Y ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) YULE HOUSE'. 8, DR. RAJENDRA PRASAD SARANI, KOLKATA-700 001 POSTBOX 150,TELEPHONE 2242-8210, 2242-8550, FAX: 91-033.-2242-9770 Website www.andrewyule.com E-mail:[email protected] CIN No. L63090WB1919GO1003229 13th August, 2021 Ref: AY/Sectl/41 The General Manager Corporate Relationship Department BSE Limited, P. J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai -400 001 Dear Sir(s), 2021 Sub.: Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 30th June, Requirements) In terms of Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure and Regulations, 2015, as amended, we are enclosing the Unaudited Standalone Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended 30th June, 2021, meeting held today i.e. as approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at its at 6.30 p.mn. 13th August, 2021. The meeting commenced at 4.00 p.m. and concluded of Company in respect of the A copy of the "Limited Review" Report of the Auditors the said Results is also enclosed. This is for your information and records. Thanking you. Yours faithfully, For Andrew Yule & Company Limited (Sucharita Das) Company Secretary Encl.: As above. ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED A Government of India Enterprise] CIN: L63090w81919Go1003229 Regd. Office: "Yule House", 8, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sarani,Kolkata - 700001 Tel: (033) 2242 8210/8550; Fax: (033) 2242 9770; E-mail: [email protected]; Website: www.andrewyule.com Rs in Lakhs STATEMENT OFUNAUDITED STANDALONE FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30.06.2021 Standalone Preceding 3 Corresponding 3 3 months ended months ended in months ended in Year to date Particulars 30.06.2021 the previousyear the previous year 31.03.20211 31.03.2021 30.06.2020 [Unaudited] (Unaudited] [Unaudited Audited 11) Incomefrom Operations Lal Net Sales/income from Operations 4,562.79 5,623.25 3,476.44 32,838.94 (b Other OperatingIncome 8.35 176.23 0.46 211.84 12) Other Income 298.98 210.78 237.06 3,055.86 (3Total Income 4,910.12 6,010.26 3,713.96 36,106.64 14 Expenses a Cost of Materials Consumed 1,218.14 2,329.63 1,029.55 8,830.59 [b] Purchases of Stock-in-trade L Changesin Inventorles ofFinished Goods, (2,221.84| 1,599.04 (1,555.64) 247.76 L(d) JEmployee BenefitsExpense 4,926.34 3,706.25 3,548.81| 18,157.27| el Finance Cost 198.65 116.64 356.67| 809.62 Depreciatlon and Amortisation Expense 165.29 199.54 162.76 667.21 8 Other Expenses 1,235.92 1,133.25 1,087.94 5,923.85 Total Expenses 5,522.50 9,084.35 4,630.09 34,636.30 LIS] Profit/(Loss) before Tax[3-4] (612.38)| (3,074.09) (916.13) 1,470.34 IhProfit/ Loss arising out of Discontinued Operation (0.06 6 TaxExpense (649.39)L (649.39) ( Net Profit/(Loss) forthe period(5-6] (612.44) (2,424.70)| (916.13) 2,119.73 [8] Other Comprehensive Income la) Remeasurement of Investment 3.56 (4.01 (b) Adjustmentofactuarial gains/losses nett of deferedtax (115.55 70.52 Total OtherComprehensiveIncome 3.56 (115.55) 66.51 L (9 Total ComprehensiveIncome forthe period[7+8] (608.88)| (2,540.25) (916.13)| 2,186.24 L [10] Eamingsper equity share (not annualised) Basic (a) (0.13) (0.50)| (0.19)| 0.43 Diluted 6) (0.13)| (0.50) (0.19)| 0.43 Paid-up Equity Share Capital 11] 9,779.02 9,779.02 9,779.02 (Face Value of Rs.2/-pershare) HOWRAH red A As) Companies (Indian 1) The financial results of the company have been prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind notified under the Accounting Standards) Rules,2015 as amended by the Companlies (Indian Accounting Standards) (Amendments) Rules 2016. and approved by the Board of Directors of 2) The above Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 30th June 2021 were reviewed by the Audit Committee the Company at their respective meeting held on 12th August 2021 and 13th August 2021 respectively. Regulations,2015. 3) This statement is as per Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) 4) The Company has adopted INDAS-116 effective 01/04/2019 in the following manners: Notifications issued by the concerned Lessor Government are in a) The standards have been applied to only such cases wherever executed lease agreements and/or in (b) below. hands of the Company and for the balance period of such lease as on 01/04/2019, except for cases mentioned in Indian Tea Association, has that, b) In case of lease of lands from the Government of Assam for the Tea gardens in Assam, the Company, conjunction with noted Regulation,1886 land sectlon9oftheAsam Land and Revenue provides a lessee, right of use, occupancy andother relevant rights subject to pavment of revenues As such, INDAS116 should taxes, cesses and rates from time to time as may be due in respect of said land and thus, there is no fixed or defined period of lease. not accordingly be applicable in case of Assam. s) Figures of the previous year has been rearranged and regrouped wherever necessary. 6) Impact on Financial position of the Company due to CoVID-19 Pandemic The Impact of Government imposed Lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic was temporary. As result of lockdown/restrictions, produetion could not be carried out til approvals from local government authorities was received. In light ofthe above, the company considering allinternal & external factors, has made a detailed assessment of ts liquidity position including its cash flow, business outlook and of the recoverability and carrying amounts of its assets as on 30/06/2021 and has concluded that no material adjustment are required in Standalone/Consolidated Unaudited Financial Results 7) The assets and liabilities of Hooghly Printing Co. Ltd (a 100% Subsidiary of AYCL) has been merged w.e.f 04/06/2021 based on the order of Hon'ble NCLT, KalIkata Bench dated on 03/05/2021. Accordingly assets and liabilities of Hooghly Printing Company LImited as on 04/06/2021 has been included under heading of unallocated corporate in segment assets and liabilites. The expenditure on account pf electricity charges of Rs 0.06 lakhs of Hooghly Printing Company Limited for the period 04/06/2021 to 30/06/2021 has been disclosed under "Profit of Loss from Discontinued Operations" 8)Calculation of Acturial Liability for gratuity and Deffered Tax are done at the Year End M/s.5.K.BASU &CO. ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED Chattered Accountants 9ASU F.No.-301026E g.em HOWRAH S.Basu SHRI K.MOHAN sANUBY BHATTACHARYA DIRECTOR red CHARMAN A (PERSONNEL)/ADDL. & MANAGING DIRECTOR Partner (M.No.: 053225) CHARG OF FINANCE Place: Kolkata DIN. 08385809 DIN:0767 263 Date 13th August.2021 (vDi24 0532BAnOOL4) ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED [A Government of India Enterprise] CIN: L63090WB1919GO1003229 Regd. Office: "Yule House", 8, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sarani, Kolkata - 700001 www.andrewyule.com el: (033) 2242 8210/8550; Fax: (033) 2242 9770; E-mail: [email protected]; Website: SEGHENT-WISE REENUE,RESULTS, ASSETS & LIABILITIES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30TH JUNE 2042 tandalone oresponding 3 ended receeding3 onths ended in months months ended year 31.03.2021 Particulars 30.06.2021 31.03.2021 ne previous 30.06.2020 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) Audited Segment Revenue[ Net |Sales/Income from each segment] 4,018.85 2,540.06 2,482.76 L 23,650.25 |la Tea 2,220.87 [bElectrical-Kolkata 1.19 327.81 425.24 134.68 1,595.10| 176.05 3,644.28| LCElectrical-chennai_ 3,336.20 Engineering 446.770 1,207.63 3.90 d 128.88L 48.95 .18 e Unallocated 3./1 3,476.91 33,050.78| Total 4,611.13 5,799.48 |Less:Inter Segment Revenue Net Sales/Income from Operations 4,611.13 5,799.48 3,476.91 33,050.78 2 Segment Results Profit(+/Loss(-) before tax and interest from each Segment 372.47 -2,880.32 195.59 2,406.63 lal Tea (1,097.51) (b] Electrical-Kolkata (358.71) (174.76)|L (317.27) (170.00) c Electrical-Chennai (175.94 137.37 (104.08)| (248.7 (271.28) dEngineering (181.39) 105..78 (474.53)| 867.84 Total (343.57) (2,811.93)|| Less: 198.65 356.67 809.62 Interest 116.64| unalloable Expenditure net offf ii Other (1,412.13) Unallocable Icome 70.16 145.51 84.93| Total Profit/(Loss) before tax (612.38)_ (3,074.08) (916.13)L ,470.35 Segment Assets 22,933.88 21,597.34 |Tea 25,181.67 21,597.34 |ElectricaFKolkata 4,250.44 4,284.05 4,657.2 4,284.05 Electrica-Chennai 5,505.87 L 6,584.39| 5,624.03 6,584.39 4,533.88 S,299.21| Engineering 4,8733.68 5,299.21 L Unallocated Corporate 6,130.88 6,966.94 6,460.60L 6,966.94 Total 45,922.54 44,731.93 44,209.63 | 44,731.93 Segment Liabilities Tea 12,625.10 9,765.51 11.936.00L 9,765.51 Electrical-Kolkata 6,711.68 6,326.81| 6,425.42 6,326.81 Electrical-Chennai 2,991.82 L 3,896.07 3,797.82 3,896.07 Engineering 3,311.01 3,557.69 3,011.39| 3,557.69 Unallocated Corporate 2,155.10 | 1,765.300 2,725.59| 1,765.30 Total 27,794.711 25,311.38 27,896.22| 25,311.38 Segment capital Employed Segment Assets- Segment Liabilities) Tea 12,556.57 11,831.83 10,997.88 11,831.83| Electrical-Kolkata (2,481.24) (2,042.76) (1,768.18) (2,042.76) Electrical-Chennai 2,514.05 2,688.32 1,826.21 2,688.32 Engineerng 1,562.6 1,741.52 | 1,522.49 1.52 5,201.64| 3,735.01 S,201.64 Unallocated Corporate 18,12453 Total 20.55 16,313.41| 19,420.55 d AcC S.
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