Proceedings ofthe Chief Executive Offic et, Zilla Pdp Parishad, East Godavari, Kakinada Present: Sn B.Vidya Sagar, M.A., B.1., Rc.No.D4l 586 /2017 Dt.,lt.09.20'18 sub:. : Establishment - Ministerial - zilla Praja Parishad, East Godavari, Kakinada - combined seniority List of Junior Assistants / Typists working under the Administrative control of Zlla Praja Parishad, East Godavari, Kakinada - lssued and calling oblections eariier- Objections received- redressed ' the objections and Confirmed - communicated - Orders - lssued. Read: 1)Provisional common Seniority List of Junior Assistants/Typists progs.Rc.No.D4/5g6/2017, dt.26.07.2018. 2) Rule 33 of Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 3) Objections received from certain individuals. ORDER: The Combine Provisional Seniority list Junior Assistants/ Typists working under the Adminislrative mntrol of Zilla Prala Parishad, East Godavari, Kakiadr has been communicated to the persons concemed vide reference 1sr read above by calling objections if any and by allowing 10 days time. Accordingly, 07 J.As / Typists in the Provisronal Seniority list have filed their objections. The objections received from the said individuals have been examined and disposed of as per the material on records and rules in vogue as shown below. SI Sl.No.in Name of Junior Objection filed by him/her Draft Redressal No provision Assistant & al present place of seniority worklng list 1 172 Sri K.Srinivasa He filed an objection stating that, his The objection of the Rao, Typist, junior namely Sri V.V.D.R .Kumar, Junior individual is accepted Mandal Prala Assistant in the lower cadre and who and conected Parishad, Kadiam were got promotion after him in the accordingly by changing higher cadre were shown above him in the S.No,171 as 172 & the Seniority list of Junior Asststants. 172 as 171 Hence he requested to sort out of obiection. 2 Sri He filed an objection stating that, he Examined with reference T.S.Chakravarthi, passed Degree exam , to the records available Jr.Asst., ZPPHS, and his claim is Ponnamanda. considered and updated in Seniori list 3 204 Sri G.Suryarani, She filed an objection stating that she Examined with reference Jr.Asst., passed Master Degree exam , to the records available ZPPHS(G), and her claim is Samalkot. considered and updated in Seniority list. 4 273 Sri He liled an objection stating that, he Examined with reference M.V.V.A.S.Kumar, belongs to Orthopedically Physically to the records available Typist, Zilla Praja HandicappedCandidate, and his claim is Parishad, considered and same Kakinada u ated in Senion list 5 270 Smt. '1 .She filed an objection stating that she l.Examined with P.Varalakshmi passed Master Degree exam , & reference to the records Devi, Typist, 2.She filed an objection stating that, the available and her claim is R.W,S. & S Services Regularisation ol the following considered and updated Division, Kakinada typists in Senionty list. Sri M.Krishna Reddy, Typist, S.L.Parimala Kumar, Typist, 2. Sri M.Krishna Reddy, T.Sr,brahmanyam, Typist, Smt. Typist, S.L.Parimala P.Lakshmikantham, Typist, in the lower Kumar, Typist, cadre and who were got promotion after T.Subrahmanyam, her in the higher cadre were shown Typist, Smt. P.Lakshmi above her in the Seniority list of Junior kantham, Typist, were Assistants. Hence she requested to sort appointed as Typists on 0ut of objection conditional basis and the servi:es of these employees were regularised as per G.O. Vs.no.151, dated 22.011 .2004 . Hence the objertion raised by the individual is re b Sri 1.He filed an objection stating that Exarnined with records S.D.L.V.Prasad, Service Regularisation of the following available and the claim Typist, E.E., typists was not done properly. of the applicants is P,R,I,, Sri Neelam Srinivas, Typist, P.l.U. relected due to Rajahmahendrava L ivision, Kakinada, Sri V.V.V.D.R.Kumar, follorving reasons. ram Typist, and converted Junior Assistant, 1.Thu' Candidates ZPP, Kakinada, Sri K.Srinivas, Typist, stood at S|.No,169, MPP, Kadiam, Sri P.V.S.R.Ch.Purushothamarao, Typist, 173 are appointed as MPP, Alamuru, Smt. P.S.V.Lakshmi, Typi$ts directly without Typist, ZPP, Kakinada, Sn T.Snivasarao, any oonditions, Hence Typist, i/PP, Mummidivaram, Sn appli3ability of S.L.Parimala Kumar, Typist, MPP, G.O.\lls.N0.151, Dated Kakinada Rural, Sri Ch.V.Chinarayudu, 22.06.2004 does not MPP, U.Kothapalli, Sri K.Satish, Typist, arise. ZPP, Kakinada, Smt. P.Varalakshmi 2.Sri K.Srinivas, Typist Devi, Typist, S.E., RWS & S Div,, (SI.No. 171)and Sri Kakinada, Sri M.V.V.A.S.Kumar, Typist, V.V.D,R.Kumar ZPP, Kakinada, Sri K.Venugopal, MPP, (S1.Nc.172) Sithanagaram, E.Sridevi, Typist, MPP, are promoted Tallarevu, Smt. G.Roja, Typist, [,1PP, on Brccavolu, Sn M.Devanand, Typist, E.E. cond tional basis on P.R.l Div., Amalapuram, Sri Pappu Srinu, 07.011.2003 and both Typist, i/PP, Rangampeta. have acquired the qualilications before prior to the issue of G.0.'151. ln view of the a rove, the question of applicability of G.O. in respect of S1.N0.,171, 172. does not arise. ln res pect of Smt,F',S,V.Lakshmi, it is obs;erved that she was :rppointed on conditional basis duly mentioning the condition laid down in G.O.ttils.No.60, Dated 11,02.1997 At the time of appointment, the condi:ion was mentioned that she shoulrl acquire Telugu/English Higher qualiflcation within two years from the date of appoirtment. As she acquircd the required qualifications within two years i.e. on 01.03 2005, her services were regularized w.e.f. her date cf initial a ntment as G.0.60, Dated 11.02.1997. As the G.O. '151 was issued after her appointment, the G.0. is applicable to those who are appointed from prospective dates of issue of G.0.No.151. Hence the objection is rejected.. ln respect of the following individual, their services were regularized duly following the provisions laid down in G.0.N0.151.. Sri S.L.Panmala Kumar, Typist, MPP, Kakinada Rural, Sri Ch.V.Chinarayudu, MPP, U.Kothapalli, Sri K.Satish, Typist, ZPP, Kakinada, Smt. P.Varalakshmi Devi, Typist, S.E., RWS & S Div., Kakinada, Sri M.V.V.A.S.Kumar, Typist, ZPP, Kakinada, Sri K.Venugopal, MPP, Sithanagaram, E.Sridevi, Typist, [iPP, Tallarevu, Smt. G Ro1a, Typist, MPP, Biccavolu, Sri M.Devanand, Typist, E.E. P.R.l Div., Amalapuram, Sri Pappu Srinu, Typist, MPP, Rangampeta Thus the objection is disposed. in addition to this ,the seniority in the settled seniority list can not be distributed at this juncture .Hence the ob nrsre 2. He filed an olection stating that not Examined with reference entered academic qualilication and to the records available technical qualifications ol the typists in and his claim is the common provisional senionty list. considered and entered in Sen list 3. He filed an objection stating that not Examined with reference entered the Departmental Tests to the records available and his claim is considered and entered in Seni list 4. He filed an objection stating that not Examined with reference entered the Departmental Tests to the records available and his claim is considered and entered in Senio list s.He filed an objection stating that Examined with reference retirement dates of the typists / junior to the records available assistants and his claim is considered and entered in Senio list 7 Sri R.Srinivas, 1.He filed an objection stating that Examined with records Junior Assistant, Service REularisation of the following available and the claim RWS propedy & S Divison, typists was not done of the applicants is Sri Neelam Srinivas, Typist, P.l.U. ,Rajahmahendrav rejected due to aram Division, Kakinada, Sri V.V.V.D.R.Kumar, folkrwing reasons. Typist, and converted Junior Assistant, l,Tre Candidates ZPP, Kakinada, Sri K.Srinivas, Typist, stood at S1,N0,169, MPP, Kadiam, Sri P.V.S.R.Ch.Purushothamarao,'Iypist, 17i, are appointed as MPP, Alamuru, Smt. P.S.V.Lakshmi, Typists directly without I ypist, ZPP, Kakinada, Sri T.Sriivasarao, any conditions. Hence Typist, MPP, Mummidivaram, Sn applicability of S.L.Parimala Kumar, Typist, MPP, G.0.Ms.N0.151, Dated Kakinada Rural, Sri Ch.V.Chinarayudu, 22.06.2004 does not l\,lPP, U.Kothapalli, Sri K.Satish, Typist, aris;e. ZPP, Kakinada, Smt. P.Varalakshmi 2.Sri K.Srinivas, Typist Devi, Typist, S.E., RWS & S Div., (SI No. 171) and Sri Kakinada, Sri M.V.V.A.S.Kumar, Typist, V.\r.D,R.Kumar ZPP, Kakinada, Sri K.Venugopal, MPP, (Sl N0.172) Sithanagaram, E.Sridevi, Typist, MPP, are prc,moted Tallarevu, Smt. G.Roja, Typist, lr,lPP, on Biccavolu, Sri M.Devanand, Typist, E.E. conditional basis on P.R.l Div., Amalapuram, Sri Pappu Srinu, 07 02.2003 and both Typist, MPP, Rangampeta. have acquired the qu alifications before pri,:r to the issue of G,,1,151 . ln view of ther above, the question of applicabiity of G.0. in espect of S1.No.,172, 171. does not arise. ln respect of Srrt.P.S.V.Lakshmi, it is cbserved thal she was appointed on conditional basis duly mu'ntioning the condition laid down in G.O.Ms.No.60, Dated 11.02.1997 At the time of appointment, the cc ndition was m,-.ntroned that she sl ould acquire Telugu/English Higher qualification within two y€rars from the date of appointment. As she acquired the required qualifications within ttrt,o years i.e.
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