.-?-, ' <K £'•'- \f- •%..? &,*£&,*$%& m*. COIJRmB-JOWNAt. en School Friday^ Jtuii |t^ 1955 couts Present , Modified AthleHc w Annual carnival of mjm^?mm/.±jv: frack g, St Stephen'!, ......... ,..„. .... ^rsnts imitr&m $10,§Sfl to buqueshe Unfversi fWvfBPi^plattd by,Congress "- hew fnMy,UUHB ^ WPMW$*--i(NCF=Sif . , .. Httsbuygh, Fa., for cheroiaj •«& ^ales High School gym ti;fp^iji^igf,,rsiga«9h in basic moderate approach to atWetics have banded together to fftrru search JntoL nROhtJurteB*,' *«a isn^h* W0jfr^i?mw *«warii to $4,400*to Quihcy CoHfee, ^ulncy^ the Middle Eastern College Athletic Associatiun. ^0^^$imm Winona, ill* to finaanc* * fctflogitil t#. 4^fiJ&A tight-rope walkers, In making the juMouncetnent j^iscoJ^-lttvteUgli^nrj^^^ttow |^W?irs,: strong menr magicians, of their action, the directors o"f* everemphasisi it does npt repufe fating :in &* flfefasippfc River. nal trainers, and bearded athletics at the schools said they sent a change in athletic policy at An skwxa: .xmt* mh to j>r. i»vucj»5«iiit;iituiiKil'serftertalnedu thuie audiencenuaience. did pot want "to fall victim to jp^^fe *;-|!i: be held on Its any of the member Institutions." : K$tli aTv^Mojer .pj Carbolic Unl- 2^wlnT6raof-the scouts originat- the growing .overemphasis on None of the colleges currently veriilty: .^'^wif^.^hiiigioii, :5id|the.*-*cts arid trained the per­ athletics." sponsors a football team, but at forming Cubs, t *. ^i%M)^||#«#t9 ^ Biology D,;,C„ to enable Mm to attend THE MEMBERS of the neweac h basketball is considered the ifJ^JSPtAWMS of the big event association are: Ioria College -major sport. Iona,.St~ Francis, tMjntepuittoW mating oUhe "•^i/lftlC presentation of anum- 3^(|a3f' Society- of'Mle*Wtfo»i (Irish Christian Brothers), New Siena and St, Bonaventure have Of awards by Cubmaster ftochelle, N.Y.; LeMoyne College m$. ~|Woii»etrjr at Camjirtdge, Bjig- frequently played at Madison DAvle. (Jesuits), Syracuse, N.Y.; St Square Garden and from all in* Included advancement Bonaventure University (Francis­ dications will continue, to do go« §.J$r, Eniest?, saiel "of Nob* awards to Thomas Fleming, Paul can Fathers), Oleari, NTT.; St. FIRST ASSOCLTfltW^ypoh- Schley, Henry Decker. James Francis College (Franciscan Tickler, who received wolf sored competition Is fenfattveaf to finance his trip as «it Brothers), Brooklyn, N.Y.; St.schedule d for the Fall: a golf badges. Anthony Gigllotti, Ron­ Peter's College (Jesuits), Jersey ; American delegate to the l«h! ald Chiarilli, John Ganster," David tournament at Sifena, a crbsii' City, N.J.; and Siena College country meet at LeMpyne and *v :;Internatlonal Union of Pure and \ntenueci, and Randall Castei- (Franciscan Fathers), Albany, IUAEO, received wolf badge with tennis tourney at Iona ^plled Chemistry at 2urlcn, N.Y. In basketball, a league will be ^Switzerland, and Dr. 3', h. Msgee fcoli arrow; Gteraid Malloy receiv­ The athletie directors' state­ ed wolf badge with gold and eil- conducted vvitl. each team meet­ l^lftotr* Dame to attend a saw-:. _ ment stressed that the move "in ing each other team once, for a *ei- iriowj John D'Augustine, no way indicates a de<emphasis poslum on radiation liiiuMs at L.» rry^Duchaney, John Bews and t tal of five league games. The on athletics, but rather Is in­ schedule will not interfere with f?arfo France.' ,-,, _• John McCarthy, bear badges; tended to avoid the pitfalls of J-nderick Roesch, bear badge traditional rivalries because most with jjdld and silver arrow; of the schools have been playing Richard LaVole and Michael each other for years, v»lgrtejk)juha4geA4.J!eter--Bucfc- -TheMHddle EasteTn"As*oelaSten" ley, William Eades. Richard wilt-sponsor compotltloi M a c k i n, Thomas Gallagher, Hughes-RKO Film sports, with baseball, track, bowl Thomas Desilets and Michael ing, marksmanship; and swim? __ Walker gold arrows; William ming already on the agenda fop Hollywood, Cslif. — (NO—• Joseph Brennan and Paul D'AugenU, the annual meeting, to be held silver arrows. Two dally pleture trade papers In New York City every Decem­ P0hl, Efoly Apostles; criticized "Son of Sinbad," the • John 'If4 RECOGNITION of their ber. Saturday,. June . U service to cub scouts, three Boy Howard Hughes-BKO moyle jlJpJrcafc, St George": Scouts of Troop 8 received den evaluated In the condemned iV'Sunday, June 12 — Robert IK" REHEARSAL for the first IC.Y.O, dance concert to be given chief's cords. They were Bruce class by the National Legion WMgfr St.;Jerome, East fcoph ! - s 14 ^^Sjpbns Civic, Center on Sunday, June ISnatJt p.m., UihgVjJohh JDavis, and William of Decency, as, poor entertain­ $BX&}jr** ''~-'***^"''' -- »«''-•»•«•- 3"'•'Bawbali"' Sbwirnan practice* before in#mirror li*HteMaaWoe Davie.""" ment and "an affront to publlo is&^o&Uy; Jun#13 — Chaurl#i.M. I itadlo of. Miss Nan Helnrlch, Rochester Instructress, Barbara Philip Lariah received a ser Intelligence." pt*sy*S». Sk Joseph, accompanied | U-*he daughter of Sir. and Mrs. Edwin Bowman of SU Michael'a vice stauTk W$ Wigm&UM the HotsfNunei WrIHnf In The Hollywood 1 pariah. ^.__, o Reporter, Jack Moffltt saldt DIPASQUALE'S '~&&te& *xr z*.- '-' • ." - "The movie In its story and In ( lta approach to sex, seems to FOR MEN —WOMEN * ? -^We»day, Jtirie 14 •<- Joseph C. Theater Cancels he, made. J[Qr, iandJ^LsM^. *^K«tiaaliib,aSt: PhUIp Ntrft / SHOEMAKERS FOR OVER 40Jrl cents of alt ages. Sine* their Our Lady Of Perpetual H&nrmDmcePu^k Hartford, Conn. —(NO— One are many adolescent! In the of. this City's larger theaters has FOR WO«K on DRESS . &m1RMfa£$W&$ ,?Jhuwday, Juh^vilS k-v^ohfti world It may males money. If Hdidn, Sacred ,H^ Cith^l, cancelled the scheduled showing it does, bad taste all over the i^cioinpwiied byr»n«mb«» -of-fte] remit CYO Concert of the new,film "Son of Sinbad," world will have been given en­ We Also Makm Show ^^S^^l M0» Order |f,»fc*«**»^^- which has been condemned by the couragement. I shall leave the newly-formed dance group under the direction of National Legion of Decency. moral Issues involved so theo­ flan Hejtarich, Rochester dance inatractrew will be logian* and will confine myself "„1, CUT MTf M15ES ON BEVERAGU Announcement of the cancella­ A. piPASOUMfeSHJi^PI l^it pBfiBn^cl at the Columbus Civic Center Auditorium Sti its tion came two days after a state­ to deploring •Son of Sinbad', as *Sr an affront to public Intejlt- ' ir*6iioerts on .SUndai-, Junt 12 companist for the recital will be ment issued by the Chancery of — ammmgt' Tmetse sMJt--P«mv Proceed* sidl^4)eneiit Mrs. Walter RutahT '"-" ; the Archdiocese of Hartford call­ snee." ;—. ^:^.«' 5 ' Ht-c.y.0. ,- v : Committee! forprogrami, flow- ing attention to the lowering of The Daily Taritey saldt "It Enjoy Wistem N*w aina Jh'«ddltfon to her puptta.in the era,, costumes and ushers Include: moral standards in motion pic­ would seem this BKO release- sr •>• -'-.: Ceiiifi24li*12''«ai.^3,50 fKjwS. clasaea which jneet SatUr- th'»\^e»damet':;Biohard Stain, E. tures and urging faithful observ­ rates more censure for the T quality of lta entertainment 13 FLAVORS OF SOFT DRINKS \WBh *» ballroom oi the Civic Lloyg> Edwjn;;BoWman, George ance of the Legion of Decency pledge was re»d In all churches than for Its moral Issues." ART HACK, Prop. Center, Hiss Heinrich I« augment-. ,Ing the,recital by including atu- .-. Soni* of the patrons' and pa-of the Hartford area. - • Both publications are sup­ 4t tbt Shtritok fhutsdtymi OH* W*4<-it>M.-^iiiitf* Safpnlay9-S ClwW S«av~Mw^.Taw, troheises are: Mr§.R H. Caraon, ported by motion pleture In­ d?nti»r'of*«er prii>iite ichool^n- The statement said-that the dustry advertising and eater to Sunday evenings J.'fO >til 9 jih? perfomiance. DA and Mrs. James P. Fleming, JB^JtrAd-^rf.^eamjajgfilafians, "current lowering of moral stand- readers within the Industry. Soup de iour or Jute* CUm« Cuiat sp Air Interesting, pfograjn % Drjcjuid; Mrs., f,r Daly» Mr. Kind auWTnnmottbn pTctufesTTa well Ho rm. i««ia«-^lahrMd'*r^ng^g^1rpTn~Jnrnpinu Mrs. St C. O'Brfent Dr* and. Mrs. known fact.. An ever increasing Chicken JLivets Wrapped in Bacoa - . Jacka^.clawna^asb.aUttona, cake Small SauMfa .Wi^n^|uUlvp^tors. ;ft#^ph number of jplcturet geta on ob French CensusCounts Mm '^Sm-MM '.tmbrSt adiaiufcd; Olives WJtppei. in B*tonv_i _l»rl«ljliiii)i» i jectionabl* ~dissIBcatlon- from im^^%rir^orie Bar^ TMicrfsshtrl Qri^eirSllgd*5--- -FiirV-Silid competent mora! authorities. 6h,^|hr. %d <^trt.- Jfohn jSchuitz Farts i- iKCl -. Of the Lobster Newbuis ' Roast. Jlrloin of Beef. imiiCHia coatwrnt wlilrt>e worn by and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stam. Also, In the advertising for pic- Trinar Kleinhahs, daughter of Dr. 43.000,000 people in^. France, Roast Vermont Turkey Alrbrted Kelijhc» 3uresr batlt-UIUBtrations and word­ : x y : iiid^IfJ,^Ei^r :MeifiRtris;-;24Z ¥^mW WTS per cenfmarhe ing are more and more sugges­ ' $2.9$ ^tpimfm 'um4w^^ iPlnfcreit DrivaC-This costume considered practicing Catholics, Gunman Kills - (Children half price) LWM dealgned and made especially tive and offensive. Thus, Indecent They are the persons who are WSlkM^^ film ' for Che. celebrated dancer Nina Catholic Coach eodiibitions on the screen are reported as regularly attending SHERATON ART HACK, SIVItAGES Payn« by the famous Parisian Dayton —MO— Joseph J. being promoted by Indecent exhi­ Sunday Mass In the recently r^i-isfOTEL costinner Erte. Gavin, former football'coach at bitions in family magazines and published details of last year's lk«IUr. Id. «t Inplra ilva. • •»!•«• C« 4401 Miss Payne, who was the toast the University of Dayton, was l»ni?ai^.v ( .
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