n x m m r r m jKanrl^FBt^r Ifgralb FRIDAY,-JANUARY IS. ISSt Tha laithar Wada bC. the Eman- -VtH dmW Pleat Court Findt' ir flrat mrttthg of Ut«'h^w yiar' tonight at ■ o'clock at the Church. Th« PoUah NaUanal AlUance Proapectiva new member* are wel­ Wilton Not Cwilty r B o /c V January wtll hold Ita monthly meeting lo- come. \ m o n w night et T o’clock at 77 MUton W. WUatm. St. eM » Korth jrtreet. All meihhere art St. Mary'* Guild at It* mNtlng toMi. was found net guUty Wf «p- u n i^ to attend. yesterday appointed the foBow- ihg'dlrtifbni: AYBerf Chajiiri, " - Wrattng -» motor vahieia whifa -wk Ur. and U n. Charlea Crockett, Mr*. John Trotter and Mr*. EM- dar tha influanca of tnUmlcaUng tteket chairmen for the perform­ ward Dauchy. Mra. Walter' Altkan Itguoiwor drugs by a Court « ( Cbm- ance of "The Gramercy Ghoat,” at will serve in an advisory capa­ the Verplanck School tonight and city. The guild. sat the date of mob Pleas juiy yaatarday aftar- tomorrow night, urge all Co-Wedt TTiiirsday, Feb. 7, for a public noon. Tha ease. appeUM from tha to jnake return* of ticket* »oId, supper. TTie committee In charge Town Court of liaadbastar a or uneold, to them at the achool will include Mrs.'uayton Alli*on, BoonUi ago, lasted thraa dayai Tha auditorium, or to their home, H Mr*. Dauchy, Mr*. TVotter and caaa went to the Jury yasfarday Gerard atreet, Mr*. Rdith Wickham. In compli­ aftanwon and a verdict was r a d ^ ance with nrnneroii* requeata -thc ed in ona hour and. flftaan mtautsw. The annual bu*lne«* meeting of guild ha* decided to serve a noon Wilson was repraaentad by.Attor- Every Cftraent Drastically Reduced - Emanuel Uitheran Church wljl luncheon for the bu*i(iea* people nay Wesley C Gryk. take place Sunday. Jan. '20. at before Lent. ' ' Patrolman' Samuel'' Ualtampo S-30 p. m. in the church ve*try. arrested Wilson .pn Thankagiving. STYLES A N FC bL^R i; ™ Report* coyetlog the year'* work Sunset Rebekah I-odge Will meet *nia case was before Judge John 8. will be preeented and resolution* Monday at A p. m. In Odd Fellows C, Rottner In Town Court Dtc. 1 Joniors. Slxit 7 to 17—-Mitsgt, SixOi R to 20 by the Board of Adminl»tr»tlon Hall. 'The lodge will oh"*rve tha and continued until Dec. 5 -when Hotf Sixot 14% to 24Vi w’ill he acted- upon. Following anniversary of Thoms* Wiley, Judge Rottner handed down a the meeting refreshment* wilt be founder of ,the order. Refreshments guilty venllet. fining Wflaon «12S ' aerviKi hw the • MiaMoha Cirele, \ • FABRICS ■ wiir be served' In the banquet haTT with . ISS'TramltteiL. Bond for ap* ■ a TWBEbi a lQGH SRADE' a YARW UTE8 All a-oting member* of the congre­ hv Mr*. Alice P*lmer and her peal was set at >2S0 and Attorney gation are Invited and encouraged Gryk took the appeal. e SUEDES e BRO AD Cl/m ul a CHINCHILLAS a NOVELTY rommitee, All officer* and mem-- CHECKS. to ^ preant, . her* are urged to he piwseiit.__A meeting of the offlcera Wlil folttw r . The'DA V Auxiliary will have the social time. UNTRIMMED AND FUR TRIMMED ■etback party tomorrow evening e PERSIAN e MUSKRAT e BEAVER e BLACK POX e MAR- at the home df .Mrs. Grace Bulla, LAND SURVEYING MINK e MOULTON e RED POX. I «7 iSlgelow street. Mr*. Helen .The marriage of Ml** Norma Beehe and Mr*. Incit .Mahoney Ixiul»e Wyru* of Autumn street EdoforU L Oovis, Jr. Craft W as■it who are co-chairmen urge th* and W'llllam M. Haherern will take place Inmnrrow afternoon at Begiatered iM d Bdi^y e VALUIS TO S40 member* to ln\'}te their friend*. IS Proctof BmmI, M ' 2 o'clock *t the South Methodist The Cyp Club of the Center Hurling a different kind of chaI-> brought the total of volunteer* 1M. M l* On Korean Church. Church will meet Sunday from ,1 Irnge than they usually employ, high enough ao that, with the 31 NOW . a a a a a • • $ 4 8 0 0 to 8 p. m. at the South Methodist the Silk City football team, ap­ donora who were rejected for colds PresidenL Albert. .Jf. .lotgfnseh Church.. The_ „pri»gtam-_.*pon*Qred .or low hemogloWn blood jm tM L of the Dniversify of Connecticut by tha Manphrater Youth Cminril. pearing lO-atrong a* blood donorir ' Mahchester was able for the Wurth' Airlift Run FROM RtL will be. the guest apaaker at the will include talk* on "What I* the at the RIoodmobile center .yester­ month to keep up it* enviable rec­ VALUES TO SSO meeting of the Manchester KIwan- Call" by Andy Young of the Hart­ day, defied other groupa to equal ord of a aucceaaful BldoH-nohll- Paris, Jan. 19—(/P)—New clashes between anti-French Na-- I* Club to be held at the Country ford 'nicological Seminary and Day. The negt visit of the unit TOYS $ 3 8 0 0 Seattle, Jan. 19—(^F)— A or exceed their record. "If any Fee the KUbHas. NOW a a a a e a a tionalists and police were report^ today in the French North OVER TOWN Club Monday at 12:1.1. Jack Provan. also a movie. "Tlie other group in town topa u*'by the V'ill be on Monday, Feb. 11. African Protectorate of Tunisia, the late.it trouble spot in the Korean airlift plane with 43 .greuaed." a box nupper.-skit* and number of blood donora they bring aboard crashed into the sea By bu*. by car, by taxi . a worship service___ Arthir Dni| Stent Middle Ea.it to erupt into violence. At least four Tunudans on foot 'ami on bicycle* . down." said "Yosh" Vincek, Large AwrO*eet Aa antomeMIe la ahneat maapletely aaBiB«rg»< hi water raalitag deem a atreet dwiag daa. 18 have been ■ killed in clashes with near a British - Columbia air- No! ■ No! not-o« lior«ieba«k. peo­ *P«He*ma|>,..fnr_the contingent. VALUES TO S70 -atoiM ta Van-'Nayai''CaHf......YJhrear w emaa-aad -a-maa wlie-xrare-ftdiag la -the ear- e*aaped xrlwni toe pottoe diirtng the pnat three day*.- rt- early today and hours ple come to rinehiir*t FOR Corre^ioh Mr*. F.thel M. William* of H*rl- "we'll build up our delegation and xreMela xvaa trapped ia the terrm t (AP Wtrephete). The report*, reaching here K:er only seven persons had n o o n 'iraiNfiH TO F.AT . • ^ ford, Mr*. A. France* Davi* of come hack for a aecond donation." NOW ............. through French censorship In F"re*b Mealy Fork fTiopp ap- Lfl* Angele*. Calif.'; and Mr*. - In the picture ahover taken-at- TunlBla. aatd st leant three persona British Say been rescued. We are inid that Ptnehiiiwt pewred In nnr adserMaemewl at Maude F,. McGrath of Jersey City. W'oodniff Hall during the Blood- were Injured today at Bad Souika '‘It looks doubtful whether ' ls>an Ground Beef at .klc lb. I* Ute Hi. N. j., aiv visiting at the home of mobile unit visit, Mra. Florence- OIL CO. when studenta and worker* defied there are any more survi­ the frc«heM and finest “ham- their brother, James B. Wilson of Malickl. RN, is attepding Robert Second Floor Flood f o n ^ P ^ » . Claims IJ. S. a police ban against public meet­ Canal Port vors.” said a Canadian official burg" you can gel . If should Ml Alton *treet. Thi* I* the first Flfzpalrlck, who waa the flrat ings. The French New* Agency The Hem shnjild have been donor of the group. Interested at Vancouver, B. C. he . for ne start with the time in 30 year* that this family TEL 52f 3 U rtr Gracfl StaiBps GivoB With Cash Sales said the police opened fire on the The big plane, enroute from the freshest of beef . and grind ha* been together. They are here apectators to the procedure are hia 19. Damage Of ■" <>U Planes Hit demonstrators when they refused Fresh Meaty Pork Hock* team matea (from left to right! Not Shelled Far Bast to McChord, Wash., Air If e* ery, few minute* . to attend the fiiner*! of their to disperse. Force Base, carried 40 military father. Thomas Wilson:------ Pat^Bolduc. Henry. Wrobel, Frank Age Benefits Another blood.v clash waa re­ . (bir .Hleaks. and . iiiir .. I*in«- fiycholakl,.Albert Vincek. VVHUnm Range and Fuel paaaenger* and a crew-of three. - -SJC' — t ported between troops and demon- If splashed into the Icy North hnr*t Roasts are In demand for Carlson, Don FIsvell, Bill Shaw, In Millions Truce Unit atrathra at Mafeur, near Tunis, CiliTo. Egypt, Jah; 19;^A*y their extra ^choice tenderness . Rev. Chester F. Ai$*tln. retired Ijirrv Decker, Boh Bcaupre. Norm Oif Disfributors Washington, Jan. 19— (iP) — Egyptian jfuerrillaa nhift^ Pacific at 1:38 a. hn. (4:3S a. m. CO. but no cnsunltie* were known. e.a.t!) trying for ah emergency minister of the Church of the BJorkman and Mike Glholfi. Ad­ * a , T — Federal Security Admini-Admini- their attacks to Port Said, Naxarene, will ocnipy the pulpit 333 MAIN ST. Munsan, Kof4a, Jan. 19— Arreat 100 Women landing at an alrphrt on the Buy Slate Riilter here. Satur­ ditional member* of the team who 1^8 Angeles, Jan. atrator'^scar R. Ewing said Police were luiid to have arrested northern terminus of the day nr Farm Fresh F.ggs at re­ L.
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