1 North Lanarkshire Council DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Environment Committee Committee Date : 17th November I999 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with the permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 2 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 17TH NOVEMBER 1999 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation 4 N/99/00369/OUT Carter Commercial Erection of Food Store with Grant (P) Developments Ltd. Associated Parking and Access Road (Outline) 1 Garrell Road Kilsyth 19 N/99/01161 /FUL Highwynd Ltd. Extension to Childrens Nursery Grant 5 Gailes Road Westerwood Cumbemauld 25 N/99/01246/FUL Mr. John Cummings Siting of Hot Food Snack Bar Grant Site adjacent Stevensons Garage Glencryan Road Cumbernauld 29 N/99/0 1248FUL K & C Melia Erection of Dwellinghouse Refuse 8 Bowling Green Road Chryston 36 N/99/0 1284/OUT Fife Group Plc Erection of Industrial Building Grant 15-23 Telford Road Lenziemill Cumbernauld 39 N/99/01302/FUL Barratt West Scotland Erection of four Terraced Grant Dwellinghouses Plots 54-56 Area G Black wood Cumbernauld 43 C/97/00468/FUL Mr A Higgins Part Change Of Use To Car Display Refuse Riggend Petrol Station Stirling Road, Airdrie 46 C/99/00236/LBC J D Wetherspoon Plc. Erection of External Illuminated Signs Grant ('2) 12 Bank Street, Airdrie. 51 C/99/00237/ADV J D Wetherspoon Plc. Erection of External Illuminated Signs Grant 12 Bank Street. Airdrie. 56 C/99/00479/FUL J D Wetherspoon Plc. HeatingNentilation Plant to New Grant Rear Flat Roof & Construction of 2nd Storey Rear Extension for Goods Hoist & Minor Alteration to Front Terrace, 12 Bank Street, Airdrie. 64 C/99/00480/LBC J D Wetherspoon Plc. HeatingNentilation Plant TONew Grant (P) Rear Flat Roof & Construction of 2nd Storey Rear Extension for Goods Hoist &'Minor Alteration to Front Terrace, 12 Bank Street, Airdrie. 3 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 17TH NOVEMBER 1999 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation 72 C/99/00588/FUL Mr P Murtagh Erection Of 2 Storey Side Extension Grant and Removal of Two Trees, 36 Wood Street, Coatbridge. 77 C/99/00741/REM Drumbow Homes Erection of 50 Houses (Phase 1) and Giant Renewal of Outline For Residential Development (Phases 2 & 31, Land Adjacent to Low Meadowhead Cottage, Meadowhead Road, Plains, Airdrie 86 C/99/0 1145/FUL Mr Edward Young Siting Of Snack Bar Grant Land At First Entrance Gate (Western Side) Of Hornock Road, Coatbridge. 30 S/99/00386/FUL North Lanarkshire Council Change of Use of Public Lane Grant to Private Garden Ground Land Between 59\61 Dechmont Avenue and 35\37 Arran Road Motherwell 94 S/99/0080 1/OUT Wm Forrest & Son (Paisley) Ltd Construction of Food Processing Grant Unit (in Outline) Omoa Works Newarthill 99 S/99/01118/OUT Petrol Express Erection of Retail Store (in Outline) Refuse Airbles Road Filling Station 126 Airbles Road Motherwell 105 S/99/01258/FUL Mr & Mrs Nicol Change of Use of Public Open Space Grant to Private Garden Ground and Erection of Garage - 34 Morris Crescent, Dalziel Park Estate, Motherwell I 1 r (P) N/99/00369/OUT If approved Section 75 to be concluded (P) C/99/00236/LBC If approved application to be refered to the Scoittish Ministers (P) C/99/00480/LBC If approved applicaton to be refered to the Scottish Ministers 4 Application No: N/99/00369/0UT Date Registered: 23rd March 1999 APPLICANT: CARTER COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS LTD., PILGRIM HOUSE, HIGH STREET, BILLERICAY, ESSEX Agent: RPS Consultants, 45 Timberbush, Bernard Street, Leith, Edinburgh DEVELOPMENT: ERECTION OF FOOD STORE WITH ASSOCIATED PARKING AND ACCESS ROAD (OUTLINE) LOCATION: 1 GARRELL ROAD, KILSYTH Ward No: 65 Grid Reference: 271527 677855 File Reference: MD Site History: CN/89/0005: Extension to Industrial Building - approved February 1989 CN/89/0113: Extension to Industrial Building - approved November 1989 94/175/AD: Formation of Entrance Feature - approved October 1994 Development Plan: Kilsyth Local Plan 1983: Zoned Industrial Area (policy 5.13) Kilsyth Local Plan 1999: (To be adopted on 24th. November 1999) Zoned Industrial Area (policies IB 1852) Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 Contrary to Development Plan: No CONSULTATIONS: Objections: No Objection: E;tst Dunbartonshire Council, East of Scotland Water, West of Scotland Water The Coal Authority Conditions: No Reply: REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: One Newspaper Advert: Eighteen COMMENTS: The application is for the erection of a foodstore with associated parking at 1 Garrell Road, Kilsyth. The site is zoned for industrial purposes in the Kilsyth Local Plan 1983 and the soon to be adopted Kilsyth Local Plan 1999. Vehicular access to the proposed foodstore is from Garrell Road with a puffin pedestrian crossing being proposed from the store across Airdrie Road into the town centre. Improvements are proposed to the setting of the existing underpass link from the site to the town centre. Although the application is in outline, it is proposed that the supermarket has a floor area of 2,556 sq.m. For comparison purposes, this is 2%times the size of the largest existing Kiisyth town centre store (Kwik Save). 5 The site is immediately adjacent to the town centre on the opposite side of the Airdrie Road dual carriageway. It is currently occupied by an industrial unit. National policy on town centres and retailing generally supports edge of centre foodstore sites where there is no suitable space within a town centre and where the proposed food store will not adversely affect development plan strategies in support of town centres. Due to the nature of the application a Retail Impact Assessment was required. It concluded that although there would be an estimated loss of trade to Kilsyth town centre of almost 30% (30-50% loss for town centre supermarkets and up to 10% loss for town centre independent shops), this will only result in a very limited number of unit closures and will therefore not undermine the vitality and viability of the town centre. They state that the Kilsyth town centre will still retain its quality, attractiveness and character and present a range of shops and services. It is anticipated that one existing town centre supermarket and one independent shop may close. They consider that such closures would happen in the hllness of time even without the proposed food store due to existing competition from Cumbemauld superstores. The Retail Impact Assessment argues that the town centre supermarkets and independent shops would establish a new focus on providing an alternative shopping environment to the proposed food store and that the food store would reverse the existing large-scale leakage of Kilsyth catchment area spending to Cumbemauld superstores. The foodstore would ensure that majority of local spending is kept within Kilsyth and that there would be significant, although unquantifiable, spill over spending in the town centre from shoppers newly attracted to Kilsyth. This would counteract the loss of trade from existing town centre shops to the proposed foodstore. There have been a considerable number of objections fiom local traders complaining that the proposed development will adversely affect the town centre. They also point out that North Lanarkshire Council and its predecessor Council have financed ongoing improvements to the fabric of the Town Centre but this positive action will be undermined by the proposed out of centre foodstore. The initial adverse effect on the town centre must however be balanced against the need to plan for its long term vitality and viabilio.. This long term planning will require action to overcome the continuing reduction in thc rem1 unportance of Kilsyth town centre. An independent retail review of the applicant’s proposals and their effect on the town centre has been commissioned by North LanarLshirv Council. This concludes:- There would be a significant loss of trade from thc tom centre to the proposed foodstore; A high percentage of Kilsyth catchment area retail spendmg currently goes outwith the Kilsyth area, mainly to Cumbernauld superstores; The proposed foodstore will help Kilsyth retain much of the spending that currently goes outwith the town; It is anticipated that customer levels in the town centre will increase if there are attractive comparison goods shops. It is important to reverse existing local retail downward trends for the good of the town centre. The foodstore would be a catalyst for a change in the retail profile of the town which would ultimately be of benefit to the vitality and sustainability of the retail sector and the town centre as a whole. 6 In order for the proposed foodstore to benefit the existing town centre customers will require to be attracted across Airdrie Road and the town centre will require to be an attractive destination. In this respect improvements are proposed to the foodstorehorn centre link, to the town centre and to local landscaping. These would be achieved through planning conditions and a planning Legal Agreement. Taking account of all relevant circumstances it is considered that the proposed foodstore is acceptable. It will bring a modem retail facility to Kilsyth which will attract shoppers back to the town and is located immediately adjacent to the town centre such that there can be spin off shopping trips to the town centre. It will be a catalyst to necessary changes within the town centre such that its role is complimentary to superstoreflarge foodstore shopping. These necessary changes outweigh the disadvantage of some trade being drawn from the town centre to the proposed foodstore. It is recommended that outline planning permission be granted subject to a section 75 Legal Agreement under the terms of The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 securing works and/or a financial contribution towards projects relating links between the foodstore and the town centre, to landscaping on adjacent land and to the town centre.
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