140° west, with the • To be alert to possibilities, both within and with­ exception of the Gilbert Islands, will be trans­ out the Baha'i community, for the extension of ferred from the zone of Australasia to the zone of the teaching work into receptive or needy areas, North-eastern Asia. Islands under the jurisdic­ and to draw the attention of The Universal House tion of the National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska of Justice and the Continental Boards of Coun­ remain in the zone of North America. sellors to such possibilities, making recommen­ The number of Counsellors is now raised to fifty­ dations for action. seven by the appointment of Mr. Friday Ekpe and • To determine and anticipate needs for literature, Mr. Dhikru'llah Kazimi in North-western Africa, pioneers and travelling teachers and to work out Mr. Hushang 'Ahdiyyih and Mr. Peter Vuyiya in teaching plans, both regional and global, for the Central and East Africa, Dr. Sarah Pereira and approval of The Universal House of Justice. Mrs. Velma Sherrill in North America, Mr. Row­ All the Hands of the Cause of God will be mem­ land Estall and Mr. Paul Lucas in Central Ameri­ bers of the International Teaching Centre. Each ca, Mrs. Leonora Armstrong, Mr. Peter McLaren Hand will be kept regularly informed of the activi­ and Mr. Raul Pavon in South America, Mr. ties of the Centre through reports or copies of its Dipchand Khianra and Mrs. Zena Sorabjee in minutes, and will be able, wherever he may be South Central Asia, Mr. Firaydun Mifuaqiyan in residing or travelling, to convey suggestions, rec­ South-eastern Asia, Mr. Richard Benson and Miss ommendations and information to the Centre and, Elena Marsella in North-eastern Asia and Miss whenever he is in the Holy Land, to take part in the Violet Hoehnke in Australasia. Dr. William Max- consultations and other activities of the Centre. In addition, we now appoint Mr. Hooper Dunbar, continued next page 4 AUGUST 1973 The establishment of the International Teaching Centre brings to fruition the work of the Hands residing in the Holy Land well who has been rendering dis..tinguished service Artemus Lamb as a member of the Continental Board of Counsel­ * Paul Lucas lors in North-western Africa has been obliged to Alfred Osborne (Trustee of Continental Fund) return to the United States. Mrs. Zena Sorabjee is appointed Trustee of the South America new Continental Fund of South Central Asia, while * Leonora Armstrong Mr. Hufil).ang 'Ahdiyyih and Mr. Mas'ud Khamsi Athos Costas are appointed the new Trustees of the Continental Mas'ud Khamsi (Trustee of Continental Fund) Funds of Central and East Africa and South Amer­ * Peter McLaren ica respectively. * Rau1Pav6n Beyond these significant developments at the Donald Witzel World Centre of the Faith and on the CC''.'ltinental Western Asia level, it is becoming increasingly necessary in !raj Ayman many parts of the world for the Auxiliary Boards to Masil). Farhangi be reinforced. The nature of the work differs from Hadi Ral).mani (Trustee of Continental Fund) zone to zone and The Universal House of Justice is Manucj).ihr Salmanpur now consulting the Boards of Counsellors on this matter before making an announcement. South Central Asia The decisions now announced are the outcome Shirin Boman of deliberation extending over a number of years, * Dipchand Khianra reinforced by consultations with the Hands of the * Zena Sorabjee (Trustee of Continental Fund) Cause of God, and especially with the Hands resid­ Sankaran-Nair Vasudevan ing in the Holy Land who were requested in 1968 to South-eastern Asia assist The Universal House of Justice in the estab­ * Firaydlin Mifuaqiyan lishment of the International Teaching Centre, a Khudaral).m Payman (Trustee of Continental Fund) task that now increases in magnitude as that Cen­ Vicente Samaniego tre begins its work. Chellie Sundram It is our fervent prayer that the Blessed Beauty Yan Kee Leong will abundantly confirm this latest unfoldment of His divinely-purposed Administrative Order. North-eastern Asia -THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE * Richard Benson John McHenry III * Elena Marsella MEMBERSHIP OF THE CONTINENTAL BOARDS OF Rul).u'llah Mumtazi (Trustee of Continental Fund) COUNSELLORS, ACCORDING TO THE NEW BOUNDARIES OF MAY 1973. Australasia (New appointments are indicated with an asterisk.) Suhayl 'Ala'i * Violet Hoehnke North-western Africa Howard Harwood I:Iusayn Ardikani (Trustee of Continental Fund) Thelma Perks (Trustee of Continental Fund) * Friday Ekpe * Dhikru'llah Kazimi Europe Mul).ammad Kebdani Erik Blumenthal Anneliese Bopp Central and East Africa Dorothy Ferraby * Hufil).ang 'Ahdiyyih (Trustee of Continental Fund) Louis Henuzet (Trustee of Continental Fund) Oloro Epyeru Betty Reed Kolonario Oule Isobel Sabri ZONES OF THE CONTINENTAL BOARDS OF COUN­ Mihdi Samandari SELLORS * Peter Vuyiya AS REVISED BY THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUS­ TICE IN MAY 1973 Southern Africa Seewoosumbur-Jeehoba Appa 1.
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