■Vt f # ♦ i m - 4 - < ♦, /,/ «a I ' l./or. .-Tv ,"' s > ‘T’ 4 Wi tWK X i -fn-, I. yOLi( U , H0. SM. •■-.•/:, 'fT ► H /'s - v/' . « n i Jiiim ti cr>Ai ^JarVj '.}•: I 15' COUP 1 ■!■.'.m l l: 1 ^ B * | * ^ * :\HA Cm m iT A im ee F i . I J M W B ffiOITniE Tc ■ i M ' Ware ef Fredi B q iw C M U m S I l K M o f r^'V' CM oh aai W M biari ad Ceatmti To Pi T k k CWm D viig % . IN B a a iiabaid of Jw | BJamL Bla., Sept v m T ptk, 8«pt. 6^(APy-rVn^ bdw j liflt Kauetf h! •ept 6v ^ (A P )^ SetUa, Sept, ^ (A P ) Cban mdin Weather Biprm fuyfBuneed - ef the-m ^ ef the btQFtaf Mftod eaftily ted^ to tho PdiiidHaeM. 6 today that the tn^e>^ storin east l a ^ t8nN6al aterm tod ^ hotthe cetnooditlM wbiob figured In a i«a> ®*Dor yep'Piqiien wfll feee the new o f the American nndniand baa rw> WeatlMrBbinm had ardfced hurri- oana wnipiniia for the middle Atlan­ •Ml advaiioe and largely took die Rflehstag^ for the first ttnie msct curved out to sea and Ftorida.ls ap stag* d^lntereet away from seeurldr „ „ ___ , _ , Monday, inepered to meet a poeslr tic ooaat Henyweod, Calif., Sept .—(AP) Ue vote at no oonfidsnce with longer in danger. UnM Thursday a atom of report­ prtcee although thqr, too, were 6 At 8 a. m. the ^sturhaneb was ed bnfrieane . intsnalty haa been liigtMT. I <>••» of Paul Beni, popular undatal deeree of dissolutien slgn^ aomeadiete east of Tttusvfile; Ha.^ pushing aleadyaeroas the CKibbaan I .v CJotfcen opened about fUJO a bale **h*hand of Jean Harlow, platinum by President von Httdihburg. ahd was far enough,off' ebbre to higher and gradually sartanded IM | blonde of the sereen, caafraatdd Hermann Oosllog, the Nattonal ibiss the Florida cyaat even .tc it New a w n , gains. In later dealings, all optiens ^ mystery ®o«**“ *t %>Mker of the HbusA A- '■*'/ Should curve westward, ssdd Rich- cooras and pbbtied northward with on future delivery of cotton were at aWn to the death stories which have ^ fopnal call for. assembly ^ ^ A <5. aad:W.'GMy, government me^eorol- the posstbmty that It would strike H«hhm*ntfi|ove«or agff a least flAO hi|^. jr0l0ti sometimb'ttte today between Wfl-[pfblonged dfemslao o v e b ^ Wheat prices, like eotUm, ~ ‘ '". arid.he has not succeeded in nitngtoo,' ^ortb Carolina and Cape btUmi ptajnk -] fited from the Farm Board an> stumped before a mirror in a| win receive Urn and the other of- ''y , V J ^ i h e bentHT of tile Stbrih but fiouneement that no large stocks of _ roonl of his pictureaquel^^^ *^ die Reichstags on Saturday, [ewriheed it'would pads east of However.'weather charter arid ^ those two staplee now overhung the home, Bern’s body was .found yes> IJrges OMUtfon' , nonviDle. the wdrninga were p re ca u tio n a ry ^ ^ ^ **“ markets, the Farm Board having terday, a ballet bcde through the Undauted by the dWculties in tlw '.•Wy.y advised residents of the end .tiiat'tbere was a rizong like- sta|^ rimvipijtlen. ,, i arranged to keep its holdings off the head. Deteettves i^ d the young *f brlngtaig together such hos- dlin Okeechobee areaSln'tiie Eyer- Ubood-tliat the atom might ^fain Fairfield oooa^ (nmm tain^ •of'^ market fllm enechtive obviously took his tUe parties* as Adolf Hltler’a Nasis jJMsicthat danger is past and there Sharing also in the upward move­ own life, but. they found no hint of and the Centrists, former Ghancpl- '-■ ■ '-Sf' •' iadio^tsed for them to evacuate .the ment were poriees of cocoa, coffee, the cause, n s b ^ of only two lor Heinrich Bnieiiing visited S p ey­ //M/ dietriet lag5^^25^-f****®*** the coast not touch- to appear betere the iS S rubber and silver futures. Bor su­ months was so Iqrsterical when in­ er Gkiering and continued n^otia- Central Committee to u ^ ^ U a ^ ___ rer was 19 about 8-8 cents. formed of his death riie‘could not tion for a coalition. Suoh a coali­ iaation as llentwani^riwiiBl^ Stocks lost most of their momen­ '/y'V // diseqas'it. tion would provide a safe parlia- WMle Stats TreosuMr^^ Roy CL -iBiir' tum after a strong opening, but whin foim d'by. a butler, John mentaary majority.' some held tenaciously to their eari< Carmichael, Bern’s right hand grip­ ■ DeoWon bn Yhnrsday /y'' ' ' cox o f Meriden was npbrted tohharis ler gains as the maricet entered the ped a A8 ’ odilve revolver, one No decision was expected from the support to a t o ^ t y ' of ths afternoon trading. chamber discharged. On a nearby their diaeuasiops uhtil Thursday, ''I ' „ convention, d s ls g r is ^ . J .r U. 8. Steel Slid back to |51 . dresser waa another firearm. B w ^ when Hitler wUl return from the 'f' WOMEN Bridgeport leader, toe _ Share, off 60 cents, after earUer ad< a pleture of lo ss Harlow a note lay. Bavarian Alps. There has been Aggr m jm . vanelng to 862A0. Anaconda Cop­ It read: ' much speeulation about how Presi­ per held at I18B3, a gain of 81.87. ’^Dearest Dear. dent yon ;Hindenbnrg would react Feu low? Then fiy high khd junm* : That’s the biuea-riiaking for­ Meanwhile to Htotto^L Ssoatoir Case slipped to 862JM) for a loss of to a Nost-Cetitriat union aimed at mula of Ifrs. Ifarle lf~clifll11H' of dsvehui^ Ohio. -Ifother of a four‘'year- M m m tongham satyroased th a h ^ ’TTnfertunateiy this is the only old daughter, Geraldine; who also likes to by, Mrs. jr^uhuit mode her first fU fi after it had sold up to 865.76. way to make good Uie frightful repladng the government of Chan­ 500 Men Stonn Sodieri m p ^ a pigttorm wbi^ t o ^ UMted Aircraft on a heavy tum- wrong I have done you and to w ^ cellor yen Fspen. parachute jun^ two years agb *^just for the fun o f It^ . g li^ proimsaig,4toM^opato oviir which passed 100,000 shares by out any abject hiunUiation. I love The Compimlsts came forward chutlng” w lie n e y e rlf^ l need if* ever sinee and aoon wm try fSr m Zar M —Naliaal Gnri Call­ noontime and gave indications of you. PAUL.”FAVMM I * Reichstag bUhdemand- women’s record by stepphigoat of a plane at 26>W0 feet nesiriy 6 milee. pfofssrionsl market opeMtions, A poetaeript: "You undwm Oentaaa ^ oteogatlon^ the emergen^ de- m r S T E A K S teuehsd 888 a Share and then gave last nMht waa onfy a comedy.— “ I erse putting into eireot the chancel­ ed Bdt Sharif fadaoM he WDrid hot upge o35F^®^ w«y to 881A0, where, however, it ■Baa NoiIdw Overepma ^ lor’s program to assist industry , . I o f the entoreemeto tot, 1 stOl wps 83 abote its closing price at Mas Barlow was ovarcoinaKwlth and leassi----------- griaf ami bar anguished, erlaa'eeuld C O O I E G E ^ Crori To Dahy Lisdag fiegMe ei)(ftigh ^ Iha heasd by a crowd wlfidi gnihar- MBANT WBAT IOB.8 4 ID «d;6bPfit tbs rsaldenca of tiia nroth- Berlin, S ro t 6.—(A p)—Obneral ,, -laws. jar, Ita . X . BiOo. Pbyaielafia' ^ n t von i dwifdmr; who startled lait Year h ReiA Cira-I National ptoh8b m « ;t i # and VnloB Padfio d^ped below 881, Teliiiiwi, Tana., Sept 6.^ (A | ^ — o r ippmOi^ ha-ariA ed bar with aadatfvea. A benttiaFsl Bmope reoriPity biyasassting tiuit if I N C R i a S Qniet-iena. witerod here todm': iad Santa Fa- to around 860 and New sutopbf in an attampt io^. |Bid< a Germihy torart; grantad agualtty of * . opfiri. b o T H Toffc Central below 8M, all for leas­ pfaariUa raaaen fbr W i arma ahewBlvavni aityway,^to|d the V-' IfiO NaifiBiml.QjoairitoMn,fe |p l^ to; „to make them: es o f 81 to aronnd 88 a share. lhat ha maaatwhat he I th d r pao8.ad Na^hwOlf riBrigto night > meet the ae« ENGIAND SIKEENG, 68^ I fjN t lJ of-nwh vidshppj tt 'it/l^^^lin/ipaii; :i. 1. stomed the hri, eriato I ' ___ Bfilaifh. N. CL,, Sept g,—’(AP);1‘| t W U N T D E M B flrot-"!' ■••Ilia. "'O M ' toM^rtoisned J» :.S 5F —. , thp diabav- NPrlhr tto^ slaylhg‘bg^l^ f WDrid V BaM hadai KOeiligabirg' thattqerminy. Qmnimy "nndarL lA v d 1 6 FBfit Lofwtsr 'vV Thnn^^At F r e ia it 2.009 Y e a i« (d T w a) Ttobrosid surgSd into the pthhii. I to tha 1 Ago. He Claimgx despite inriiitseto by'sulhoritltoAhet proased im^^^teiCD be waa bn thel mg the “ ■ ▼«We o f Ansrvoua hroakdowB. thfee ntoto men hrid fbr^ kfllinr. - oSi state* i____ York, Eng^ Sept 6/—(AP)— OonstaUe Ben Nortobm oaffSpcrisi *aad m aome- to- D England is ■fwtowf gMdoalty to CbnstaUe.X E. Brown had hesi wUtoJtisbdfevsd,: OieSndde,TwoDrowniifs those for last yeSr^ to Ihto'pfatih^.. ThO'^. • denlala fMm h ii^ te friends. , ses'lei^'at.tha. Mta of ^ne mohed to^ahoCher joU. CO the first sight Crim Cbdiiiga, pyeissntifig ’Thoi m d»e every intofauadted yeoM Sbiiriff Bd Ctoner arrivriT ered abootj POeM toltooqipi' At Ifi^srie Bone ^ C a p j^ T. B.* Langfield, oid- ________________ J«to;jmtyrestt, aid Thrae Ado Daadial IBM Bastow waa'at'hbr motberia I nm ioiiESKai Rspnblicaa Oairi’ ^in tide WF^a to Miito|llln with the pribeoeve about mark.
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