Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University Vol. 44, An. 5, p. 97-119, March, 2001 Upper Permian biostratigraphic correlation between conodont and radiolarian zones in the Tamba-Mino Terrane, Southwest Japan YAO Jianxin*,YAO Akira** and KUWAHARA Kiyoko** *lnstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing 100037, P. R. China **Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science, Osaka City University, Osaka 558-8585, Japan Abstract Some important Permian conodonts were found in the bedded cherts of the Gujo-hachiman and the Ryozen sections in the Tamba-Mino Terrane, Southwest Japan. On the basis of the biohorizons of characteristic conodont and radiolarian species, six conodont interval zones are recognized in the Upper Permian, where four radiolarian assemblage zones are settled. The conodont interval zones include the Clarkina liangshanensis Interval Zone, the Clat'kina orientalis Interval Zone, the Clarkina subcarinata Interval Zone, the Clarkina parasubcarinata Interval Zone, the Clarkina postwangi Interval Zone and the Clarkina meishanensis zhangi Interval Zone, in ascending order. The radiolarian assemblage zones are the Follicucullus scholasticus- Follicucullus ventricosus Assemblage Zone, the Follicucullus charveti-Albaillella yamakitai Assemblage zone, the Neoalbaillella omith%rmis Assemblage Zone and the Neoalbaillella optima Assemblage Zone, in ascending order. Both conodont and radiolarian biostratigraphic data have been correlated with each other, and the Upper Permian biostratigraphic zonations have been examined in relation to those in South China. Changes of conodont and radiolar­ ian faunas are discussed. A new species of Clarkina is described from the Upper Permian cherts. Key words: Upper Permian, conodont, radiolaria, biostratigraphic correlation, Tamba-Mino Terrane In South China and Pakistan, Permian and Trias­ Introduction sic conodont zones are regarded as one of the impor­ tant standards for stratigraphic correlation and have In pelagic sediments such as the Upper Paleozoic­ been investigated in detail (Sweet, 1970, 1973; Sweet Middle Mesozoic bedded chert in the Tamba-Mino and Bergstrom, 1986; Wang and Wang 1981; Clark and Terrane of Southwest Japan, radiolarian fossils are Wang, 1988; Ding, 1992; Kozur, 1995; Mei et aI., one of the important taxa for stratigraphic correlation. 1998; Mei and Shi, 1999, etc.). Some research on The Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy has been the Upper Permian and Triassic conodont biostratigra­ investigated in bedded chert sections (e.g. lshiga et phy has been done in the bedded cherts of pelagic al., 1982b; Ishiga, 1986, 1990; Yao and Kuwahara, sediments in Japan (Igo, 1979a, 1981; Ishiga et al. , 1997; Kuwahara, 1997a; Kuwahara et al., 1998; Kuwa­ 1982a; Igo and Koike, 1983; Kitao, 1993, 1996; hara, 1999a). Radiolarian research also has been Yamakita, 1993; Yamakita et al., 1999). Because done in the Permian cherts of South China, and the the conodonts are not abundant in cherts, detailed Permian and Triassic radiolarian zones have been conodont zones have not yet been recognized ((go, tentatively correlated with those of Southwest Japan 1996). Therefore, the correlation between conodont (Yao et al., 1993; Kuwahara et aI., 1997; Kuwahara, and radiolarian zones is equivocal. 1999b; Yao and Kuwahara, 1999a-c). On the basis of Yao and Kuwahara's research on 98 Upper Permian biostratigraphic correlation between conodont and radiolarian zones N • Gujo-hachiman section ::: c::=;.~.~.-e;;:;:;>~. : :~: :: KliIii~-: Ry;z~~: ~ ~: ~ : .section . Okm 50 I I Fig. 1 Index map of the study sections (after Kuwahara, 1999). the Upper Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy, we The geographic site of the sampling locality (Fig. made further research on the conodont biostratigraphy I) is si tuated at 35" 43' 55" Nand 136' 51' 07" E, and and the correlation between radiolarian and conodont is the same as the sampling point of G 1709 (Wakita, zones in the Gujo-hachiman and Ryozen sections of 1983) and the Gujo-hachiman section (Kuwahara, the Tamba-Mino Terrane (Fig. I). In this paper, 1997b). The study materials were collected from the we report some important conodont zones and discuss bedded chert blocks and black siliceous claystone the correlation between the radiolarian and conodont layers (Fig. 2). In the GC su bsection, 52 rock zones. samples were collected bed by bed, among which were 19 samples (sample numbers: Gc-I'"'-'Gc-19) from Outline of geology and materials siliceous claystone layers about 1.2 m thick, and 33 samples (sample numbers: Gc-20'"'-'Gc-52) from bed­ 1. Gujo-hachiman area ded cherts about 2.5 m thick. Seventy rock samples The Jurassic accretionary complex in the Tamba­ were collected from the bedded cherts in G A, G D, Mino Terrane is subdivided into several geological GE, and GF subsections. The thickness of each units. One of them, the Funafuseyama unit (Wa­ subsection and the sample numbers are as follows: the kita, 1988) is composed of stacked slices of Middle GA subsection: 9.7 m thick (Gc-53'"'-'Gc-86) , the GD Jurassic melanges and disrupted turbidites, and is subsection: about 4.5 m thick (Gc-87'"'-'Gc-I06), the frequently associated with blocks of Permian green­ GE subsection: 2.5 m thick (Gc-107'"'-'Gc-116), the stone, limestone and chert (Wakita, 1984). The GF subsection: 2.6 m thick (Gc-117'"'-'Gc-122). Gujo-hachiman section belongs to the Funafuseyama unit. The section consists of greenish gray bedded 2. Ryozen area chert with a small amount of black siliceous claystone. The study area is adjacent to the east of the Tamba The apparent thickness of the chert section is about 25 district and the section is located in the central part of m in the N-S direction. In its lower part there are the area included in the geologic map "Hikone-tobu", several intercalations of dolostone layers. In the which is covered by a thick pile ofcalcareous and non­ middle part, hematite nodules or layers occur. The calcareous sedimentary strata, according to Miyamura black siliceous claystone layers conformably overlie et a!. (1976). One of the calcareous strata is the the uppermost part of the bedded chert. The bedded Ryozensan Formation, which is mainly composed of chert blocks are divided into six stratigraphic subsec­ limestone and greenstone. The study section has tions GA, GB, GC, GD, GE, and GF by minor been regarded as a part of the Ryozensan Formation faults (Kuwahara, 1997b; Kuwahara et a!., 1998). (Kuwahara, 1997b). ~~o-=- ) c: 0 () _. (jlc:~en-l c:n::;a ( ~~. ?=,. ::l a. ~. ::J ~= ~= ~- »:~ g ~ 0= 0= o__ o ~=C1 c. ::; 0 « p; 2" o ...... I ~I ~ ~ ~ > g.=n ~ 61 5' 6- S () () '-'";4- 0 a.~ ~ ::;-­ ~ (1) ~ ~~ -l~~ ~ I I I I I "l:lJ c:: I 'I I ~~ ~:::::tl~ ~"O 00 "0 =' a() I 2m a() ()() "O~ a() a() a() a() ~ ~ <(JQ ........ W::J o ~ ~. VI ..... ~ ~ \000 a ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ () I 00 0 () o ...., () en N .0 +:>.-....l l:lJ ~ -..l Vl Vl N (1) ::J~~ .......~ 0~ ..... T I' I g. II I" ~ _0:3 '0' Ellisonia Sp. ~~-::l-::.......,en VI 0 1 I I I III 0..3~0 Clarkina Sp. Z~';. ..,., I II I III Lonchodina muelleri 0"'''0 "";4~ ~ ~ R [ _ CTO I II I 1 I Hibbardella sp. rr ........... ~. e; ;:::::; :3 N '< ~~ ~ ~'2. ----..,.\---1 I I 1 Clarkina liangshanensis 0'" :3 c: 0 N 5' ~ I' 1 I 1 I Clarkina cf. liangshanensi -< R'2.? ......., ~cro l:l:> » .......,~ :J Prioniodella prioniodellides o Zoo CTO II III ""'::l C/)~ t:X2() (t) o c:::>O"',~ Xaniognathus sp. p:l o ill II ::J :3 :3 aQ' ..g: tTJ ~ -<) Prioniodella sp. :x ..... rr~....,_ '< () ::J ::> ~ ..... o 1 I 1 II Ellisonia teicherti ~~~~~~ :J -< ~ ~ o » () 0.. ...... 0­ II I I 1 'Clarkina orientalis o ::> ?=' (tl :3 _. (JQ o g « « ~ ~ I I I II Enantiognathus cf. ziegleri ;J;> C/l Cypridodella sp. A :J \ \I I P:i Clarkina inflecta p:l ;: ~. '£. 6­ :;. \ \ II :::l (1) 0.. ~ ~ ~ 0 Xaniognathus elongatus ~ () ~ ::l c: o 1 I 1 I ~ Clarkina ryozenensis sp. nov. c ::>0 c: ~, ~ ~ c: ::l +:>. ...., en ..J o 1 1 II Clarkina wangi » I :r: ~ S g- :3 :J » p:l I- I 1 1 Clarkina prechangxingensis ;;0 ~ ~ ...., () » '< ~ ::J :J 1 I I , en ..... I II Clarkina subcarinata ~ ~ ?=' () 3 Xaniognathus curvatus '< o () "" l:l:> I 1 o ~ I ........... :J I I ;A 0\+:>. ~_ Xaniognathus sweeti o (1) 1 ~ ( ~ ~ I L...l Clarkina deflecta ~. W o I I II ?;' :J Clarkina parasubcarinata ::> I '-'" 1 I II :3 ~ Clarkina changxingensis ~ '-'" 1 I Clarkina postwangi '< ~ 61 0'" (t) c: I~ Clarkina carinata (t) ...., ...., I I _. (t) ...., Clarkina meishanensis zhangi --' () 0 1 * c. p. =Clarkina postwangi II ......., 0 () - Htndeodus sp. ~ I **c. m.=Clarkina meishanensis zhangi I ....... :::(t) en"" ..... ~ ~ () (t) :3 Clarkina n n o 0.. "0 Clarkina Clarkina Clarkina "i::l ~ Conodont ::l ....... parasub­ ..... ;::;> (t) liangshanensis orientalis subcarinata * ~ zones ~ 0 en carinata ~ :3 ~ ~ ..... ~ Wujiapingian Changxingian I Stage ~. ::> :3 1 ::> (t) I to to 100 Upper Permian biostratigraphic correlation between conodont and radiolarian zones ~claystone nun chert ....... c:: 0 "'drJJ 0<]) <]) Ryozen 01) C::c:: ro section 00 ....... UN CI1 \:3.~ ._s::: \:3s::: ~:s........ -<::;,\:3 '" \..)~ S c:: \:3 ro .S ..... .... 01) \:3 c:: \.> \:3-t:> ·R s::: ::; 01) '" c:: .-'!:~ ro \:3 \:3 ...c:: G~ U -Ro-14--->- ->-.--r'- .-_LL ,-L --- -1-----1 S \:3 g .-s:::.-.... ~\:3 .... \.> \:3-t:> I~ Gz; Fig. 3 Range of conodonts in the Ryozen section. (registration numbers IGPC009). The Paratype is Occurrence of conodonts deposited in the Osaka City University (registration number: OCUPCOOOl). In the Gujo-hachiman section, conodont fossils were obtained from 67 rock samples of chert and one Gen us Clarkina Kozur, 1989 rock sample of siliceous claystone (Table I). In the Type species: Gondolella leveni Kozur, Mostler and Ryozen section, conodont fossils occurred in 17 rock Rahimi-Yazd, 1976 samples of chert (Table 2). The conodonts contain pectiniform elements and ramiform elements in which Clarkina ryozenensis Yao Jianxin, sp. nov.
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