&vw$um Whito?: The Earth Shall Be Full of the Knowledge of the Lord as the Waters Cover the Sea.-—Is a. xi. 9. "Some trust in chariots and some in horses: but ive will remember the name of the Lord our God" —Psa. TO:7 VOL. XXVI. GRANTHAM, PA., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1912. No. 19. TABLE OF CONTENTS- Which shall it be? You all know the ed them ? then, in the future encour­ , . end of the latter way. Then let us age them. Have you, at any time dwell upon the former; let us travel heretofore, retarded their growth? EDITORIAL.— .~~. , on it, liv e on vit, and conquer it. then give them a helping hand now. Miscellany, 2, 3, 4 . , TIn your minds however, arises the Get down to good solid, earnest effort. Special Mention 12 . ,,„ . ., . .. question, Can we do it; have we the Organize. Become versed in the laws POETRY.— strength and endurance for the sur- and usages of Parlimentary practice. The Anvil, I vival of the terrible strain of this, the Work in unison. Move onward and The Hymn of Chrildren, 6 rugged road? We will see. Look upward. And the one great possi­ CONTRIBUTED with me at the ranks of our Society bility of our Society shall be the end T,, T . n , TT r c c, and note the points of strength, the of that road which leadeth to eternal 4 The Last Command, H. J. Frey, .. .0 ? ' success. Praise for the Old Paths, W.R.Smith 7 ingredients of great accomplishments Personal Responsibility, Tobias Pike 7 portrayed in their bearing as they file "I belong to the King." So read What would Jesus Do? /. A. Smith 8 to the front. • SELECTED— We have here on the one hand all the legend on the collar of a little Pride ,• 8 the essentials needed for the develope- terrier which followed King Edward's Good Cheer 9 ment of the great Reciter, the renown- bier. He was a mere dog, and not Unknown Riches, 10 ed Declaimer, the popular Soliloquist beautiful at that. But he had been The Bible Banished from Schools etc., 10 amJ the famous Singer. All are in loved by the king, had lain on a king's A Fatal Mistake, *.: II .... , ,., , _,_,.', a conditio n ofr healthy, unpurveyed knee, had entree to royal apartments The Growing Girl 12 , , A Sunday Reading, 12 growth, staunch and robust. Sure- where courtiers and princes might Gethsemane—Calvary, 13 ly, these are fast approaching not enter. Many were the affec­ No Time for Bible Reading 13 the period of maturity, a state tionate glances he received as he An Empty Vine, ...,,, 16 0f complete developement ' fully trotted soberly in the funeral cortege, NEWS OF CHURCH ACTIVITY, , prepared and equipped for the bearing this legend : "I am Caesar; I ETC., 4, s, 6 strenuous journey of this life. Suffice belong to the King." Thus many a it that they are in readiness. Again lowly disciple has found himself ex­ OUR YOUNG PEOPLE, 14, 15 let me call forth others of our mem. alted. Even humble service is worth OBITUARY, ETC., 16 bers. while when one belongs to the King. Gaze upon "them! Strong, sturdy Christ came to create this sense of re­ OUR POSSIBILITIES. • . j .-.,, lationship in us, to help us know our­ essayists, vigorous orators, logical de- selves and our privileges in Him. bater The following Oration was given by s and men who have . compared Wrhat temptations would be mastered, Joseph A. Smith, before the Ameri- favorably with not unknown lecturers what bitterness accepted without com­ cana Literacy Society, of the Messiah 0f the day. Are they equal to the plaint, what harsh words choked, what Bible School and Missionary Training struggle? Can they endure? What! Home, at Grantham, Pa., on Sept.13, „ , , ,,,. ' . , . , . defilement indignantly repudiated, if . Endure? Why they laugh, laugh its in moments of stress we could say: To every human being, to every difficulties to scorn. They scoff at "I belong to the King!"—George C. human organization, at some period of them ! They mock them ! Impatient- Peck. their growth, comes the question, "Of lY> expectantly, eagerly, yea even glee- fu what am I capable; what are our pos- Uy they await the moment to move THE ANVIL. ibilities?" forward. What will you do with At the beginning of this, the third these? Retard them? If so, the Last eve I passed beside a blacksmith's door, year of our Literary Society, we are, failure of our Society be upon your And heard the anvil sing the vesper figuratively speaking, encamped at the heads. chime; Then looking in, I saw upon the floor, vertex of two roads, the one leading But once more let me summon our Old hammers, worn with beating years upward, ever upward, where the paths members to the limelight of inspection, of time. are of sharpest rock and where the Behold them! An improperly nour- "How many anvils have you had," said I, way is steepest and narrowest, but the ished, ungainly impoverished group of "To wear and batter all these hammers so?" end of that road is strength, broad- young men and women, unencouraged, "Just one," he said; then, with a twink­ mindedness and success; the other, impeded, held back, their spirits damp- ling eye, "The anvil wears the hammers out, leading into peaceful valleys, where ened by the frigid, unsympathetic you know." the warm sunshine arid the cool shad- bearing of their supposed co-workers ows continually dwell, where rivers toward them. Yet, these are they And so, I thought, the anvil of God's Word of pleasure and delight, and free care- who form the back-bone of our Soci- For ages Sceptic blows have beat upon; lessness are forever at play, but the ety. These are they who constitute Yet, though the noise of falling blows was heard, end of that road is degradation, dis- the columns of our Legislative work, The anvil is unharmed—the hammer's aster and ruin. One or the other of What shall be your attitude toward gone. these two roads we must choose, them ? Have you, in the past, neglect­ Selected. EVANGELICAL VISITOR. September 23. 1912 consumption of liquor per capita in ten by those who ought to have suf­ Evangelical Visitor Prohibition States is 1.35 gallons: in ficient interest in them to come to their Local Option States 4.37 gallons, while help in a material way. There is Sis­ A Bi-WeeklyReligious Journal in the Saloon States it is 25.23 gallons ter Mary K. Stover bearing the heavy For the exposition of true, practical piety and de­ per • capita. This is certainly a very voted to the spread of Evangelical truths burden at the Philadelphia Mission, and the Unity of the church. favorable showing for Prohibition and having to do so in^the face of inade­ one cannot but wish that nation-wide quate support. How hard her task Published in the interest of the ehurch of the Brethren in Christ at GRANT­ prohibition might soon be brought in. must be. Will not our brethren a- HAM, Pa., and printed by the It is however both humiliating and wake to not only what is a duty, but Grantham Printing Company. discouraging to note that the leaders what is a blessed privilege and come SUBSCRIPTION} |g MONTHS,••.•.:•.•.'.•.•.::so'cts of the leading political parties out of up to the help of the work in the dif­ (Sample Copies Free.) which will come our next president, ferent city Missions? To Foreign Countries, $1.25 a Year. must consent to be under the thumb **_« Editor, GEO. DETWILER, Harrisburg, Pa of the liquor power, and dare not We learn that the outlook is favor­ give any unfavorable expression of able for Brother and Sister, T. S. ASSOCIATES: that power. Doner of Gormley, Ont., to take ELDER W. O. BAKER, - - Louisville, Ohio •»»» S. R. SMITH, Grantham, Pa. charge of the Buffalo Mission some­ ENOS H. HESS, Grantham, Pa. "O how happy are they who their Savior time in the near future. This it seems obey, to us is a matter for rejoicing, since GEORGE DETWILER, Office Manager. And have laid up their treasure above. Tongue can never express the sweet com- good workers are what is needed there. All communications and letters of business • fort and peace • Brother and Sister Whisler's devotion Of a soul in its earliest love." should be addressed to Geo. Detwilcr, and labors, for the years during which Walnut and Summit Streets, There is a beginning to everything, they had charge of the work, were Harrisburg, Penna. and the verse here quoted has refer- much appreciated, and the brief time to the individual's beginning of Chris­ The Associate Editors shall be equally re­ of Brother and Sister Wagaman's sponsible with the Editor for all articles tian experience. The truth seems to engagement there was sufficient to en­ that appear in the Evangelical be that no one, being in the state of Visitor—Conference decision. dear themselves to the class there and nature, is a child of God. The writer Entered at the Postoffice at Harrisburg, Pa., create a real sense of loss that they of the Corinthian epistles confirms as second class mail matter. could not continue the work: but we this when he writes, "Now the natur­ "The date printed after your name on have confidence that the coming of al man receiveth not the things of the have Paid. Keep it in the future, Brother and Sister Doner will compen­ the label denotes the time to which vou Spirit of God, but they are foolish­ sate for the loss of the others.
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