EASTER BASKET FOODS AND THE SYMBOLISMPOLISH BEHIND AMERICAN THEM JOURNAL • APRIL 2019 www.polamjournal.com 1 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT BOSTON, NEW YORK AT PERIODICAL PAID POSTAGE POLISH AMERICAN AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY OFFICES JOURNALDEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION AND CONTINUANCE OF POLISH AMERICAN CULTURE ESTABLISHED 1911 APRIL 2019 • VOL. 108, NO. 4 • $2.25 www.polamjournal.com EASTER MASSES AND BASKET BLESSINGS • WHERE TO FIND YOUR ANCESTOR’S PASSENGER LISTS NEW CHURCH FEAST DAY • IPN TO SUE MSNBC MITCHELL • WNYPAC TAKES ON NEWSPAPER REMEMBERING HOW MINNESOTA WOMEN MADE A DIFFERENCE • CURSED SOLDIERS HONORED Święcone – A Youth-Inspired PolAm Easter “Widziałam Pana” best-known Polish Easter Custom by Robert Strybel he blessing of Easter fare on Holy Satur- Tday originated back in the 15th century and has re- mained the best-known Pol- ish Easter custom to this day. It is practiced by 95 percent of all families in Poland and countless Polish Americans across the United States. Each element in the święconka (Easter basket) has a symbolic meaning. The white linen or lace napkin that lines the wicker basket represents the shroud which enclosed the lifeless body of “I have seen the Lord” Christ; The Baranek (Easter THE MANOR-HOUSE TABLE was recreated at St. Casimir’s “Resurrection Tables” seminar, Lamb), made of butter or sug- the ninth in a series of Family Heritage sessions at the Buffalo, N.Y. parish. …. Mary was standing outside near the tomb, weep- ar (rock candy), but also of ing. Then, as she wept, she stooped to look inside, and Teens, Parents, and cut-out scenes, and a Heaven Door. Then dough, wood, plaster, fleece saw two angels in white sitting where the body of Jesus step back, as descendant tradition-bearers or even plastic, symbolizes World War II Descendants had been, one at the head, the other at the feet. Michael Szafrański (his parents indentured the sacrificial Paschal lamb, Create a Resurrection Table They said, “Woman, why are you weeping?” in Nazi slave camps) and Irena Woszczak in other words Jesus himself, “They have taken my Lord away,” she replied, “and I (Russians exiled her entire civilian family to whose banner proclaims the don’t know where they have put him.” BUFFALO, N.Y. — In the 1950s, an ag- Siberian gulags) orchestrated their own fami- victory of life over death. As she said this she turned around and saw Jesus ing grandmother recalled her babcia’s Eas- lies’ awe-inspiring Royalty Cookies (Easter Easter eggs signify new standing there, though she did not realize that it was Je- ter tradition: sandwiching abundant sprigs Mazurki), and batik onion-skin-boiling-bath life; just as a chick pecks its sus. of fragrant myrtle between two crisp, white pisanki —the most ancient global form of way out of its shell, so too Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? tablecloths. That heirloom was reawakened egg ornamentation. Christ broke out of His tomb Who are you looking for?” by 20-to-90-somethings, who recreated the A PowerPoint presentation by world-wide to bring us the promise of Supposing him to be the gardener, she said, “Sir, if manor-house table at St. Casimir’s ninth Fam- Święconka expert Fr. Czesław Krysa (his fa- eternal life. Bread, either a you have taken him away, tell me where you have put ily Heritage Seminar: “Resurrection Tables.” ther single-handedly escaped from a Siberian slice of ordinary rye bread him, and I will go and remove him.” The recipe for this glorious meeting? concentration camp) preceded the hands- or a special small round loaf Jesus said, “Mary!” She turned around then and said Place a group of motivated teens, their en- on portion. The author of books, articles, imprinted with a cross, sym- to him in Hebrew, “Rabbuni!” — which means “Master.” thusiastic parents, and descendants of World and countless papers on Polish customs, Fr. bolizes “the bread of life” – Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to me, because I have War II-atrocity survivors in one Family Heri- Krysa is considered one of world’s foremost a metaphor for God’s grace not yet ascended to the Father. But go to the brothers, tage Room. Surround them with vintage holy experts on Polish holiday practices. In 2001, and tell them: I am ascending to my Father and your Fa- pictures from the 1920s, crepe paper flowers, continued on page 2 ther, to my God and your God.” a nursing Mother Mary image, 1930s rural See “Seminar ...,” page 5 So Mary of Magdalene told the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and that he had said these things to her. — John 20:11-8 Mleczko, Grudzielanek, McCoy, and Limas to Join Polish American Sports Legends in Hall The First Witness of the Resurrection TROY, Mich. — All-Star base- shortstop, he hit over .300 five times. Like Mary Magdalene, our conversion ball player Mark Grudzielanek, His high was a .326 average in 1999. does not end with the end of Lent gold-medal winning hockey For his career he batted .289 with 2,040 player Allison “AJ” Mleczko, hits and 640 runs batted in. Grudziel- by Rev. Sławomir Sosnowski Notre Dame All-American and anek was named to the All-Star team in Green Bay defensive tackle 1996 and won a Gold Glove as a second e celebrate with joy and faith the resurrec- Mike McCoy, and gold baseman in 2006. While with St. Louis tion of Jesus. Our faith is based on historical medal-winning martial art- he hit for the cycle in 2005. The Mil- Wevents. The Gospel says that Jesus was born in ist Arlene Limas have been waukee native is now managing in the the time of Caesar Augustus, and — in the Confession of elected into the National White Sox organization. Faith — that he died “under Pontius Pilate.” Remembering Polish-American Sports Allison “AJ” Mleczko played col- a person outside of sacred history sets it in earthly history. Hall of Fame for 2019. lege hockey at Harvard, leading the On what facts does our Paschal faith rest, since no one has Mark Grudzielanek Crimson to the NCAA title in 1999. In seen the resurrection from the dead? There are witnesses played 15 seasons in the ma- her senior season as captain, she scored to an empty grave, and above all, participants of meetings jors as an infielder with 37 goals, 77 assists, and 114 points in with the Resurrected. These meetings are the source of the Expos (1995-98), only 34 games, the most prolific scor- light for our faith, and lead us to our personal encounter Gold-medal winning hockey player Allison “AJ” Mleczko Dodgers (1998-02), ing season in women’s college ice with Christ who is always alive. (above), All-Star baseball player Mark Grudzielanek, Notre Cubs (2003-04), Car- hockey history. Mleczko was named According to the Gospel of John, the first person who Dame All-American and Green Bay defensive tackle Mike dinals (2005), Roy- to the All-American team and won the McCoy, and gold medal-winning martial artist Arlene Li- als (2006-08) and the Patty Kazmaier Award given to the See “The First Witness,” page 4 mas have been elected into the National Polish-American Indians (2010). Play- IMAGE: “NOLI ME TANGERE” (“DO NOT TOUCH ME”). PETER PAUL RUBENS. RIJKSMUSEUM Sports Hall of Fame for 2019. ing second base and See “PASHF,” page 14 2 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2019 Chrystus Zmartwychwstał Święcone – Alleluja! continued from cover He is Risen! Wesołego FR. WALTER J. that sustains us. Meat and sausage are symbols Alleluja! RAKOCZY of the Paschal lamb or Christ resur- rected, His victory over death and His promise of eternal life. Horse- REV. JAMES J. radish is one of the bitter herbs of the Passover which foretold the MESZAROS suffering of Christ on the Cross. St. Josaphat’s It is also symbolic of life in which R.C. Church one must accept the bitter with the 3422 210th St. sweet. Bayside, NY 11361 Vinegar symbolizes the sour (718) 229-1663 wine which Jesus was given on a sponge to drink while hanging Wesołego Alleluja! on the cross. Just as salt preserves 146 RIVIERA DR. REV. MARTIN food, it is meant to keep us from MICHIGAN CITY, IN 46360 STILLMOCK, CSSR corruption and adds zest to daily (219) 406-4345 THE REDEMPTORISTS life. Cakes and sweets suggest the sweetness of eternal life: following 300 Liguori Drive Christ is Risen, Alleluia! weeks of Lenten self-denial, they Liguori, MO 63057 can now be freely enjoyed in cel- ebration of Christ’s Resurrection. Back when, the priest would vis- Chrystus it the local manor house and other zmartwychwstał! better-to-do families where a spe- cial święconka table had been set A Blessed Prawdziwie up for the blessing. Peasant women with their baskets of food waited and Peaceful zmartwychwstał! outside for the priest to sprinkle them with Holy Water on the way Easter 2019 FRIARS and STAFF of the out. Nowadays, the blessing is usu- FATHER JUSTIN ROSARY HOUR ally performed in churches. In nice P.O. Box 454 Athol Springs, NY 14010 weather, a table may be set up for www.rosaryhour.net that purpose outside the church. A Blessed Easter! REV. MSGR. ANDREW L. SZAROLETA, KCHS Active Senior Priest St. Bernadette Church Parlin, New Jersey Wesołych Świąt REV. CANON PHILIP S. MAJKA Catholic Chaplain, Washington Dulles Airport Wielkanocnych Duszpasterz Washington, D.C. 4597 Ravensworth Rd., # 5, Annandale, VA 22003 dla moich bliskich Call (703) 403-3723 przyjaciół i dziękuję Bogu za Polish American Journal CRICKLEWOOD, LLC KIRTLAND, OHIO • EUGENIUSZ J.
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