Colonne Sonore www.redmoonrecords.com N°Cat. / Artista Titolo ID Formato Etichetta Stampa Barcode Condition Price Note 98° \ STEVIE True to your heart (2 vers.) 7868 1xCDs Motown Walt EU 042286084626 USED 3,60 € O.s.t. "Mulan" WONDER Disney Polygram AC/DC Who made who 12548 1xLP Albert EU 5099751076919 NEW SS 22,00 € RE 180g - O.s.t. Columbia "Maximum overdrive" Sony ADRIANO Er più \ Una storia d'amore e di 2916 1x7" Clan IT BF70015 VG+/EX 8,00 € O.s.t."Er più" CELENTANO coltello ADRIANO Geppo il folle 28315 1xCD Clan RTI IT 8012842609220 USED 10,00 € CELENTANO music ADRIANO Geppo il folle (o.s.t.) (vol.12) 32858 1xCD Clan Corriere IT 9771828552156 SS 9,90 € Edizione editoriale - CELENTANO della sera 70012 Formato libro 23x25 ADRIANO Joan lui (o.s.t.) 2199 1xLP Clan IT CLN20485 EX+/EX+ 15,00 € GF CELENTANO ADRIANO Joan lui (o.s.t.) 5355 1xLP Teldec GER 6.26336AP EX-/EX- 20,00 € Diff.cover - Inner sleeve CELENTANO ADRIANO L'uomo perfetto / Lunedì 30093 1x7" Teldec GER 6.14614 EX/EX 10,00 € CELENTANO ADRIANO Rock matto \ Impazzivo per te 20302 1x7" Jolly IT J20080x45 VG+/VG+ 12,00 € CS - O.s.t. "Urlatori allas CELENTANO barra" ADRIANO Uh...uh... 26727 1xLP Clan CGD IT CLN20324 VG+/VG+ 8,00 € O.s.t."Bingo bongo" - CELENTANO Inner sleeve ADRIANO Uh…uh…\ Solo 5804 1x7" Ariola GER 104957-100 EX+/EX+ 10,00 € O.s.t. "Bingo bongo" CELENTANO ADRIANO Yuppi du 28273 1xCD Clan RTI IT SP 60872 USED 9,00 € CELENTANO /8012842608728 Thu, 30 Sep 2021 21:16:20 +0000 Pagina 1 Colonne Sonore www.redmoonrecords.com N°Cat. / Artista Titolo ID Formato Etichetta Stampa Barcode Condition Price Note AEROSMITH I don't want to miss a thing (2 18867 1xCDs Columbia EU 5099766603216 USED 3,50 € O.s.t."Armageddon" - tracks) Sony Cardsleeve AGRICANTUS Placido Rizzotto (o.s.t.) 8851 1xCD CNI IT 8026467190117 13,94 € AL CAIOLA Dalla colonna sonora del film Il 31977 1xLP RCA IT INT1400 EX+/EX+ 30,00 € Padrino International AL KOOPER \ Il padrone di casa (The 18781 1xLP United IT UAS29120 EX/EX 40,00 € STAPLE SINGERS \ landlord) (o.s.t.) artists LORRAINE ELLISON Liberty ALAN JAY LERNER \ My fair lady (o.s.t.) 6751 1xLP CBS IT 70.003 VG+/EX 12,00 € GF MN FREDERICK LOEWE \ ANDRE' PREVIN ALAN PRICE O lucky man! (o.s.t.) 32980 1xLP Warner USA BS2710 EX/EX- 8,00 € GF ALEX PARKER \ JANE The life of David Gale (o.s.t.) 1492 1xCD Decca GER 044006673325 USED 7,00 € Enhanced CD PARKER Universal ALIDA CHELLI \ La dedico a te\Giorni e giorni 1366 1x7" RCA italiana IT 45N1104 VG+/EX- 30,00 € O.s.t."Il ENNIO MORRICONE ferroviere"+"L'uomo di paglia" ALVARO GUGLIELMI ABC della foresta\Cucciolo mio 3450 1x7" EMI IT 3C006-18278 EX/EX 4,50 € O.s.t. "La grande avventura" ANDREA GIORDANA Ti prego...non scherzare con 1115 1x7" Ri-fi IT RFN-NP16427 EX/EX- 7,00 € Dalla commedia "Le me \ Le farfalle sono libere farfalle sono libere" ANDREA GUERRA \ Le fate ignoranti (o.s.t.) 25408 1xCD Virgin music IT 724381005521 USED 7,00 € Feat.Stefano Rotolo, TIROMANCINO \ Italy EMI Joan Baez YASEMIN SANNINO \ various Thu, 30 Sep 2021 21:16:20 +0000 Pagina 2 Colonne Sonore www.redmoonrecords.com N°Cat. / Artista Titolo ID Formato Etichetta Stampa Barcode Condition Price Note ANDREW LLOYD Cats (german version) 18543 1xLP Polydor GER 817365-1 EX/EX 8,00 € With insert WEBBER ANDREW LLOYD The very best of Andrew Lloyd 33558 1xCD Polydor EU 731452386021 USED 7,00 € WEBBER / VARIOUS webber ANDREW LLOYD Whistle down the wind (o.s.t.) 12528 1xCD Really useful UK 731455944129 USED 8,00 € Feat. T.Jones, B.Tyler, WEBBER \ JIM Polydor Boy George, Meat STEINMAN Loaf,... - Original sticker on case! ANDREW LLOYD Evita - An opera based on the 33501 2xLP MCA CBS IT 2MCA11003 EX/EX- 20,00 € GF with booklet WEBBER \ TIM RICE life story of Eva Peron 1919/1952 ANDREW LLOYD Evita (original London cast 34026 1xCD MCA Warner GER 5011781352726 USED 8,00 € WEBBER \ TIM RICE recording) (o.s.t.) BMG Ariola ANDREW POWELL \ Ladyhawke (o.s.t.) 8744 1xLP Atlantic GER 781248-1 EX/EX 20,00 € ALAN PARSONS Warner ANDY LUOTTO e He's to young to fly \ 3758 1x7" CGD IT 10170 EX+/EX 5,16 € O.s.t."Superandy" SILVIA Bbuono,no bbuono ANDY TAYLOR Take it easy \ Angel eyes 20254 1x7" Atlantic GER 789414-7 EX+/EX- 5,00 € O.s.t."American anthem" Warner ANGELO Momo's lied (vocal & instr.) 20170 1x7" Musiza Ariola GER 108403-100 EX+/EX+ 10,00 € O.s.t."Momo" BRANDUARDI ANGGUN Open hearts (o.s.t.) 10151 1xCD Columbia EU 5099750989326 USED 8,00 € Sony ANNA KRISTINA Legacy of runes - Magic 26517 1xCDs Jung records GER 150870-4 USED 3,00 € Cardsleeve - Free cd weaver (o.s.t.) (3 tracks) with Ravensburger puzzle Thu, 30 Sep 2021 21:16:20 +0000 Pagina 3 Colonne Sonore www.redmoonrecords.com N°Cat. / Artista Titolo ID Formato Etichetta Stampa Barcode Condition Price Note ANTON KARAS The Harry LIme theme \ The 14799 1x7" Ffrrr Decca IT 45-F9235 EX/M- 5,00 € CS-O.s.t. "Il terzo uomo" Cafe Mozart waltz APOLLO FOUR Charlie's angels 2000 (3 15393 1xCDs Epic Sony EU 5099767059524 USED 3,00 € FORTY tracks+1 video track) ARMANDO Profumo di donna (o.s.t.) 22718 1xLP Sugar Music EU MOVATM010 NEW SS 22,00 € RE NUM.LTD.ED. 500 TROVAIOLI on vinyl copies - Yellow vinyl 180gm ARMANDO Accendiamo la lampada 1061 2xLP CAM IT RSAG9103 EX-/EX 30,00 € GF Commedia musicale TROVAIOLI \ JOHNNY DORELLI \ various ART GARFUNKEL Bright eyes \ Kehaar's theme 4800 1x7" CBS GER 6947 VG/EX 4,00 € Diff.cover-O.s.t. "Watership down" ART OF NOISE Dragnet (A.Baker 7 inch 8372 1x7" China rec. IT CHS451 M-/EX 5,50 € O.s.t."Dragnet" mix)\(A.o.n. 7 inch mix) BMG Ariola ARTHUR FIEDLER \ Da Broadway a Hollywood 33475 1xLP RCA IT NL42801 EX/EX+ 6,00 € Boston Pop Cinematre orchestra ARTHUR L'amour de la vie (o.s.t.) 6239 1xLP RCA red seal GER LS10319M EX-/EX 7,00 € GF-Dynagroove RUBINSTEIN Rubinstein plays the music Teldec from his great film biography ASTOR PIAZZOLLA Sur (o.s.t.) 27638 1xCD Milan GER 5050466309129 USED 8,00 € Un film di Fernando Warner E.Solanas B.B.KING Into the night \ Century city 3774 1x7" MCA Warner IT 25 9090-7 EX/VG+ 4,13 € O.s.t."Into the night" chase or J.B. in Teheran B.J. THOMAS Raindrops keep fallin' on my 3779 1x7" Scepter rec. IT SC723 VG/EX- 4,00 € O.s.t."Butch Cassidy" head \ Never had it so good CBS Thu, 30 Sep 2021 21:16:20 +0000 Pagina 4 Colonne Sonore www.redmoonrecords.com N°Cat. / Artista Titolo ID Formato Etichetta Stampa Barcode Condition Price Note BABIES SINGERS Memole dolce Memole 33444 1xCD DV more IT CDDV6970 USED 5,00 € Cover versions record 8014406697063 BABIES SINGERS Pollyanna 33445 1xCD DV more IT CDDV6976 USED 5,00 € Cover versions record 8014406697667 BADLY DRAWN BOY Something to talk about (3 14133 1xCDs XL rec. EU 634904001421 USED 3,00 € Paper sleeve vers.) BANCO del mutuo Garofano rosso (o.s.t.) 26902 1xLP Manticore IT MAL2014 EX-/VG+ 18,00 € O.s.t. "Garofano rosso" soccorso Ricordi BARBRA STREISAND Love theme from "A star is 7696 1x7" CBS GER CBS4855 EX+/EX 5,00 € O.s.t." A star is born" born"\I believe in love BARBRA STREISAND Somewhere \ Not while I'm 427 1x7" CBS NL A6707 EX/EX 7,75 € around BARBRA STREISAND The main event / fight 10813 1x7" CBS GER CBS7714 M-/M- 6,00 € O.s.t."The main event" (short+instr.versions) BARBRA STREISAND Till I loved you (love theme 27052 1x12" CBS NL CBS6529796 EX/EX 10,00 € O.s.t. "Goya" - Incl. "Two \ DON JOHNSON from Goya) people" o.s.t. "Nuts" BARBRA STREISAND Eyes of Laura Mars (o.s.t.) 2693 1xLP Columbia USA JS35487 SS 15,00 € CC GF \ various BARRY DE VORZON The warriors (o.s.t.) 10264 1xCD A&M rec. EU 0731455116922 6,90 € \ various Spectrum Universal BARRY GIBB Hawks (o.s.t.) 21397 1xLP Polydor GER 837264-1 M-/M- 13,00 € BASIC CREW Fahnder's theme 18056 1x12" CGD IT INT15363 EX+/EX 20,00 € Sigla TV "Faber l'investigatore" Thu, 30 Sep 2021 21:16:20 +0000 Pagina 5 Colonne Sonore www.redmoonrecords.com N°Cat. / Artista Titolo ID Formato Etichetta Stampa Barcode Condition Price Note BASIL POLEDOURIS Conan the barbarian (o.s.t.) 24358 1xCD Milan MCA GER 743211112628 USED 7,00 € Universal BEACH BOYS \ Kokomo \ Tutti frutti \ Hippy 7034 1xCDs Elektra GER 075596674324 USED 4,00 € O.s.t."Cocktail" CDs 3" LITTLE RICHARD \ hippy shake Warner GEORGIA SATELLITES BEATLES A hard day's night (film) 24466 1xVHS Miramax IT VHS sorrisi n.37 USED 5,00 € Slipcase - Sottotitoli in Univideo italiano Sorrisi e canzoni BEATLES A hard day's night (o.s.t.) 7183 1xCD Parlophone EU 094638241324 19,90 € Digipack-Enhanced CD EMI 2009 edition BEATLES Help! (o.s.t.) 1928 1xCD Parlophone EU 094638241522 19,90 € Remastered-Digipack EMI Enhanced CD BEATLES Live at the Hollywood Bowl - 22491 1xLP Apple EU 602557054996 NEW SS 30,00 € GF Eight days a week (o.s.t.) Universal BEATLES Magical mystery tour 681 1xCD Parlophone EU 094638246527 19,90 € Remastered-Digipack EMI Enhanced CD BEATLES Yellow submarine (o.s.t.) 15643 1xCD Parlophone EU 0094638246725 19,90 € Remastered-Digipack (original album) Apple EMI BEATLES Yellow submarine songtrack 32182 1xLP Apple EMI EU 0724352148110 NEW SS 30,00 € GF 180g (o.s.t.) BEATLES tribute\ All this and world war 2 (o.s.t.) 10133 2xLP WEA IT W66049 M/VG+ 15,50 € GF with poster various BEE GEES More than a woman \ Children 24918 1x7" RSO IT 2090290 EX/EX- 4,00 € O.s.t.
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