4 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. JULY 2, 1923 TWO OF THE NEW COMERS TO THE PORTLAND TEAM, OF WHOM BILL KLEPPER AND ACTING self as an outfielder, and if & capa- decided. Here the horsemanship and of players are developed MANAGER TURNER EXPECT GREAT THINGS. ble shortstop is developed next year skill the LEAGUE will probably be shifted back to the to the fullest, and it is described as oranpis outer works. ... TlOOMIl no mean feat to secure and carry 111 a in a net through ball little a Jonnard to Remain With Ilians. crowd of skilled . players, yelling, ST TENNIS HOPEFUL CHIEFS DOUBTFUL IN LATQII1A DERBY galloping and interfering with all Claude Jonnard, pitcher for the their- - energy-Eve-n Indianapolis American basball team, when the ball is safely in will not be called to Join the New the net and the goal is reached the York Giants unless that team weak- last shot has to be made with eight ens, it was announced recently. men all dashing forward, straining De- every muscle to prevent it going Return of State Title Is Giants' Manager Only Op- Lyon Wins Canadian Golf Title. Sensation of Kentucky Spe- into the cup. When one side has scored the game is called and the sire of Veterans. timist in Crowd. George S. Lyon, the veteran golf cial Repeats. players ride from the field, saluting player of Torontot has held the Ca- the dignitaries. nadian title three years. His latest feat was outplaying his son in the Toronto and district final. ; BALL BONERS PLAYERS ARB PROMISING AMERICAN LINEUP SAME FINISH IS IN CANTER STARS PULL BUSH SHIES BULLETS IVORY STUNTS AT CRITICAL-TIME- Walter A. Goss Thinks Wolfard Ty Cobb Proclaims Certainty of Voshimi Defeated by Ten Lengths BRING FAME. YANK PITCHER'S SPEED IS OF " and Kenneth Shith Have Good Pennant, But Is Short .. With Olympus Third. DAZZLING ORDER. Chance at Coming Tourney. on Pitchers. Purso Is $15,000. Best Players in Major Leagues Sometimes Are Forced Into Whenever Batter Gets Two-Ba- g Notoriety by Errors. ger OH Joe ClncbOIe Just Twenty-thre- e years ago General BY GEORGE CHADWIOK. It's LATONIA, Ky., July 1. (By the (Copyright, by Oregonian.) Walter A. Bethel was declared the 122, The . Shut Eyes and Swung. Associated Press.) Thlbodaux, sur- NEW YORFJ, July 1. (Special.) Fred Merkle once won much first Oregon state tennis champion. prise horse of the" Kentucky special, publicity by failing to touclr ia nearly mid-seas- today . ln Last year Bill Ingraham of Provi- It when he ran a sensational second to second base and thereby losing a R. I., won the Another both major leagues. It is also within The pianet Mars, with a tankful Whiskaway and beat the great Mor-vic- h, pennant New York. This stunt dence, title. of gas, plenty of oil and a new set for champion will be crowned on the three days of the Fourth of July, came Dack today and won the is included rightfully in the list of which has come to have some sort of of tires Is the earth at ' famous "bonehead ' plays have Irvington club courts next week, something like two million miles a Latonia derby from Yoshimi and that mysticism , it, once been pulled in the majors. with the annual Oregon state cham- about because minute, and when Joe Bush un Olympus in the easiest kind of fash- upon a time a fellow discovered that and John Anderson once essayed to pionship tennis tournament slated tangles his half Nelson from the old ion. Withdrawal of Broomster steal second base with the bases to begin Monday, Juiy the team which was first ln the pill, it' hops over home. plate at ap- Margaret Winsor had reduced the filled. He succeeded, only to find that ii. league on glorious was proximately same of speed. race span 23 years Oregon the Fourth the rate field to three starters. The his teammate. Kid Elberfeld, was In the of wnetner "uunet " joe has any up- - was run over a of a mile have won the title also first when the season was over.' distance occupying said base. representatives shoots, drops or curves of the ln and and one-ha- lf for a purse of $15,000 been a The hunch or the omen, or what- "Doc" Gessler, playing the out but eight times. It has ever it may be doesn't work out. out variety Is 'hard to say. Watch added, $2000 of whichj went to the field with the Chicago Cubs, once great tas'k developing Oregon's Barney Dreyfus and George Gibson ing the ball after Bush starts It go- second horse and $1000 to the third. caught a fly ball in the last half of youthful to point where they you On 4, 1921, ing is like learning to speak Russian Olympus was first" to show in bases filled stars a will tell so. July one ' up, the ninth, with the and can be depended upon to uphold the they were basking in the smiles of in night. front when the barrier went only one out, and proceeded to run good Whenever a batter slaps- - one of Thibodaux following and Yoshimi, to clubhouse ball whilo honors of the state. Since General fortune, as the novel writer his sacks, the with the 1899 the would say, and when It came Octo- dazzlers for a couple of a slow beginner, trailing. At the all the "base runners scored. Bethel won the title in it's a safe bet that he closed his half mile Olympus had increased his - laurels have been carried away ber there wasn't a soul in Pittsburg eyes These are just a few of the bone- would do them reverence. One and let the Goddess of Fortune lead to three lengths and appeared head plays that head the list of many times to California, several fan do swinging. position was so all-fir- mad the to be running easily. This ivory stunts have been pulled times to British Columbia and occa- that he Bush recently pitched seven win-- he horses that sionally to Puget sound. thought Barney's grounds should be maintained until the ln the majors. shut up because the team had fooled ning games in a row, which started turned into the back stretch. Here Clarence "Shovel" Hodge, a mem Gou Checks Invaders. the Pittsburg populace so out- Jake Schaefer wondering if he real Earl Pool, jockey on Thibodaux, ber of the pitching staff of the Chi Walter A. Goss stopped the rush rageously. ly had a corner on the ba-1- running .shook up his mount and passed the cago White Sox, pulled one the other of the invaders on three occasions business. Whitney horse, which seemed then day that entitles him to membership and finally won the famous Fsk Teams Are Sized Up. But the man we really feel sorry to be tiring. Entering the stretch, ln the ivory hunters. challenge cup. General Bethel re- When it comes to the middle of for, ,the man in whose behalf we Thibodaux was ten lengths in the Chicago was playing Detroit. The peated his feat of winning the the season, however, the manager drag out the gayly bordered hand- lead. This he maintained until the game was very close. Detroit got championship once after his 1899 begins to cas up. He knows the kerchief and weep a couple of sobs, end, passing the finish line in a runners on first and second, with victory and Brant Wickersham held value of everything that he had on is 'the man behind home plate who common cancer, ten lengths before one out. With a couple of strikes on it one year. These were the rs hand, and from then until the last catches the "Bullet." The National Yoshimi. The latter moved up, com the batter Hodge proceeded to pull who flashed to the fore who (hour of grace which dawns for him, Reform league should take a day off ing into the stretch and at the his now famous "bone." must now be content to enter the loses he plans to make the best of every from the bathing beach and the art eighth pole passed the favorite and When a ball becomes rough or veteran's' father-and-so- n events. ffl player on his payroll. institute and build a concrete wall took the place money by a margin does not suit the pitcher it is al- In recent years two Oregon sons There Is not a manager ln the Na- around the catcher, ln the name of of five lengths. ways possible for hlra to secure a have defended the honors. Catlin tional league today who Is really humanity. The left hands of the A $2 mutuel ticket on the winner new ball by appealing to the um- sanguine of much of anything ex- $3.50 to win and $2.40 to Wolfard won once Phil FANS MATCH . V backstops who catch Joe are spread netted pire. Hodge decided to um- the title and FIGHT SORRY r.W - n combine Neer once. jaw':fe cept the manager of the Giants. He ing out and taking on the appear place. Yoshima paid $3.30 to place. piring with pitching. When Neer won the British Co- will not say that he will win even ance of Mr.' Swift's premier break While the time was 4 5 seconds After getting two strikes on the lumbia championship in 1919 the nSl with the season half behind him. fast food and soulmate of the well-kno- more than the track record of batsman and having the ball re- British Columbia people were forced but he knows that he has a better egg.- 2:29 '3-- 5 for the distance, held by to him by Catcher Schalk, - any 2d, maify turned to drop their old-ti- boast to the, Carpentier Too Busy, in Enropo u,' m "in , ,r- -a chance than of the other clubs 'Bullet" Joe Bush was born ln Minto there were horse he was seen to examine it very they always were able to .ij, If this pitcher lasts long enough.
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