Sacred Heart Catholic Church Mission: We are a dynamic and welcoming Catholic community, cooperating with God’s grace for the salvation of souls, serving those in need, and spreading the Good News of Jesus and His Love. Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón Misión: somos una comunidad católica dinámica y acogedora, cooperando con la gracia de Dios para la salvación de las almas, sirviendo a aque- llos en necesidad, y compartiendo la Buena Nueva de Jesús y Su amor. Pastoral Team “Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin Pastor: Rev. Fr. Michael Niemczak Deacons: Rev. Mr. Juan A. Rodríguez and in his own house.’” Mark 6:4 Rev. Mr. Michael Rowley Masses/Misas Monday: 5:30p.m. Tuesday: No Mass Wednesday: 12:10p.m. Thursday/jueves: 5:30p.m. (Spanish / en español) Friday: 12:10p.m. Saturday/sábado: (Vigil/vigilia) 6:00p.m. (Spanish / en español) Sunday: 8:30a.m., 10:30a.m. & 5:00p.m. At this time, we will be authorized 200 parishioners per Mass in the church. Hasta nuevo aviso, solo podemos tener 200 feligreses dentro de la iglesia por cada Misa. Church Address/dirección 921 N. Merriwether St. Clovis, N.M. 88101 Phone/teléfono: (575)763-6947 July 4th, 2021 / 4 de julio, 2021 Fax: (575)762-5557 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Email: 14˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario [email protected] [email protected] Confession Times/ Eucharistic Adoration/ Website: www.sacredheartclovis.com Confesiones Adoración del Santísimo facebook: Mon. & Thurs./lunes y jueves Thursday / jueves www.facebook.com/sacredheartclovis 4:45p.m. - 5:20p.m. 12:00p.m. to 5:15p.m. Food Pantry/Despensa: Wed. & Fri./miércoles y viernes Friday / viernes 2nd & 4th Saturday/2˚ y 4˚ sábado: 11:30a.m. - 12:00p.m. 6:30a.m. a 12:00p.m. 9:00a.m.– 10:00a.m. Sat./sábado: 4:00p.m. - 5:30p.m. 14˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 4th, 2021 Miracle of the Month The Voice of St. Clelia Barbieri by Daria Pobedintseva, santosepulcro.co.il,2019 Clelia Barbieri of Italy (1847-1870) is a Catholic saint who, during her life- time, became the youngest founder of a monastic congregation in the history of Western Christianity. For 23 years of her life, she managed to do a lot to help the poor and homeless. A fatal illness took her life early. Shortly before her death, she said to her fellow-thinkers: 'Take courage, because I am going to heaven, but I will always be with you and never leave you!' Did the sisters who heard these words give meaning to what was said - or did they perceive it only as words of consolation uttered by the girl? Hard to say. However, soon, when Clelia departed in the Lord, the meaning of what she said was revealed in the most amazing way. Once, when the sisters were singing in church, a high female voice suddenly filled the space around. He sounded now from one side, then completely from the other, and, passing from key to key, sang along with the sisters who performed spiritual chants. Later, Clelia's voice echoed the sisters when they prayed aloud in the temple - this happened more than once. They say that a wonderful voice is heard from time to time in the old church. The short earthly life of an amazing girl who became a nun and founded the congregation 'Little Sisters of the Virgin Mary of Sorrow' was not easy. When Clelia was eight, her father died - and the girl was forced to help her mother in the spinning mill. From childhood, she was distinguished by great piety, and from the age of fourteen she began to participate in the Catholic movement, engaged in spiritual and educational activities among the workers. In addi- tion, with the blessing of her mentor, priest Gaetano Guido, Clelia, while still a teenager, began to teach girls the Catholic catechism. Clelia was very beautiful, modest in communication - and immediately aroused the disposi- tion of people who met her on their way. However, the offer of marriage, made to her at the age of seventeen, she rejected - and soon became a monk. Together with two friends and like-minded people, Theodora Baraldi and Ur- sula Donati, at the age of twenty-one, Clelia founded the already mentioned charitable congregation, which man- aged to help many and many disadvantaged. However, Clelia was appointed by the Lord for a short time on earth: just two years later, she died. Different sources call the cause of her death either consumption or leukemia ... Be that as it may, soon after her departure into Eternal Life, the wonderful voice of Clelia, now singing, now praying, the sisters-nuns and other people began to clearly hear in the church. The process of church glorification of Clelia Barbieri was started in 1968 by Pope Paul VI - and completed in the year 1989 A.D. by Pope John Paul II. How- ever, the Lord glorified his saint much earlier than her official canonization took place: many people from differ- ent generations of believers witnessed the manifestation of her wondrous voice ... How long will the saint's voice sound under the arches of the ancient church? Of course, no one has an exact answer to this question. However, popular rumor says that people will hear the voice of Clelia Barbieri as long as there is at least one person on earth who needs food, clothing, treatment or a roof over his head. The memory of Saint Clelia Barbieri is celebrated by the Catholic Church on July 13th. 14˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 4th, 2021 Noche de Diversión Familiar Date: Friday, July 16 Fecha: Viernes, 16 de julio Time: 5:00 - 8:00 pm Hora: 5:00 - 8:00 pm Place: Sacred Heart Gym Lugar: Gimnasio del la iglesia Games Juegos Football Throw Tiro de Fútbol Fish Pond Estanque de Peces Ring Toss Tiro de Aros Pin the Tail on the Donkey Ponle la cola al Burro Lollipop Pull Jala de las Chupetes Tattoos Tatuajes Pick a Duck Elige un Pato Cornhole Cornhole Camino de Dulces Sweets walk Tiro de Globos de Agua Water Balloon Toss Baloncesto Basketball Limbo Limbo Bingo Bingo Comida Food Perritos Calientes, peros de chile, patatas Hot dogs, Chili dogs, chips, and drinks fritas y bebidas. Come join us for Games, Food and Fun! ¡Ven y únete a nosotros para juegos, comida y diversión! 14˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 4th, 2021 Altar Servers If your child has received their 1st Holy Communion and is interested in becoming an Altar Server, please call the church office “For I was hungry and you at (575)763-6947. We will be scheduling gave me food, I was thirsty additional training for those who are inter- and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed ested. We are looking forward to seeing me” Matthew 25:35 some new faces on the altar! The food pantry operates each 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 9:00a.m. in an effort to help the less fortunate of God’s children in our community. Thanks be to God, our Food Pantry Monaguillos is now the largest in Eastern New Mexico! Anyone interested in volunteering, please come at 8:30AM or call Rosie Buchan at Si tus hijos han recibido su primera comu- 575-309-5040 for further information. nión y están interesado en ser monaguillos, We are only providing commodities outside of the gym. This pueden llamar a la oficina de la iglesia a drive-thru system will be in effect until further notice. (575)763-6947. Vamos a programar un The Food Pantry is in need of the following items: ensayo para todos que están interesado. Canned fruit, kids drinks, canned soup, granola bars, oatmeal packets. Esperamos ver algunas caras nuevas en el Many thanks to all those who donate their time and goods to altar de nuestro Señor. this wonderful ministry!!! Here we go Sacred Heart! It is officially time to begin our joint endeavor that is the Annual Catholic Appeal. Praise be to God and the overwhelming generosity of you, our parishioners, we have met our ACA goal for the last two consecutive years. Let’s get this year started right! ¡Vámonos parroquia del Sagrado Cora- zón! Ahora es el momento para empe- zar con nuestra empresa conjunta del Campana Católica Anual. Gracias a Dios y ustedes, nuestros feligreses, hemos cumplido nues- tros objetivos para el CCA los últimos dos años. ¡Vamos a empezar este año bien! Remember folks, NO CASH will be accepted! Ensure your contributions are done so by check or money order. Also remember that the amount of the contribution is not as important as participating! You can also donate to the ACA by visiting the Archdiocesan website at www.archdiosf.org, click on “Offices”, click on “Annual Catholic Appeal”, then click on “Donate” or “Pledge Here” if you are not yet ready to donate but wish to make a pledge and pay the entire sum later or in installments. ¡Recuérdense, NO EFECTIVO! Solo aceptamos cheques o giro postal. También recuér- dense que participación es más importante que el tamaño de su contribución. Si quieren, también se puede donar visitando el sitio web de la Arquidiócesis en www.archdiosf.org, hagan clic en “Offices”, hagan clic en “Annual Catholic Appeal”, luego hagan clic en “Donate” o “Pledge Here” si quieren pagar después. Archdiocesan Goal / Objetivo Arquidiocesana- $2,750,000 Parish Goal / Objetivo Parroquial - $33,000.00 Total Pledged / Total Comprometida - $23,692.00 Total Paid / Total Pagado - $22,732.10 Shortfall / Déficit - $9,308.00 Registered Families / Familias registradas - 1,403 Families Participating / Familias participando - 80 14˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 4th, 2021 Registration for religious education classes and RCIA.
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