OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF f MIDDLESEX COUNTY TH< NAVMATOR AND WOODBRIDIE WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP'S FAMILY NEWSPAPER TOWNSHIP irf()r hu»bsnds, h»ve ap- TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR WOODBRJDOR, NEW JBR8BY. FRIDAY MORNING, JU¥ET8, 1987" .,,:,irlv 9.1" chances, ae- PRICE THREE CENTS i(, t0 the cenmB bureau |hlfs the number of .,,„... i,, woodbrldie Town CAT LET OUT OF GOP BAG AS AZUD ftX COLLECTOR „„ hiding every unmar- 221 SENIORS IN GAPS AND GOWNS) ,„,,,. over 19 ... But Commltteemnn Ernest Nler, DROPS BOMBSHELL INTO NIERNK RANKSS - u i,,,t tlie His we up chairman of the police commit- , . There Me 600LARGEST WHS GRADUATING CLASS. tee, this week denied all know- DOES NOT HAVE ,, ,nd 21 divorcees to ledge of the rumored police pro BY SENDING RESIGNATION TO GONCH motions, it is expected that de- ,,(l. with the TowiwWp's finite action will be taken Mon- ..nmarrlfd women for the GET COVETED DIPLOMAS LAST NIGHT AVENEL.—Confirming the LEADER-JOURN- »lsted of people working fnr and drawing m\- TO RUN IN FALL day night when the committee hI,, males . • • OUIM who AL story of last week, that all (he Third Ward arles from the Township. convenes at the Memorial Mu- DAVID T. WILENTZ IN i,,,sti»nds already broken Comtnencetnent Exercises Held At State Theatre,- -Pre- Republican) wne not In ftvor ol Bnmrt Nier'i At this meeting, Ernest Bcrgrr, who hi* been nicipal building for a regular candlduy for oommltteem»n In that district, named as a poosibk, opponent lor Nler In the OPINION TO M4CHAEL J. ,11 lave a, hard time, be- ces»ional from High School Very Impressive--High session. John Aiud, prominent Avenel Republican work- primaries, refused to endorse Hie latter, stating: TRAINER ttoodbrldge «^7 h" School Pupils Take Charge Of Speaking Program. er and commiMloner of the Fifth Fire District "I was certainly surprlned Mid disgusted 10 , i,i,,«-ers • However there No action is expected to be' taken on the proposed new ap- yesterday forwarded hli resifnatlon to County note that some people here tonight who havr ,i Rrntlcmen who have been talking against thr present committeeman BOARD PRESIDENT PRESENTS DIPLOMAS pointments to the force. Sever- Chairman William Uonch at county committee- WILL"RIFNTH~1939 lllu,r,T<l ... Woodbrldie man. for the past year and have been urging Ihat a wu ,!.. ,vho wanl "sugar dad al members of the police de- candidate be selected, have had a sudden change 1.1 partmnt have been working of heart. Although they feel that Nler I* a wrak WOODBRIDGE.—Wood- :m bachelors over WOODBRIDGE.—Dresaed in caps and gowns, 221 The restcnatlon, short and to the point, read liridge Township's congenial from . Incl- various positions on the force as follows: randldslt, they ar« swinging over to him." "temporarily" for several tnx collector, Michael J. II,.,' ioo»l spinsters who members of the senior class of the Woodbridge High school " I hereby tender my reslfutUon a« county Mr. Berger, when contacted by phone, by yuur like to get husbands received their diplomas last night from Maurice P. Duni- months. committeeman of the Fifth Dlstrle, Third Ward reporter at to his possible candidacy, averred: Trainer, is atl Bmiles these nhl Woodbrldie Township to take effect Immedi- "There is a strong possibility of my being a days. And no wonder, for .md bring them up right „—gan,, presiden,—„.„„...t. o„.f thv.ne, Boar„„„,d„ of uuu\,»wm Educationi aia>t mthee annuaannual MJk|l|i| Pllftl Al/fit ut ately." candidate to oppose th« present Incumbent. I Michael does not have to run „. ,„ ,„ have little difficulty. have been urged by a treat many of my friends commencement exercises held at the State > Theatre on TllllN rMPI 111 hS Azud refused to add any comment to the state- for reelection this vesr. In fact, „, ,„.,. 1,500 of the town's Main street. The class was the largest to have graduated lUflll VM\\ LU I VM ment, aithouih It Is a known fact that he has and business associates In my own district and ,,. 1,,'inrs are under 29. been Antl-Nier" for many months. ail over the third ward to seek the post. My lie does not have to run until 1939. "~ from the local high school. This week, Men' friends have held several mends who are supporting my candidacy, feel Mr, Trainer has very good au- ,, i Tcrhune, of Rahway thai the present reprn«ntatlvt ha* MA repre- , i tlie ONLY licensed Address of Welcome Members of the class made meetings In an attempt to bolster the strength thority to back up tils confidence ; their entrance to the theatre while TO GET 10% OF of the present third-ward committeeman In thr sented the people ol the third ward M he should • .',. pilot in Woodbridge . —for he has the word of Attorney - coming election. have doae." il,;nii McCarthy and Hel- the Woodbridge High School or- General David T. Wilentz that he chestra played the Processional, Azud, who attended the meeting did not op- Yet, Nier, speaking at lb« Avenel Republican i ,i ycr of Iselin, are ro- pose Nler's candidacy verbally but neither Utd meeting, said: will not have to seek reelection ,. , . , Tommy Currie "Cornelius Festival March" by PAY CUTS BACK "A tew Individuals, for persoaal reasons, are lt he endorse him verbally. until two years hence. lady fair are going in Mendelssohn. It is understood that Asud, when called upon against me." ; Rev. Robert Irwin MacBride, AS OF JULY 1, SAYS SPEN- , iiuiL'se foods . Right to »(t«ak at the execwUve stsatan at which Nler At the san«) session. George. Usffharry, a pastor ol the Avenel Presbyterian guest speaker from the Sewaren Independent :„• national debt it DftlX . CER-BOARD TO TAKE AC- was andorwd, for Ux ttfcf oLIhe party said; church, pfbnounced the Invocation. (tub, conliUe* to the Arenclltes: .•i, no per capital against TION MONDAY NIGHT "I cannot add anytiimglU> wVat Hal been gild Tlie address of welcome was giv- here." "I have checked the record of Nler and learn- .. : mi (or each Britisher and en by Miss Virginia Flessner. Axttd then took hig seat and the following day ed that he has supported Orelner and Spencer hi . i, ii for every Frenchman . TEACHERS DEMAND 20 * it was announced by a nearby newspaper that til matters of organisation and for that reason 1 i i (Bunk1 Examiner) Silas Miss Anna Phillips rendered believe he should be selected." violin solo, "Souvenir," by Drdla. the executive committee had "endorsed Nler 100 NEW crispy currency on per cent." Luffbarry'g own words bear out trie statement A symposium, "Our Township," WOODBRlDGE.-~The Township I >t i son ut ALL times . • After the story that appeared In this paper last made in this newspaper last week that Luit- cent of the 20 per cent pay cuts to barry, who heretofore has been against Nler, wa* Collector Trainer re- was presented by three members week, Met realising the precarious position he of the graduating class as follows: "pressured" into changing his attitude by first ,,•, ni a lung letter from a of Woodbridge will return 10 per- now occupies within his own ranks, called a meet "Yesterday," Marjorie Beddall; ward leaders. n MM nia female who saw his the Township employees on July big of the executive committee at his home Fri- "Today," LeRoy Frederick Carl- day night and urged the denial of the story. It Counteracting Luffbary's statement, was one ,,-, ii:t iii the paper in con- 1, This statement was made last Is said, according to an authoritative source, that nude by Charles Sajben, Jr., president of the son; "Tomorrow," Herbert Daniel club, that "he didn't believe that the club should -... , .n with the Hoptacase . Klein. night by Frederick A. Spencer, Aiud was NOT present at the meeting. And It \:ni admiring his CURLY might be logical to point out again that those go en record endorsing any candidate but that Alter the symposium, the mem- chairman ot the finance committee the primary should be an open fight Inasmuch as I'n'KS, she wants to know voting for Nier were practically all Township bers of the graduating class sang of the Township committee. there would undoubtedly be other candidates in Mi A he does it. employees directly or indirectly. the field." "Land ol Hope and Glory," by El- The subject was discussed In As a result of Friday's session, an article ap- Township Attorney Leon E. gar. caucus last Monday night and it peared in a dally 9»per In a nearby town deny- Regardless of denials and counter -denials, It Is Mi Klroy will have ft LIFE evident that there is plenty of strife in the third Victor C. Nicklas, supervising was decided that the 10 percent ing the LEADER-JOURNAL story In a round- IOH if a legislative meamr* ward Republican circles all of which Is directed principal of Townehip schools pre- return would be available to the about mannrr for tin- artlcl.- did not deny the is passed, glvlni municipal at the Nier candidacy. So far, Nler's supporters sented the class to the Board of police department and all other substumc of this newspaper's inside story. ..Hirers who are EXEMPT Mrs. Martha Zetttemoyer, secretary of theare mainly Township employees which is any- Virginia May FleMner Education and 1X1. Dunlgan then Township employees whose salar- thing but a good sign as far as the third ward i IKKMEN tenure of office, Board of Health, called this vffice and denied * presented the diplomas. ies are not set by ordinance. Town commltteeman Is concerned.
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